25 research outputs found

    Teaching a foreign language to students of non-linguistic departments in the Eurasian environment during the pandemic

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    The paper addresses the specifics of teaching a foreign language to students of non-linguistic departments in the Eurasian environment during the pandemic. There were described resource opportunities of internet technologies in teaching a foreign language to students of non-linguistic departments, including a wide range of teaching materials. Moreover, these opportunities have a motivational potential if students are given competent guidance in methodic, didactic, and technical aspects in online learning. The aim to elicit difficulties, which non-linguistic students have to face in distant learning of foreign language during the pandemic, encouraged the authors to develop a questionnaire based on the standards of the Common European Framework of Reference. This survey enabled the authors to arrive at conclusions that correlate with other researchers’ works, which allows them to determine general trends and consider them while planning their own educational products in the future. The research was conducted in the MOODLE electronic system. The authors assume that the above-mentioned electronic system is the most widespread in the Eurasian Educational Space and an efficient tool of online teaching. The specifics of the foreign language course, where the language is both a target and a means of non-linguistic learning, were determined. Basic kinds of speech activity were characterized. Moreover, ways to organize these activities with the help of internet technologies in learning were identified to facilitate overcoming certain difficulties in completing the academic course in a foreign language by non-linguistic students in distance format. It was proved that the elaboration of methodic, didactic, and technical components of distant education in teaching a foreign language to non-linguistic students during the pandemic can make distant learning an effective form of education. Thus, we underlined the practicability of introducing internet technologies in the educational process in higher educational institutions

    Research of Influence of Medication Preparations on the Process of Renewal of the Broken Equilibrium of Man Organism on the Doctor of Phytotherapy Workstation

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    In the given work by authors new approach to the exposure of degree of influencing of medications of vegetable origin in a time of renewal of broken equilibrium of man organism is offered. During realization of the given approach it is suggested to use the mathematical vehicle of

    Steganography Method Using Hartley Transform

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    Kozin A. Steganography Method Using Hartley Transform / Alexander Kozin, Olga Papkovskaya, Mariia Kozina // Modern Problems of Radio Engineering, Telecommunications, and Computer Science : XIIIth 2016 International Conference (Lviv-Slavsko, February 23 – 26, 2016). - Lviv, 2016. - p. 473 -475. = Сучасні проблеми радіоелектроніки, телекомунікацій, комп'ютерної інженерії : матеріали Міжнар. конф.TCSET’2016 ( Львів-Славсько, 23-26 лютого 2016 р.). - Львів, 2016. - с. 473-475.This paper presents the method of steganography that organizes a covert communication channel, by embedding the additional information in the frequency domain. The proposed method of embedding the additional information in the coefficients of the discrete Hartley transforms, due to unavailability of a complex data structures. It has the symmetry of the formulas the direct and the inverse transform that's why it ensures high computational efficiency in the processing of real data type

    Модель пріорітезації опорних точок у стартапах

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    Importance and useful of primary pivots prioritization is grounded. It is shown that the selection of pivots is part of the experiment to confirm or disprove the primary hypotheses about the effect of the selected parameters on the development of the project. An analytical review of the methods for primary hypotheses formulating is carried out. The disadvantages of some methods of pivots prioritizing are analyzed. The necessity of separate preparation of hypotheses having qualitative and quantitative estimations of stakeholders is considered. A model-scheme of distinguish primary pivots on a set of static and dynamic ones is developed. Possibility to change the method of prioritizing pivots in next phases of the life cycle of a startup is accented.Обґрунтовано важливість і корисність пріоритезації первинних опорних точок. Показано, що процес відбору опорних точок є частиною експерименту по обґрунтуванню або спростуванню первинних гіпотез про ефективність обраних параметрів у розвитку проекту. Виконано огляд методів формулювання первинних гіпотез. Проаналізовано недоліки методів пріоритезації опорних точок. Показана необхідність роздільної підготовки гіпотез з якісними і кількісними оцінками. Запропоновано модель-схема розрізнення первинних опорних точок на статичні і динамічні. На наступних етапах життєвого циклу стартапів можливі інші методи пріоритезації опорних точок

