531 research outputs found

    High-resolution simulations of the flow around an impulsively started cylinder using vortex methods

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    The development of a two-dimensional viscous incompressible flow generated from a circular cylinder impulsively started into rectilinear motion is studied computationally. An adaptative numerical scheme, based on vortex methods, is used to integrate the vorticity/velocity formulation of the Navier–Stokes equations for a wide range of Reynolds numbers (Re = 40 to 9500). A novel technique is implemented to resolve diffusion effects and enforce the no-slip boundary condition. The Biot–Savart law is employed to compute the velocities, thus eliminating the need for imposing the far-field boundary conditions. An efficient fast summation algorithm was implemented that allows a large number of computational elements, thus producing unprecedented high-resolution simulations. Results are compared to those from other theoretical, experimental and computational works and the relation between the unsteady vorticity field and the forces experienced by the body is discussed

    Bayesian selection for coarse-grained models of liquid water

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    The necessity for accurate and computationally efficient representations of water in atomistic simulations that can span biologically relevant timescales has born the necessity of coarse-grained (CG) modeling. Despite numerous advances, CG water models rely mostly on a-priori specified assumptions. How these assumptions affect the model accuracy, efficiency, and in particular transferability, has not been systematically investigated. Here we propose a data driven, comparison and selection for CG water models through a Hierarchical Bayesian framework. We examine CG water models that differ in their level of coarse-graining, structure, and number of interaction sites. We find that the importance of electrostatic interactions for the physical system under consideration is a dominant criterion for the model selection. Multi-site models are favored, unless the effects of water in electrostatic screening are not relevant, in which case the single site model is preferred due to its computational savings. The charge distribution is found to play an important role in the multi-site model's accuracy while the flexibility of the bonds/angles may only slightly improve the models. Furthermore, we find significant variations in the computational cost of these models. We present a data informed rationale for the selection of CG water models and provide guidance for future water model designs

    Efficient collective swimming by harnessing vortices through deep reinforcement learning

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    Fish in schooling formations navigate complex flow-fields replete with mechanical energy in the vortex wakes of their companions. Their schooling behaviour has been associated with evolutionary advantages including collective energy savings. How fish harvest energy from their complex fluid environment and the underlying physical mechanisms governing energy-extraction during collective swimming, is still unknown. Here we show that fish can improve their sustained propulsive efficiency by actively following, and judiciously intercepting, vortices in the wake of other swimmers. This swimming strategy leads to collective energy-savings and is revealed through the first ever combination of deep reinforcement learning with high-fidelity flow simulations. We find that a `smart-swimmer' can adapt its position and body deformation to synchronise with the momentum of the oncoming vortices, improving its average swimming-efficiency at no cost to the leader. The results show that fish may harvest energy deposited in vortices produced by their peers, and support the conjecture that swimming in formation is energetically advantageous. Moreover, this study demonstrates that deep reinforcement learning can produce navigation algorithms for complex flow-fields, with promising implications for energy savings in autonomous robotic swarms.Comment: 26 pages, 14 figure

    Direct numerical simulations of vortex rings at ReΓ = 7500

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    We present direct numerical simulations of the turbulent decay of vortex rings with ReΓ = 7500. We analyse the vortex dynamics during the nonlinear stage of the instability along with the structure of the vortex wake during the turbulent stage. These simulations enable the quantification of vorticity dynamics and their correlation with structures from dye visualization and the observations of circulation decay that have been reported in related experimental works. Movies are available with the online version of the paper

    Machine Learning for Fluid Mechanics

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    The field of fluid mechanics is rapidly advancing, driven by unprecedented volumes of data from field measurements, experiments and large-scale simulations at multiple spatiotemporal scales. Machine learning offers a wealth of techniques to extract information from data that could be translated into knowledge about the underlying fluid mechanics. Moreover, machine learning algorithms can augment domain knowledge and automate tasks related to flow control and optimization. This article presents an overview of past history, current developments, and emerging opportunities of machine learning for fluid mechanics. It outlines fundamental machine learning methodologies and discusses their uses for understanding, modeling, optimizing, and controlling fluid flows. The strengths and limitations of these methods are addressed from the perspective of scientific inquiry that considers data as an inherent part of modeling, experimentation, and simulation. Machine learning provides a powerful information processing framework that can enrich, and possibly even transform, current lines of fluid mechanics research and industrial applications.Comment: To appear in the Annual Reviews of Fluid Mechanics, 202

