162 research outputs found

    Interaction of nitrophenols with lipids at the air/water interface.

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    The uptake of ortho and para nitrophenol to charged and neutral lipid monolayers spread at the air/solution interface was studied by reflection spectroscopy. The adsorption characteristics of the two nitrophenols have been studied by measuring the surface pressure and surface potential as a function of molecular area of the different lipid monolayers in the presence of nitrophenols in the subphase. The results have been interpreted in terms of the electrostatic interaction between the negatively charged dissociated phenolate ions and the positively charged head group of dioctadecyldimethylammonium bromide monolayers

    Višezonski model izgaranja u hcci-motoru primjenom kemijske kinetike

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    S obzirom na sve veće zahtjeve koji se postavljaju na motore s unutarnjim izgaranjem, posebno u pogledu smanjenja emisija štetnih produkata izgaranja i potrošnje goriva, pored usavršavanja postojećih procesa izgaranja intenzivno se radi na razvoju novih procesa. Jedan od tih procesa je i tzv. izgaranje homogene smjese s kompresijskim paljenjem (HCCI), koji je tema ovoga rada u kome je za njega razvijen višezonski simulacijski model. Model zbog pristupa rješavanja problema spada u tzv. bezdimenzionalne proračune, a prostorna raznolikost koja se javlja u cilindru simulira se većim brojem zona u kojima se izračunavaju različita stanja. Model se temelji na jednadžbama termodinamike i kemijske kinetike pa se stoga može reći da je termokinetički. Pored kemijske kinetike model uključuje međusobnu izmjenu topline između zona u dodiru, te izmjenu topline između rubnih zona i stijenki cilindra. Postavljeni sustav diferencijalnih jednadžbi uključuje sve zone istovremeno, pa se stoga rješavanjem takvog sustava dobiva rješenje koje nije potrebno korigirati. Osim toga simulacijski model uključuje i izmjenu mase između zona, koja se izračunava posebno razvijenim modelom, u bezvremenskom području. Ispitivanje modela pokazalo je da se on može koristiti na više načina. S jedne strane model se može koristiti za izračunavanje općih fizikalnih veličina kao što su promjene tlaka, temperature, brzine oslobađanja topline itd. Pri tome se ove veličine mogu s dosta velikom točnošću izračunati i bez posebnog podešavanja proračunskih konstanti modela, u cijelom području rada HCCI motora. Pored ovih značajki moguće je izračunavati i emisije štetnih produkata izgaranja, a pregledom promjena sastava u pojedinim zonama moguće je analizirati izvore emisija, te moguće načine njihova smanjenja. Iako je točnost izračunavanja emisija i bez posebnog podešavanja proračunskih konstanti bila dosta dobra, pokazalo se da se njihovim podešavanjem ta točnost može još povećati. Daljnjom analizom rezultata pokazano je da bi budući razvoj ovoga modela trebao ići u smjeru povećanja broja zona, uz razvoj modela za izmjenu topline i modeliranje proračunskih konstanti

    Investigation of Sea-surface Microlayer and Phytoplankton Culture Samples by Monolayer Techniques and Brewster Angle Microscopy

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    Natural samples of sea-surface microlayer and phytoplankton culture samples have been studied by monolayer techniques and by Brewster angle microscopy (BAM). Surface pressure-area (π-A) and surface potential-area (ΔV-A) isotherms have been measured. Simultaneously BAM video images have been recorded. The π-A isotherms, as well as BAM images of monolayers of dipalmitoyl phosphatidylcholine (DPPC), dimyristoylphosphatidic acid (DMPA) and dioctadecyldimethyl ammonium bromide (DOMA) spread on an aqueous subphase containing a sample of phytoplankton culture show that surface active substances released by phytoplankton influence molecular organization as well as domain morphology of the lipid monolayers. The sea-surface microlayer sample spread at the air/water interface exhibits the characteristics of a liquid expanded phase without undergoing a phase transition. The BAM images taken from this film depend on surface pressure, showing at low surface pressures liquid condensed domains surrounded by a liquid expanded phase, and at higher surface densities only a liquid condensed phase

    Numerical Investigation of Injection Timing Influence on Fuel Slip and Influence of Compression Ratio on Knock Occurrence in Conventional Dual Fuel Engine

