Study of Easy Evaluation of Environmental Performance in Small Scale Offices


ISO 14001の認証取得は大企業がほとんどであり, 多くの小規模オフィスでは人材の配置や費用負担などで導入が困難だが, 何らかの環境パフォーマンス評価が必要とされている。1995年に調査を行った8社に継続調査を依頼し, 1997年に5社で低負担な環境パフォーマンス評価を行った。承諾した5社は1995年の環境負荷削減の取り組み達成率が高く, 非承諾の3社は達成率が低かった。うら紙とシュレッダーとの関係は, シュレッダー処理の割合が高いオフィスではうら紙発生率が低かった。2社で取り組み達成率が半減し, その原因はシュレッダーの導入であった。調査の負担および数値の精度に関して, 低負担で精確に測定できるのは一人が一日に一度測定する程度の項目であった。本研究で行った環境パフォーマンス評価は, 低負担で各オフィスの環境への取り組みを数値として評価することができ, ISO 14001を取得できない小規模オフィスにとって有効であった。ISO 14001 attestation is easy for large scale offices to obtain, but due to the costs involved and the limited number of staff, introduction by small scale offices is very difficult. Some means for environmental performance evaluation for small scale offices is therefore necessary. In this study, a request to conduct a continuing investigation was made to eight offices which received evaluation in 1995, and in 1997 an easy environmental performance evaluation was carried out on five of the offices which agreed. When evaluated in 1995, the five offices which agreed to the 1997 evaluation showed a high level of achievement in their efforts to reduce the burdens on the environment, while the three offices which did not agree to the 1997 evaluation showed a low level of achievement. Offices with a high rate of paper shredding demonstrated a low rate of single-sided paper production. Two offices showed a 50% reduction in the rate of achievement, resulting from the introduction of a paper shredder. In consideration of investigation load and accuracy, investigation items were limited to a number which could by measured at one time by one person in one day to insure accurate measurement without undue burden. The system for easy evaluation of environmental performance which was carried out in this research enabled numerical evaluation of the environmental achievements of each office with a low investigation load, and was shown to be effective for small scale offices which are unable to receive ISO 14001 attestation

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