34 research outputs found

    Network technologies as innovative solution in commodity circulation

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    The paper identifies the specific features of innovations in the trade industry. Innovations, created in other industries, are preferably used in the area of trade. The types of innovations in the field of trade have been specified. The establishment of a networking commercial enterprise has been defined as an innovative solution, widely used in Russian and world practice. The current state of network trade has been investigated and the tendency of retail network expanding in the Russian Federation has been discovered. The concept of a multi-format establishment and the most perspective trade formats have been identified based on the example trading company X5 RetailGroup

    FeCl3, CuSO4, CoCl2, ZnSO4 and NiSO4 effect on a gelatinolytic activity of proteinases of Pleurotus ostreatus mycelial culture

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    The effect of FeCl3, CuSO4, CoCl2, ZnSO4 and NiSO4 at a concentration of 10–8–10–2 M on the gelatinolytic activity of intracellular proteinases from in 14 days mycelial culture of Pleurotus ostreatus was studied. At pH 5.8, all salts inhibited activity within 30%. Only zinc sulfate in several concentrations contributed to a weak increase in proteinase activity: up to 16%. The gelatinolytic activity at pH 7.6 is characterized by the activating effect of copper sulfate in the entire range of concentrations, reaching 25–67%. The gelatinolytic activity upon the addition of cobalt chloride was suppressed more strongly than in an acidic medium at a CoCl2 concentration of 10–6 M, by 53%. At the same time, at two maximum concentrations of this effector, gelatinolysis increased by 25 and 31%. The maximum activator effect of nickel sulfate manifested itself at a concentration of 10–2 M and reached 137%, while at concentrations of 10–4 and 10–5 M, proteolysis was suppressed by 26 and 22%. At pH 9.2, CuSO4 had a clear activating effect (up to 157% relative to control) in almost the entire concentration range. The effect of other salts did not exceed 24%.Изучено влияние FeCl3, CuSO4, CoCl2, ZnSO4 и NiSO4 в концентрации 10–8–10–2 М на желатинолитическую активность внутриклеточных протеиназ 14-ти суточной мицелиальной культуры Pleurotus ostreatus. При рН 5,8 все соли угнетали активность в пределах 30%. Лишь сульфат цинка в нескольких концентрациях способствовал слабому росту активности протеиназ: до 16%. Для желатинолитической активности при рН 7,6 характерен активаторный эффект сульфата меди во всем диапазоне концентраций достигавший 25–67%. Желатинолитическая активность при добавлении хлорида кобальта угнеталась сильнее, чем в кислой среде при концентрации CoCl2 10–6 М – на 53%. В то же время при двух максимальных концентрациях этого эффектора желатинолиз возрастал на 25 и 31%. Максимальный активаторный эффект сульфата никеля проявился при концентрации 10–2 М и достигал 137%, тогда как при концентрациях 10–4 и 10–5 М протеолиз подавлялся на 26 и 22%. При рН 9,2 четкое активаторное действие (до 157% по отношению к контролю) практически во всем концентрационном диапазоне оказал CuSO4. Эффект остальных солей не превышал 24%


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    Network technologies as innovative solution in commodity circulation

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    The paper identifies the specific features of innovations in the trade industry. Innovations, created in other industries, are preferably used in the area of trade. The types of innovations in the field of trade have been specified. The establishment of a networking commercial enterprise has been defined as an innovative solution, widely used in Russian and world practice. The current state of network trade has been investigated and the tendency of retail network expanding in the Russian Federation has been discovered. The concept of a multi-format establishment and the most perspective trade formats have been identified based on the example trading company X5 RetailGroup

    Network technologies as innovative solution in commodity circulation

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    The paper identifies the specific features of innovations in the trade industry. Innovations, created in other industries, are preferably used in the area of trade. The types of innovations in the field of trade have been specified. The establishment of a networking commercial enterprise has been defined as an innovative solution, widely used in Russian and world practice. The current state of network trade has been investigated and the tendency of retail network expanding in the Russian Federation has been discovered. The concept of a multi-format establishment and the most perspective trade formats have been identified based on the example trading company X5 RetailGroup

    Blood status in the long-term radiation syndrome

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    Aims: to reveal regularities of change of peripheral blood indicators in the long-term acute radiation syndrome (ARS) depending on its initial severity and existence of various somatic diseases. Material and methods. Clinical he-matologic materials from 114 patients in the long-term ARS (from 1,5 to more than 20 years after radiation accident), developed as a result of gamma beta exposure are presented. Results. In the period of the late radiation effect average values of peripheral blood are in physiological norm limits. However at some patients there are temporary superficial cytopenic conditions (thrombocytopenia — 22,7%, a leukopenia — 12,2%, a neutropenia — 13,1%, a lymphocytope-nia — 10,5%). Conclusion. As a result of a dynamic research it is revealed that in the remote terms of ARS (from 1,5 to more than 20 years after radiation) average group levels of erythrocytes, leukocytes, neutrophils and lymphocytes in blood are in limits of physiological norm. However in the individual analysis of a functional state of blood at a part of patients are noted not stable cytopenic states

