31 research outputs found

    Badania akcelerometryczne wybranych punktów układu ruchu

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    Cel: Celem niniejszej pracy było określenie zmian przyspieszeń na różnych poziomach ciała podczas chodu. Materiał i metody: W badaniu wykorzystano trzyosiowy czujnik akcelerometryczny, który był mocowany do stóp, podudzi, kolan, ud, bioder, na wyrostkach kolczystych L3 i C7 oraz na czubku głowy badanych. W teście wzięło udział 11 zdrowych osób w wieku 18-24 lat. Badani mieli do przejścia 20 metrów z wybraną przez siebie, naturalną prędkością. Wyniki były zapisywane przez komputer w czasie rzeczywistym. Wyniki: Badanie potwierdziło zmniejszanie się amplitudy przyspieszeń w miarę wzrostu poziomu ciała. U prawie wszystkich badanych najwyższe wartości przyśpieszenia zaobserwowano na piętach. Na wyższych poziomach przyspieszenia stopniowo malały, choć wyniki były zróżnicowane indywidualnie. U połowy badanych najmniejsze wartości zostały zarejestrowane na głowie, u pozostałych na wyrostku kolczystym C7. Najwyższy procentowo stopień absorpcji drgań miał miejsce w stawie skokowym i stopie, co przypisuje się specjalnej budowie tego stawu i mechanizmowi ewersji podczas chodu. Badania potwierdziły brak symetrii między prawą i lewą stroną ciałaAim: The purpose of the paper was to determine changes in acceleration of the body parts while walking. Material and methods: A tri-axial accelerometric sensor which was fastened to the foot, shank, knee, thigh, hip, L3 and L7 spinous process or the head of the person who took part in the test was used. Eleven healthy adults aged 18-24 participated in the test. Test participants were asked to walk 20 meters at their chosen, normal speed. The results were recorded on a computer at the time of the test. Results: Tests results show that the higher the body part, the lower the amplitude of accelerations. The highest acceleration values for almost all test participants were observed at the heel level. Acceleration values gradually decreased in higher parts, though it must be noted that the results varied with regard to individual participants. As it was supposed prior to the test, in half of the participants the lowest values were the ones measured at the head level, while the other half showed lowest values in C7 spinous process. It turned out that the highest absorption rate of transient impulsive forces was in the ankle, which is considered to be the consequence of a special anatomical structure and the eversion mechanism during walking. The tests also confirmed the lack of symmetry between the right and the left side of the body

    Zasada działania i zastosowanie akcelerometrii w ocenie układu ruchu : przegląd narracyjny

