23 research outputs found

    Assessing <i>Serratia</i> spp. pathogenic potential from cryogenic habitats

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    The genus Serratia are opportunistic bacteria widely spread in natural environment. At the same time, this bacterial genus consists of the species associated with outbreaks of nosocomial infections. Serratia species are found in extreme habitats, but pathogenic potential of polyextremophilic strains in this genus remains unexplored. The aim of this study was to compare the genomes of two Serratia strains isolated in polar regions, primarily examining genetic factors of virulence and adaptation to cryogenic environment. During the 56th Russian Antarctic Expedition the Serratia liquefaciens 72 strain was isolated from a guano sample of the Adelie Penguin (Pygoscelis adeliae) colony on Tokarev Island (Haswell Archipelago, East Antarctica). The Serratia fonticola 5l strain was isolated from the frozen carcass of moose (Alces alces) fossils found on the Buor-Khaya Peninsula near the Laptev Sea coast (Yakutia Region, Russia). The whole-genome sequencing of such strains allowed to reveal genetic structures evidencing about their successful adaptation to low temperatures. Thus, it was found that both genomes contain genes encoding the main cold shock proteins, phylogenetically close to the corresponding genes in the hypobarotolerant Serratia liquefaciens strain ATCC 27592. Furthermore, both strains bear a cluster of tc-fABCD genes determining the bacterial adhesion to epithelial tissues, and the genes for RTX toxins — adhesins, crucial factors of biofilm formation in pathogenic Gram-negative bacteria. Experimental studies confirmed the ability of Serratia liquefaciens 72 and Serratia fonticola 5l to actively form biofilms in a wide temperature range (from 6°C to 37°C). The results obtained indicate that the examined genus Serratia strains isolated in Arctica and Antarctica exert overall similar adaptation strategies to polar climate, including the ability to produce pili, show active adhesion, and biofilm formation under low temperatures. Genetic adaptive factors may also act as pathogenicity factors allowing extremotolerant Serratia strains to exert traits of opportunistic and nosocomial pathogens and spread via chilled food-borne transmission. The wide use of food technologies, such as cooling and vacuum sealing, can potentially create a new ecological niche favourable for selection of psychrotolerant and hypobarotolerant pathogens. The data obtained allow to raise a question about necessity of further studies to monitor genetic diversity among psychrophilic hypobarotolerant microbial populations possessing pathogenic and epidemic potential

    Клиническое исследование переносимости, безопасности и иммуногенности отечественной гриппозной инактивированной сплит-вакцины «ФЛЮ-М» у детей в возрасте от 6 месяцев до 9 лет

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    Purpose: To study the reactogenicity, safety and immunogenicity of the Russian vaccine Flu-M in comparison with Vaxigrip vaccine for influenza prevention in children aged from 6 months to 9 years (phase III).Materials and Methods. In 2021, a clinical study was conducted in which children aged 6 months to 9 years were immunized with Flu-M vaccine (produced by SPbSRIVS, Russia) and Vaxigrip vaccine (produced by Sanofi Pasteur S.A., France). After randomization one group of children was vaccinated with Flu-M, the other with Vaxigrip, and monitored for 180±3 days after vaccination. Children vaccinated between 3 and 9 years of age were studied in phase I, and between 6 months and 3 years of age in phase II. Tolerability and safety were assessed by the frequency and extent of adverse events, as well as by the assessment of vital signs and physical examination. Immunological efficacy assessment criteria were geometric mean antibody titer, seroconversion level, seroconversion factor, seroprotection level.Results. Both vaccines (Flu-M and Vaxigrip) were shown to be well tolerated by children of both age groups. No serious adverse events or severe adverse events were reported   in the study. Immunological efficacy criteria were achieved for both vaccines for all strains of influenza virus in children of both age groups at 28 and 56 days after vaccination. No cases of influenza or acute respiratory infections were seen at 180±3 days postvaccination.Conclusion. The results of the clinical study show that the Flu-M and Vaxigrip vaccines are comparable in both age groups of children.The trial is registered at ClinicalTrials.gov (NCT 05470582).Цель: изучение реактогенности, безопасности и иммуногенности отечественной вакцины «Флю-М» в сравнении с вакциной «Ваксигрип» для профилактики гриппа у детей в возрасте от 6 месяцев до 9 лет (фаза III).Материалы и методы: в 2021 г. проведено клиническое исследование при иммунизации детей в возрасте от 6 месяцев до 9 лет вакциной «Флю-М» (производство СПбНИИВС, Россия) и вакциной «Ваксигрип» (производство «Санофи Пастер С.А.», Франция). После рандомизации в соотношении 1:1 одну группу детей прививали вакциной «Флю-М», другую  –  вакциной  «Ваксигрип» и наблюдали в течение 180±3 суток после  вакцинации. На I этапе исследовали детей в возрасте от 3 до    9 лет, на II этапе – в возрасте от 6 месяцев до 3 лет. Переносимость и безопасность оценивали по частоте развития и степени тяжести нежелательных явлений, а также по результатам лабораторных исследований, оценки показателей жизненно важных функций и результатам физикального обследования и неврологического осмотра. Критериями оценки иммунологической эффективности являлись средняя геометрическая титра антител, уровень сероконверсии, фактор сероконверсии, уровень серопротекции.Результаты: показано, что обе вакцины («Флю-М» и «Ваксигрип») хорошо переносились детьми обеих возрастных групп. Нежелательных явлений сильной степени тяжести, а также серьезных нежелательных явлений в исследовании не было зарегистрировано. Критерии иммунологической эффективности были достигнуты для обеих вакцин по всем штаммам вируса гриппа у детей обеих возрастных категорий через 28 и 56 дней после вакцинации. В ходе наблюдения в течение 180±3 суток после вакцинации случаев заболеваемости гриппом или острыми респираторными вирусными инфекциями не отмечалось.Заключение: результаты клинического исследования свидетельствуют о сопоставимости вакцин «Флю-М» и «Ваксигрип» для детей обеих возрастных категорий. Исследование зарегистрировано на ClinicalTrials.gov (NCT05470582)

