87 research outputs found

    Consumer behavior and attitudes at Zagreb sauerkraut market

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    Posljednjih nekoliko godina pojačana je konkurencija na domaćem tržištu kiselog kupusa. Temeljna pretpostavka za uspjeh na ovom tržištu je ispunjenje potrošačkih zahtjeva. Predmet ovog istraživanja bili su potrošački zahtjevi na zagrebačkom tržištu kiselog kupusa odnosno ponašanje i stavovi kupaca ovog proizvoda. Za potrebe istraživanja provedena je desk analiza tržišta, dubinski intervju (n = 11) te anketno ispitivanje (n = 100). Rezultati istraživanja daju informativnu podlogu proizvođačima kiselog kupusa za izradu marketinškog programa.In the last few years there has been an increased competition in the domestic market of sauerkraut. To adapt to market changes producers must respect consumer requirements. The goal of this research was to determine consumer requirements for sauerkraut in the Zagreb market. In this research a desk analysis of the market, a detailed interview (n=11) and a consumer survey (n=100) were used. The results of this research give sauerkraut producers an informational basis for a marketing program

    Bereitschaft zur Zusammenarbeit unter Landwirten. Ergebnisse einer Feldstudie aus der ländlichen Umgebung Zagrebs

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    Development of business cooperation is one of the basic preconditions for a successful transition of Croatian agriculture and for increasing its competitiveness on the national and international markets. This research conducted in the Zagreb rural area was an attempt at answering what the farmer\u27s general attitude was towards business cooperation in agriculture as well as the influence of socio-demographic and psychological characteristics on their willingness to cooperate. With regard to the declaratively expressed readiness for business cooperation, the farmers were divided into four groups "very willing", "willing", "less willing" and "unwilling". Statistically significant differences have been found between these groups with regard to: past experience and current inclusion in some form of business cooperation; level of education and psychological characteristics: innovativeness and entrepreneurship. The research shows a group of "more experienced" and more educated farmers showing more entrepreneurship and innovativeness which should be the basis of the process of development and more effective involvement of farmers into business cooperation systems in agriculture.Razvitak poslovnoga povezivanja među seljacima (zajedničkog rada, kooperacije i sl.) jedna je od temeljnih pretpostavaka uspješ noga preustroja hrvatske poljoprivrede, odnosno povećanja njezine konkurentnosti, na domaćem i na svjetskom tržištu. Istraživanjem koje je provedeno na ruralnom području Grada Zagreba pokušalo se odgovoriti na pitanje kakav je općenito odnos seljaka prema poslovnom povezivanju u poljoprivredi te u kojoj mjeri sociodemografska i psihološka obilježja ispitanika utječu na njihovu "voljnost" za poslovno povezivanje. Na osnovi deklarativno izražene voljnosti seljaka za poslovno povezivanje dobivene su četiri skupine "jako voljni", "voljni", "manje voljni" i "nevoljni". Statistički značajne razlike među tim skupinama seljaka utvrđene su s obzirom na dosadašnje iskustvo i aktivno sudjelovanje u nekom od oblika poslovnoga povezivanja, s obzirom na stupanj naobrazbe te s obzirom na psihološke osobine: inovativnost i poduzetnost. Istraživanje pokazuje da među seljacima postoji skupina "iskusnijih", izobraženijih i poduzetnijih koji trebaju biti oslonac u procesu razvitka i učinkovitijeg uključivanja seljaka u sustave poslovnoga povezivanja u poljoprivredi.Die Entwicklung geschäftlicher Verbindungen unter Landwirten (gemeinschaftliche Arbeiten, Kooperationen u.Ä.) ist eine der Grundvoraussetzungen für eine erfolgreiche Umstrukturierung der kroatischen Landwirtschaft bzw. für eine Steigerung ihrer Konkurrenzfähigkeit im In- und Ausland. Eine Untersuchung, die in den ländlichen Gebieten um die kroatische Hauptstadt Zagreb durchgeführt wurde, sollte zeigen, welche Einstellung die Landwirte zur Herstellung geschäftlicher Kontakte haben. Dabei wollte man sehen, inwiefern diese Einstellung von den soziodemographischen und psychologischen Merkmalen der Untersuchungsteilnehmer beeinflusst wird. Aufgrund der deklarativ geäußerten Bereitschaft zur geschäftlichen Kooperation konnten vier Gruppen von Landwirten unterschieden werden: Die verschiedenen Gruppen äußerten sich jeweils "sehr [zur Zusammenarbeit] bereit", "bereit", "wenig bereit" und "nicht bereit". Es ergaben sich statistisch relevante Unterschiede zwischen diesen Gruppen hinsichtlich der bisherigen Erfahrung sowie bezüglich der aktiven Teilnahme an irgendeiner Form geschäftlicher Zusammenarbeit; Unterschiede ergaben sich außerdem in Bezug auf den Bildungsstand und die psychischen Eigenschaften von Innovativität und Unternehmergeist. Die Untersuchung zeigte, dass es unter den kroatischen Landwirten "erfahrenere", unternehmungslustigere und solche mit höherem Bildungsstand gibt, auf die sich die Förderung der Landwirtschaft und die Beteiligung von Landwirten an Systemen geschäftlicher Kooperation innerhalb der Landwirtschaft stützen muss

