8 research outputs found

    Multitemporal analysis for preservation of obsidian sources from Melka Kunture (Ethiopia): integration of fieldwork activities, digital aerial photogrammetry and multispectral stereo-IKONOS II analysis

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    An integrated analysis of recent satellite imageries and dated aerial photos demonstrated a good investigation tool (Gallo et al., 2009) for the identification of new sites and for the assessment of landscape changes of wide archaeological areas in Ethiopia. In the Melka Kunture archaeological sequence, the obsidian exploitation represents a leitmotiv during the last 1.7 Myr and the first known example of Oldowan utilization (Piperno et al., 2009). The primary nearest obsidian source, the site of Balchit, 7 km North from Melka Kunture, is a dome-flow dated to 4.37 ± 0.07 Myr (Chernet et al. 1998). Large areas of the Balchit site are covered by secondary obsidian debris resulting from the erosion of primary sources. The proximity between primary and secondary Balchit obsidian sources and the high quality of this raw material, easily available in large quantity, represent an unique condition in the framework of the Oldowan and Acheulian East African sites (Piperno et al., 2009). In order to evaluate the human impact on the multitemporal change of obsidian sources, the land use of the study area, following the CORINE Land Cover Nomenclature, has been classified from aerial photos and IKONOS II imageries, respectively dated to 1972 and 2006. The accurate positioning of the primary and secondary sources and their extent have been measured thanks to the multispectral characteristics and to the high spatial resolution of the available imageries. Satellite scenes, covering an area of about 100 Km2, have been also utilized in stereoscopy for the creation of the new topographic map, at the scale of 1:10,000, and of the Digital Elevation Model (DEM). Images orientation has been performed through the use of Rational Polynomial Coefficients (RPC) which accuracy has been improved by the availability of Ground Control Points (GCPs) properly measured during a DGPS survey. Then, the images have been orthorectified and radiometrically and spectrally enhanced in order to favour the recognition of obsidian presence, in respect with ground observations collected during fieldworks. Photointerpretation and semi-automatic classification processes of images have been performed with the support of spectral signatures of obsidian samples recorded by a FieldSpec Pro spectroradiometer, ranging in the visible-short wave infrared electromagnetic interval (0.4-2.5 µm)

    Multitemporal study of obsidian exploitation from Melka Kunture (Ethiopia) through digital photogrammetry and multispectral stereo-IKONOS II

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    Obsidian exploitation represents a leitmotiv of the Melka Kunture sequence during the last 1.7 Myr and the first exampIe of Oldowan exploitation of this raw material. The primary nearest obsidian source, Balchit, 7 km north from Melka Kunture, is a domo-flow dated to 4.37 ± 0.07 Myr and visible at the surface thanks to wide areas of dispersion and outcrops. The proximity of primary and secondary BaIchit obsidian sources, a high quality of raw material easi1y available in large quantity, represents an unique situation of the Oldowan and Acheulian East African sites, one of the few African geographical areas with high obsidian sources. In order to evaluate the human impact on the multitemparal change detection of obsidian outcrops from aerial photos and IKONOS II imageries, respectively dated al !he 1972 and 2006, the land use interpretation following the CORINE land cover Nomenclature have been produced. The precise localization and the measure of their superficial extension have been possible due to the utilization of aerial photos and of couples of recent satellite stereoscopic IKONOS II imageries at a high spatial resolution (1 m). These last have been also utilized for the creation of the new topographic map of the area (l00km2) at a scale of 1: 10,000 and of the Digital Elevation Model. The images, geometrically corrected and oriented thanks to Ground Control Points measured in site through a DGPS survey, have been radiometrically and spectrally corrected in order to permit the recognition of obsidian accumulation, in respect with ground truths collected during fieldworks. The' individuation of the obsidian outcrops and dispersion areas, has been done thanks to the high spatial resolution and the multispectral character of the satellite imageries. Image spectral and spatial enhancements have been applied to the scenes, while automatic classification of multispectral orthoikonos have been aided by spectral analysis carried out on obsidian samples by the FieldSpecPro spectroradiometer, ranging in the 0.4-2.5 11m electromagnetic interval