    Authigenic Minerals of the Derbent and South Caspian Basins (Caspian Sea): Features of Forms, Distribution and Genesis under Conditions of Hydrogen Sulfide Contamination

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    This paper presents the results of complex lithological, mineralogical, and geochemical studies of bottom sediments of deep-water basins of the Caspian Sea (Derbent and South Caspian Basins) in areas contaminated by hydrogen sulfide. In the course of complex studies, numerous manifestations of authigenic mineral formation associated with the stage of early diagenesis have been established. Authigenic minerals belonging to the groups of sulfates (gypsum, barite), chlorides (halite), carbonates (calcite, low Mg-calcite; kutnohorite), and sulfides (framboidal pyrite), as well as their forms and composition, have been identified by a complex of analytical methods (X-ray diffractometry (XRD), scanning electron microscopy (SEM) with energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS); atomic absorption spectroscopy (AAS); coulometric titration (CT)); the nature of their distribution in bottom sediments has been assessed. Carbonates and sulfates are predominant authigenic minerals in the deep-water basins of the Caspian Sea. As a part of the study, differences have been established in the composition and distribution of associations of authigenic minerals in the bottom sediments in the deep-water basins. These are mineral associations characteristic of the uppermost part of the sediments (interval 0–3 cm) and underlying sediments. In the Derbent Basin, in sediments of the interval 3–46 cm, an authigenic association is formed from gypsum, calcite, magnesian calcite, siderite, and framboidal pyrite. An association of such authigenic minerals as gypsum and calcite is formed in sediments of the 0–3 cm interval. In the South Caspian Basin, in sediments of the interval 3–35 cm, an association of such authigenic minerals as gypsum, halite, calcite, magnesian calcite, and framboidal pyrite is formed. The association of such authigenic minerals as gypsum, halite, calcite, magnesian calcite, kutnohorite, and framboidal pyrite is characteristic of sediments of the 0–3 cm interval. We consider the aridity of the climate in the South Caspian region to be the main factor that determines the appearance of such differences in the uppermost layer of sediments of the basins. Judging by the change in the composition of authigenic associations, the aridity of the South Caspian increased sharply by the time of the accumulation of the upper layer of sediments (interval 0–3 cm). Taking into account lithological, mineralogical and geochemical data, the features of the processes of authigenic mineral formation in the deep-water basins of the Caspian Sea under conditions of hydrogen sulfide contamination have been determined. Analysis of the results obtained and published data on the conditions of sedimentation in the Caspian Sea showed that hydrogen sulfide contamination recorded in the bottom layer of the water column of the deep-water basins of the Caspian Sea may affect the formation of authigenic sulfides (framboidal pyrite), sulfates (gypsum), and carbonates (calcite and kutnohorite) associated with the activity of sulfate-reducing bacteria in reducing conditions


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    Model of primary pivots’ prioritization in startups

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    Обґрунтовано важливість і корисність пріоритезації первинних опорних точок. Показано, що процес відбору опорних точок є частиною експерименту по обґрунтуванню або спростуванню первинних гіпотез про ефективність обраних параметрів у розвитку проекту. Виконано огляд методів формулювання первинних гіпотез. Проаналізовано недоліки методів пріоритезації опорних точок. Показана необхідність роздільної підготовки гіпотез з якісними і кількісними оцінками. Запропоновано модель-схема розрізнення первинних опорних точок на статичні і динамічні. На наступних етапах життєвого циклу стартапів можливі інші методи пріоритезації опорних точок

    Plasmonic Coaxial Waveguides with Complex Shapes of Cross-Sections

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    In this paper, we describe waveguide properties of new optical waveguides made of noble metals and filled with glass and air. Such waveguides are coaxial cables and differ from a conventional coaxial in the shape of their central rods. Coaxial waveguide with annular and elliptic central rods are considered. Numerical simulations demonstrate that these waveguides, having nanosize cross-section, support propagation of few comparatively low-loss modes, having phase velocity close to the speed of light and the fields localized in a small area outside a metal. We illustrate excitation of these coaxial modes by dipole-like sources