    Zadovoljstvo potrošača tržnicama na malo u Hrvatskoj

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    The purpose of this study was to investigate consumer satisfaction with city markets in Croatia. Empirical research was conducted on a multiple stratified sample of 475 buyers at city markets in Zagreb, Split, Rijeka and Osijek. The consumer satisfaction was explained by means of Conformation/ Disconformation-Paradigm (C/D Paradigm). The regression analysis was used to test the hypothesis about positive relationship between overall and partial satisfactions. The ANOVA analysis was used to test other hypotheses. Regression analysis indicates positive relationship between consumers overall satisfaction and their partial satisfactions (R2=0.504). Quality (β=0.297), choice (β=0.231) and freshness of products (β=0.175) were the most important drivers of overall consumer satisfaction, with crowding at city markets (β=0.112) and information obtained at markets (β=0.078) significant but less important. Statistical analyses indicate that there are no significant relationship between consumers sociodemographic characteristics and their satisfaction with city markets. The results of the research show straightness and weaknesses of the city markets in Croatia. Information obtained from this research could be used to keep and increase strategic advantages of this selling.Predmet ovog rada je zadovoljstvo potrošača kupovinom na tržnicama na malo u Hrvatskoj. Empirijsko istraživanje je provedeno na strukturiranom uzorku od 475 kupaca na tržnicama na malo u Zagreb, Splitu, Rijeci i Osijeku. Zadovoljstvo potrošača objašnjeno je pomoću Conformation/Disconformation- Paradigm (C/D paradigme). Za testiranje hipoteze o pozitivnoj vezi između ukupnog i parcijalnih zadovoljstava potrošača korištena je regresijska analiza. Ostale hipoteze testirane su jednovarijantnom analizom varijance (ANOVA). Utvrđena je pozitivna veza između ukupnog i parcijalnih zadovoljstava potrošača (R2 = 0,504). Na ukupno zadovoljstvo potrošača najviše utječu kvaliteta (β= 0,297), izbor (β= 0,231) i svježina proizvoda (β= 0,175). Manji, ali statistički signifikantan utjecaj na ukupno zadovoljstvo ima i (ne)zadovoljstvo gužvama na tržnicama (β= 0,112) kao i zadovoljstvo informacijama dobivenim na tržnicama (β= 0,078). Nisu utvrđene statistički značajne razlike između ukupnog zadovoljstva i sociodemografskih obilježja ispitanika. Istraživanje ukazuje na prednosti i nedostatke tržnica na malo u odnosu na konkurentska prodajna mjesta. Prodavači na tržnicama na malo i management tržnica mogu koristiti dobivene informacije da bi zadržali i povećali strateške prednosti ovog prodajnog puta

