9 research outputs found

    Anthropometric and physiologic assessment in sleep apnoea patients regarding body fat distribution

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    Background: Obstructive sleep apnoea (OSA) is characterised by repeated episodes of pauses in breathing during sleep due to obstruction of the upper airway that result in transient hypoxaemia, sleep fragmentation and long-term cardiovascular disease. The most common risk factors for OSA include: obesity, age over 50 and neck circumference of more than 41 cm for females and more than 43 cm in males. Sleep apnoea is more common in men than in women. The aim of the conducted research was to evaluate relations between the anthropometric features connected with adipose tissue distribution and the severity of OSA. Materials and methods: The study was carried out on 180 patients (144 males and 36 females) diagnosed with OSA syndrome. The standard sleep parameters obtained from night polysomnography as well as skin-fat fold thickness and neck circumference and waist-to-hip ratio were analysed. Statistical analysis was performed using STATISTICA 10. Results: It was stated that anthropometric parameters connected with the accu­mulation of adipose tissue in upper body were significantly related to severity of OSA in males (p ≤ 0.05). Body mass index (BMI) was significantly correlated with severity of OSA in females (p ≤ 0.05). Conclusions: In males, there is a connection between the severity of OSA, BMI and a higher accumulation of adipose tissue in upper part of the body measured by neck circumference and shoulder thickness of skin-fat folds, whereas in females only by BMI

    Comparison of the functional properties of selected multilayer systems

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    Electrodeposition of multilayers continues to grow and diversify. Research is still underway on the adaptation of multilayer systems to new applications in various industries. Cu/Ni multilayers are still very commonly used for practical purposes. In this work, the functional properties of selected multilayer systems with different layers quantity and thicknesses in nanoscale were investigated. The Cu and Ni layers were electrolytically deposited on a low carbon steel substrate and obtained systems were subjected to structural and anticorrosion properties study. The electrochemical parameters were determined by potentiodynamic method and the surface evaluation of the systems after corrosion tests was also carried out

    Nutrition of students from dietetics profile education in the Siedlce University of Natural Sciences and Humanities compared with students from other academic centres

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    Background. Appropriate nutrition in humans is one of the most important factors affecting normal development, nutritional status and keeping healthy. University students can be overburdened with responsibilities arising from their studies which may result in abnormal diet/nutrition and decrease their levels of physical activity. Objective. To determine and assess nutrition and eating habits for selected female students studying nutrition at the Siedlce University of Natural Sciences & Humanities (UPH), compared with young people from other academic centres also studying nutrition and having a similar education profile. Material and methods. A diagnostic survey was undertaken anonymously on 100 female student subjects using a proprietary questionnaire. Students were undergraduates at the UPH during their 2nd and 3rd year. Results. Dietetics students considered that the practical application of proper nutrition principles is very important. Nevertheless, 44% assessed themselves to follow abnormal diets; 58% declared they ate whole grains frequently whereas 58% and 65% respectively consumed fruit and vegetables daily. Dietary irregularities were identified, particularly in how often fish was eaten, where 46% either never ate fish or did so only occasionally. Subjects preferred lean cuts of poultry meat (65%), and the most common cooking practice was frying (52%). Conclusions. Subjects did not follow dietary recommendations, although responses varied in the different academic centres. Despite learning from their studies about normal nutritional requirements it seems that, to large degree, students follow eating habits acquired during their childhoods in the home.Wprowadzenie. Prawidłowe żywienie jest jednym z najważniejszych czynników wpływających na właściwy rozwój człowieka, stan odżywienia i utrzymanie dobrego stanu zdrowia. Młodzież akademicka, jest nadmiernie obciążona obowiązkami wynikającymi z nauki, co może skutkować zmniejszoną aktywnością fizyczną oraz nieprawidłowym żywieniem. Cel. Poznanie i ocena sposobu żywienia oraz wybranych zachowań żywieniowych studentek kierunku dietetyka Uniwersytetu Przyrodniczo - Humanistycznego (UPH) w Siedlcach na tle młodzieży z innych ośrodków akademickich kierunków związanych z dietetyką lub o zbliżonym profilu nauczania. Materiał i metody. Anonimowe badania, przeprowadzono metodą sondażu diagnostycznego, z wykorzystaniem autorskiego kwestionariusza ankiety. Badania objęły grupę 100 studentek drugiego i trzeciego roku studiów na kierunku dietetyka UPH w Siedlcach. Wyniki. Studentki dietetyki dużą wagę przywiązywały do praktycznego stosowania zasad prawidłowego żywienia. Jednak 44% ankietowanych własny sposób żywienia oceniło jako nieprawidłowy. 56% badanych deklarowała częste spożywanie produktów pełnoziarnistych, 58% spożywanie owoców każdego dnia i 65% spożywanie warzyw każdego dnia. Stwierdzono nieprawidłowości w sposobie żywienia, zwłaszcza w odniesieniu do częstotliwości spożycia ryb; 46% badanych nie spożywała ryb lub spożywała je okazjonalnie. Studentki preferowały chude gatunki mięsa, w tym drób (65%), a najczęściej stosowaną obróbkę kulinarną było smażenie (52%). Wnioski. Przeprowadzane badania, dowodzą, że sposób żywienia odbiega od rekomendacji dla badanej grupy wiekowej, choć w różnym zakresie w poszczególnych ośrodkach akademickich. Można przypuszczać, że niezależnie od zdobywanej podczas studiów wiedzy na temat prawidłowego żywienia, wpływ na nie w znaczącym stopniu mogą mieć nawyki i zwyczaje żywieniowe nabyte w domu rodzinnym