    Safeguard of archaeological heritage in Ethiopia: satellite photogrammetry for the archaeological map of Melka Kunture Palaeolithic site

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    Melka Kunture (Ethiopia) represents one of the most important Palaeolithic archaeological site of the African world. To protect and to safeguard this cultural heritage, advanced technologies such as the satellite photogrammetry and the Geographic Information Systems (GIS) have been applied. The use of IKONOS II stereoscopic images and ground control points from a DGPS survey allowed the creation of the new topographic-archaeological map of Melka Kunture at a scale of 1:10,000. This map will constitute an useful tool for the preservation of several archaeological sites spread over a 100km² area. Moreover, thanks to the creation of full threedimensional data, spatial analyses on archaeological and palaeo-environmental data in respect with palaeo-geography have been executed

    O processo erosivo na Bacia do Alto Paraguai

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    O Pantanal Matogrossense pode ser subdividido nas províncias fisiográficas de Planaltos, Pantanais e Morrarias, com feições geológicas, geomorfológicas, hidrológicas e pedológicas distintas. Nos Planaltos, grandes extensões de florestas e cerrado sofreram desflorestamento e foram substituídas por atividades agropecuárias, a partir dos anos 70. Como conseqüência, o processo erosivo sofreu uma grande aceleração, levando à perda de grandes porções de terras produtivas e assoreamentos na bacia do Pantanal. O objetivo deste trabalho é avaliar as modificações do uso e ocupação do solo nos últimos trinta anos e suas conseqüências no processo erosivo da região. A análise foi feita em três diferentes momentos: 1966, 1985 e 1996, fazendo-se uso de imagens de satélite TM 5 e de cartas topográficas do IBGE em escala 1: 250.000. Quatro áreas-piloto foram selecionadas para estudos mais detalhados: bacia do rio Taquarizinho, na parte leste da área; região de Pedro Gomes, nas proximidades da divisa dos estados de Mato Grosso e Mato Grosso do Sul; bacias do rios Arica-Açu e Arica-Mirim, na parte norte da bacia e a Chapada do rio Correntes/ Itiquira. Nas três primeiras áreas, foi feito o cálculo de perdas de solos por erosão laminar através do emprego da Equação Universal de Perdas de Solo, em ambiente SIG. Os resultados obtidos colocam em evidência a dinâmica ambiental ocorrida na região, nos últimos trinta anos. THE EROSION PROCESS ON ALTO PARAGUAI WATERSHED Abstract The Pantanal Matogrossense can be subdivided into three physiographic provinces, Planaltos, Pantanais and Morrarias, characterized by peculiar geologic, geomorphologic, hydrologic and pedologic features. On the Planaltos province, large extensions of florestas and cerrados, have been submitted to deforestation and were replaced by farming and cattle raising activities from the 70´s years. In the process of transformation, the deforestation is normally done by burnt or extracted trees with the use of weight agricultural machines. As a consequence of that activity, the erosive process suffered a great acceleration, taking to loss portions of productive lands and flooding of low areas in the Pantanal basin (figure 1). The aim of the present paper is to evaluate the changes on the use and occupation of the soil in the last thirty years and theirs consequences on the erosive process of the region. It has been analyzed in three different moments : 1966, 1985 and 1996 (figures 2 and 5). Statistical analysis of multitemporal data base were carried out to compare the land cover changes in these provinces. The 66´s data was available from the DSG/IBGE (Geographic Division of Brazilian Army and Brazilian Institute for Geography and Statistics); the 1985 and 1996 data have been obtained from Landsat TM images interpretation. Four pilot areas were chosen for detailed study: the Taquarizinho basin, located southern from Coxim (figure 6 and tables 1, 2 and 3), the Arica-Açu and Arica-Mirim basins (figures 7 and 8), on the northern part of Alto Paraguai Basin, the Pedro Gomes region (figures 9 and 10 and table 4) and the rio Correntes / Itiquira Chapada (figures 11, 12 and 13). The laminar erosion on the first three areas was calculated with the application of the Universal Soil Loss Equation, aided by Geographic Information System and Remote Sensing techniques. The results obtained put in evidence the environmental dynamic occurred on the Pantanal region in the last thirty years