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    Akcelerometria jest stosunkowo młodą, ale obiecującą metodą w dziedzinie badań nad chodem. Bazuje ona na zastosowaniu czujników mierzących przyspieszenie liniowe występujące w danym punkcie materialnym. Celem tego artykułu jest przegląd literatury pod kątem zastosowania tej techniki w ocenie lokomocji człowieka, zalet i wad oraz rzetelności pomiaru. Przeglądnięto prace różnych autorów i porównano ich wyniki. Badania dotyczyły wykrywania faz chodu, obliczania parametrów takich jak prędkość czy długość kroków, oceny równowagi oraz monitorowania aktywności fizycznej. W celu sprawdzenia poprawności zarejestrowanych danych, porównywano je z odczytami systemu VICON, platform dynamometrycznych oraz specjalnych elektronicznych ścieżek. Analiza literatury dostarczyła następujących wniosków. Zaletami akcelerometrii jest niski koszt urządzeń, ich niewielkie rozmiary oraz masa, a także brak ograniczenia pomiaru do wnętrza laboratorium. Wady to przede wszystkim konieczność stosowania kabli, co utrudnia długotrwały monitoring aktywności fizycznej. Metoda jest rzetelna, o ile eksperyment jest prawidłowo zaplanowany i przeprowadzony. Najważniejsze warunki to właściwe umiejscowienie czujników, zapewniające dobre przyleganie do ciała mocowanie, jak najdokładniejsze skoordynowanie osi anatomicznej z osią pomiaru oraz użycie właściwego algorytmu przetwarzania danych. Autorzy większości prac uznają akcelerometrię jako wiarygodną i przydatną metodę do oceny parametrów chodu. Obecnie akcelerometry znajdują zastosowanie głównie przy badaniu wzorca chodu i oceny dysfunkcji, jako czujniki FES u pacjentów z opadającą stopą oraz podczas oceny równowagi oraz monitorowania aktywności fizycznej.Accelerometry is a relatively new but promising method of gait examination. It is based on the usage of sensors which measure linear acceleration at a certain material point. The purpose of this article is to review the literature on the subject from the point of view of applying this technique in assessing human gait, its advantages and shortcomings and the reliability of measurement. Papers by various authors have been reviewed and their results compared. Research concerned detection of the phases and events of gait, calculation of gait parameters such as speed and step length, balance evaluation and the monitoring of physical activity. In order to verify the correctness of the collected data, it was compared with the readings of the VICON system, force platforms and special electronic walkways. An analysis of the literature resulted in the following conclusions: the advantages of accelerometry is the low cost of devices, their small size and mass and measurement which is not limited to the laboratory. The disadvantage is first of all the necessity to use cables, which makes it harder to conduct the long-term monitoring of physical activity. The method is reliable if the experiment is properly planned and carried out. The most important conditions are the proper location of sensors, tight binding to the body, the most accurate alignment of the anatomical axis with the measurement axis and the usage of a proper algorithm for data processing. The authors of the majority of papers consider accelerometry to be a reliable and useful method of analyzing the parameters of gait. At present, accelerometers are used mainly for examining the model of gait and assessing dysfunctions, as sensors in FES assisted walking in patients with dropped foot and during physical activity monitoring

    Infection exposure, detection and causes of death in perinatal mortalities in Polish dairy herds

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    peer-reviewedThe objective of this study was to determine the prevalence and types of infections in perinatal mortality (PM) cases from Polish dairy farms and the relevance of the presence of infection to the cause of death. This prospective longitudinal study was carried out on 121 PM and 21 control calves with a gestation of ≥260 days. Six control calves were euthanized and examined using the same protocol as for PM calves. Material was collected over a 20-month period between November 2013 and June 2015. The PM and control calves were collected from 29 to 5 herds, respectively. Blood samples from calves were tested for antibodies to Neospora caninum, glycoprotein B of BoHV-1, BVDV and SBV using ELISAs and Leptospira hardjo and Leptospira pomona with the microscopic agglutination test. Brain and kidney samples from all PM and six euthanized control calves were tested using real time PCR to detect Neospora caninum, pathogenic Leptospira spp., BoHV-1 and SBV; brain was examined histopathologically for detection of N. caninum cysts. Samples from eight inner organs from all PM and six control calves were cultured aerobically, anaerobically and microaerobically. Ear samples from all PM and control calves were tested for BVDV using an antigen ELISA. In total, 21.5% of PM calves were infected (antigen and/or antibody-positive) in utero; none of the control calves were infected. Direct evidence of infection (culture, Ag-ELISA, PCR, histopathology) was detected in 9.1% of PM calves. Gestation length in infected singletons was shorter than in uninfected singletons (274 ± 8 vs. 279 ± 7 days; P < 0.01). The odds ratio for diagnosis of infection in single pregnancies ≤275 days was 3.75 (95% CI:1.2–12.1), (P < 0.05). Infection was the cause of death in 10% of calves. The most common infections detected in these Polish PM calves were parasitic (11.6% of PM cases), viral (7.4%) and bacterial (5%). This study demonstrated that indirect evidence of infection is detected more frequently than direct, coinfection is rare, infection is rarely accompanied by gross lesions and is rarely a cause of death in cases of PM

