22 research outputs found

    Chemical and phycological structure of surface microlayer and subsurface water in a southern Baltic Sea estuary

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    The surface microlayer of water (SML) is a unique ecotone found on all water bodies. It is an interphase for the exchange of matter between the hydrosphere and the atmosphere. This ecotone is capable of accumulating chemicals and microorganisms in amounts as high as 100-fold greater than those observed in the pelagic zone. Here we report on the accumulation of chemicals and phytoneuston in the SML of the estuarial Łebsko Lake located at the southern coast of the Baltic Sea in the unpolluted region of the World Biosphere Reserve: the Słowínski National Park in Poland. The physicochemical parameters and phytoplankton composition from the SML (thickness of 242± 40μm) were compared with those in subsurface water layers (SUB; 15 cm under the surface). A wide spectrum of chemical and microbiological analyses was performed to investigate the capacity to accumulate substances. Almost all analyzed trace metals (Al, Cr, Mn, Fe, Ni, Cu, Zn, As, Cd, Ba, Pb), biogenic substances such as forms of phosphorus and nitrogen as well as chlorophyll a, pheophytin, and heterotrophic bacteria were detected at higher levels in SML than in SUB. Also, a greater number of taxa and higher abundance and biomass of phytoplankton were found in SML than in SUB. In contrast, some chemical parameters such as salinity components (Cl–, SO2– 4, Na+, K+, Mg2+, Ca2+) as well as pH occurred at a comparable level in SML and SUB. Physicochemical factors such as components of salinity in freshwater, brackish, and marine areas determined taxonomic composition, abundance, and biomass of phytoplankton and phytoneuston. Canonical correspondence analysis indicated the most significant chemical factors, such as nutrients and essential metals, affecting phytoplankton composition in the analyzed water layers. The degree of water salinity, chemical components such as metals, nutrients of water, and lotic and lentic environments influenced the qualitative and quantitative parameters of the phytoplankton and phytoneuston; hence, the common occurrence of resistant species such as Desmodesmous communis in the studied estuary and those characteristic of freshwater occurring only in the river stand, e. g., Woronichinia naegeliana and, for example, Chaetoceros decipiens occurring only in the sea


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    Perfusion lung scintigraphy for the prediction of postoperative residual pulmonary function in patients with lung cancer

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    BACKGROUND: Accurate prediction of postoperative pulmonary function in patients with non-small cell lung cancer is crucial for proper qualification for surgery, the only effective therapeutic method. The aim of the study was to select the most accurate method for acquisition and processing of lung perfusion scintigraphy (LPS) combined with spirometry for prediction of postoperative pulmonary function in patients qualified for surgery. MATERIAL AND METHODS: LPS was performed in 70 patients (40 males, 30 females), with preoperative spirometry (mean FEV1preop = 2.26 ± 0.72 L), after administration of 185 MBq of 99mTc-microalbumin/macroaggregate, using planar (appa) and SPECT/CT methods. Predicted postoperative lung function (FEV1pred) was calculated as a part of active lung parenchyma to remain after surgery. A non-imaging segment counting method was also applied. FEV1pred(appa, SPECT, SPECT/CT, segm.) were further compared with actual FEV1postop values obtained from postoperative spirometry. RESULTS: In the whole studied group (47 lobectomies, 23 pneumonectomies) mean value of FEV1postop was equal to 1.76 (± 0.56) L. FEV1pred(appa, SPECT, SPECT/CT, segm.) were equal to 1.75 (± 0.58) L, 1.71 (± 0.57) L, 1.72 (± 0.57) L and 1.57 (± 0.58) L, respectively. A segment counting method systematically lowered predicted FEV1 values (p < 10–5). Moreover, in 31 patients with FEV1preop < 2 L error of predicted values was assessed with Bland-Altman method. Mean absolute differences FEV1postop – FEV1pred amounted to: appa — (0.04 ± 0.13) L, SPECT — (0.07 ± 0.14) L, SPECT/CT — (0.06 ± 0.14) L and segm. — (0.21 ± 0.19) L, respectively. Lower limit of 95% confidence interval calculated for planar — optimal method, was equal to –220 mL (also determined separately in subgroups after lobectomy and pneumonectomy). CONCLUSIONS: This study shows that planar LPS may be applied for prediction of postoperative pulmonary function in patients qualified for pneumonectomy and lobectomy. If actual FEV1postop value is to be ≥ 800 mL, predicted value should exceed 1000 mL

