4,125 research outputs found

    Large-scale disasters and the insurance industry

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    We investigate the effect of the 20 largest – in terms of insured losses – man-made or natural disasters on the insurance industry. We show via an event study that insurance markets worldwide are quite resilient to unexpected losses to capital and are even outperforming the general market subsequent to great disasters. --disaster,insurance industry,event-study

    Pharmakogenetik in der Rechtsmedizin

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    Zusammenfassung: Die Pharmakogenetik beschĂ€ftigt sich mit den genetisch bedingten Unterschieden bei der Arzneimittel-, Drogen oder Giftwirkung und ist somit auch fĂŒr die rechtsmedizinische Begutachtung von Bedeutung. Die hĂ€ufigsten Sequenzvariationen in der DesoxyribonukleinsĂ€ure ("deoxyribonucleic acid", DNA) sind die "single nucleotide polymorphisms" (SNP). Neben den metabolisierenden Enzymen, z.B. Zytochrom-P450- (CYP-)Isoenzyme, können Transportproteine oder auch Rezeptorproteine betroffen sein. FĂŒhren sie tatsĂ€chlich zu Änderungen in der FunktionalitĂ€t der Proteine, kann es zu deutlichen interindividuellen Unterschieden in der Pharmakokinetik und Pharmakodynamik kommen. Aber auch Faktoren wie Komedikation, Alter, Geschlecht, Hormon- und ErnĂ€hrungsstatus sowie Umweltfaktoren und KomorbiditĂ€t sind von großer Bedeutung. Dies wird hauptsĂ€chlich durch Induktion oder Inhibition der AktivitĂ€t der Funktionsproteine bewirkt. Diese Interaktionen sind bei der Begutachtung ebenfalls zu berĂŒcksichtige

    Event Reconstruction with MarlinReco at the ILC

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    After an overview of the modular analysis and reconstruction framework Marlin an introduction on the functionality of the Marlin-based reconstruction package MarlinReco is given. This package includes a full set of modules for event reconstruction based on the Particle Flow approach. The status of the software is reviewed and recent results using this software package for event reconstruction are presented.Comment: 6 pages, 2 .eps figures, to appear in Proc. LCWS06, Bangalore, March 200

    Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay for urinary albumin at low concentrations

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    We describe an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) for urinary albumin. It requires only commercially available reagents, can detect as little as 16 micrograms of albumin per liter, and analytical recovery ranges from 92 to 116%. The assay is simple, rapid, and inexpensive. Albumin excretion was 6.2 (SD 4.1) mg/24 h in healthy subjects (n = 40), 14.7 (SD 7.2) mg/24 h in albumin-test-strip-negative Type I diabetics (n = 11), and 19.7 (SD 16.2) mg/24 h in patients with essential hypertension (n = 12)

    Quantum Gravitational Contributions to the CMB Anisotropy Spectrum

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    We derive the primordial power spectrum of density fluctuations in the framework of quantum cosmology. For this purpose we perform a Born-Oppenheimer approximation to the Wheeler-DeWitt equation for an inflationary universe with a scalar field. In this way we first recover the scale-invariant power spectrum that is found as an approximation in the simplest inflationary models. We then obtain quantum gravitational corrections to this spectrum and discuss whether they lead to measurable signatures in the CMB anisotropy spectrum. The non-observation so far of such corrections translates into an upper bound on the energy scale of inflation.Comment: 4 pages, v3: sign error in Eq. (5) and its consequences correcte

    Large-scale disasters and the insurance industry

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    We investigate the impact of the 20 largest - in terms of insured losses - man-made or natural disasters on various insurance industry stock indices. We show via an event study that insurance sectors worldwide are quite resilient, in a market value sense, to unexpected losses to capital: our data provide evidence that equity market investors believe that insurance companies will on average be able to make losses back over the foreseeable future, i.e. that the adverse shocks to equity which have resulted from these catastrophes will be compensated by either an outward shift of the demand curve or an ability to raise premiums, or both

    Solid-state synthesis and characterization of σ-Alkane complexes, [Rh(L2)(η2,η2-C7H12)][BArF4] (L2 = bidentate chelating phosphine)

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    The use of solid/gas and single-crystal to single-crystal synthetic routes is reported for the synthesis and characterization of a number of σ-alkane complexes: [Rh(R2P(CH2)nPR2)(η2,η2-C7H12)][BArF4]; R = Cy, n = 2; R = iPr, n = 2,3; Ar = 3,5-C6H3(CF3)2. These norbornane adducts are formed by simple hydrogenation of the corresponding norbornadiene precursor in the solid state. For R = Cy (n = 2), the resulting complex is remarkably stable (months at 298 K), allowing for full characterization using single-crystal X-ray diffraction. The solid-state structure shows no disorder, and the structural metrics can be accurately determined, while the 1H chemical shifts of the Rh···H–C motif can be determined using solid-state NMR spectroscopy. DFT calculations show that the bonding between the metal fragment and the alkane can be best characterized as a three-center, two-electron interaction, of which σCH → Rh donation is the major component. The other alkane complexes exhibit solid-state 31P NMR data consistent with their formation, but they are now much less persistent at 298 K and ultimately give the corresponding zwitterions in which [BArF4]− coordinates and NBA is lost. The solid-state structures, as determined by X-ray crystallography, for all these [BArF4]− adducts are reported. DFT calculations suggest that the molecular zwitterions within these structures are all significantly more stable than their corresponding σ-alkane cations, suggesting that the solid-state motif has a strong influence on their observed relative stabilities

    Bounds on R-parity violating supersymmetric couplings from leptonic and semi-leptonic meson decays

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    We present a comprehensive update of the bounds on R-Parity violating supersymmetric couplings from lepton-flavour- and lepton-number-violating decay processes. We consider tau and mu decays as well as leptonic and semi-leptonic decays of mesons. We present several new bounds resulting from tau, eta and Kaon decays and correct some results in the literature concerning B-meson decays.Comment: 30 pages; changed title, updated some bounds from the literature from different references, added reference
