55 research outputs found

    Integral method for the development of motor abilities and psycho-physiological functions in children from 2 to 4 years old

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    The aim of the work: to develop and substantiate the method of integral development of the child on the basis of the integrated application of poems about nature and imitation movements. A greater number of significant differences were found between the test scores of the children of the experimental group compared with the control group after the experimen

    The impact of Corynebacterium glucuronolyticumon semen parameters: a prospective pre-post-treatment study

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    Corynebacterium glucuronolyticum (C. glucuronolyticum) is a rare isolate that is only recently being acknowledged as a potential urogenital pathogen. The bibliographical references on this bacterial species are scarce, and its influence on all semen parameters was hitherto unknown - therefore, the aim of this study was to evaluate its effects on a range of sperm quality parameters. A prospective approach to compare semen parameters before and after treatment was used in this study. C. glucuronolyticum in semen specimens was identified using analytical profile index biotyping system (API Coryne) and additionally confirmed by matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization time-of-flight mass-spectrometry (MALDI-TOF MS), with the determination of antimicrobial susceptibility by Kirby-Bauer method. Semen analysis was performed according to the criteria from the World Health Organization (with the use of Tygerberg method of sperm morphology categorization). Very strict inclusion criteria for participants also included detailed medical history and urological evaluation. From a total of 2169 screened semen specimens, the inclusion rate for participants with C. glucuronolyticum that satisfied all the criteria was 1.01%. Antibiogram-guided treatment of the infection with ensuing microbiological clearance has shown that the resolution of the infection correlates with statistically significant improvement in the vitality of spermatozoa, but also with a lower number of neck and mid-piece defects. Parameters such as sperm count, motility and normal morphology were not affected. In addition, susceptibility testing revealed a trend towards ciprofloxacin resistance, which is something that should be considered when selecting an optimal treatment approach. Albeit it is rarely encountered as a monoisolate in significant quantities, C. glucuronolyticum may negatively influence certain sperm parameters; therefore, it has to be taken into account in the microbiological analysis of urogenital samples

    The implementation of the concept of individualization in training elite female athletes with visual impairment in the sprint

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    The aim of the work is to substantiate the application of the principles of individualization in the training of highly qualified athletes with visual impairment by the example of an elite athlete. On the basis of mathematical models, the strengths of an athlete are highlighted, which tend to develop, and also compensate for the inadequacy of the visual analyze

    Physiological and subjective indicators of reaction to physical load of female basketball players with different game roles

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    Purpose - determination of physiological and subjective parameters of reaction to physical load of female basketball players with different anthropometrical parameters. Conclusions - it is necessary to individually control and dose load in basketball. One of such control methods is subjective assessment of load’s heavines


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    This study focused on the state of stress in the aftershock areas of the strongest earthquakes registered in Tien Shanon 11 August 1974 (MS=7.3), 24 March 1978 (MS=7.1), 01 November 1978 (MS=6.8), 19 August 1992 (MS=7.3), and 05 October 2008 (MS=6.9). These earthquakes occurred in similar geodynamic conditions in the zone of the nearly N–S oriented compression caused by the India-Eurasia collision. The parameters of the state of stress were determined by Yu.L. Rebetsky method of cataclastic analysis (MCA) of displacements on faults, based on the focal mechanisms of aftershocks. In the first stage of MCA, we determined the orientations of the principal stress axes, the Lode-Nadai coefficients, and the geodynamic types of the state of stress in the study area. The stress fields reconstructed from the aftershocks of different energy levels show that the principal deviatoric stress axes pattern becomes less orderly as the magnitude of seismic events decreases. A peculiar feature of the aftershock process is the misalignment of the axes of maximum compression in the mechanisms of the weakest aftershocks and the compression axis in the focal mechanism of the main seismic event. Most of the aftershocks were recorded west of the location of the main earthquake.Изучены особенности напряженного состояния афтершоковых областей сильнейших землетрясений, зарегистрированных на территории Тянь-Шаня: 11 августа 1974 г. (Мs=7.3), 24 марта 1978 г. (MS=7.0), 1 ноября 1978 г. (MS=6.8), 19 августа 1992 г. (MS=7.3) и 5 октября 2008 г. (MS=6.9). Рассматриваемые землетрясения произошли в сходных геодинамических условиях – в зоне близмеридионального сжатия за счет Индо-Евразийской коллизии. Восстановление параметров напряженного состояния проводилось по методу катакластического анализа разрывных смещений Ю.Л. Ребецкого с использованием механизмов очагов афтершоков. В работе рассматриваются результаты первого этапа МКА, позволившего реконструировать ориентацию главных осей напряжений и такие параметры, как коэффициент Лоде – Надаи и геодинамический тип напряженного состояния. Полученные поля напряжений по афтершокам разных энергетических уровней показывают уменьшение упорядоченности осей главных девиаторных напряжений по мере уменьшения магнитуд событий. Одной из особенностей афтершокового процесса является несоосность осей максимального сжатия механизмов наиболее слабых афтершоков и оси сжатия механизма очага главного события. Основная масса афтершоков регистрируется западне

