4 research outputs found
Low-power Renewable Possibilities for Geothermal IoT Monitoring Systems
Nowadays, humanity is facing a difficult challenge, because of sustainable energy use and production. One of the major ways to solve this problem is the usage of renewable energy as a sustainable and reliable source of electric power and heat. This trend is also obvious in the field of the Internet of Things (IoT), where research teams are increasingly focusing on renewable energy and its monitoring with IoT. This paper aims to map current research on the use of the Internet of Things with a special focus on use in geothermal applications. Information concerning renewable geothermal energy sources and individual IoT communication technologies is summarized. A basic Bluetooth iBeacon test case is also presented.漏2022 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works.fi=vertaisarvioitu|en=peerReviewed
Measurements and Elimination of the Electromagnetic Interference in Industry Environments
The paper deals with problems and research of the electromagnetic interference of the technology systems with respect to their functionality and reliability for the reconstruction or installation of modern electronics and modern control systems in the existing technologies in industrial areas. It is becoming ever more important to pay attention to problems of the safe operation of the information systems, the data and the signal flow with the lowest error rates of transmission and elimination of the negative influences of various disturbances and interference. The article describes the modern design, simulation and implementation of the measurement methods of electromagnetic interference in a renovated industrial company in the Czech Republic. Based on the evaluation of the measured parameters and waveforms of signals, measures are suggested to eliminate the electromagnetic interference for reliable operation of control systems. Moreover, the implementation of the developed mathematical simulation model for electromagnetic field is explained
Experiences with the construction of "The Research Polygon" for low potential energy acquisition from rock massive in areas of VSB - Technical University Ostrava-Poruba
Podczas wykonania i obs艂ugi poligon贸w badawczych na terenie VSB - Uniwersytet Techniczny w Ostrawie autorzy uzyskali do艣wiadczenia, kt贸re mog膮 zosta膰 wykorzystane przy przygotowywaniu podobnych obiekt贸w badawczych. Artyku艂 omawia do艣wiadczenia zdobyte przy projektowaniu i realizacji du偶ego poligonu do艣wiadczalnego wykonanego w pobli偶u Nowej Auli VSB (najwi臋kszego budynku w Republice Czeskiej ogrzewanego przy u偶yciu pomp ciep艂a) i ma艂ego poligonu do艣wiadczalnego zlokalizowanego w pobli偶u Centrum Bada Energetycznych. Oba poligony wykonano w obr臋bie campusu VSB - Uniwersytet Techniczny w Ostrawie.During realization and operating of Research Polygons in areas of VSB - Technical University of Ostrava and AGH Krak贸w authors took many experiences which can be used for next construction of similar. This article will discuss experiences from realization and construction of the Large Research Polygon near the building Nova Aula (the biggest building in the Czech Republic which use heat pumps) and Small Research Polygon near the building Research Energetic Centrum, both in campus of VSB - Technical University of Ostrava, and also the results of the similar research polygon situated in the area of Drilling, Oil-Gas Faculty AGH Krak贸w
Evaluation of influence of climate conditions on rock mass energy balance in the research area of VSB - TU Ostrava
VSB - Uniwersytet Techniczny w Ostrawie posiada unikaln膮 mo偶liwo艣膰 badania zmian temperatury w g贸rotworze dla d艂ugotrwa艂ego dzia艂ania pomp ciep艂a. Nowy budynek Audytorium jest nie tylko najwi臋kszym obiektem w Republice Czeskiej, ale tak偶e w Europie 艢rodkowej, ogrzewanym przez system pomp ciep艂a. Wraz z systemem otwor贸w technologicznych pozyskuj膮cych ciep艂o z g贸rotworu odwiercono r贸wnie偶 badawcze otwory monitoruj膮ce, kt贸re kontroluj膮 zmiany temperatury w otaczaj膮cym g贸rotworze podczas eksploatacji systemu grzewczego. System monitorowania zlokalizowany na obszarze dzia艂ania otwor贸w technologicznych nazywa si臋 Du偶ym Poligonem Badawczym. VSB-TU posiada drugi systemu badawczego nazywany Ma艂ym Poligonem Badawczym i lokalizacj膮 w pobli偶u budynku Centrum Bada艅 Energetycznych (CBE). Sk艂ada si臋 ona z dw贸ch odwiert贸w technologicznych do eksploatacji energii cieplnej przy u偶yciu pomp ciep艂a i dziewi臋ciu otwor贸w monitoruj膮cych, po艂o偶onych w pobli偶u tych dw贸ch odwiert贸w. Wszystkie odwierty wykonane na terenie obu poligon贸w badawczych wyposa偶one s膮 w czujniki, kt贸re monitoruj膮 zmiany temperatury podczas ogrzewania (pobieranie energii cieplnej z o艣rodka skalnego w zimie) i ch艂odzenia (przekazywania energii do g贸rotworu w okresie letnim). G艂贸wnym celem bada艅 jest sprawdzenie funkcjonalno艣ci i wydajno艣ci ca艂ego systemu. W artykule zaprezentowano niekt贸re aspekty zagadnie艅 pozyskiwania energii cieplnej z g贸rotworu oraz wyniki uzyskanych analiz wynikaj膮cych z monitoringu i pomiar贸w zmian temperatury w warstwach powierzchniowych g贸rotworu do g艂臋boko艣ci oko艂o 20 m.VSB - Technical University of Ostrava has a unique possibility of studying temperature changes in the rock mass for long-term operation of heat pumps. The new Auditory building is not only the biggest object heated by a system of heat pumps in the Czech Republic but also in Central Europe. Along with a system of technological boreholes recuperating the heat of the rock mass there were also performed monitoring boreholes controlling temperature changes in the surrounding rock mass during when the heating system is active. The monitoring system is localized in the area of technological wells, the so called Big Research Range. VSB-TU has another such area called Small Research Range located near the Centre for Energy Investigations. It consists of two technological wells exploiting thermal energy with heat pumps and nine monitoring wells located nearby. All wells performed within both Research Ranges are equipped with sensors monitoring temperature changes during heating (taking energy from rock medium in winter) and cooling (accumulation of energy in the rock mass in summer). The main objective of the research is checking out the functionality and efficiency of the entire system. Some aspects of thermal energy production as well as the results of analyses from the monitoring and measurement of temperature changes in surface layers of the rock mass to about 20 m of depth have been presented in the paper