8 research outputs found

    モモセン コウサイキン ビョウキン(オモ ニXanthomonas arboricola pv. pruni)ノ ヤクザイ カンジュセイ ニ カンスル ケンキュウ

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    モモせん孔細菌病は重要病害の一つであり,国内ではXanthomonas arboricola pv. pruni, Pseudomonas syringae pv. syringae およびBrenneria nigrifluensの3種が病原細菌として報告されている。一般的に本病の主病原はX. a. pv. pruniであるとされているが,それを詳細に調査した報告は少ない。また,本病の防除は抗生物質剤を中心とした薬剤の散布が主である。抗生物質剤は様々な病害で薬剤耐性菌の発生が報告されており問題となっている。本病においても耐性菌の出現による防除効果の低下が懸念されている。そこで,2008年から2011年の4年間に合計7県151ほ場からモモせん孔細菌病罹病試料を採取し,病原細菌を分離,国内で発生している本病の主病原を再確認したところ,分離した菌株のほとんどがX. a. pv. pruniであったことから本病の主病原はX. a. pv. pruniである可能性が示唆された。さらに,菌株のオキシテトラサイクリン,オキソリニック酸およびストレプトマイシンに対する最小生育阻止濃度(MIC)を調査したところ,オキシテトラサイクリンおよびオキソリニック酸に対するMICは25ppm以下であった。一方,ストレプトマイシンに対してはMICが2000ppm以上を示す菌株が200菌株と全体の43%を占めており,ストレプトマイシンに対して耐性を有するX. a. pv. pruniが比較的高い割合で存在することが示唆された。Although bacterial shot hole disease is one of the most important diseases in peach production and three pathogens have been reported from the disease in Japan, there is little investigation on the dominant pathogen. As the use of bactericidal antibiotics is indispensable to control this disease, emergence of the causal bacteria with resistance to bactericides has been reported and is noticed as a serious problem in peach production. Samples of peach plants with bacterial shot hole disease were collected from 151 fields in 7 prefectures in four years from 2008 to 2011 for isolation and reaffirmation of the main causal bacteria. Most frequently isolated bacteria was identified as Xanthomonas arboricola pv. pruni, recognized as the dominant causal agent of bacterial shot hole disease of peach. The bacterial isolates identified as the dominant pathogen were examined for their minimal inhibitory concentration (MIC) against oxytetracycline, oxolinic acid and streptomycin to evaluate their susceptibility. Although all isolates tested were susceptible to oxytetracycline and oxolinic acid and showed <25ppm (MIC), 200 isolates (43% of tested isolates) showed more than 2000ppm (MIC) to streptomycin and were judged as resistant. The results of the survey showed the considerably higher population of X. a. pv. pruni with resistance to streptomycin in peach fields

    Study of Easy Evaluation of Environmental Performance in Small Scale Offices

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    ISO 14001の認証取得は大企業がほとんどであり, 多くの小規模オフィスでは人材の配置や費用負担などで導入が困難だが, 何らかの環境パフォーマンス評価が必要とされている。1995年に調査を行った8社に継続調査を依頼し, 1997年に5社で低負担な環境パフォーマンス評価を行った。承諾した5社は1995年の環境負荷削減の取り組み達成率が高く, 非承諾の3社は達成率が低かった。うら紙とシュレッダーとの関係は, シュレッダー処理の割合が高いオフィスではうら紙発生率が低かった。2社で取り組み達成率が半減し, その原因はシュレッダーの導入であった。調査の負担および数値の精度に関して, 低負担で精確に測定できるのは一人が一日に一度測定する程度の項目であった。本研究で行った環境パフォーマンス評価は, 低負担で各オフィスの環境への取り組みを数値として評価することができ, ISO 14001を取得できない小規模オフィスにとって有効であった。ISO 14001 attestation is easy for large scale offices to obtain, but due to the costs involved and the limited number of staff, introduction by small scale offices is very difficult. Some means for environmental performance evaluation for small scale offices is therefore necessary. In this study, a request to conduct a continuing investigation was made to eight offices which received evaluation in 1995, and in 1997 an easy environmental performance evaluation was carried out on five of the offices which agreed. When evaluated in 1995, the five offices which agreed to the 1997 evaluation showed a high level of achievement in their efforts to reduce the burdens on the environment, while the three offices which did not agree to the 1997 evaluation showed a low level of achievement. Offices with a high rate of paper shredding demonstrated a low rate of single-sided paper production. Two offices showed a 50% reduction in the rate of achievement, resulting from the introduction of a paper shredder. In consideration of investigation load and accuracy, investigation items were limited to a number which could by measured at one time by one person in one day to insure accurate measurement without undue burden. The system for easy evaluation of environmental performance which was carried out in this research enabled numerical evaluation of the environmental achievements of each office with a low investigation load, and was shown to be effective for small scale offices which are unable to receive ISO 14001 attestation

