13 research outputs found

    Sleep disturbances in progressive supranuclear palsy syndrome (PSPS) and corticobasal syndrome (CBS)

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    Introduction. Progressive supranuclear palsy (PSP) and corticobasal syndrome (CBS) are clinical manifestations of tauopathies. They are commonly associated with rapid motor and cognitive deterioration. Sleep disturbances are less frequently described as a feature of these diseases, though they are reported among 50-75% of PSP patients. State of the art. Apart from various clinical manifestations, sleep abnormalities in PSP and CBS seem to be a factor enhancing pathogenesis as well its consequences. Multiple researchers have looked into the issue of whether the complexity of sleep disturbances in PSP and CBS could be linked to atrophic changes within structures crucial for daytime regulation, coexisting pathologies, or other less explored mechanisms. Clinical significance. Among sleep abnormalities in PSP and CBS have been reported excessive daytime sleepiness, night-time insomnia, reduction of total sleep time, more pronounced sleep fragmentation, restless leg syndrome (RLS), agrypnia excitata, periodic limb movements, sleep respiratory disturbances, rapid-eye movement behaviour disorder, and others. Future directions. The aim of this review was to elaborate upon the significance of sleep abnormalities in tauopathic parkinsonian syndromes, and to determine their usefulness in differential diagnosis with synucleinopathic parkinsonian syndromes. Extended analyses of sleep disturbances may provide a different perspective on atypical parkinsonisms

    The Role of the Evans Index and the Maximal Width of the Frontal Horns of the Lateral Ventricles in the Diagnostic Imaging of Progressive Supranuclear Palsy and Multiple-System Atrophy

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    Progressive Supranuclear Palsy and Multiple-System Atrophy are entities within the spectrum of atypical parkinsonism. The role of imaging methods in the diagnosis and differentiation between PSP and MSA is limited and Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) is currently used as a reference modality. In this study, the authors examined a group of patients with atypical parkinsonism using a 1.5 T MRI system and aimed to find simple and repeatable measurements that may be useful to distinguish between these diseases. The results of the study indicate that the maximal width of the frontal horns of the lateral ventricles and Evans’ Index may, to some extent, be useful as basic and simple measurements in the diagnostic imaging of patients with atypical parkinsonism

    The Assessment of Subregions in the Frontal Lobe May Be Feasible in the Differential Diagnosis of Progressive Supranuclear Palsy—Parkinsonism Predominant (PSP-P) and Multiple System Atrophy (MSA)

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    Progressive Supranuclear Palsy—Parkinsonism Predominant (PSP-P) is associated with moderate responsiveness to levodopa treatment and a possible lack of typical PSP milestones. The clinical manifestation of PSP-P poses difficulties in neurological examination. In the early stages it is often misdiagnosed as Parkinson’s Disease, and in the more advanced stages PSP-P shows more symptoms in common with Multiple System Atrophy—Parkinsonian type (MSA-P). The small number of tools enabling differential diagnosis of PSP-P and MSA leads to the necessity of searching for parameters facilitating in vivo diagnosis. In this study, 14 patients with PSP-P and 21 patients with MSA-P were evaluated using Single Photon Emission Computed Tomography. Considering the fact that PSP is linked with frontal deficits, regions of the frontal lobe were assessed in the context of hypoperfusion and their possible usefulness in the differential diagnosis with MSA-P. The outcome of the work revealed that the right middle frontal gyrus was the region most significantly affected in PSP-P

    The Use of Cerebellar Hypoperfusion Assessment in the Differential Diagnosis of Multiple System Atrophy with Parkinsonism and Progressive Supranuclear Palsy-Parkinsonism Predominant

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    The differential diagnosis of MSA-P and PSP-P remains a difficult issue in clinical practice due to their overlapping clinical manifestation and the lack of tools enabling a definite diagnosis ante-mortem. This paper describes the usefulness of SPECT HMPAO in MSA-P and PSP-P differentiation through the analysis of cerebellar perfusion of small ROIs. Thirty-one patients were included in the study—20 with MSA-P and 11 with PSP-P; the analysis performed indicated that the most significant difference in perfusion was observed in the anterior quadrangular lobule (H IV and V) on the left side (p < 0.0026). High differences in the median perfusion between the groups were also observed in a few other regions, with p < 0.05, but higher than premised p = 0.0026 (the Bonferroni correction was used in the statistical analysis). The assessment of the perfusion may be interpreted as a promising method of additional examination of atypical parkinsonisms with overlapping clinical manifestation, as in the case of PSP-P and MSA-P. The results obtained suggest that the interpretation of the differences in perfusion of the cerebellum should be made by evaluating the subregions of the cerebellum rather than the hemispheres. Further research is required

    Is MRPI 2.0 More Useful than MRPI and M/P Ratio in Differential Diagnosis of PSP-P with Other Atypical Parkinsonisms?