    Generation potential of kerogen of the Bazhenov formation and possibility of its implementation

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    Bazhenov formation is one of the most well-known and potentially productive Russian oil shale formations. However, conventional methods often do not provide oil flow rate from the formation. Therefore, in recent years, studies are devoted to development of new methods for oil production and the alternate potentials of the Bazhenov formation exploration. The article describes generation potential of kerogen, that shows the amount of hydrocarbon compounds which could form in the reservoir after a long period of time as a result of katagenesis, and the results of the thermal effect on the rock samples in the laboratory for synthetic oil production by implementing generation potential. It was shown that synthetic oil is produced by the heat of Bazhenov formation samples in a closed system during 7 days in presence of water in the temperature range from 250°C to 350°C, oil amount may reach 25 mg HC/g of rock (~3 wt.% of the sample). The maximum oil yield was at 300°C, but the composition of petroleum products varies with temperature changes. It was found that depending on the stage of katagenetic transformation duration of heating for maximum yield of hydrocarbon compounds recovery varies from a few days for inmature kerogen to two weeks for highly maturated one. It was demonstrated that secondary cracking of products, which can occur at advanced temperatures and prolonged exposure should been taken into account when optimal heating conditions are selected. Hydrocarbon systems composition analysis showed that synthetic oil is comparable with natural oil and different from the chloroform extract, and heating conditions alteration allows to control the composition of produced oil that may be promising for use in the petroleum and chemical industries. Thus, the method of synthetic crude oil production by implementation of the generation capacity of kerogen by thermal stimulation in the presence of water with 80% of generation potential released was proposed


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    The effect of industrial remediants (lignohumate) by phyto-testing on different types of soils of the Middle Urals, in the Pervouralsk copper plant area, was revealed. Soil treatment with remediants was carried out in vegetation and laboratory experiments on 15 soil samples taken from the upper soil layer (0-15 cm) of the studied soils (brown soil, sod-podzolic) in the area of contamination (copper smelter). A decrease in the toxic effect of the studied heavy metals (Cu, Zn Cd, Pb) under the action of lignohumates in soil samples with a high humus content was revealed. In humus-depleted soils, the addition of a dose of lignohumate did not significantly affect the content of the studied pollutants in them.Выявлено воздействие промышленных ремедиантов (лигногумата) методом фито-тестирования на разных типах почв Среднего Урала в районе Первоуральского медеплавильного завода. Обработка почв ремедиантами проводилась в вегетационных и лабораторных экспериментах на 15 образцах почв, отобранных из верхнего почвенного горизонта (0-15 см) исследуемых почв (бурозём, дерново-подзолистая) в районе загрязнения (медеплавильный завод). Выявлено снижение токсического эффекта исследованных тяжёлых металлов (Cu, Zn Cd, Pb) под действием лигногумата в образцах почв с высоким содержанием гумуса. В обедненных гумусом почвах добавка дозы лигногумата не оказывала существенного влияния на содержание в них исследованных поллютантов

    Modeling of hydrocarbon generation by Domanic source rock of the Timan‑Pechora basin using different kinetics of kerogen decomposition

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    Domanic Upper Devonian deposits of the Timan-Pechora petroleum province are the subject of growing scientific and practical interest from the time of its discovery (late 19th century). And, despite the considerable knowledge database on Domanic organic matter have accumulated geochemists, it still requires more detailed study. This article presents the geochemical characteristics of organic matter of Timan-Pechora Domanic source rock using Rock Eval pyrolysis and the kinetic spectra of kerogen decomposition of sedimentary deposits from different parts of the Timan-Pechora basin. The variety of Domanic kinetics by deep strata and by area of the Timan-Pechora basin were analyzed. Dependence of kinetics from sedimentation conditions is shown. Four regional (sublatitudinal and submeridional) 2D basin models were created using of geochemical results. The results of petroleum basin modelling are performed. The sensitivity study of basin models to the kinetic spectrum change was made. It is shown that use of measured Domanic kinetics instead of published in software kinetics significantly affects basin modelling results. Were estimated the volume of generated by Domanic source rock hydrocarbons with use of different kinetics (published and measured). The difference in Domanic generation between these two scenarios is about 70 Bt of oil