    The influence of some xanthone derivatives on the activity of J-774A.1 cells

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    The chemiluminescence of stimulated cells with phorbol myristate acetate and the production of nitric oxide after stimulation with lipopolisaccharide in the presence of the parent compounds FAA (flavone-8-acetic acid = (4-oxo-2- phenyl-4H-chromen-8-yl)acetic acid), XAA (xanthone-4-acetic acid = (9-oxo-9Hxanthen-4-yl)acetic acid), and appropriate xanthone derivatives (1-7) was determined. Also the toxicity of the FAA, MFAA ((6-methyl-4-oxo-2-aryl-4Hchromen-8-yl)acetic acid), XAA and 1–7 against J-774A.1 cultured cells was evaluated. Compound 5 (2-methyl-2-{[(9-oxo-9H-xanthen-2-yl)methyl]sulfanyl}- propanoic acid) was effective in inhibiting chemiluminescence of J-774A.1 cells but most of the other tested compounds stimulated the reaction. FAA and two xanthones with a methoxycarbonyl moeity slightly decreased the generation of nitric oxide at 50 μM. Most of the tested compounds (1-7) showed weak toxicity at concentration of 100 μM

    The Evaluation of the Possibilities of Using PLGA Co-Polymer and Its Composites with Carbon Fibers or Hydroxyapatite in the Bone Tissue Regeneration Process – in Vitro and in Vivo Examinations

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    Synthetic polymers belonging to the aliphatic polyester group have become highly promising biomaterials for reconstructive medicine. The purpose of the present work is a biological evaluation of lactide-glycolide co-polymer (PLGA) and its composites with carbon fibers (PLGA+CF) or hydroxyapatite (PLGA+HA). The cytotoxicity of the evaluated materials towards hFOB 1.19 human osteoblast-like cells was assessed. Moreover, during the one-year contact of the assessed materials with living osseous tissue, the progress of bone formation was analyzed and the accompanying process of the materials’ degradation was evaluated. The materials under evaluation proved to be biocompatible

    Traction battery with increased level of protection against electric shock

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    Magazyny energii w pojazdach elektrycznych mają zainstalowany system BMS, który kontroluje parametry eksploatacyjne baterii akumulatorów oraz ma wbudowane zabezpieczenia: nadprądowe, podnapięciowe, nadnapięciowe i termiczne. W sytuacjach awaryjnych pojazdu i uszkodzeniu obudowy akumulatora system BMS nie zabezpiecza jednak ludzi przed porażeniem napięciem baterii trakcyjnej. W artykule przedstawiono koncepcję podziału baterii trakcyjnej na moduły, z których każdy ma napięcie nie wyższe niż traktowane jako bezpieczne dla ludzi. Moduły baterii połączono stycznikami, a na obudowie baterii umieszczono czujnik uderzeniowy. Uzwojenia sterujące styczników połączono z akumulatorem niskonapięciowym, systemem BMS i z czujnikiem uderzeniowym. W przypadku kolizji drogowej pojazdu i zadziałania czujnika uderzeniowego prąd w obwodzie uzwojeń sterujących zostaje wyłączony i styczniki rozłączają moduły baterii. Także w czasie postoju pojazdu lub zdjęcia obudowy system BMS przerywa prąd w uzwojeniach sterujących styczników i moduły baterii są rozłączone.Energy stores in electric vehicles have a BMS installed that controls the operating parameters of the battery pack, and has built-in overcurrent, undervoltage, overvoltage, and thermal protection. However, during vehicle emergencies and battery case damage, the BMS does not protect people from being shocked by the traction battery voltage. This paper presents the concept of dividing the traction battery into modules, each of which has a voltage no higher than that treated as safe for humans. The battery modules are connected by contactors and a shock sensor is placed on the battery housing. The control windings of the contactors are connected to the low voltage battery, the BMS system and the impact sensor. In the event of a road ollision with the vehicle and activation of the impact sensor, the current in the control windings circuit is switched off and the contactors disconnect the battery modules. Also, when the vehicle is stationary or the chassis is removed, the BMS interrupts the current in the control windings of the contactors and the battery modules are disconnected

    Phases of settlements in the western part of Nałęczów Plateau and their impact on sediments in the bottom of Bystra Valley