    Observation of the electromagnetic field effect via charge-dependent directed flow in heavy-ion collisions at the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider

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    The deconfined quark-gluon plasma (QGP) created in relativistic heavy-ion collisions enables the exploration of the fundamental properties of matter under extreme conditions. Non-central collisions can produce strong magnetic fields on the order of 101810^{18} Gauss, which offers a probe into the electrical conductivity of the QGP. In particular, quarks and anti-quarks carry opposite charges and receive contrary electromagnetic forces that alter their momenta. This phenomenon can be manifested in the collective motion of final-state particles, specifically in the rapidity-odd directed flow, denoted as v1(y)v_1(\mathsf{y}). Here we present the charge-dependent measurements of dv1/dydv_1/d\mathsf{y} near midrapidities for π±\pi^{\pm}, K±K^{\pm}, and p(pˉ)p(\bar{p}) in Au+Au and isobar (4496_{44}^{96}Ru+4496_{44}^{96}Ru and 4096_{40}^{96}Zr+4096_{40}^{96}Zr) collisions at sNN=\sqrt{s_{\rm NN}}= 200 GeV, and in Au+Au collisions at 27 GeV, recorded by the STAR detector at the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider. The combined dependence of the v1v_1 signal on collision system, particle species, and collision centrality can be qualitatively and semi-quantitatively understood as several effects on constituent quarks. While the results in central events can be explained by the uu and dd quarks transported from initial-state nuclei, those in peripheral events reveal the impacts of the electromagnetic field on the QGP. Our data put valuable constraints on the electrical conductivity of the QGP in theoretical calculations

    Cardiac functional features in newborns with fetal growth retardation syndrome in the early neonatal period

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    The paper gives the results of an investigation of cardiac functional indexes in newborns with fetal growth retardation syndrome in the early neonatal period. The babies with fetal growth retardation syndrome are shown to have arterial hypotension. The characteristic feature of this contingent of infants is heart chamber remodeling followed by lower left ventricular contractile function


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    Abstract. Practical decision of infectology problem depends on the correct assessment of the main concepts of epidemiology and microbiology. The feasibility of attracting the attention of specialists in related disciplines to the problem of microbiological monitoring is discussed. In connection with the capabilities of highly sensitive molecular methods and mathematical modeling on the example of microbiological monitoring of Yersinia was made attempt to analyse mod- ern opportunities of bacteriology and to enter a predictive component as an important element of purposeful activity into monitoring definition. Yersiniosis are one of the most urgent infectious diseases. A variety of biological properties of Yersinia, their various epidemiological importance (Yersinia spp. enter into I, III and the IV groups of virulence), group incidence of Yersiniosis in the organized groups, mobility of genes of a virulence and change of pathogenic properties of Yersinia from strain to strain cause need of carrying out microbiological monitoring with a predictive component in new social and biological conditions

