342 research outputs found

    Kinematic differences between NLS1 and BLAGN sources

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    It is well-known that the higher policyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) abundance, lower black hole mass, higher accretion rate and lower luminosities are among the major characteristics of Narrow-Line Seyfert galaxies (NLS1), when they are compared to Broad line Seyfert galaxies (BLS1). NLS1s may be normal Seyfert galaxies at an early stage of evolution, their black holes may still be growing and/or they could be special for some other reason. In this work we discuss the findings that NLS1s have most of line and continuum luminosities correlated with FWHM(HĪ²\beta), which may be the trace of their rapid black hole mass grow. BLS1 do not show such trends. Also, PAHs may be destroyed as the black hole grows and the starbursts are removed, for NLS1 objects.Comment: Revisiting narrow-line Seyfert 1 galaxies and their place in the Universe - NLS1 Padov

    Tidal variability of the motion in the Strait of Otranto

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    Various current data, collected in the Strait of Otranto during the period 1994ā€“2007, have been analysed with the aim of describing the characteristics of the tidal motions and their contribution to the total flow variance. The principal tidal constituents in the area were the semi-diurnal (M2) and the diurnal (K1), with the latter one predominant. The total flow was, in general, more energetic along the flanks than in the middle of the strait. Specifically, it was most energetic over the western shelf and in the upper layer along the eastern flank. In spite of the generally low velocities (a few cm s<sup>āˆ’1</sup>) of the principal tidal constituents, the tidal variance has a pattern similar to that of the total flow variance, that is, it was large over the western shelf and low in the middle. The proportion of non-tidal (comprising the inertial and sub-inertial low-frequency bands) to tidal flow variances was quite variable in both time and space. The low-frequency motions dominated over the tidal and inertial ones in the eastern portion of the strait during the major part of the year, particularly in the upper and intermediate layers. In the deep, near-bottom layer the variance was evenly distributed between the low frequency, diurnal and semi-diurnal bands. An exception was observed near the western shelf break during the summer season when the contribution of the tidal signal to the total variance reached 77%. This high contribution was mainly due to the intensification of the diurnal signal at that location at both upper and bottom current records (velocities of about 10 cm s<sup>āˆ’1</sup>). Local wind and sea level data were analysed and compared with the flow to find the possible origin of this diurnal intensification. Having excluded the sea-breeze impact on the intensification of the diurnal tidal signal, the most likely cause remains the generation of the topographically trapped internal waves and the diurnal resonance in the tidal response. These waves were sometimes generated by the barotropic tidal signal in the presence of summer stratification and the strong bottom slope. This phenomenon may stimulate diapycnal mixing during the stratified season and enhance ventilation of the near-bottom layers

    Mass Spectra of Labeled Cyclopentanols

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    The fragmentation of cyclopentanol has been studied by employing the deuterium labeling technique. Starting from the molecular ion the following specific processes could be established: loss of H from the position 1, loss of CH3 formed mainly from 2 (or 5) position after a-scission, loss of H 2 0 as a 1,3-elimination, and loss of C2H 5 generated from 2 and 3 or 4 and 5 positions plus one hydrogen from position 5 or 2, respectively. The results are discussed

    RXJ 0921+4529: a binary quasar or gravitational lens?

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    We report the new spectroscopic observations of the gravitational lens RXJ 021+4529 with the multi-mode focal reducer SCORPIO of the SAO RAS 6-m telescope. The new spectral observations were compared with the previously observed spectra of components A and B of RXJ 0921+4529, i.e. the same components observed in different epochs. We found a significant difference in the spectrum between the components that cannot be explained with microlensing and/or spectral variation. We conclude that RXJ 0921+4529 is a binary quasar system, where redshifts of quasars A and B are 1.6535 +/- 0.0005 and 1.6625 +/- 0.0015, respectively.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figures, accepted for publication in The Astrophysical Journal Letter

    Spectral Optical Monitoring of the Narrow Line Seyfert 1 galaxy Ark 564

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    We present the results of a long-term (1999--2010) spectral optical monitoring campaign of the active galactic nucleus (AGN) Ark 564, which shows a strong Fe II line emission in the optical. This AGN is a narrow line Seyfert 1 (NLS1) galaxies, a group of AGNs with specific spectral characteristics. We analyze the light curves of the permitted Ha, Hb, optical Fe II line fluxes, and the continuum flux in order to search for a time lag between them. Additionally, in order to estimate the contribution of iron lines from different multiplets, we fit the Hb and Fe II lines with a sum of Gaussian components. We found that during the monitoring period the spectral variation (F_max/F_min) of Ark 564 was between 1.5 for Ha to 1.8 for the Fe II lines. The correlation between the Fe II and Hb flux variations is of higher significance than that of Ha and Hb (whose correlation is almost absent). The permitted-line profiles are Lorentzian-like, and did not change shape during the monitoring period. We investigated, in detail, the optical Fe II emission and found different degrees of correlation between the Fe II emission arising from different spectral multiplets and the continuum flux. The relatively weak and different degrees of correlations between permitted lines and continuum fluxes indicate a rather complex source of ionization of the broad line emission region.Comment: Accepted for publication in ApJ