    Dynamics of psychophysiological functions and indicators of physical and technical readiness in young football players aged 12-13 and 15-16 years during a 3-month training process

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    Dynamics of psychophysiological functions and indicators of physical and technical readiness in young football players aged 12-13 and 15-16 years during a 3-month training process / Zhanneta Kozina, Marian Cretu, Danil Safronov, Ivan Gryn, Yurii Shkrebtii, Nataliya Bugayets, Tatiana Shepelenko, Andrii Tanko // Physiotherapy Quarterly. – 2019. – № 27 (3). – Р. 20-27. – DOI: https://doi.org/10.5114/pq.2019.86464Метою дослідження було дати порівняльну характеристику динаміки психофізіологічних функцій та показників фізичної та технічної підготовленості юних футболістів 12–13 та 15–16 років за період 3 місяців тренувань.The purpose of the research was to provide a comparative characteristic of the dynamics of psychophysiological functions and indicators of physical and technical readiness of young footballers aged 12–13 and 15–16 years during 3 months of training.Цель исследования – дать сравнительную характеристику динамики психофизиологических функций и показателей физической и технической подготовленности юных футболистов 12–13 и 15–16 лет за 3 месяца тренировок

    Integral development of jumping and of shot accuracy of young basketball players 12-13 years

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    Integral development of jumping and of shot accuracy of young basketball players 12-13 years / Mirosława Cieślicka, Zhanneta Kozina, Radosław Muszkieta, Vitalii Korobeinik, Danil Safronov, Nataliya Bugayets, Tatiana Shepelenko, Andrii Tanko // Journal of Physical Education and Sport – 2019. – № 19. – at. № 143. – Р. 992-1002. – DOI: https://doi.org/10.7752/jpes.2019.s3143Подано принципи комплексного розвитку швидкісно-силових якостей та стрибучості юних баскетболістів. Показано, що використання комплексної методики підготовки баскетболістів сприяло підвищенню рівня спеціальної фізичної підготовленості та ефективності кидка у стрибку. Розроблена методика позитивно впливає на взаємозв'язок показників стрибучості та точності кидків у баскетболі. Розроблена методика адекватна вирішенню завдань тренувального процесу баскетболістів і може бути рекомендована у широку практику підготовки дитячих баскетбольних команд.The principles of the integrated development of speed-power qualities and jumping ability of young basketball players are presented. It is shown that the use of an integrated methodology for preparing basketball players has contributed to an increase in the level of special physical fitness and effectiveness of a jump shot. The developed technique has a positive effect on the relationship between the indicators of jumping ability and shots accuracy in basketball. The developed technique is adequate for solving the tasks of the training process for basketball players and can be recommended to the wide practice of preparing children's basketball teamsПредставлены принципы комплексного развития скоростно-силовых качеств и прыгучести юных баскетболистов. Показано, что использование комплексной методики подготовки баскетболистов способствовало повышению уровня специальной физической подготовленности и эффективности броска в прыжке. Разработанная методика положительно влияет на взаимосвязь показателей прыгучести и точности бросков в баскетболе. Разработанная методика адекватна решению задач тренировочного процесса баскетболистов и может быть рекомендована в широкую практику подготовки детских баскетбольных коман