2 research outputs found

    Les performances de la race taurine Somba en milieu paysan

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    The Performances of Somba Cattle Race in Rural Area. Aiming to improve and preserve Somba cattle race in its birthplace, morphometrical and zootechnical characterisations studies have been managed from November 1995 to November 1996. White-black coat is the most represented. It was followed by blackwhite, black and fawn. The Somba cattle race is small sized with 96.6 cm to the withers and 172 ± 13 kg weight. The barymetrical equation established for all age animals is P= 139.10-6(PT)2.88 with a determination coefficient of 0.98. The birth weight is 12 ± 3 kg. The daily weight gains range from 96 g/day between 1 and 2 years to 104 g/day between 2 and 3 years. The fertility rate is 60.9%, and first calving age is 5 years. The interval between calvings is 18 months. The productivity per cow is 0.58 calf a year or 26.59 kg of calf and the productivity per 100 kg of cow is 15.92 kg calf. Those parameters show that the Somba is small sized and height but is prolific with a fertility rate of 60.9% in the harsh conditions in which the animals move. The breeding improvement would pass by the breeding environment improvement as feeding, watering and animal health; the bull-calves castration and to moderate milking in order to insure a better development of calves in the herds

    Adoption d\'une nouvelle technique de contrôle de la mouche tsésé par des éleveurs du nord du Togo: considérations socio-économiques

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    ACQUISITION OF A NEW TSETSE FLY CONTROL TECHNIQUE BY FARMERS OF THE NORTH OF TOGO: SOCIO-ECONOMIC ASPECTS Summary This document comments on an approach of integrated AAT control through vector-control (tsetse), a technique which requires concerted action and cooperation of the farmers. The results recorded between 1997 and 1999 show that the method was never 100% assimilated (between 3% and 67%). The organisation of livestock owners in time (synchronisation) and space (adherence) was problematic. Cattle numbers, as well as economic constraints, forced stockholders to adapt the technology in terms of lower frequency of treatment, a weaker synchronisation and /or a smaller coverage of the herd. Factors such as the importance of animal traction, the relationships between stockholders, their knowledge of the disease, of the insecticides available and the importance they attach to tick-control and the health status of their animals were determinant in accepting the control-method. General veterinary expenses decreased by 43%, cattle numbers increased by 28%. The latter was a result of increased trading and influx of cattle herds into the controlled areas. This campaign has hardly been an overall success, but offers nevertheless an interesting insight into socio-cultural and economic mechanisms which contribute to the farmers' decision to accept or reject a new technology. Key words: Pour-on, glossina, trypanosoma, cattle, Togo. Résumé Ce document décrit une approche de contrôle intégré de la TAA sous forme de lutte anti-vectorielle (tsétsé) à l'aide d'insecticides topiques, une technique qui nécessite une action concertée et la coopération des éleveurs. Les résultats obtenus entre 1997 et 1999 montrent que le taux d'adoption de la technologie n'a jamais été de 100% (entre 3% et 67%). L'organisation des éleveurs dans le temps (synchronisation) et dans l'espace (adhésion) pose problème. Les effectifs ainsi que des considérations économiques forcent à l'adaptation de la technologie : diminution de la fréquence, faible synchronisation et/ou moindre couverture des animaux. L'importance accordée à la culture attelée, mais aussi l'entente qui règne entre les éleveurs, leur connaissance des maladies et des insecticides, l'importance qu'ils accordent aux tiques et l'état de santé de leurs animaux sont déterminants. Les dépenses vétérinaires globales ont diminué de 43%. L'effectif de l'ensemble des zones a connu une augmentation de 28%; ceci s'explique par une politique d'achat et l'introduction de troupeaux dans les zones assainies. La campagne n'a donc pas été un succès généralisé, mais offrait plutôt un aperçu de toutes les considérations socioculturelles et économiques qui interviennent dans la décision de l'éleveur d'adopter ou de rejeter une nouvelle technologie. Mots-clés: Insecticide, glossine, trypanosome, bétail, Togo. Bull Anim. Hlth. Prod. Afr. Vol.52(3) 2004: 142-15