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    Differential diagnosis of progressive supranuclear palsy remains difficult, especially when it comes to the parkinsonism predominant type (PSP-P), which has a more favorable clinical course. In this entity, especially during the advanced stages, significant clinical overlaps with other tauopathic parkinsonian syndromes and multiple system atrophy (MSA) can be observed. Among the available additional diagnostic methods in every-day use, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) focused specifically on the evaluation of the mesencephalon seems to be crucial as it is described as a parameter associated with PSP. There is growing interest in relation to more advanced mesencephalic parameters, such as the magnetic resonance parkinsonism index (MRPI) and MRPI 2.0. Based on the evaluation of 74 patients, we demonstrate that only the mesencephalon/pons ratio and MRPI show a significant difference between PSP-P and MSA-parkinsonian type (MSA-P). Interestingly, this differential feature was not maintained by MRPI 2.0. The mesencephalon to pons ratio (M/P), MRPI and MRPI 2.0 were not found to be feasible for the differentiation of PSP-P from other atypical tauopathic syndromes

    The Significance of Asymmetry in the Assessment of Brain Perfusion in Atypical Tauopathic Parkinsonian Syndromes

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    Progressive supranuclear palsy syndrome (PSPS) and corticobasal syndrome (CBS) are clinical manifestations of tauopathic Parkinsonian syndromes. Due to their overlapping symptomatology, the differential diagnosis of these entities may be difficult when bounded to clinical assessment. The manifestations are commonly associated with pathological entities—corticobasal degeneration and progressive supranuclear palsy, which are four-repeat tauopathies. In this study, the authors attempted to find whether the asymmetry typically associated with CBS may be feasible in the interpretation of perfusion single-photon computed tomography. The analysis based on the examination of patients with progressive supranuclear palsy—Richardson syndrome (PSP-RS), progressive supranuclear palsy—Parkinsonism predominant (PSP-P), and corticobasal syndrome (CBS) revealed significant asymmetry of perfusion of the amygdala in corticobasal syndrome. The more pronounced abnormalities of perfusion were observed in the left amygdala among patients with more severe Parkinsonian syndromes in CBS on the right. This study shows that the comparison of the perfusion of tauopathic Parkinsonian syndromes should be extended by asymmetry analysis. Interestingly, the differentiating potential of brain perfusion is present in the comparison of CBS and PSP-RS, but not in CBS and PSP-P. This phenomenon could be explained by more distinct asymmetry in the perfusion observed in PSP-P, which diminishes the differentiating potential of this parameter when it comes to the comparison of PSP-P and CBS. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first study evaluating which structures can be interpreted as significantly asymmetrical in the context of perfusion in CBS

    The Strengths and Obstacles in the Differential Diagnosis of Progressive Supranuclear Palsy—Parkinsonism Predominant (PSP-P) and Multiple System Atrophy (MSA) Using Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) and Perfusion Single Photon Emission Computed Tomography (SPECT)

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    Multiple System Atrophy—Parkinsonism Predominant (MSA-P) and Progressive Supranuclear Palsy—Parkinsonism Predominant (PSP-P) are the clinical manifestations of atypical parkinsonism. Currently, there are no efficient in vivo methods available relating to neuroimaging or biochemical analysis in the examination of these entities. Among the advanced methods available, using positron emission tomography is constrained by high cost and low accessibility. In this study the authors examined patients with two types of atypical parkinsonism—MSA-P and PSP-P, which are difficult to differentiate, especially in the early years of their development. The aim of this study was to assess whether the examination of patients in the period following the early years (3–6-year duration of symptoms) could be enhanced by perfusion single photon emission computed tomography (SPECT), magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) or evaluation of cognitive abilities. Extended examination using MRI and perfusion SPECT showed that the evaluation of the mesencephalon/pons ratio, mesencephalic volume decrease, the Magnetic Resonance Parkinsonism Index (MRPI) and frontal perfusion should be considered more feasible than screening cognitive evaluation in MSA-P and PSP-P with a 3–6-year duration of symptoms