414 research outputs found

    Drug-resistant human immunodefiency virus

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    AbstractThe development of antiretroviral therapy has led to a major reduction in human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)-related mortality. There are now six antiretroviral drug classes, with more than 20 unique antiretroviral drugs. However, HIV drug resistance occurs with all antiretroviral agents. Drug resistance can affect the response to antiretroviral therapy and is associated with increased mortality. The emergence of resistance in persons on antiretroviral therapy and the transmission of drug-resistant HIV strains to newly infected persons are now major public health concerns. Resistant variants that make up as little as 1% of the viral population in an HIV-infected person are clinically important, as they can rapidly grow under drug selection pressure and lead to therapy failure. However, current resistance assays used in the clinic reliably detect resistant variants only if they make up at least 20% of the circulating viral population. Recently, antiretroviral drugs have been developed that can inhibit HIV replication at new sites within the viral life cycle. These new drugs may improve clinical outcomes in persons infected with multidrug-resistant HIV. This review addresses the epidemiology and biological mechanisms of HIV drug resistance and the new approaches to detect and combat HIV drug resistance


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    Background: Social communication disorders are a common outcome from traumatic brain injury (TBI). This social communication disorder can be seen through impolite speech acts during conversation. While politeness is a social norm for workplace discourse, instances of impoliteness may have poor consequences. This research explores the use of impoliteness in persons with TBI within computer generated work-based conditions. Methods: Language samples from the Voicemail Elicitation Task (VET) and Feedback/Advice Spoken Task (FAST) were transcribed word-for-word. Transcripts from all 62 participants were coded for impoliteness using a developed Impoliteness Codebook and were analyzed to identify significant differences in the number of impoliteness and politeness markers between TBI participants and controls. Results: The 37 TBI participants demonstrated a total of 27 instances of impoliteness, across 11 different codes. The 25 control participants demonstrated a total of only 6 instances of impoliteness, across on 4 different codes. There was no demonstrated relationship between politeness markers per minute (PMpM) and the presence of impoliteness. The insignificance of these findings may be attributed to the small sample size of this pilot study. Discussion: It is evident from this pilot study that there are a higher number of instances of impoliteness, as well as more variety in the types of codes, in the TBI participants. It is apparent that it is less about the number of impolite speech acts of those within the workplace, but more about the severity of the speech acts themselves that would have greater significance clinically and in the workplace

    The Body of Christ as Community: Does a Patriarchal Hierarchy Make Sense for the Body of Christ?

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    This paper examines what it means to be Church. It looks briefly at the idea of what was Church prior to Vatican II and then addresses the vision of Vatican II’s Church by looking at the document Lumen Gentium. It then turns to the 2014 document Sensus Fedei, which builds upon some of the discussion of the People of God. Richard Gaillardetz offers an important vision of Vatican II and a model of the noncompetitive church. While pneumatology is not the main focus, it can hardly be avoided as Lumen Gentium is filled with references to the working of the Holy Spirit when discussing the Church. The paper takes a feminist approach to better understand what is meant by the People of God and the Body of Christ as developed in the council. The concern is that this model of Church offered in Lumen Gentium is both patriarchal and hierarchal and is not life-giving to the Body of Christ. Ultimately, the model of the Trinity as perichōrēsis, relationship, provides a way to envision Church in a noncompetitive model which will speak to the entire people of God

    Design of an Opposed-piston, Opposed-stroke Diesel Engine for Use in Utility Aircraft

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    The objective of this thesis was to determine the feasibility of using an opposed-piston, opposed-stroke, diesel engine in utility aircraft. Utility aircraft are aircraft that have a maximal takeoff weight of 12,500lbs. These aircraft are often used for transportation of cargo and other goods. In order to handle that weight, many of the aircraft are powered by turboprop engines. Turboprop engines are a style of jet engine with power capabilities ranging from 500 to several thousand horsepower (hp). They are expensive engines, and in the case of the Piper Mirage, substituting the piston engine with a turboprop engine can increase the cost of the aircraft by $1million. In order to reduce the price tag, a piston-powered, propeller engine is desired. Currently, however, most modern piston driven aircraft engines max out around 400hp. The Piper Mirage referenced has a power output of 350hp. Because of this, it was necessary to see if an opposed-piston, opposed-stroke, diesel engine would be able to increase the power output in order to compete with the turboprop engine. The Foundation for Applied Aviation Technology determined that the minimum power output of an opposed-piston, opposed-stroke diesel engine should be 800hp at takeoff at an engine speed of 3600 revolutions per minute (rpm). Opposed-piston, opposed-stroke diesel engines have been used previously in aircraft and perhaps most famously in the Junkers Jumo 205 and 207 engines built in the 1940s. Both of these were opposed-piston, opposed-stroke, diesel engines that generated between 700 and 1000hp at takeoff. However, the Junkers engines were large engines used in large multi-engine aircraft. This thesis determines that the required size for an engine of this output can be reduced by 25% compared to the Junkers engine with a potential weight savings of up to 500lb, a better specific fuel consumption, and a greater power output of over 1200hp

    Communication from Afar : The Role of Subversive Mail Art During the Argentine Dirty War, 1976-1983

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    This paper analyzes the role of mail art by Argentine mail artists Edgardo Antonio Vigo and Graciela Gutiérrez Marx in subverting Argentine fascism and censorship during the Argentine Dirty War from 1976 to 1983. La Guerra Sucia, or “the Dirty War,” was a seven-year period of right-wing military dictatorship in Argentina, following a coup on 24 March 1976, against the government of President Isabel Perón. The U.S. coordinated with the junta and the Argentine Anticommunist Alliance, or Triple A, and the dictatorship “disappeared” and tortured thousands of so-called enemies of the state. Meanwhile, American and Argentine artists maintained fluid communications, empowering resistance to the regime. Vigo and Marx created the boldest work of Argentine mail art with wide distribution in the form of an “artistamp”, helping spread awareness of the disappearance of Vigo’s son, Abel Luis. By using the postal system as a means of communication with the outside world, Marx and Vigo informed other civilians about the disappeared peoples of Argentina and spread anti-nationalist and anti-government ideology. By taking a closer look at Vigo and Marx’s mail art correspondence with Ohio mail artist Harley Francis, this paper investigates mail art as an understudied aspect of lower-level international political resistance against the Argentine military regime

    Geschenke, Tribute und Handelswaren im Hethiterreich. Eine Bestandsaufnahme am Fallbeispiel Hattusa

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    Destruction and Solution

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    Artist Portfoli

    A Discussion of the origin and the Distribution Patterns of Red Lustrous Wheel-made Ware in Anatolia: Cultural Connections across the Taurus and Amanus Mountains

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    Red Lustrous Wheel-made Ware is a widely distributed ware and shows cultural connections between different regions and sites of the Eastern Mediterranean. Its origin being not clarified, the overall analysis cannot be elucidated fully in its Eastern Mediterranean context. Recent studies at Kilise Tepe in Rough Cilicia, Kinet Höyük in Plain Cilicia and Alalakh in the Amuq Valley by the author yielded new results, which open a new perspective in understanding the distribution of the ware in Anatolia and in the Amuq Valley. In this article different cultural regions of Anatolia (Central Anatolia, Rough Cilicia and Plain Cilicia) and the Amuq Valley will be compared in terms of typology. An updated examination of the shapes in Anatolia and the Amuq Valley will be a step forward in contributing to the solution of the problems concerning the origin of this very specific ware
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