    Supplementary Material for: Myo-Inositol Enhances the Inhibitory Effect of Metformin on Gonadotropin Levels in Postmenopausal Women

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    Objectives: Metformin decreased circulating levels of anterior pituitary hormones and its effect on thyrotropin concentration was found to be stronger in individuals receiving myo-inositol. Phospholipids containing inositols are precursors of second messengers of several hormones, including gonadotropins and insulin. The aim of the current study was to investigate whether the concomitant use of myo-inositol changes the effect of metformin on gonadotropin levels. Design: A prospective observational study. Participants/Materials, Setting, and Methods: This study, conducted at a university-affiliated medical center, included two groups of postmenopausal women with prediabetes, matched for age, FSH and LH levels, and insulin sensitivity: women taking myo-inositol preparations for at least 6 months (group A, n = 23) and women not receiving inositol preparations (group B, n = 23). All participants were treated with metformin (850 mg twice daily) for the following 6 months. At the beginning and at the end of the study, we assessed plasma glucose, insulin, FSH, LH, thyrotropin, prolactin, adrenocorticotropic hormone, insulin-like growth factor-1, estradiol, and glycated hemoglobin. Results: The impact of metformin on glucose levels, the homeostatic model assessment 1 of insulin resistance ratio, and glycated hemoglobin was more pronounced in group A than in group B. Metformin administered with myo-inositol reduced both FSH and LH. No significant changes in gonadotropin levels were observed in women receiving only metformin. The impact on FSH and LH levels correlated with their baseline concentrations and with the degree of improvement in insulin sensitivity. Levels of the remaining hormones did not change throughout the study. Limitations: The most important limitation of the study is a relatively small number of participants. Moreover, the study protocol does not allow to conclude whether similar effects are observed in premenopausal women. Conclusions: Myo-inositol may enhance the inhibitory effect of metformin on gonadotropin production in postmenopausal women

    Supplementary Material for: Cabergoline-induced hypoprolactinemia may attenuate cardiometabolic effects of atorvastatin: a pilot study

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    Introduction: Hypoprolactinemia, which is usually a consequence of treatment with inadequate high doses of dopaminergic agents, is poorly understood clinical condition. The aim of the current study was to investigate whether cardiometabolic effects of statin therapy differ between patients with low prolactin production and patients with normal levels of this hormone. Methods: We studied two groups of cabergoline-treated premenopausal women with hypercholesterolemia matched for age, plasma lipids, cabergoline dose and treatment duration: 11 women with hypoprolactinemia (group A) and 15 women with plasma levels of this hormone within the reference range (group B). The control group (C) included 25 dopaminergic-naïve normoprolactinemic women, matched for age and lipid levels. Plasma lipids, insulin sensitivity and levels of uric acid, high-sensitivity C-reactive protein (hsCRP), fibrinogen, homocysteine and 25-hydroxyvitamin D were measured before and after 14-week treatment with atorvastatin (20 mg daily). Results: Patients with hypoprolactinemia were more insulin-resistant, had lower values of total testosterone and free androgen index, and had higher levels of hsCRP and fibrinogen than individuals with normal prolactin levels. Although atorvastatin reduced total and LDL-cholesterol and hsCRP in all study groups, this effect was stronger in groups B and C than in group A. Only in groups B and C, the drug decreased uric acid, fibrinogen and homocysteine, and increased 25-hydroxyvitamin D. In turn, only in group A, atorvastatin worsened insulin sensitivity and reduced free androgen index. Discussion/Conclusion: Coexisting hypoprolactinemia may have an unfavorable impact on pleiotropic effects of statins