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    The article analyzed the impact of old (prehistoric, medieval) and modern settlement on the nature of the Holocene alluvial sediments at the bottom of the Bystra valley. It was shown that the transition from peat to mineral deposits was the result of Neolithic farming. Nomadic culture of the late Neolithic and early Bronze Age have helped to stop the denudation slope sand increasing erosion in the bottom of the river valley. Restarting the denudation in the basin and the beginning of accumulation on the Bystra floodplain occurred only in the tenth century. Bystra river basin deforestation in modern times caused catastrophic linear erosion, denudation slopes and speed up the submission of anthropogenic alluvial soils

    Traction battery with increased level of protection against electric shock

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    Magazyny energii w pojazdach elektrycznych mają zainstalowany system BMS, który kontrouje parametry eksploatacyjne baterii akumulatorów, oraz ma wbudowane zabezpieczenia: nadprądowe, podnapięciowe, nadnapięciowe i termiczne. W sytuacjach awaryjnych pojazdu i uszkodzeniu obudowy akumulatora, system BMS nie zabezpiecza jednak ludzi przed porażeniem napięciem baterii trakcyjnej. W artykule przedstawiono koncepcję podziału baterii trakcyjnej na moduły z których każdy ma napięcie nie wyższe niż traktowane jako bezpieczne dla ludzi. Moduły baterii połączono stycznikami, a na obudowie baterii umieszczono czujnik uderzeniowy. Uzwojenia sterujące styczników połączono z akumulatorem niskonapięciowym, systemem BMS i z czujnikiem uderzeniowym. W przypadku kolizji drogowej pojazdu i zadziałania czujnika uderzeniowego prąd w obwodzie uzwojeń sterujących zostaje wyłączony i styczniki rozłączają moduły baterii. Także w czasie postoju pojazdu lub zdjęcia obudowy system BMS przerywa prąd w uzwojeniach sterujących styczników i moduły baterii są rozłączone.Energy stores in electric vehicles have a BMS installed that controls the operating parameters of the battery pack, and has built-in overcurrent, undervoltage, overvoltage, and thermal protection. However, during vehicle emergencies and battery case damage, the BMS does not protect people from being shocked by the traction battery voltage. This paper presents the concept of dividing the traction battery into modules, each of which has a voltage no higher than that treated as safe for humans. The battery modules are connected by contactors and a shock sensor is placed on the battery housing. The control windings of the contactors are connected to the low voltage battery, the BMS system and the impact sensor. In the event of a road collision with the vehicle and activation of the impact sensor, the current in the control windings circuit is switched off and the contactors disconnect the battery modules. Also, when the vehicle is stationary or the chassis is removed, the BMS interrupts the current in the control windings of the contactors and the battery modules are disconnected

    Plans for the museum path of the Medical University in Wrocław

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    People have always been interested in discovering their past and seeking answers to their existential questions. Therefore institutions like museums, which collect exhibits related to the history and development of humans, have been known since antiquity. However, museology today has changed and is no longer confined to establishments related to popular fields like painting, sculpture and archaeology. Nowadays, there are also museums dedicated to medical sciences, which present the history of humanity in the sphere of its biological development. The Medical University in Wrocław can boast of several such establishments, although so far they have been treated as separate institutions. For this reason, the idea was created to combine them all into a single museum route, and to make it available to a broader visitor base. Thanks to this, people can view items from old and modern medicine practice located in many different sites, allowing them to deepen their knowledge and expand their interests. To make it easier for visitors to navigate through such a diverse complex, a special museum path has been created, along with a description of each location

    Variability in the optical properties of a crude oil - seawater emulsion

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    The paper analyses the optical properties of a crude oil - seawateremulsion, which is a form of petroleum pollution of the sea.These properties depend on the spillage concentration, the opticalcharacteristics of the seawater and oil in question, and on thesize distribution of the oil droplets. They may be describedby the attenuation specific cross-sections and absorption specificcross-sections. Specific cross-sections and other optical parametersfor droplets of a Baltic crude oil - Baltic seawater emulsionwere calculated using Mie's solution. These characteristics werecomputed for fresh and weathered petroleum