    Buying Behaviour of Organic Vegetables Consumers in Croatia

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    The purpose of this research was to examine some aspects of buying behaviour of Croatian organic vegetables consumers, and to explore factors influencing buying frequency. A survey was conducted with 404 respondents in four selling points in Zagreb: two specialized organic food stores, one supermarket, and one city market. The survey results have shown that three most often bought organic vegetables species are: green salad, tomatoes and carrots. Most consumers claim to buy organic vegetables occasionally, and most often in specialized organic food stores. Gender, number of household members, presence of children under 12 years in household, self-rated knowledge about organic vegetables, as well as usual buying place of organic vegetables have strong influence on buying frequency

    Kupnja ekološkog povrća kao oblik pro-okolišnog ponašanja: Primjena teorije aktiviranja normi

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    The aim of this research was to explore the applicability of norm activation theory in the context of organic vegetables with intention to purchase as a variable of the interest. Survey was conducted on a sample of 404 organic vegetables consumers. Results of Structural Equation Modeling revealed that the determinants of personal norm were awareness of need and social norm. Personal norm and social norm significantly and positively influenced purchasing intention of organic vegetables, approving applicability of norm activation theory. Based on these findings, recommendations for marketing practice are given in order to strengthen purchasing intention of organic vegetables and thus purchasing behaviour of organic vegetables as a form of pro-environmental behaviour.Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je utvrditi primjenjivost teorije aktiviranja normi u kontekstu kupnje ekološkog povrća s namjerom kupnje kao ciljanom varijablom. Anketno ispitivanje provedeno je na uzorku od 404 potrošača ekološkog povrća. Rezultati modeliranja strukturnih jednadžbi otkrili su da su odrednice osobne norme bile svijest o potrebi i društvena norma. Osobna norma i društvena norma značajno i pozitivno utjecale su na namjeru kupnje ekološkog povrća, potvrđujući primjenjivost teorije aktiviranja normi. Na temelju ovih rezultata, date su preporuke za marketinšku praksu s ciljem jačanja namjere kupnje ekološkog povrća i na taj način kupovnog ponašanja potrošača ekološkog povrća kao oblika pro-okolišnog ponašanja

    Buying Behaviour of Organic Vegetables Consumers in Croatia

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    The purpose of this research was to examine some aspects of buying behaviour of Croatian organic vegetables consumers, and to explore factors influencing buying frequency. A survey was conducted with 404 respondents in four selling points in Zagreb: two specialized organic food stores, one supermarket, and one city market. The survey results have shown that three most often bought organic vegetables species are: green salad, tomatoes and carrots. Most consumers claim to buy organic vegetables occasionally, and most often in specialized organic food stores. Gender, number of household members, presence of children under 12 years in household, self-rated knowledge about organic vegetables, as well as usual buying place of organic vegetables have strong influence on buying frequency

    Composition and provenance of Neogene sedimentary rocks of Dilj gora Mt. (south Pannonian Basin, Croatia)

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     The petrographic composition and transport direction of medium and coarse-grained clastic material of Dilj gora Mt. which is located in the south Pannonian basin, show that this area experienced several changes in provenance of arriving detritus through the Neogene. Detritus for the oldest Lower Miocene (Ravan unit) was transported generally from the south and most probably derived from clastic and carbonate sediments and metamorphic rocks of the Internal Dinarides. Detritus of the Lower Miocene–Middle Miocene (Tuk unit) was originated by weathering of acid magmatic and metamorphic rocks with significant input of materials from local sources, primarily from the Internal Dinarides and from Požeška gora and Dilj gora Mts. During the entire Middle Miocene (Zdenci, Dubovik and Glogovica units) and through the older part of the Late Miocene (Croatica and Pavlovci unit) the deposition of siliciclastic gravel and sandy detritus was less significant. Only the Middle Miocene deposits (Kasonja unit) contain clastic detritus derived from granitoids, metamorphic and sedimentary rocks of the hinterland. The source area of this detritus was most probably in the Slavonian Mts. (Papuk, Psunj, Požeška gora Mt.) or the mountains of northern Bosnia (Motajica Mt.). At the time of late Upper Miocene (Andraševec and Nova Gradiška units) detritus derived from different metamorphic and older sedimentary rocks. The structural and mineralogical maturity of these sediments and their transport directions indicates an Alpine-Carpathian provenance of material. Most of the detritus of the Pliocene sediments (Cernik unit) also belong to an Alpine-Carpathian provenance, however a small part of it is of local origin and came from uplifted and mainly sedimentary rocks.Determinated various textural characteristics and diverse modal compositions and provenance of Neogene clastic material of Dilj gora Mt. can be attributed to differing source rock compositions and locations of source areas, but they are also the product of different controls on sedimentation such as different rates of subsidence and extension of Pannonian Basin interrupted by compressional events, basin water-level fluctuations connected with global sea-level changes and infilling of PB by delta progradation.</p