    Kidney transplantation in a patient with congenital anomalies of the lower urinary tract: difficult decisions — case study and review of literature

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    Warunkiem udanego przeszczepienia nerki (PN) jest zapewnienie swobodnego odpływu moczu. W przypadku wrodzonych wad dróg moczowych (DM) konieczne jest usunięcie barier anatomicznych. W razie nieskuteczności postępowania przeprowadza się zabiegi urologiczne jednoczasowo z PN. W pracy przedstawiono opis przypadku pacjenta po licznych zabiegach urologicznych od wczesnego dzieciństwa z powodu wad wrodzonych DM, u którego podczas procedury kwalifikacji do PN nie udało się zacewnikować pęcherza moczowego (PM). Zaproponowano wówczas odprowadzenie moczu przez wytworzenie pętli Brickera podczas zabiegu PN lub cystostomię nadłonową, a następnie kalibrację cewki moczowej. W dniu transplantacji chory domagał się podjęcia próby odprowadzenia moczu po PN drogą naturalną. Podczas zabiegu operacyjnego dokonano udanej próby zacewnikowania PM cewnikiem Tiemanna 10. Okres pooperacyjny był powikłany opóźnioną czynnością NP oraz wytworzeniem krwiaka okołonerkowego. Przeprowadzono ewakuację krwiaka oraz jednoczasową biopsję otwartą NP. W badaniu histopatologicznym bioptatu stwierdzono cechy ostrego uszkodzenia nabłonka cewkowego (ATN). W USG obserwowano poszerzenie miedniczki oraz kielichów NP. Dwukrotnie wykonano zabieg uretrotomii oraz rewizję zespolenia moczowodowo-pęcherzowego, wykluczając zwężenie moczowodu. Obecnie pacjent, po ponad 24 miesiącach po PN, pozostaje pod kontrolą Poradni Transplantacji Nerek w Olsztynie ze stabilną funkcją NP (stężenie kreatyniny 1,3 mg%) i bez epizodów infekcji dróg moczowych.Successful kidney transplantation (KT) is conditioned by a free flow of urine. In the case of patients with congenital anomalies of the urinary tract (UT) it is necessary to first correct anatomical barriers. If previous treatment is ineffective, KT is performed simultaneously with corrective surgeries. This report presents a case study of a patient who had undergone many urologic corrective procedures since early childhood due to UT congenital anomalies. During the patient’s qualification for KT, the catheterization of the bladder was unsuccessful. Consequently, it was suggested that the urine flow should be obtained by means of a Bricker’s loop created during the KT procedure or a suprapubic cystostomy, followed by urethral calibration. On the day of the transplantation procedure, the patient demanded an attempt to be undertaken to ensure a natural urine flow after KT. During the surgical procedure, the bladder was successfully catheterized with a Tiemann 10 catheter. Post-operative complications included a delayed graft function and the development of renal hematoma. The hematoma was removed and an open graft biopsy was performed simultaneously. A histopathology report of the biopsy tissue revealed features of the acute tubular necrosis (ATN). A USG examination detected pyelocalycectasis of the grafted kidney. Urethrotomy was performed twice and a revision of the ureterocystotomy was necessary to eliminate ureterostenosis. Presently, above 24 months after the KT, the patient is controlled by the Kidney Transplantation Centre in Olsztyn. The graft function is stable (creatinine level: 1.3 mg%), no episodes of urinary tract infections have occurred. The patient requires further close clinical control

