69 research outputs found

    The mechanics of housing collectivism: How forms and functions affect affordability

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    In countries worldwide, limited access to affordable housing is fuelling interest in collectivist solutions. Different organizational models are being developed to enable groups of people to own and control housing collectively. The benefits of such models have been widely promoted, not least in terms of delivering enhanced housing affordability for residents. However, evidence to support such claims is scarce and it remains unclear whether affordability is the product of collective forms and functions, or some other factor(s). To address this gap in knowledge, the paper presents findings from three case studies of English and Canadian housing collectives. Applying realist theories of causation, the processes affecting housing affordability are explained, conceptualizing two causal mechanisms which depict how organizational form, internal rules and regulatory activity, along with the unique role of the resident-owner, influence the setting of rents and prices. Further research is required to understand the prevalence of these mechanisms and their general application

    Pomiary porowatości za pomocą tomografu komputerowego

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    This paper is concerned with performance of measurement of pore volume in aluminum cast. The experiments were carried out on a METROTOM 800 Carl Zeiss computer tomograph. Results coming from algorithm of automatic detection were compared against to the manual detection according to the ISO surface. Results have been analyzed using the VGStudio MAX software.W artykule przedstawiono wyniki badań dotyczące pomiarów objętości porów w odlewach aluminiowych. Badania przeprowadzono na przemysłowym tomografie komputerowym METROTOM 800 firmy Carl Zeiss. Porównano wyniki algorytmów automatycznego i manualnego wykrywania porów w odniesieniu do powierzchni ISO. Do analizy wyników zastosowano oprogramowanie VGStudio MAX

    The accuracy of industrial computer tomography scanners in determining geometric dimensions

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    Zaprezentowano metodę w zakresie wyznaczania dokładności wymiarów geometrycznych przemysłowych tomografów komputerowych zgodnie z wytycznymi VDI/VDE 2630. Zaprezentowano propozycje sprawdzenia dokładności tomografu opartą na wzorcu składającym się z zestawu trzpieni z końcówkami kulistymi. Opisano wzorzec zaprojektowany i skonstruowany w Instytucie Metrologii i Inżynierii Biomedycznej Politechniki Warszawskiej. Wzorzec został wykalibrowany za pomocą współrzędnościowej maszyny pomiarowej ACCURA firmy C. Zeiss. Na podstawie uzyskanych danych pomiarowych wykonany został model CAD wzorca. Uzyskane podczas pomiarów tomograficznych chmury punktów zostały porównane z modelem CAD. Przeprowadzono analizę statystyczną uzyskanych wyników oraz sprawdzono podawaną przez producenta dokładność pomiarów geometrycznych tomografu komputerowego METROTOM 800.This paper presents the construction of a computer tomography scanner (CT). It discusses the principles of operation of CT. The parameters characterizing the accuracy are described. The proposed method for determining the geometric dimension accuracy of industrial computer tomography scanners according to VDI / VDE 2630 is discussed. The presented proposals can be used to verify the tomography scanner accuracy based on gauges consisting of a set of spherical stylus. A gauge to check the CT accuracy was designed and constructed at the Institute of Metrology and Biomedical Engineering, the Warsaw University of Technology. The gauge was calibrated using a coordinate measuring machine ACCURA 7 by C. Zeiss. Based on the measurement data a CAD model of the gauge was made. The measurement strategies were based on the CAD model. The point clouds for tomographic measurements were compared with the CAD model. The results of the two measuring devices were compared. Statistical analysis of the results was conducted. It showed statistically significant differences between the methods of measuring on the confidence level of 95%. It was also confirmed by the statistical parameters obtained for the both methods. The values of the range and standard deviations were approximately twice as high for the tomographic measurements. Also the accuracy specified by the manufacturer of CT METROTOM 800 was verified

    The study of the measured element temperature stability during tomographic measurements

