43 research outputs found

    A faunistic study on aquatic Coleoptera (Helophoridae: Hydrophilidae) species in Elazığ province,

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    Abstract.-In this study, we have recorded 46 species and one subspecies of aquatic Coleoptera (Helophoridae: Hydrophilidae) belonging to 14 genera (Helophorus, Paracymus, Anacaena, Berosus, Chaetarthria, Enochrus, Helochares, Hydrobius, Hydrochara, Laccobius, Cymbiodyta, Coelostoma, Cercyon and Cryptopleurum) based on the inventories conducted between 2011-2012 in Elazığ province of Turkey. Of these, Cryptopleurum crenatum (Kugelann 1794) has been newly recorded for the Hydrophilidae fauna of Eastern Anatolia region. In addition, all species of Helophoridae and Hydrophilidae (except Berosus spinosus (Steven, 1808)) were new records for the Coleoptera fauna of Elazığ

    Remarkable Increase in the Prevalence of Overweight and Obesity Among School Age Children in Antalya, Turkey, Between 2003 and 2015

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    Objective:Childhood obesity (OB) is an acknowledged global problem with increasing prevalence reported around the world. We conducted this study with the aim of determining the local trend in OB and overweight (OW) prevalence in the last decade and to observe the alteration of OB and OW prevalence by age group. An additional aim was to construct new age- and gender-specific body mass index (BMI) reference percentile charts for Turkish children living in the city center of Antalya.Methods:This cross-sectional study included 1687 school aged children. International Obesity Task Force guidelines were used to determine the OB and OW prevalence. OW was defined as a BMI between 85th and 95th percentile, and OB >95th percentile. The data were compared with a previous study carried out in the same region in 2003. The least mean square method was used to construct the BMI reference percentile charts.Results:The prevalence rates for OB and OW were 9.8% and 23.2%, respectively, with a combined OW/OB rate of 33%. OB prevalence was higher in boys than girls (p<0.05). The prevalence of combined OW/OB was highest at age 9-10 years. The prevalence of OB has increased 2.9 times during twelve years in this location.Conclusion:Comparing the current findings with rates of OW and OB in the previous decade, childhood OB in Antalya has reached alarming levels. Urgent measures integrated into the national education system should be taken to prevent OB. In addition more surveillance studies should be planned to show the future trend of OB prevalence nationally

    Helminth fauna of some fish species in Enne Dam Lake (Kütahya)

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    Araştırma 1998-2000 yıllarında gerçekleştirilmiş olup, bu amaçla araştırma bölgesinde tespit edilen 6 değişik istasyondan aylık periyotlar halinde olmak üzere balık örnekleri toplanmıştır. Araştırma sonucu Monogenea'dan 5 (Dactylogyrus fraternus, Dactylogyrus alatus, Dactylogyrus anchoratus, Gyrodactylus katharineri ve Diplozoon homoion), Digenea'dan 1 (Allocreadium isoporum), Cestoda'dan 3 (Bothirocephalus acheilognathi, Ligula intestinalis, Biacetabulum appendiculatum), Nematoda'dan 2 (Contracaecum sp., Philometra ovata), ve Acantocephala'dan da 1 türün (Pomphorhynchus laevis) bulunduğu tespit edilmiştir. Araştırma süresince tespit edilen bu türlerden, Dactylogyrus fraternus, D. alatus D. anchoratus, Gyrodactylus katharineri (Monogenea), Allocreadium isoporum (Digenea) Biacetabulum appendiculatum (Cestoda), Philometra ovata (Nematoda) Türkiye helminth faunası için yeni kayıttır.This study was carried out between 1998-2000 years. For this purpose, periodically for each mounth, fish samples were obtained from six different stations of studying area. At the end of study, 5 species of Monogenea (Dactylogyrus fralernus, Dactylogyrus alatus, Dactylogyrus anchoratus, Gyrodactylus katharineri and Diplozoon homoion), 1 species of Digenea (Allocreadium isoporum), 3 species of Cestoda (Bothirocephalus acheilognathi, Ligida intestinalis, Biacelabulum appendiculatum), 2 species of Nematoda (Contracaecum sp., Philometra ovata), and 1 species of Acanthocephala (Pomphorhynchus laevis) were found. Among these parasites found during the study, (Dactylogyrus fralernus, Dactylogyrus alatus, Dactylogyrus anchoratus and Gyrodactylus katharineri (Monogenea), Allocreadium isoporum (Digenea), Biacetabulum appendiculatum (Cestoda) and Philometra ovata (Nematoda) are new records for helminth fauna of Turkey

    The Effect of Water Temperature on Argulus foliaceus L. 1758 (Crustacea; Branchiura) on Different Fish Species

