74 research outputs found

    L-Ascorbate Biosynthesis Involves Carbon Skeleton Rearrangement in the Nematode Caenorhabditis elegans

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    Ascorbate (AsA) is required as a cofactor and is widely distributed in plants and animals. Recently, it has been suggested that the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans also synthesizes AsA. However, its biosynthetic pathway is still unknown. To further understand AsA biosynthesis in C. elegans, we analyzed the incorporation of the 13C atom into AsA using gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) in worms fed with D-Glc (1-13C)-labeled Escherichia coli. GC-MS analysis revealed that AsA biosynthesis in C. elegans, similarly to that in mammalian systems, involves carbon skeleton rearrangement. The addition of L-gulono-1,4-lactone, an AsA precursor in the mammalian pathway, significantly increased AsA level in C. elegans, whereas the addition of L-galactono-1,4-lactone, an AsA precursor in the plant and Euglena pathway, did not affect AsA level. The suppression of E03H4.3 (an ortholog of gluconolactonase) or the deficiency of F54D5.12 (an ortholog of L-gulono-1,4-lactone oxidase) significantly decreased AsA level in C. elegans. Although N2- and AsA-deficient F54D5.12 knockout mutant worm (tm6671) morphologies and the ratio of collagen to non-collagen protein did not show any significant differences, the mutant worms exhibited increased malondialdehyde levels and reduced lifespan compared with the N2 worms. In conclusion, our findings indicate that the AsA biosynthetic pathway is similar in C. elegans and mammals

    Long-term Remission of Hepatitis-associated Aplastic Anemia Possibly due to Immunosuppressive Therapy after Liver Transplantation

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    Hepatitis-associated aplastic anemia (HAAA) is an acquired bone marrow failure syndrome that develops after seronegative fulminant hepatitis. Abnormal cytotoxic T-cell activation with cytokine release is a possible pathophysiology. We present the case of a 16-month-old Japanese male who developed HAAA following living-donor liver transplantation for fulminant hepatitis. His aplastic anemia was successfully treated with immunosuppressive therapy. He had been administered tacrolimus for prophylaxis against hepatic allograft rejection. Ten years after the HAAA onset, the patientā€™s bone marrow was found to be slightly hypoplastic. Tacrolimus may be effective in controlling abnormal immune reactions that can cause recurrent impaired hematopoiesis

    Outburst of LS V+44 17 Observed by MAXI and RXTE, and Discovery of a Dip Structure in the Pulse Profile

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    We report on the first observation of an X-ray outburst of a Be/X-ray binary pulsar LS V +44 17/RX J0440.9+4431, and the discovery of an absorption dip structure in the pulse profile. An outburst of this source was discovered by MAXI GSC in 2010 April. It was the first detection of the transient activity of LS V +44 17 since the source was identified as a Be/X-ray binary in 1997. From the data of the follow-up RXTE observation near the peak of the outburst, we found a narrow dip structure in its pulse profile which was clearer in the lower energy bands. The pulse-phase-averaged energy spectra in the 3āˆ’-100 keV band can be fitted with a continuum model containing a power-law function with an exponential cutoff and a blackbody component, which are modified at low energy by an absorption component. A weak iron KĪ±\alpha emission line is also detected in the spectra. From the pulse-phase-resolved spectroscopy we found that the absorption column density at the dip phase was much higher than those in the other phases. The dip was not seen in the subsequent RXTE observations at lower flux levels. These results suggest that the dip in the pulse profile originates from the eclipse of the radiation from the neutron star by the accretion column.Comment: 18 pages, 7 figures, accepted for publication in PAS

    Bright X-ray flares from the BL Lac object Mrk 421, detected with MAXI in 2010 January and February

