8 research outputs found

    Investigation of relationship between spatial distribution of medical equipment and preventable mortality

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    The aim of the study is to investigate the relationship between the spatial distribution of the selected medical equipment and the preventable mortality rate in the regions of the Slovak Republic. The main analytical approach is carried out through the cluster analysis based on a Euclidean distance technique in order to get similarity of the administrative divisions in form of a district and a pseudot2 approach aimed at the determination of a number of the districts in a cluster. A number of medical equipment had a rising tendency from the year 2008. The most extreme position according to a localisation distribution of the computed tomographs and the magnetic resonance imaging scanners is held by the Košice IV District at the level of 7.50630. From an angle of view of the preventable mortality, the Piešt’any District holds the most extreme position peaking at the level of 10.97969 for the female sex and the Kežmarok District with the value of 9.44088. The study has the significant dissemination outputs for health policy interventions, especially to draw up regional health plans for computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging deployment, mainly in locations with a high preventable mortality rate for both sexes. © 2019 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland.Slovak Research and Development AgencySlovak Research and Development Agency [APVV-17-0360

    A Chromatic Treatment of Linear Polarization in the Solar Corona at the 2023 Total Solar Eclipse

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    The broadband solar K-corona is linearly polarized due to Thomson scattering. Various strategies have been used to represent coronal polarization. Here, we present a new way to visualize the polarized corona, using observations from the 2023 April 20 total solar eclipse in Australia in support of the Citizen CATE 2024 project. We convert observations in the common four-polarizer orthogonal basis (0{\deg}, 45{\deg}, 90{\deg}, & 135{\deg}) to -60{\deg}, 0{\deg}, and +60{\deg} (MZP) polarization, which is homologous to R, G, B color channels. The unique image generated provides some sense of how humans might visualize polarization if we could perceive it in the same way we perceive color.Comment: 4 pages, 1 figure; accepted for publication in Research Notes of the American Astronomical Society (RNAAS

    Investigation of Relationship Between Spatial Distribution of Medical Equipment and Preventable Mortality

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    The aim of the study is to investigate the relationship between the spatial distribution of the selected medical equipment and the preventable mortality rate in the regions of the Slovak Republic. The main analytical approach is carried out through the cluster analysis based on a Euclidean distance technique in order to get similarity of the administrative divisions in form of a district and a pseudot2 approach aimed at the determination of a number of the districts in a cluster. A number of medical equipment had a rising tendency from the year 2008. The most extreme position according to a localisation distribution of the computed tomographs and the magnetic resonance imaging scanners is held by the Košice IV District at the level of 7.50630. From an angle of view of the preventable mortality, the Piešťany District holds the most extreme position peaking at the level of 10.97969 for the female sex and the Kežmarok District with the value of 9.44088. The study has the significant dissemination outputs for health policy interventions, especially to draw up regional health plans for computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging deployment, mainly in locations with a high preventable mortality rate for both sexes

    Cel zadowolenia pacjenta dla skutecznego zarządzania świadczeniem ochrony zdrowia

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    The management of the healthcare facilities is closely related to their evaluation. A very crucial point of this process is assigned to the patients who are the most important persons to assess the offered healthcare service. The aim of the paper is to evaluate the selected quality criteria of the healthcare provision in the healthcare facilities in the Slovak Republic. A territorial view is employed too in order to carry out the analytical process. The case mix index, the intensive care unit transfer ratio, the long-term rehospitalisation ratio, the mortality rate, and the operation mortality rate serve as the input dimensions for the processing the regression analysis for the sake of the construction of the regression models explaining the satisfaction of the patients whose evaluation comes from the public database altogether with the other explored dimension. The analysis outcome demonstrate that all these variables influence significantly the patient satisfaction and the ten districts of the Slovak Republic possess also statistical significance.Zarządzanie placówkami służby zdrowia jest ściśle związane z ich oceną. Bardzo ważny punkt tego procesu przypisuje się pacjentom, którzy są najważniejszymi osobami w ocenie oferowanej opieki zdrowotnej. Celem artykułu jest ocena wybranych kryteriów jakości świadczenia opieki zdrowotnej w placówkach służby zdrowia na Słowacji. W celu przeprowadzenia procesu analitycznego stosuje się również perspektywę terytorialną. Wskaźnik mieszany przypadków, wskaźnik przeniesienia na oddział intensywnej terapii, wskaźnik rehospitalizacji długoterminowej, współczynnik umieralności i śmiertelność operacyjna służą jako wymiary wejściowe do przetwarzania analizy regresji na potrzeby konstrukcji modeli regresji wyjaśniających satysfakcja pacjentów, których ocena pochodzi z publicznej bazy danych wraz z innym badanym wymiarem. Wyniki analizy pokazują, że wszystkie te zmienne mają istotny wpływ na satysfakcję pacjentów, a dziesięć okręgów Republiki Słowackiej ma również znaczenie statystyczne

    Investigation of selected key indicators of circular economy for implementation processes in sectorial dimensions

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    The main goal of this study is to investigate and to evaluate the selected indicators of the circular economy to advance the development of effective tools and policies regarding the circular economy system. This investigation is supported by the three research questions covering the topics of dependence of the circular economy on the use of reusable material, help with the reuse of circular material for economic sectors to establish a platform for effective policy development and implementation, and finally, the necessity of quantifying circular economy indicators to obtain an accurate picture of the circular economy sector relationships. The eight research hypotheses are considered, five of which are rejected. The gross investment of the circular economy sector in tangible goods in the both explored variants – expressed in the currency units also as the share of gross domestic product, circular economy sector value added at factor cost, the glass packaging waste recycling rate, the metallic packaging waste recycling rate, and the municipal waste act in the statistically significant way. The study applies a regression analysis technique with consistently validating test outcomes. The discussion section introduces the implications of the analytical outcomes with a potential of the setting current policies in the circular economy system and the construction of the new ones