110 research outputs found

    Nodding syndrome may be an autoimmune reaction to the parasitic worm Onchocerca volvulus

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    Nodding Syndrome (NS) is an epileptic disorder of unknown etiology that occurs in children in East Africa. There is an epidemiological association with Onchocerca volvulus, the parasite that causes onchocerciasis, but there is limited evidence that the parasite itself is neuroinvasive. We hypothesized that NS was an autoimmune-mediated disease, and using protein chip methodology, we detected autoantibodies to leiomodin-1 from patients with NS as compared to unaffected village controls. Leiomodin-1 autoantibodies were found in both the sera and cerebral spinal fluid from patients. Leiomodin-1 was found to be expressed in mature and developing human neurons in vitro and localized to the murine CA3 region of the hippocampus, Purkinje cells in the cerebellum and cortical neurons, structures that also appear to be affected in patients with NS. Antibodies targeting leiomodin-1 were neurotoxic in vitro and leiomodin-1 antibodies purified from patients with NS were cross-reactive to O. volvulus antigens. This study provides initial evidence supporting the hypothesis that NS is an autoimmune epileptic disorder caused by molecular mimicry with O. volvulus and suggests that patients may benefit from immune-modulatory therapie

    The dynamic TDC assigning on the marine four stroke engine's indication diagram

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    Determination of the internal combustion piston engine 's indicated power is a complex task. A number of difficulties lead to lots of solutions utilized to increase the accuracy of the result. This paper reports on the experiments concerned with a four stroke engine's piston dynamic position determination. Although the paper is mostly concerned with the piston's TDC definition, the experimental methodology can be utilized in the entire piston movement determination. A specially developed measuring assembly and its working principle utilized in the experiment have been presented too. It allows the acquiring of a set of time-position coordinates. Based on the coordinates, the mathematical algorithm for dynamic piston positioning can be developed. As the piston movement was being observed from the crankcase side, the methodology proved to be relatively cheap and easier for installation, compared to proximity sensors installed in the cylinder head. The advantage of optical sensors and light pipes being used was reduction of the explosion risk in oil mist environment inside the crank case

    Speed irregularity characteristic of low speed, two-stroke marine diesel engine applied as vessel's main propulsion

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    The piston engine irregularity is a consequence of the uneven power supply from the engine units. As such, it contains valuable information about engines units working process. Unfortunately, it is strongly influenced by torsional vibration, resonance, and propeller behaviour. In order to better understand the speed irregularity phenomena the instantaneous speed was recorded and its characteristic against engine mean speed was developed. Some statistical parameters: standard error and deviation as well as variance were determined. The results were compared with propulsion plant torsional vibration. The presented results show that the irregularity of the long stroke engine's speed is strongly influenced by torsional vibration phenomena. The analyzed engine has a bared speed range 37-43 rpm. Exactly around that range, the speed irregularity reaches its maximum values of 18% of mean speed. The analysis can be considered as qualitative look into the phenomena. However even based on the presented analysis one can observe some practical inferences. The common type of electronic indicators is used to simplify the measurement by assuming that the shaft speed is equal in between the pickup pulses. In order to increase the accuracy of the indicated power determination the use of such instrument should be avoided in the speed range, which is a multiple number of the barred speed. Due to the fact that the shaft speed is irregular especially in the ranges where torsional resonance may occur the piston positioning (for example for TDC determination) purpose procedure should take it into account

    Educational apication of smart sensors

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    Scharakteryzowano pojęcie przetwornika inteligentnego. Przedstawiono możliwosci prowadzenia zajęć dydaktycznych z wykorzystaniem przetworników zainstalowanych w stanowiskach laboratoryjnych Akademii Morskiej. Przedstawiono możliwości konfiguracji zdalnej i lokalnej przetworników oraz podano możliwości ich zastosowania w przemyśle i dydaktyce.Characterization of smart sensor concept. Presentation of educational opportunities of smart sensors installed in laboratory of Maritime Academy of Szczecin. Presentation of local and remote methods of configuration and calibration and their educational applications

    Wyznaczanie niepewności mocy indykowanej silnika okrętowego

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    A proposal of marine engine indicated power uncertainty evaluation method was presented. The uncertainties of the indicated power definitional formula components were evaluated. Methods of uncertainty estimation for measurement carried out in industrial conditions were proposed. A new component called a phase shift angle, in modified formula for the piston kinetic was introduced. The indicated power uncertainty was divided into two calculable parts called uncertainty category I and uncertainty category II. The results of the uncertainties determined for two marine engines: trunk piston and cross-head type were presented. The influence of the individual component of indicated power formula for the overall indicated power uncertainty value was shown.Zaprezentowano propozycję metody oceny niepewności mocy indykowanej silnika okrętowego. Określono niepewności składników definicyjnego równania mocy indykowanej. Przedstawiono metody szacowania niepewności dla pomiarów przeprowadzonych w warunkach przemysłowych. W zmodyfikowanym równaniu ruchu tłoka wprowadzono nową wielkość fizyczną określoną jako kąt przesunięcia fazowego. Zaproponowano także podział niepewności mocy indykowanej na dwie obliczalne części, nazwane niepewnością rodzaju I oraz niepewnością rodzaju II. Przedstawiono wyniki niepewności wyznaczonych dla dwóch silników okrętowych: wodzikowego i bezwodzikowego. Zaprezentowano wpływ poszczególnych składników równania mocy indykowanej na wartość jej całkowitej niepewności

    Eksperymentalne wyznaczanie chwilowego położenia tłoka silnika okrętowego

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    Przedstawiono eksperymentalne możliwości obserwacji ruchu tłoka poprzez skrzynię korbową silnika okrętowego. Wyznaczono charakterystyczne punkty położenia tłoka w czasie. opracowano metodę estymacji wystąpienia GMP tłoka na podstawie jego obserwowanych położeń. Zaproponowano model matematyczny umożliwiający szacowanie położenia dynamicznego GMP tłoka na podstawie obserwacji jego ruchu. Wykazano występowanie różnicy pomiędzy wystąpieniem GMP termodynamicznym, a GMP dynamicznym.The experimental possibility of piston movement observation through the crankcase has been presented. The characteristic piston positioning points in the time domain have been determined. The piston TDC estimation methodology based on observed positioning points has been developed. A mathematic model for piston TDC estimation has been proposed. The difference between thermodynamic and dynamic TDC has been detected and presented


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    616075ix, 632 hlm.;24 c