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    Strong X-ray flares from the blazar Mrk 421 were detected in 2010 January and February through the 7 month monitoring with the MAXI GSC. The maximum 2 -- 10 keV flux in the January and February flares was measured as 120 +- 10 mCrab and 164 +- 17 mCrab respectively; the latter is the highest among those reported from the object. A comparison of the MAXI and Swift BAT data suggests a convex X-ray spectrum with an approximated photon index of about 2. This spectrum is consistent with a picture that MAXI is observing near the synchrotron peak frequency. The source exhibited a spectral variation during these flares, slightly different from those in the previous observations, in which the positive correlation between the flux and hardness was widely reported. By equating the halving decay timescale in the January flare, tdāˆ¼2.5Ɨ104t_{\rm d} \sim 2.5 \times 10^{4} s, to the synchrotron cooling time, the magnetic field was evaluated as B = 0.045 G (Ī“/10)āˆ’1/3(\delta/10)^{-1/3}, where Ī“\delta is the jet beaming factor. Assuming that the light crossing time of the emission region is shorter than the doubling rise time, trā‰²2Ɨ104t_{\rm r} \lesssim 2 \times 10^{4} s, the region size was roughly estimated as R<6Ɨ1015 R < 6 \times 10^{15} cm (Ī“/10)(\delta/10). These are consistent with the values previously reported. For the February flare, the rise time, tr<1.3Ɨ105t_{\rm r} < 1.3 \times 10^{5} s, gives a loose upper limit on the size as R<4Ɨ1016 R < 4 \times 10^{16} cm (Ī“/10)(\delta/10), although the longer decay time tdāˆ¼1.4Ɨ105t_{\rm d} \sim 1.4 \times 10^{5} s, indicates B = 0.015 G (Ī“/10)āˆ’1/3(\delta/10)^{-1/3}, which is weaker than the previous results. This could be reconciled by invoking a scenario that this flare is a superposition of unresolved events with a shorter timescale.Comment: 14 pages, 4 figures, accepted for PASJ (Vol. 62 No. 6

    MAXI GSC observations of a spectral state transition in the black hole candidate XTE J1752-223

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    We present the first results on the black hole candidate XTE J1752-223 from the Gas Slit Camera (GSC) on-board the Monitor of All-sky X-ray Image (MAXI) on the International Space Station. Including the onset of the outburst reported by the Proportional Counter Array on-board the Rossi X-ray Timing Explorer on 2009 October 23, the MAXI/GSC has been monitoring this source approximately 10 times per day with a high sensitivity in the 2-20 keV band. XTE J1752-223 was initially in the low/hard state during the first 3 months. An anti-correlated behavior between the 2-4 keV and 4-20 keV bands were observed around January 20, 2010, indicating that the source exhibited the spectral transition to the high/soft state. A transient radio jet may have been ejected when the source was in the intermediate state where the spectrum was roughly explained by a power-law with a photon index of 2.5-3.0. The unusually long period in the initial low/hard state implies a slow variation in the mass accretion rate, and the dramatic soft X-ray increase may be explained by a sudden appearance of the accretion disk component with a relatively low innermost temperature (0.4-0.7 keV). Such a low temperature might suggest that the maximum accretion rate was just above the critical gas evaporation rate required for the state transition.Comment: Publication of Astronomical Society of Japan Vol.62, No.5 (2010) [in print

    Long-term Monitoring of the Black Hole Binary GX 339-4 in the High/Soft State during the 2010 Outburst with MAXI/GSC

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    We present the results of monitoring the Galactic black hole candidate GX 339-4 with the Monitor of All-sky X-ray Image (MAXI) / Gas Slit Camera (GSC) in the high/soft state during the outburst in 2010. All the spectra throughout the 8-month period are well reproduced with a model consisting of multi-color disk (MCD) emission and its Comptonization component, whose fraction is <= 25% in the total flux. In spite of the flux variability over a factor of 3, the innermost disk radius is constant at R_in = 61 +/- 2 km for the inclination angle of i = 46 deg and the distance of d=8 kpc. This R_in value is consistent with those of the past measurements with Tenma in the high/soft state. Assuming that the disk extends to the innermost stable circular orbit of a non-spinning black hole, we estimate the black hole mass to be M = 6.8 +/- 0.2 M_sun for i = 46 deg and d = 8 kpc, which is consistent with that estimated from the Suzaku observation of the previous low/hard state. Further combined with the mass function, we obtain the mass constraint of 4.3 M_sun < M < 13.3 M_sun for the allowed range of d = 6-15 kpc and i < 60 deg. We also discuss the spin parameter of the black hole in GX 339-4 by applying relativistic accretion disk models to the Swift/XRT data.Comment: 9 pages, 8 figures, accepted for publication in PASJ (Suzaku+MAXI special issue