    Bending models of lipid bilayer membranes: spontaneous curvature and area-difference elasticity

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    We preset a computational study of bending models for the curvature elasticity of lipid bilayer membranes that are relevant for simulations of vesicles and red blood cells. We compute bending energy and forces on triangulated meshes and evaluate and extend four well established schemes for their approximation: Kantor and Nelson 1987, Phys. Rev. A 36, 4020, J\"ulicher 1996, J. Phys. II France 6, 1797, Gompper and Kroll 1996, J. Phys. I France 6, 1305, and Meyer et. al. 2003 in Visualization and Mathematics III, Springer, p35, termed A, B, C, D. We present a comparative study of these four schemes on the minimal bending model and propose extensions for schemes B, C and D. These extensions incorporate the reference state and non-local energy to account for the spontaneous curvature, bilayer coupling, and area-difference elasticity models. Our results indicate that the proposed extensions enhance the models to account for shape transformation including budding/vesiculation as well as for non-axisymmetric shapes. We find that the extended scheme B is superior to the rest in terms of accuracy, and robustness as well as simplicity of implementation. We demonstrate the capabilities of this scheme on several benchmark problems including the budding-vesiculating process and the reproduction of the phase diagram of vesicles

    Direct numerical simulations of on-demand vortex generators: Mathematical formulation

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    The objective of the present research is the development and application of efficient adaptive numerical algorithms for the study, via direct numerical simulations, of active vortex generators. We are using innovative computational schemes to investigate flows past complex configurations undergoing arbitrary motions. Some of the questions we try to answer are: Can and how may we control the dynamics of the wake? What is the importance of body shape and motion in the active control of the flow? What is the effect of three-dimensionality in laboratory experiments? We are interested not only in coupling our results to ongoing, related experimental work, but furthermore to develop an extensive database relating the above mechanisms to the vortical wake structures with the long-range objective of developing feedback control mechanisms. This technology is very important to aircraft, ship, automotive, and other industries that require predictive capability for fluid mechanical problems. The results would have an impact in high angle of attack aerodynamics and help design ways to improve the efficiency of ships and submarines (maneuverability, vortex induced vibration, and noise)

    Fast Multipole Methods for Three-Dimensional N-body Problems

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    We are developing computational tools for the simulations of three-dimensional flows past bodies undergoing arbitrary motions. High resolution viscous vortex methods have been developed that allow for extended simulations of two-dimensional configurations such as vortex generators. Our objective is to extend this methodology to three dimensions and develop a robust computational scheme for the simulation of such flows. A fundamental issue in the use of vortex methods is the ability of employing efficiently large numbers of computational elements to resolve the large range of scales that exist in complex flows. The traditional cost of the method scales as Omicron (N(sup 2)) as the N computational elements/particles induce velocities at each other, making the method unacceptable for simulations involving more than a few tens of thousands of particles. In the last decade fast methods have been developed that have operation counts of Omicron (N log N) or Omicron (N) (referred to as BH and GR respectively) depending on the details of the algorithm. These methods are based on the observation that the effect of a cluster of particles at a certain distance may be approximated by a finite series expansion. In order to exploit this observation we need to decompose the element population spatially into clusters of particles and build a hierarchy of clusters (a tree data structure) - smaller neighboring clusters combine to form a cluster of the next size up in the hierarchy and so on. This hierarchy of clusters allows one to determine efficiently when the approximation is valid. This algorithm is an N-body solver that appears in many fields of engineering and science. Some examples of its diverse use are in astrophysics, molecular dynamics, micro-magnetics, boundary element simulations of electromagnetic problems, and computer animation. More recently these N-body solvers have been implemented and applied in simulations involving vortex methods. Koumoutsakos and Leonard (1995) implemented the GR scheme in two dimensions for vector computer architectures allowing for simulations of bluff body flows using millions of particles. Winckelmans presented three-dimensional, viscous simulations of interacting vortex rings, using vortons and an implementation of a BH scheme for parallel computer architectures. Bhatt presented a vortex filament method to perform inviscid vortex ring interactions, with an alternative implementation of a BH scheme for a Connection Machine parallel computer architecture