    Study of an Environmental Performance Evaluation and its Environmental Audit for Paper Flow in Eight Offices

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    本研究では, 広島市に本・支店を設置している8社の企業を現場の実験系として設定し, 「系」と「環境」との理念に基づいた環境パフォーマンス評価とその環境監査を実施した。測定項目としては, 導入部では, 直接導入資料, 配送物, コピー用紙について, 系内では, うら紙の発生量と使用量FAXの受信量・送信量について, 送出部では, 直接送出資料, 間接送出資料, 可燃ごみ, 資源ごみについて, その重量を項目別に調査票に記入した。実態調査は1995年の6月から9月にかけて, 各社一週間で行った。測定結果をもとに, 各企業における物質とエネルギーの出入りをまとめ, 環境監査の基礎的データとなる環境収支簿記を作成した。また, それをもとに物質の流れ図も作成した。環境収支簿記をもとに, 8社の企業における環境影響評価および改善評価を行った。これにはCO2発生量を指標として, LCAによるシミュレーションを行った。8社のうち, 4社はCO2総発生量の約3割を既に削減していたが, 2社は1割弱であり, 残り2社はほとんど削減していなかった。このように現状での取り組み達成度は各社異なっていたが, 今後の取り組みによる将来削減可能量としては8社ともCO2では約6割となることがわかった。In this study, an environmental performance evaluation and its environmental audit was carried out for eight main or branch offices in Hiroshima City. Each location was studied selected as an experimental system, based on the theory that the 「system」 and the 「environment」 are distinct from one another. Incoming parts (incoming materials, deliveries and incoming copy paper), circulation (one sided paper both produced and consumed, FAX), and outgoing parts (outgoing materials, trash to be burned and to be recycled) were considered as subjects and measured in the investigation. The measurement for each office was performed for a period of one week between June and September 1995. Based on the measurement results, the incoming and outgoing materials were systematically arranged, and an environmental balance accounting, which is the basic data for environmental audit, was presented. Moreover, taking the environmental balance accounting as a basis, a flow diagram of the materials was drawn, and evaluations of various environmental effects and related improvements were carried out in the eight offices. In these evaluations, the level of CO2 emission was used as an index, and was simulated using the LCA technique. The results for the CO2 emission level in the eight offices were : four of them had an approximate 30% reduction ; two less than a 10% reduction ; while the remaining two showed almost no change at all; Although there were different results for each office in these evaluations, overall approximately a 604000f reduction for CO2 was possible for each of the eight offices

    Behavioral Changes from Stimulating Environmentally Conscious Actions in an Office Without Strong Environmental Consciousness

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    環境意識の特には高くない通常の事務系オフィスを実験系として, 1995年から2002年までの8年間の系に対する物質収支を環境面から継続実態調査として測定した。その測定時や測定後にいくつかの点について事務所に環境配慮行動をするように促し, どのような行動変容があるかを現場実験として明らかにした。うら紙については事務所の自発的なうら紙ボックスの設置とうら紙の使用という行動変容が起きたが, 再生紙はほとんど購入されることはなく紙ごみもほとんど資源化分別されなかった。 うら紙使用については社員の入れ代わり, 事務所の配置による影響があると考えられた。コピー機, プリンター, デスクトップパソコンについては環境配慮行動の促しにより使用電力量が削減できたが, ノートパソコンについては増加した。コピー機, プリンター, デスクトップパソコンのように間歇的に使用するものは節電に取り組みやすく, ノートパソコンのように半継続的に使用するものは行動変容を起こしにくい傾向のあることがわかった。Actual conditions of environmental balance (input and output) of an office, which was regarded as having no strong environmental consciousness, were measured continuously over a period of eight years (1995-2002) . Following field measurements, we analyzed and clarified effects of some behavioral analysis methods, such as prompting and feedback, on behavioral changes of office members to environmentally conscious actions. By installment of boxes for paper that was printed on a single side, much was used. Nevertheless, recycled paper was seldom purchased. Furthermore, waste paper was seldom classified and was not thought of as a recoverable resource. Instead, it was cast away as a combustible. Effects of installing the boxes for half-used paper on behavioral changes of office members to use single-sided paper disappeared over three years because of the change in office members and the office arrangement. The method of real time feedback together with detailed instructions on environmentally concerned actions caused behavioral changes in use of copy machines, printers, and desktop computers, thereby reducing electricity consumption. On the other hand, the electricity that was consumed by laptop computers increased. Consequently, our findings showed the following tendency: it is easier to reduce electricity consumption by changing the methods of use of infrequently used business machines, such as copy machines, printers and desktop computers than those of frequently used equipment, such as laptop computers