14 research outputs found

    Stable electron beams from laser wakefield acceleration with few-terawatt driver using a supersonic air jet

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    International audienceThe generation of stable electron beams produced by the laser wakefield acceleration mechanism with a few-terawatt laser system (600 mJ, 50 fs) in a supersonic synthetic air jet is reported and the requirements necessary to build such a stable electron source are experimentally investigated in conditions near the bubble regime threshold. The resulting electron beams have stable energies of (17.4 +/- 1.1) MeV and an energy spread of (13.5 +/- 1.5) MeV (FWHM), which has been achieved by optimizing the properties of the supersonic gas jet target for the given laser system. Due to the availability of few-terawatt laser systems in many laboratories around the world these stable electron beams open possibilities for applications of this type of particle source

    Biological Action in and out of the Water Window

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    This study is dealing with the difference of radiation chemical yields of single and double strand breaks induced in plasmid DNA by photons inside and outside of the soft X-ray water window, i.e., in the wavelength range from 2.28 nm to 4.88 nm. Photons were generated by various plasma sources providing nanosecond and sub-nanosecond pulses of extreme ultraviolet, soft X-ray and X-ray radiation. DNA strand breaks were determined by agarose gel electrophoresis. Higher radiation chemical yields of both single and double strand breaks were found using picosecond and nanosecond sources of extreme ultraviolet and X-ray radiation

    Main spectral features of meteors studied using a terawatt-class high-power laser

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    Context. Meteor spectra are commonly interpreted using data from databases and tables. Several studies have demonstrated very sophisticated calculations of elemental compositions of meteoroid bodies based on the computation of synthetic meteor spectra or on the spectral analysis of airglow plasma containing evaporated, atomized, and ionized meteoroid matter. However, considering accuracy, reliability of computations, lack of laboratory experimental data in this field, as well as the complicated physical structure of meteor plasma, such qualitative assignment or quantitative calculations are still extensively discussed in the scientific community. Even on the laboratory level, many studies have shown the high complexity of the acquisition and interpretation of the data that are recorded with techniques of emission spectroscopy that are in fashion and philosophy similar to the spectral analysis of meteor plasma, that is, detection and quantification of the elements that are ablated from complicated multicomponent matrices. Aims. The current study is focused on the application of terawatt-class laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy (TC-LIBS) of real samples of chondritic meteorites. We recorded emission spectra with high resolution and high precision that contain spectral lines that are typical for real meteoric spectra. Experimental data were compiled in a form that is convenient for the meteoric spectra interpretation and calibration. Methods. TC-LIBS was carried out by a high-power terawatt-class laser facility, the Prague Asterix Laser System (PALS). The spectra were simultaneously recorded by an echelle high-resolution spectrograph in the UV/VIS spectral ranges and by a low-resolution spectrograph that was used for real observation of meteor spectra. We also present calculated synthetic spectra based on data from the NIST atomic spectra database. Results. We assembled etalon qualitative tables of major meteoric spectral features that can be used both for the spectral wavelength calibration of low-resolution observational instruments and for the exact interpretation of meteor spectra. The data are compared with real meteor spectra