63 research outputs found

    Age-dependent vulnerability to ischemia-reperfusion injury of cyanotic myocardium in a chronic hypoxic rat model

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    This study evaluated the effects of chronic hypoxia from birth on the resistance of rat hearts to global ischemia, with special emphasis on the duration of hypoxia. Male Wistar rats were housed from birth for 4 weeks or 8 weeks either in a hypoxic environment (FiO20.12) or in ambient air (8 animals for each group). Isolated rat hearts were perfused for 40 min with oxygenated Krebs-Henseleit buffer, subjected to 20 min global no-flow ischemia at 37, and then underwent 40 min of reperfusion. A non-elastic balloon was inserted into the left ventricle and inflated until the pre-ischemic LVEDP rose to 8mmHg. Cardiac function was measured before and after ischemia. The post-ischemic percent recovery of LVDP in hypoxic hearts was worse than in normoxic hearts (4 weeks:55+/-7 vs. 96+/-3%, p0.01;8 weeks:40+/-5 vs. 92+/-4%, p0.01), and was worst in the 8-week-hypoxic hearts. Similarly, the percent recovery of dP/dt in the hypoxic hearts was lower than in the normoxic hearts (4 weeks:51+/-5 vs. 96+/-7%, p0.01;8 weeks:31+/-6 vs. 92+/-7%, p0.01), and was lowest in the 8-week-hypoxic hearts. In conclusion, cyanotic myocardium revealed an age-dependent vulnerability to ischemia-reperfusion injury in a chronic hypoxic rat model.</p

    The Incidence of Hyperuricemia and Correlated Factors in Middle-Aged Japanese Men

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    hyperuricemia-free (less than 7.5 mg/dl of SUA and no medication for hyperuricemia or hypertension) Japanese male office workers aged 30 to 53 yr were followed up for seven successive years with annual examinations, with an average period of observation of 6.4 yr with a standard deviation of 1.6 yr. Subjects who were found to have become hyperuricemic (SUA levels of 7.5 mg/dl or more) or who started medication for hyperuricemia during repeat survey were defined as incidence cases. An analysis by means of the Kaplan-Meier method showed that the incidence of hyperuricemia increased significantly with increases in the body mass index (BMI), systolic blood pressure, diastolic blood pressure, triglyceride level, SUA level, total protein level, white blood cell level, and alcohol intake. From the age-adjusted analysis with the Cox proportional hazards model, the total cholesterol level and hemoglobin A 1c (HbA 1c ) level emerged as significant positive and negative factors for the incidence of hyperuricemia, respectively. Multivariate analysis, excluding the SUA level as a factor in the Cox proportional hazards model, indicated that the BMI, Log triglyceride level, white blood cell level, and alcohol intake were significantly positively associated with the incidence of hyperuricemia. On the other hand, age and the HbA 1c level were significantly inversely associated with the incidence of hyperuricemia. When the SUA level was included as a factor in the model, BMI and alcohol intake remained as independent Received Apr 26, 1999; Accepted Aug 2, 1999 Correspondence to: N. Nakanishi, Department of Social and Environmental Medicine, Course of Social Medicine, Osaka University Graduate School of Medicine F2, 2-2 Yamada-oka, Suita-shi, Osaka 565-0871, Japan factors. Furthermore, the white blood cell level was identified as marginally significant for the incidence of hyperuricemia (p=0.064). In conclusion, obesity and alcohol intake were determined to be independent predictors for the development of hyperuricemia. In addition, the white blood cell level may be a contributory factor. (J Occup Health 2000; 42: 1-7

    Impurity emission characteristics of long pulse discharges in Large Helical Device

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    Line spectra from intrinsic impurity ions have been monitored during the three kinds of long-pulse discharges (ICH, ECH, NBI). Constant emission from the iron impurity shows no preferential accumulation of iron ion during the long-pulse operations. Stable Doppler ion temperature has been also measured from Fe XX, C V and C III spectra

    Recent Results from LHD Experiment with Emphasis on Relation to Theory from Experimentalist’s View

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    he Large Helical Device (LHD) has been extending an operational regime of net-current free plasmas towardsthe fusion relevant condition with taking advantage of a net current-free heliotron concept and employing a superconducting coil system. Heating capability has exceeded 10 MW and the central ion and electron temperatureshave reached 7 and 10 keV, respectively. The maximum value of β and pulse length have been extended to 3.2% and 150 s, respectively. Many encouraging physical findings have been obtained. Topics from recent experiments, which should be emphasized from the aspect of theoretical approaches, are reviewed. Those are (1) Prominent features in the inward shifted configuration, i.e., mitigation of an ideal interchange mode in the configuration with magnetic hill, and confinement improvement due to suppression of both anomalous and neoclassical transport, (2) Demonstration ofbifurcation of radial electric field and associated formation of an internal transport barrier, and (3) Dynamics of magnetic islands and clarification of the role of separatrix

    A case of napsin A-positive metastatic lung cancer originating from the colon

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    Abstract Background We report a case of napsin A-positive metastatic lung cancer originating from the colon. No cases of napsin A-positive metastatic lung tumors originating from colorectal cancer have been reported previously. Case presentation Computed tomography identified a small lung nodule in a 70-year-old male patient, 18 months after resection for rectal cancer. The size of the lung tumor increased from 1.8 to 2.1 cm in 6 months and metastasis from the rectal cancer was suspected. Resection of the lung tumor was performed, and the histological features of the lung tumor revealed findings typical of colorectal adenocarcinoma and resembled those of the original rectal cancer. Furthermore, the metastasis stained positive for napsin A and thyroid transcription factor-1 (TTF-1) on immunohistochemical evaluation, and immunohistochemical analysis identified the same results in the rectal specimen. Conclusions These findings led us to believe that this was a rare case of napsin A-positive metastatic lung cancer originating in the colon. The patient was treated with chemotherapy for recurrent rectal cancer, and no other metastases were found after the lung resection. This is the first report of napsin A-positive colorectal cancer metastasizing to the lung