    Changes of the content of biogenic amines during winemaking of Sauvignon wines

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    The aim of the present work was to study the changes of the content of biogenic amines during winemaking and maturation processes of wines made from Vitis vinifera cv Sauvignon grapes from Slavonia region (vintage 2008). Biogenic amines were quantified using a reversed-phase high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) with fluorescence detection after pre-column derivatization with o-phthalaldehyde (OPA). Samples used in this study were obtained during production of Sauvignon wines in three different ways in order to produce quality wine (QW), quality press wine (QPW) and macerated wines (MW). The QPW corresponds to the first fraction obtained by direct pressing pomace, while the QW is the free run wine. The MW was obtained by grape mash cryomaceration. Putrescine and tryptamine were the most prevalent amines, followed by histamine, cadaverine and tyramine. The macerated wine posses higher content of biogenic amines than press and free run wines. In all analysed wines the content of biogenic amines tends to increase during winemaking and maturation and the main increase was detected during the malolactic fermentation. The detected content of histamine and tyramine were below the content considered to have an adverse effect on human health

    Electrochemical Characterization of Bronze Exposed to Outdoor Atmosphere

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    The aim of this work was to examine corrosion behaviour of bare and artificial patinated bronzes during exposure to urban outdoor atmosphere. Studies were conducted on copper and two different bronzes in order to evaluate the influence of substrate composition on patina composition and electrochemical behaviour. Additionally, two different patination methods were compared. Corrosion behaviour was examined using electrochemical impedance spectroscopy with gel-electrolyte electrochemical cell. The composition of patina was determined by ATR-FTIR spectroscopy. The obtained results showed that all studied artificial patinas initially decrease the corrosion resistance of copper and bronzes but in time their corrosion resistance improves, and even for certain combinations, artificial patina-bronze corrosion resistance is higher than that of naturally patinated bronze. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License

    Učinci hiperbaričnog kisika na vidne funkcije u bolesnika s ishemičnom optičkom neuropatijom

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    The effects of hyperbaric oxygen therapy were studied in nine patients with non-arteritic anterior ischaemic optic neuropathy, who had been unsatisfactorily treated with corticosteroids. In four patients with signs of optic disc atrophy there was no improvement of visual functions after hyperbaric oxygen treatment, whereas in the other five patients, who had no signs of optic disc atrophy, visual acuity and visual field improved. The achieved improvements were maintained al a control examination six months later. Results suggest that hyperbaric oxygen might be a new remedy for the selected cases of non-arteritic ischaemic optic neuropathy and call for a controlled clinical study aiming to acurately assess its efficacy.Ispitivani su učinci tretmana hiperbaričnim kisikom u devet bolesnika s nearteritičinim oblikom prednje ishemične optikoneuropatije, koji su prethodno liječeni kortikosteroidima bez uspjeha. U četiri bolesnika sa znakovima atrofije optičkog diska, nakon tretmana hiperbaričnim kisikom, nije nađeno nikakvo poboljÅ”anje vidnih funkcija, dok je u ostalih pet, bez znakova atrofije optičkog diska, ustanovljeno poboljÅ”anje oÅ”trine vida i vidnog polja. Ova poboljÅ”anja nađena su i na kontrolnom pregledu nakon Å”est mjeseci. Rezultati ispitivanja sugeriraju hiperbaričnu oksigenaciju kao moguć način liječenja selekcioniranih slučajeva nearteritičnog oblika ishemične optikoneuropatije, kao i kontrolirani klinički pokus, radi egzaktnijeg utvrđivanja efikasnosti hiperbarične oksigenacije u ovih bolesnika

    Anatomy and radiology of the variations of aortic arch branches in 1,266 patients

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    Background: The most reliable data about arterial variations, which are very important in surgery and radiology, can be obtained from a large series of patients.Materials and methods: We examined angiographic and multislice computerised tomography (MSCT) images in a group of 1,265 patients and in 1 dissected specimen.Results: While in 946 (74.72%) of the patients a normal vascular pattern (type I) was noticed, in the remaining 320 (25.28%) patients variations of the branchesof the aortic arch were found, which were classified into types II through VIII and a few subtypes. Type II (2.84%) comprised a common origin of the left commoncarotid and subclavian arteries. Type III (15.56%) was related to an origin of the left subclavian artery from the brachiocephalic trunk. Type IV (0.55%) includedthe aortic origin of both common carotid and subclavian arteries, with the rightsubclavian artery having a retroesophageal course. Type V (0.24%) included thesame 4 supra-aortic branches, which, however, arose from a double or a right--sided aortic arch. Type VI (3.63%) comprised the aortic origin of the left vertebralartery, type VII (0.24%) the same origin of the right vertebral artery, and type VIII(2.22%) the aortic origin of the thyroideaima artery. A corresponding embryological background and clinical implications of the described aberrant vessels were presented.Conclusions: In more than one quarter of the cases, the branching pattern of the examined arteries did not follow the classical pattern. Detailed knowledge of aortic branch variations is of great significance in anatomy, embryology, andclinical medicine, especially in radiology and thoracic surgery
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