    Anisotropic Mechanical Properties of Materials in Stereolithographic Additive Manufacturing

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    Rapid development and expanding deployment of additive manufacturing mark this technology as an acceptable alternative to traditional methods of production in terms of speed and quality. All types of additive manufacturing technologies build objects layer by layer, therefore anisotropy of mechanical properties is often encountered, making it difficult to accurately predict the mechanical behavior of additively manufactured parts. This paper examines the mechanical properties of additively manufactured parts and the creation of an anisotropic digital material model that can be used to accurately simulate the behavior of additively manufactured parts using FEA (Finite Element Analysis). A three-point bending test was performed on samples created using SLA (Stereolithography) technology. The identical bending scenario was computer modeled using FEA, while the modified manufacturer\u27s data was used for digital material creation. Comparison and analysis of the experimentally obtained results and the results of the FEA were performed


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    Provedeno je anketno ispitivanje na uzorku od 100 ispitanika o potrošnji brze hrane na zagrebačkom tržištu. Rezultati istraživanja pokazuju da su ispitanici dobro upoznati s pojmom brze hrane. Većina ispitanika ima negativan stav o brzoj hrani i brine se o mogućem utjecaju brze hrane na zdravlje. Usprkos negativnom stavu većina ispitanika odlazi u restorane McDonald\u27s. Najveće prednosti brze hrane su brza usluga te privlačni i ukusni proizvodi. Najvažniji motivi za odlazak u McDonald\u27s su ušteda vremena, čisti restorani, uskusni prozvodi i sigurna hrana.A survey was conducted on a sample of 100 respondents regarding the consumption of fast food on the Zagreb market. Results of the research show that respondents are familiar with the meaning of the term “fast food”. Most respondents have a negative attitude to fast food and are worried about its influence on health. Despite the negative attitude most respondents visit McDonald’s restaurants. The biggest advantages of fast food are fast service and tasty and attractive products. The most important motives for visiting McDonald’s are convenience, cleanliness, taste of the food and food safety


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    Provedeno je anketno ispitivanje na uzorku od 100 ispitanika o potrošnji brze hrane na zagrebačkom tržištu. Rezultati istraživanja pokazuju da su ispitanici dobro upoznati s pojmom brze hrane. Većina ispitanika ima negativan stav o brzoj hrani i brine se o mogućem utjecaju brze hrane na zdravlje. Usprkos negativnom stavu većina ispitanika odlazi u restorane McDonald\u27s. Najveće prednosti brze hrane su brza usluga te privlačni i ukusni proizvodi. Najvažniji motivi za odlazak u McDonald\u27s su ušteda vremena, čisti restorani, uskusni prozvodi i sigurna hrana.A survey was conducted on a sample of 100 respondents regarding the consumption of fast food on the Zagreb market. Results of the research show that respondents are familiar with the meaning of the term “fast food”. Most respondents have a negative attitude to fast food and are worried about its influence on health. Despite the negative attitude most respondents visit McDonald’s restaurants. The biggest advantages of fast food are fast service and tasty and attractive products. The most important motives for visiting McDonald’s are convenience, cleanliness, taste of the food and food safety