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    Compressed natural gas can be used in diesel engine with great benefits, but because of its low reactivity it is usually used in a so called dual fuel combustion process. Optimal parameters for dual fuel engines are not yet investigated thoroughly which is the motivation for this work. In this work, a numerical study performed in a cycle simulation tool (AVL Boost v2013) on the influence of different injection timings on fuel slip into exhaust and influence of compression ratio on knock phenomena in port injected dual fuel engine was conducted. The introduction of natural gas into the intake port of a diesel engine usually results in some fuel slipping into the exhaust port due to valve overlap. By analysing the simulation results, the injection strategy that significantly decreases the natural gas slip is defined. The knock occurrence study showed that the highest allowed compression ratio that will result in knock free operation of the presented engine is 18 for ambient intake condition, while for charged intake conditions the compression ratio should be lowered to 16

    Investigation of Sea-surface Microlayer and Phytoplankton Culture Samples by Monolayer Techniques and Brewster Angle Microscopy

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    Natural samples of sea-surface microlayer and phytoplankton culture samples have been studied by monolayer techniques and by Brewster angle microscopy (BAM). Surface pressure-area (π-A) and surface potential-area (ΔV-A) isotherms have been measured. Simultaneously BAM video images have been recorded. The π-A isotherms, as well as BAM images of monolayers of dipalmitoyl phosphatidylcholine (DPPC), dimyristoylphosphatidic acid (DMPA) and dioctadecyldimethyl ammonium bromide (DOMA) spread on an aqueous subphase containing a sample of phytoplankton culture show that surface active substances released by phytoplankton influence molecular organization as well as domain morphology of the lipid monolayers. The sea-surface microlayer sample spread at the air/water interface exhibits the characteristics of a liquid expanded phase without undergoing a phase transition. The BAM images taken from this film depend on surface pressure, showing at low surface pressures liquid condensed domains surrounded by a liquid expanded phase, and at higher surface densities only a liquid condensed phase

    Formation of complex Langmuir and Langmuir-Blodgett films of water soluble rosebengal

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    This communication reports the formation of complex Langmuir monolayer at the air-water interface by charge transfer types of interaction with the water soluble N- cetyl N, N, N trimethyl ammonium bromide (CTAB) molecules doped with rosebengal (RB), with the stearic acid (SA) molecules of a preformed SA Langmuir monolayer. The reaction kinetics of the formation of RB-CTAB-SA complex monolayer was monitored by observing the increase in surface pressure with time while the barrier was kept fixed. Completion of interaction kinetics was confirmed by FTIR study. This complex Langmuir films at the air-water interface was transferred onto solid substrates at a desired surface pressure to form multilayered Langmuir-Blodgett films. Spectroscopic characterizations reveal some molecular level interactions as well as formation of microcrystalline aggregates depending upon the molar ratios of CTAB and RB within the complex LB films. Presence of two types of species in the complex LB films was confirmed by fluorescence spectroscopy.Comment: 13 pages, figures

    Development of a two zone turbulence model and its application to the cycle-simulation

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    The development of a two zone k-ε turbulence model for the cycle-simulation software is presented. The in-cylinder turbulent flow field of internal combustion engines plays the most important role in the combustion process. Turbulence has a strong influence on the combustion process because the convective deformation of the flame front as well as the additional transfer of the momentum, heat and mass can occur. The development and use of numerical simulation models are prompted by the high experimental costs, lack of measurement equipment and increase in computer power. In the cycle-simulation codes, multi zone models are often used for rapid and robust evaluation of key engine parameters. The extension of the single zone turbulence model to the two zone model is presented and described. Turbulence analysis was focused only on the high pressure cycle according to the assumption of the homogeneous and isotropic turbulent flow field. Specific modifications of differential equation derivatives were made in both cases (single and two zone). Validation was performed on two engine geometries for different engine speeds and loads. Results of the cyclesimulation model for the turbulent kinetic energy and the combustion progress variable are compared with the results of 3D-CFD simulations. Very good agreement between the turbulent kinetic energy during the high pressure cycle and the combustion progress variable was obtained. The two zone k-ε turbulence model showed a further progress in terms of prediction of the combustion process by using only the turbulent quantities of the unburned zone