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    Przemysłowa tomografia komputerowa jest stosunkowo młodą i rozwijającą się gałęzią pomiarów współrzędnościowych. Prowadzonych jest wiele badań dokładności pomiarów tomograficznych. W badaniach nad dokładnością, rozdzielczością pomiarów duży nacisk kładziony jest na konstrukcję wzorców. Jednak w większości przypadków nie jest rozważany wpływ stabilności temperaturowej na wynik pomiarów. Producenci podając dokładność tomografów podają również parametry środowiskowe, dla jakich dokładność ta jest zachowana wraz z zakresem temperatury, w jakim należy wykonać pomiar. Podczas generowania promieniowania rentgenowskiego 99% energii zamieniana jest na ciepło, z tego względu niezbędne jest zapewnienie odpowiedniego chłodzenia lampy. W artykule sprawdzono wpływ ustawienia parametrów pomiarowych na zmianę temperatury mierzonego przedmiotu. Zweryfikowano wpływ ustawionego powiększenia - wielkości voxela (odległość mierzonego elementu od lampy rentgenowskiej) na zmianę temperatury. Dodatkowo sprawdzono wpływ ustawień lampy rentgenowskiej (wartość pobieranej mocy, natężenie i napięcie zasilania) na stabilność temperatury podczas pomiarów. Badania zostały wykonane na przemysłowym tomografie komputerowym METROTOM 800. Zmiany temperatury zostały zmierzone przy pomocy rejestratora MicroLite 5016A.: Industrial computed tomography is a relatively new and growing sector of coordinate measurements. Many studies are conducted on the accuracy of tomographic measurements. In studies on the accuracy and resolution of measurement A large emphasis is put on design of gauges. However, in most cases, influence of the temperature stability on the measurement result is not considered. Manufacturers when giving the accuracy of CT scanners also provide environmental parameters for which the accuracy is main-tained together with the temperature range in which measurements should be made. When generating X-ray radiation 99% of energy is converted into heat, therefore it is necessary to ensure the adequate cooling of an X-ray tube. This paper presents influence of the heat emitted by the X-ray tube and the radiation power on the change of the measured object temperature. The temperature stability during the measurements was checked. The influence of the magnification settings (Voxel size – a distance between the measured element and the X-ray tube) for temperature change was verified. The tests were performed on an industrial computer tomograph METROTOM 800. The temperature changes were measured with use of the logger Microlite 5016A

    The influence of method of points collection on results with the use of measuring arm

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    Comparison studies of different measurement methods using a Coordinate Measuring Arm are presented. Studies were divided into two parts. The first was point measurements of contact and pseudo-scanning contact measurements. The second part consisted of point measurements of contact and non-contact scanning measurements. Contact research (point measurements and the pseudo-scanning) were accomplished with the use of PowerINSPECT software, whereas non-contact with use of Focus Handheld and Focus Inspection software. Handheld Focus was used to collect a point cloud and its processing, while the detection of set elements was made using the second software from the group of Focus. According to the developed procedure for both parts sample elements with known nominal values were measured (available CAD model of object of research). It became the basis for examining whether there are statistically significant differences between results of different methods in both parts. Statistical comparison of measurement methods was carried out using four tests: Comparison of Means, Comparison of Standard Deviations, Comparison of Medians and a Kolmogorov-Smirnov Test

    The study of repeatability of geometric measurements on a computer tomography scanner

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    Przedstawiono wyniki badań powtarzalności pomiarów geometrycznych na przykładzie tzw. "kostki szkoleniowej" poprzedzając krótką charakterystyką przemysłowego tomografu komputerowego MTROTOM 800 oraz oprogramowań. Programu METROTOM OS w którym ustawiane są parametry pomiarowe i wykonywane są pomiary oraz programu CALYPSO służącego do analizy uzyskanych z pomiaru chmur punktów. Przedstawiono wyniki pomiarów odległości płaszczyzn, średnic otworów oraz odległości między nimi. Strategia pomiarowa została oparta na modelu CAD a uzyskane wyniki z pomiarów tomograficznych w postaci chmury punktów zostały porównane z wymiarami zawartymi w modelu CAD. Porównanie odnosi się do wymiarów nominalnych jak i do pola tolerancji w funkcji odchyłek. Wyniki te pozwoliły również na ocenę dokładności "druku" w jakim to procesie wykonana została badana kostka. Kostka została wydrukowana z dostępnego modelu CAD. W badaniach porównano powtarzalność pomiarów elementów geometrycznych jak i odchyłki od wartości nominalnej kostki. W celu obliczenia parametrów statystycznych dokonano dziesięciokrotnego pomiaru kostki.The results of tests of repeatability of geometric measurements on an example of the so-called "training cube" are presented in the paper. The short characteristics of the industrial computed tomography scanner METROTOM 800 is given. The software METROTOM OS, in which measurement parameters are set, and CALYPSO for analysis of the point clouds obtained from measurements are discussed. The results of measurements of surface distance, hole diameters and distances between them are presented. The measurement strategy was based on the CAD model and the results of tomographic measurements in the form of point clouds were compared with the dimensions contained in the CAD model. The comparison referred to the nominal dimensions and the tolerance field as a function of deviations. These results allowed the evaluation of the accuracy of "printing" process in which the tested "training cube" was performed. The cube was printed from the available CAD model. The study compared the repeatability of the measurement of geometric elements and deviations from the nominal value of the cube. In order to calculate statistical parameters, the cube was measured ten times. The summary of the standard deviations and the ranges shows high repeatability of tomographic measurements. The value of standard deviations equaled 1 to 2.7 microns and the values of ranges were 3.3 to 8 microns