    SOLARIS National Synchrotron Radiation Centre in Krakow, Poland

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    The SOLARIS synchrotron located in Krakow, Poland, is a third-generation light source operating at medium electron energy. The first synchrotron light was observed in 2015, and the consequent development of infrastructure lead to the first users’ experiments at soft X-ray energies in 2018. Presently, SOLARIS expands its operation towards hard X-rays with continuous developments of the beamlines and concurrent infrastructure. In the following, we will summarize the SOLARIS synchrotron design, and describe the beamlines and research infrastructure together with the main performance parameters, upgrade, and development plans

    Przypadek urazowego oderwania oskrzela płata środkowego

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    Phytoneuston and Chemical Composition of Surface Microlayer of Urban Water Bodies

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    The concentration of chemical and biological parameters in the ecotone of the surface microlayer (SML) occurring between the hydrosphere and the atmosphere of urban water bodies was investigated. Parallel, sub-surface water (SUB) analyses were carried out to compare the SML properties with the water column. The concentrations of trace metals, macronutrients, nutrients, chlorophyll a, pheophytin, abundance and biomass of phytoplankton and the number of heterotrophic bacteria in both studied layers were analyzed. Each of the studied groups of chemical parameters was characterized by specific properties of accumulation. Trace metals occurring in concentrations below 1 ppm, such as Al, Ba, Cd, Cr, Cu, Fe, Mn, Ni, Zn and metalloid As, were accumulated to a higher degree in SML than in SUB. Macroelement concentrations, with the exception of Mg, were lower in the SML compared to the SUB. Nutrients, autotrophic and heterotrophic microorganisms occurred in the SML to a higher degree than in the SUB. Bacillariophyceae dominated the analyzed water bodies, which are typical for the spring period, as well as Chrysophyceae, Chlorophyceae, Dinophyceae and Euglenophyceae. Cyanobacteria dominated in one of the ponds. The abundance of individual phytoplankton groups was significantly correlated with Ca, K, Na, P-org, SO42−, F−, Al and Sr

    Congenital pulmonary arterio-venous fistula coexisting with atrial septal defect - a case report

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    Abstract: A case of a 26-year-old patient with a long-lasting history of reduced physical capacity and cyanosis of the distal parts of the limbs is presented. An atrial septal defect of ostium secundum type was detected by echocardiography. However, because the defect was small and the blood shunt was not significant, other causes which might explain clinical symptoms, polyglobulia and hypoxaemia were investigated. Chest X-ray and computerised tomography revealed the presence of pulmonary arterio-venous fistula. The patient underwent surgery which relieved symptoms. Diagnostic difficulties in patients with this condition are discussed

    Transthoracic versus transhiatal esophagectomy – influence on patient survival

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    Aim: To evaluate the survival of patients after surgery of the esophagus/cardia using the transthoracic and transhiatal methods. Material and methods : In the years 2007–2011, 102 patients were radically treated for cancer of the esophagus/cardia: 24 women and 78 men at the average age of 59.5. There were 38 transthoracic procedures and 64 transhiatal procedures. All patients had a conduit made from the stomach, led through lodges in the esophagus and combined with the stump of the esophagus in the neck following the Collard method. Two-pole lymphadenectomies were performed in all patients. Results: Patients after transthoracic procedures had statistically more (p < 0.05) lymph nodes removed than patients after transhiatal procedures. The 5-year survival rates in transhiatal and transthoracic procedures did not statistically differ, being 8% and 0% respectively. The length of patient survival was influenced by metastases in the nearby lymph nodes (p < 0.0001) and the presence of adenocarcinoma. Conclusions : Surgical access (transhiatal and transthoracic surgery) does not affect the 5-year survival rates. Transhiatal surgery allows a greater number of lymph nodes to be removed. The main factor influencing the 5-year survival rate is the presence of metastases in the nearby lymph nodes