    Burnout among kindergarten teachers and associated factors

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    Burnout among kindergarten teachers is a subject of great concern. Although burnout is reported to be significantly associated with turnover intention and work engagement, few studies have examined factors associated with burnout among these teachers. Therefore, in the present study, we performed a cross-sectional survey of burnout and associated factors among kindergarten teachers. We distributed 3363 questionnaires to all 205 authorized kindergartens and childcare institutions in Nagasaki Prefecture and received 1086 responses (response rate: 32.3%). The participants were limited to full-time female class teachers. After excluding survey forms with incomplete content, we ultimately examined valid responses from 442 participants. The survey examined burnout (Maslach Burnout Inventory, MBI), teacher stress (Nursery Teacherā€™s Stress Scale, NTSS), coping behaviors (Brief Scales for Coping Profile, BSCP), and social support (Social Support Scale, SSS). A multiple regression analysis revealed that all 3 MBI subscales were positively associated with ā€œunderstanding of how to handle childrenā€ on the NTSS and negatively associated with ā€œsuperiorsā€ on the SSS. ā€œEmotional exhaustionā€ was significantly associated with ā€œinterpersonal relations at workā€ and ā€œlack of timeā€ on the NTSS, and ā€œavoidance and suppressionā€ on the BSCP. ā€œDepersonalizationā€ was significantly associated with age, ā€œdisconnect in working conditionsā€ on the NTSS, and ā€œproactive problem solvingā€ and ā€œventing emotions to othersā€ on the BSCP. ā€œDiminished professional accomplishmentā€ was significantly associated with age, ā€œlack of timeā€ on the NTSS, and ā€œproactive problem solvingā€ and ā€œchange in perspectiveā€ on the BSCP. These results suggest that support from superiors that enables teachers to better understand children and handle them appropriately is necessary to prevent burnout

    A Spectral Study of the Black Hole Candidate XTE J1752-223 in the High/Soft State with MAXI, Suzaku and Swift

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    We report on the X-ray spectral analysis of the black hole candidate XTE\ J1752--223 in the 2009--2010 outburst, utilizing data obtained with the MAXI/Gas Slit Camera (GSC), the Swift/XRT, and Suzaku, which work complementarily. As already reported by Nakahira et al. (2010) MAXI monitored the source continuously throughout the entire outburst for about eight months. All the MAXI/GSC energy spectra in the high/soft state lasting for 2 months are well represented by a multi-color disk plus power-law model. The innermost disk temperature changed from āˆ¼\sim0.7 keV to āˆ¼\sim0.4 keV and the disk flux decreased by an order of magnitude. Nevertheless, the innermost radius is constant at āˆ¼\sim41 D3.5(cosā”i)āˆ’1/2D_{3.5}(\cos{\it i})^{-1/2} km, where D3.5D_{3.5} is the source distance in units of 3.5 kpc and ii the inclination. The multi-color disk parameters obtained with the MAXI/GSC are consistent with those with the Swift/XRT and Suzaku. The Suzaku data also suggests a possibility that the disk emission is slightly Comptonized, which could account for broad iron-K features reported previously. Assuming that the obtained innermost radius represents the innermost stable circular orbit for a non-rotating black hole, we estimate the mass of the black hole to be 5.51Ā±\pm0.28 MāŠ™M_{\odot} D3.5(cosā”i)āˆ’1/2D_{3.5}(\cos{\it i})^{-1/2}, where the correction for the stress-free inner boundary condition and color hardening factor of 1.7 are taken into account. If the inclination is less than 49āˆ˜^{\circ} as suggested from the radio monitoring of transient jets and the soft-to-hard transition in 2010 April occurred at 1--4% of Eddignton luminosity, the fitting of the Suzaku spectra with a relativistic accretion-disk model derives constraints on the mass and the distance to be 3.1--55 MāŠ™M_{\odot} and 2.3--22 {\rm kpc}, respectively. This confirms that the compact object in XTE J1752--223 is a black hole.Comment: 12 pages including 7 figures and 4 tables, accepted for publication in PAS
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