    Comparative studies of measurements made by a coordinate measuring arm equipped with hard and trigger probes

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    Przedstawiona jest ocena dokładności pomiarów przeprowadzonych głowicą sztywną i przełączającą za pomocą współrzędnościowego ramienia pomiarowego [1]. Ramiona współrzędnościowe są mobilnymi ręcznymi przyrządami pomiarowymi. W celu lokalizacji punktów pomiarowych wyposażone są najczęściej w głowice sztywne. Dzięki użyciu w jednym ramieniu zarówno głowicy sztywnej jak i przełączającej możliwe było porównanie ich ze sobą. Badania eksperymentalne wykonano na podstawie wybranych wymiarów elementu w postaci kostki szkoleniowej. Otrzymane wyniki badań pozwalają ocenić stopień dokładności przy stosowaniu poszczególnych rodzajów głowic.The purpose of the paper is to assess the accuracy of measurements made with hard and trigger probes on a coordinate measuring arm. In the case of hard heads the measuring force is variable and depends on an operator who decides on appearance of a contact of the stylus tip with the measured surface, while in the case of trigger probes the contact of the tip with the measured surface is independent of shaft swings, breaking the electrical contact inside the head due to deflection of the stylus and breaking the electrical contact inside the head. The study was conducted with use of the arm Metris – Nikon MCA II shown in Fig. 1. Arms are manual measuring devices equipped, in most cases, with hard probes. Through the use of hard and trigger probes in one arm, it is possible to compare two heads. The TP20 kinematic touch-trigger probe with an SF module (standard force) was used as a trigger head. The paper presents a brief description of coordinate measurements as well as construction and working principle of coordinate measuring arms. In Fig. 3 there is shown a CAD model of the training cube used as a test part. The tests were made on the basis of measurements of four cylindrical holes with different diameters. The obtained results for two probes were compared with each other. It was analyzed how the range of results for different diameters for hard and trigger probes changed. The results show the influence of other factors (besides the measuring force). To show the influence of the measuring force, tests on a cube made of different materials were also performed

    Anisotropy of ceramic moulds physical properties which affect environmentally friendly production of precision aluminum castings

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    W referacie przedstawiono analizę parametrów powodujących anizotropię właściwości fizycznych form ceramicznych wpływającą na jakość odlewów z aluminium. Przeprowadzono ocenę oryginalnych badań takich, jak przepływ gazów przez ścianki formy, trzypunktowa ocena wytrzymałości formy na zginanie, stan warstwy wierzchniej formy w aspekcie jej zwilżalności przez ciekły metal oraz sprawdzono porowatość formy ceramicznej w badaniach z użyciem tomografu komputerowego. Przeprowadzono ocenę wpływu właściwości form ceramicznych na jakość odlewów w aspekcie ich wytwarzania.The paper presents analysis of parameters affecting the anisotropy of ceramic moulds physical properties which affect quality of aluminum castings. An evaluation of original research, such as the permeability of mould surface, three-point bending strength, the state of mould surface layer in terms of wettability by the liquid metal, and ceramic molud porosity tested in studies using a CT (computerized tomography) scanner. Investigation of impact made by ceramic mold properties on casting quality in terms of their production was also made

    Rare Siblings Speed-Up Deterministic Detection and Counting of Small Pattern Graphs

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    We consider a class of pattern graphs on (formula presented) vertices that have q-2 distinguished vertices with equal neighborhood in the remaining two vertices. Two pattern graphs in this class are siblings if they differ by some edges connecting the distinguished vertices. In particular, we show that if induced copies of siblings to a pattern graph in such a class are rare in the host graph then one can detect the pattern graph relatively efficiently. For example, we infer that if there are (formula presented) induced copies of a diamond (i.e., a graph on four vertices missing a single edge to be complete) in the host graph, then an induced copy of the complete graph on four vertices, K:4 as well as an induced copy of the cycle on four vertices, C:4 can be deterministically detected in (formula presented) time. Note that the fastest known algorithm for K:4 and the fastest known deterministic algorithm for C:4 run in (formula presented) time. We also show that if there is a family of siblings whose induced copies in the host graph are rare then there are good chances to determine the numbers of occurrences of induced copies for all pattern graphs on q vertices relatively efficiently