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    Parasites belonging to Argulus genus, known as fish louse (Argulus foliaceus L.) significantly affect in negative way both in natural and farming environment. In this study, the pathogenic effect of fish louse temperature on fish depending on water was investigated. In this research to estimate the effects of several factors such as water temperature, gender of the fish and the infection of fish louse were studied through Poisson regression method. As fish species, Alburnus alburnus (bleak), Carassius carassius (crucian carp) and Carassius auratus (golden carp) were caught periodically, starting from May during the year, and the parasites were counted. The gender and metrical measures of the examined fish were categorized separately. The degrees of water temperature of the dam were measured. Results from Poisson regression analysis showed that fish louse has harmful effect on the mentioned fish, depending on the water temperature

    Dactylogyrus fraternus Wagener, 1909 (Monogenea: Dactylogyridae) Parasitic on Alburnus alburnus (Cyprinidae) from Turkey

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    Dactylogyrus species are a group of monogenean gill parasites that are highly specific to freshwater fishes; represents the most dominant genus among the Monogenea with regard to host distribution and location. They were sampled 14 species from more than 27 host collected in Turkey. Among these dactylogyrid parasites, Dactylogyrus fraternus could be described and illustrated from specimens collected from gills of a cyprinid fish, bleak Alburnus alburnus, in Enne Dam reservoir from Kutahya, Turkey. Diagnostic characters of this species are the tegument of trunk showing annulations, except on the cephalic region, and copulatory complex comprising sclerotized, basal part broad, the tube which is long and hard. The purpose of the present study was to determine, on the whole, the body structure of the Dactylogyrus fraternus in bleak

    Prevalence of Two Monogenean Parasites on Different Length Groups of Crucian carp (Carassius carassius Linneus, 1758)

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    Dactylogyrus anchoratus Dujardin, 1857 and Gyrodactylus katharineri Malmberg, 1964 were identified on crucian carp, Carassius carassius L., 1758 in the present study, which was carried out between February 1999 and January 2000. A total of 117 fish specimens were examined. The infestation prevalence and mean intensity levels for G. katharineri was 37.61%, respectivly 27.75�2.203 and for D. anchoratus was 24.78%, 4.69�1.730 per fish, respectively. The infestation prevalence and mean intensity levels were higher during spring and sumer, for the both parasites. No statistically significant preference for either sex of the fish was determined. In this study, we examined a total of 117 fish, out of which 44 (38%) were infested by 1221 G. katharineri, and 29 (25%) infested by a total of 136 D. anchoratus

    A new locality records of Stellagama stellio (Linnaeus, 1758) (Sauria: Agamidae) in Anatolia

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    © 2015 Folium Publishing Company.As a result of our study, the new data on distribution of Stellagama stellio (Linnaeus, 1758) in Anatolia were obtained. The meristic pholidolial, metric (morphometric) characters and color-pattern features of specimens of S. stellio collected from five new localities in Turkey were given in detail and compared with regard to literature. Specimens examined in the present study were similar to S. s. daani specimens mentioned in the literature

    Testes de Triagem Prevendo Metástase de Câncer na Etiologia do Derrame Pericárdico: HALP Score e PNI

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    Resumo Fundamento: A triagem do câncer é absolutamente necessária em pacientes com derrame pericárdico, pois o câncer é uma das doenças mais graves em sua etiologia. Estudos anteriores indicaram que o índice de inflamação imunológica sistêmica (IIS), o índice prognóstico nutricional (PNI) e o escore de hemoglobina, albumina, linfócitos e plaquetas (HALP) podem ser escores relacionados ao câncer. Objetivos: Este estudo foi iniciado considerando que esses sistemas de pontuação poderiam prever o câncer na etiologia de pacientes com derrame pericárdico. Métodos: Os pacientes submetidos à pericardiocentese entre 2006 e 2022 foram analisados retrospectivamente. A pericardiocentese foi realizada em um total de 283 pacientes com derrame pericárdico ou tamponamento cardíaco de moderado a grande no período especificado. Os índices de HALP, PNI e IIS foram calculados do sangue venoso periférico retirado antes do procedimento de pericardiocentese. O nível de significância estatística foi aceito em p<0,05. Resultados: O escore HALP foi de 0,173 (0,125-0,175) em pacientes com câncer. Detectou-se que em pacientes não oncológicos o escore foi de 0,32 (0,20-0,49; p<0,001). O escore de PNI foi de 33,1±5,6 em pacientes com câncer. Detectou-se que em pacientes não oncológicos o escore foi 39,8±4,8 (p<0,001). Conclusão: Os escores HALP e PNI são testes de triagem de câncer fáceis e rápidos que podem prever metástases de câncer na etiologia de pacientes com derrame pericárdico