1 research outputs found

    National health expenditure trends, 2000 to 2019

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    The aim: To assess the lo n g-term dynam ics o f health spending in Ukraine from the standpoint o f readiness to m ake progress in the universal health coverage (UHC) Materials and methods: Data from the Global Health Expenditure D atabase, European H ealth for All database, World Bank Open Data, collected du rin g 2 000-2019 were used. The research w as conducted using bibliosem antic, historical m ethods and benchm arking. Results: All indicators o f health spending in Ukraine show ed som e gro w th: total and governm ent health spending o f % Gross D om estic Product (GDP) by 3 4 % (9 5 % CI 13-55) and 2 8 % (9 5 % CI 8 -4 8 ), total and governm ent health sp en d in g per capita in US $ by 7.1 and 6.5 tim es and in Purchasing pow er parity (PPP) - by 4 and 3.8 tim es. Growth was interrupted during the glo b al (2008) and national (2017-2019) financial crises. O u t-of-pocket sp en d in g in Ukraine grew and am ounted to 5 1 .1 % in 2019, w h ich is by 2.1 tim es m ore than in the European region - 2 4 .0 % (15.5; 36.6). In 2019 Ukraine ranked am o n g 1 0 % o f the countries w ith the worst com bination o f governm ent health spending per share o f GDP and share o f OOPS in total health spending. Conclusions: The study found an u nsustainable upw ard dyn am ic in health spen d in g. In the last decade, there has been a clear trend tow ards an increase % OOPS in total health sp en d in g a gain st low, aim ed at reducing governm ent health sp en d in g as % o f GDP, w h ich could n egatively affect UHC