    Creation of a Composite Bioactive Coating with Antibacterial Effect Promising for Bone Implantation

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    When creating titanium-containing bone implants, the bioactive coatings that promote their rapid engraftment are important. The engraftment rate of titanium implants with bone tissue depends significantly on the modification of the implant surface. It is achieved by changing either the relief or the chemical composition of the surface layer, as well as a combination of these two factors. In this work, we studied the creation of composite coatings with a two-level (the micro- and nanolevel) hierarchy of the surface relief, which have bioactive and bactericidal properties, which are promising for bone implantation. Using the developed non-lithographic template electrochemical synthesis, a composite coating on titanium with a controlled surface structure was created based on an island-type TiO2 film, silver and hydroxyapatite (HAp). This TiO2/Ag/HAp composite coating has a developed surface relief at the micro- and nanolevels and has a significant cytological response and the ability to accelerate osteosynthesis, and also has an antibacterial effect. Thus, the developed biomaterial is suitable for production of dental and orthopedic implants with improved biomedical properties

    Creation of a Composite Bioactive Coating with Antibacterial Effect Promising for Bone Implantation

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    When creating titanium-containing bone implants, the bioactive coatings that promote their rapid engraftment are important. The engraftment rate of titanium implants with bone tissue depends significantly on the modification of the implant surface. It is achieved by changing either the relief or the chemical composition of the surface layer, as well as a combination of these two factors. In this work, we studied the creation of composite coatings with a two-level (the micro- and nanolevel) hierarchy of the surface relief, which have bioactive and bactericidal properties, which are promising for bone implantation. Using the developed non-lithographic template electrochemical synthesis, a composite coating on titanium with a controlled surface structure was created based on an island-type TiO2 film, silver and hydroxyapatite (HAp). This TiO2/Ag/HAp composite coating has a developed surface relief at the micro- and nanolevels and has a significant cytological response and the ability to accelerate osteosynthesis, and also has an antibacterial effect. Thus, the developed biomaterial is suitable for production of dental and orthopedic implants with improved biomedical properties


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    Wide migration processes typical for megacities, including St. Petersburg, require a comprehensive study of the infection among migrants arriving on a work visa. Biological material for research was taken from 370 migrants who arrived in St. Petersburg on a work visa. The control group is represented by 320 adults of St. Petersburg. The methodology of the study of the biological material depended on the type of pathogen and included classical and modern methods of research. All obtained data are processed using adequate methods of mathematical statistics. C. diphtheriae strains in migrant workers were isolated 80 times more often than in permanent residents of St. Petersburg. In St. Petersburg gravis biovar occurs in 25% of cases, in the visiting contingent — in 83% of cases, which is an unfavorable prognostic sign. In migrants 17% of C. diphtheriae strains have a “silent” gene (tox+), which, under known conditions, can resume toxin production. The local people are protected from diphtheria by 95%, and labor migrant is only 66%. 17% of migrant workers with C. diphtheriae strains have a low level of protection against diphtheria, which poses a threat to them and those in contact with them. Infection with brucellosis pathogens of labor migrants from Uzbekistan is 9 times higher than the local population, persons from Tajikistan — 60 times higher. The infection rate of migrant workers from Uzbekistan and Tajikistan C. burnetii is 25 times higher than that of the local population. The chronic course of these infections complicates diagnosis and reduces the quality of life. According to the results of the screening test, S. Typhi bacterium carrier is distributed 7 times more in migrant workers from Uzbekistan and 2 times more in persons from Tajikistan than among the local population of St. Petersburg. The seroprevalence of toxic H. pylori in migrant workers is 84%, which is much higher than that of permanent residents of St. Petersburg (57%). The causes of this phenomenon have not been studied and require further study. Labor migrants from Central Asia have a low level of population immunity to parvovirus infection: 37% of seropositive persons from Uzbekistan and 62% from Tajikistan compared with 78% of the local population. This may contribute to the spread of parvovirus infection involving infection of seronegative residents of St. Petersburg risk groups, including blood donors, pregnant women, persons with immunodeficiencies, hematologic and oncologic patients. The results obtained ascertain the tense epidemiological situation among labour migrants in St. Petersburg for a number of infections. Reliable information will help to organize the correct further study of the problem and conduct appropriate measures to preserve the health of the local population and the visiting contingent