348 research outputs found

    Kondo screening suppression by spin-orbit interaction in quantum dots

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    We study the transport properties of a quantum dot embedded in an Aharonov-Bohm ring in the presence of spin-orbit interactions. Using a numerical renormalization group analysis of the system in the Kondo regime, we find that the competition of Aharonov-Bohm and spin-orbit dynamical phases induces a strong suppression of the Kondo state singlet, somewhat akin to an effective intrinsic magnetic field in the system. This effective field breaks the spin degeneracy of the localized state and produces a finite magnetic moment in the dot. By introducing an {\em in-plane} Zeeman field we show that the Kondo resonance can be fully restored, reestablishing the spin singlet and a desired spin filtering behavior in the Kondo regime, which may result in full spin polarization of the current through the ring.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Gravitational conundrum? Dynamical mass segregation versus disruption of binary stars in dense stellar systems

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    Upon their formation, dynamically cool (collapsing) star clusters will, within only a few million years, achieve stellar mass segregation for stars down to a few solar masses, simply because of gravitational two-body encounters. Since binary systems are, on average, more massive than single stars, one would expect them to also rapidly mass segregate dynamically. Contrary to these expectations and based on high-resolution Hubble Space Telescope observations, we show that the compact, 15-30 Myr-old Large Magellanic Cloud cluster NGC 1818 exhibits tantalizing hints at the >= 2 sigma level of significance (> 3 sigma if we assume a power-law secondary-to-primary mass-ratio distribution) of an increasing fraction of F-star binary systems (with combined masses of 1.3-1.6 Msun) with increasing distance from the cluster center, specifically between the inner 10 to 20" (approximately equivalent to the cluster's core and half-mass radii) and the outer 60 to 80". If confirmed, this will offer support of the theoretically predicted but thus far unobserved dynamical disruption processes of the significant population of 'soft' binary systems---with relatively low binding energies compared to the kinetic energy of their stellar members---in star clusters, which we have access to here by virtue of the cluster's unique combination of youth and high stellar density.Comment: Accepted for publication in The Astrophysical Journal; 19 pages in AASTeX format; 3 figure

    Resonant Tunneling through Linear Arrays of Quantum Dots

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    We theoretically investigate resonant tunneling through a linear array of quantum dots with subsequent tunnel coupling. We consider two limiting cases: (i) strong Coulomb blockade, where only one extra electron can be present in the array (ii) limit of almost non-interacting electrons. We develop a density matrix description that incorporates the coupling of the dots to reservoirs. We analyze in detail the dependence of the stationary current on the electron energies, tunnel matrix elements and rates, and on the number of dots. We describe interaction and localization effects on the resonant current. We analyze the applicability of the approximation of independent conduction channels. We find that this approximation is not valid when at least one of the tunnel rates to the leads is comparable to the energy splitting of the states in the array. In this case the interference of conduction processes through different channels suppresses the current.Comment: 12 pages, 5 figure

    Distinct Signatures For Coulomb Blockade and Aharonov-Bohm Interference in Electronic Fabry-Perot Interferometers

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    Two distinct types of magnetoresistance oscillations are observed in two electronic Fabry-Perot interferometers of different sizes in the integer quantum Hall regime. Measuring these oscillations as a function of magnetic field and gate voltages, we observe three signatures that distinguish the two types. The oscillations observed in a 2.0 square micron device are understood to arise from the Coulomb blockade mechanism, and those observed in an 18 square micron device from the Aharonov-Bohm mechanism. This work clarifies, provides ways to distinguish, and demonstrates control over, these distinct physical origins of resistance oscillations seen in electronic Fabry-Perot interferometers.Comment: related papers at http://marcuslab.harvard.ed

    Enhanced spin Hall effect by tuning antidot potential: Proposal for a spin filter

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    We propose an efficient spin filter including an antidot fabricated on semiconductor heterostructures with strong spin-orbit interaction. The antidot creates a tunable potential on two-dimensional electron gas in the heterostructures, which may be attractive as well as repulsive. Our idea is based on the enhancement of extrinsic spin Hall effect by resonant scattering when the attractive potential is properly tuned. Numerical studies for three- and four-terminal devices indicate that the efficiency of the spin filter can be more than 50% by tuning the potential to the resonant condition.Comment: 11 pages, 10 figure

    A spin-dependent local moment approach to the Anderson impurity model

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    We present an extension of the local moment approach to the Anderson impurity model with spin-dependent hybridization. By employing the two-self-energy description, as originally proposed by Logan and co-workers, we applied the symmetry restoration condition for the case with spin-dependent hybridization. Self-consistent ground states were determined through variational minimization of the ground state energy. The results obtained with our spin-dependent local moment approach applied to a quantum dot system coupled to ferromagnetic leads are in good agreement with those obtained from previous work using numerical renormalization group calculations

    The Anderson Model out of equilibrium: Time dependent perturbations

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    The influence of high-frequency fields on quantum transport through a quantum dot is studied in the low-temperature regime. We generalize the non crossing approximation for the infinite-U Anderson model to the time-dependent case. The dc spectral density shows asymmetric Kondo side peaks due to photon-assisted resonant tunneling. As a consequence we predict an electron-photon pump at zero bias which is purely based on the Kondo effect. In contrast to the resonant level model and the time-independent case we observe asymmetric peak amplitudes in the Coulomb oscillations and the differential conductance versus bias voltage shows resonant side peaks with a width much smaller than the tunneling rate. All the effects might be used to clarify the question whether quantum dots indeed show the Kondo effect.Comment: 13 pages, REVTEX 3.0, 5 figure

    Photon-Assisted Transport Through Ultrasmall Quantum Dots: Influence of Intradot Transitions

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    We study transport through one or two ultrasmall quantum dots with discrete energy levels to which a time-dependent field is applied (e.g., microwaves). The AC field causes photon-assisted tunneling and also transitions between discrete energy levels of the dot. We treat the problem by introducing a generalization of the rotating-wave approximation to arbitrarily many levels. We calculate the dc-current through one dot and find satisfactory agreement with recent experiments by Oosterkamp et al. . In addition, we propose a novel electron pump consisting of two serially coupled single-level quantum dots with a time-dependent interdot barrier.Comment: 16 pages, Revtex, 10 eps-figure

    Quantum Dot Version of Berry's Phase: Half-Integer Orbital Angular Momenta

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    We show that Berry's geometrical (topological) phase for circular quantum dots with an odd number of electrons is equal to \pi and that eigenvalues of the orbital angular momentum run over half-integer values. The non-zero value of the Berry's phase is provided by axial symmetry and two-dimensionality of the system. Its particular value (\pi) is fixed by the Pauli exclusion principle. Our conclusions agree with the experimental results of T. Schmidt {\it at el}, \PR B {\bf 51}, 5570 (1995), which can be considered as the first experimental evidence for the existence of a new realization of Berry's phase and half-integer values of the orbital angular momentum in a system of an odd number of electrons in circular quantum dots.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figure

    Negative Impurity Magnetic Susceptibility and Heat Capacity in a Kondo Model with Narrow Peaks in the Local Density of Electron States

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    Temperature dependencies of the impurity magnetic susceptibility, entropy, and heat capacity have been obtained by the method of numerical renormalization group and exact diagonalization for the Kondo model with peaks in the electron density of states near the Fermi energy (in particular, with logarithmic Van Hove singularities). It is shown that these quantities can be {\it negative}. A new effect has been predicted (which, in principle, can be observed experimentally), namely, the decrease in the magnetic susceptibility and heat capacity of a nonmagnetic sample upon the addition of magnetic impurities into it
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