47 research outputs found

    Legitimacy and activities of civil society organizations

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    Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) play an active and noteworthy role in governance, both at the national and international level. Three questions arise: First, how do CSOs exercise their advocacy, what repertoires, strategies and resources do they use? Second, to what degree are they legitimized to do so? Third, are there systematic differences between member and non-member CSOs, respectively between policy fields? Based on a survey of 60 exemplary CSOs covering four distinct international-level policy making fora, we will inquire into these questions. The central finding is that membership CSOs neither differ substantially from non-member CSOs in their roles and strategies of dealing with International Organizations, nor do they differ in other aspects of legitimacy, such as transparency or inclusion of beneficiaries. There are no systematic patterns in CSOs properties or behavior which correspond to policy fields. -- Zivilgesellschaftliche Organisationen (ZGO) spielen im modernen Regieren eine wichtige Rolle, sowohl im Staat als auch auf internationaler Ebene. Drei Forschungsfragen stehen im Mittelpunkt dieses Papiers: Erstens, wie genau nehmen ZGO am Regierungsprozess teil und welche Einflussstrategien, Ressourcen und Handlungsrepertoire nutzen sie dabei? Zweitens, wie steht es um die Legitimation dieser Organisationen und ihrer AktivitĂ€ten? Drittens, verhalten sich ZGO mit zahlreichen Mitgliedern systematisch anders als ZGO ohne Mitgliedschaft? GestĂŒtzt auf Daten von 60 transnationalen ZGO aus vier verschiedenen Politikfeldern gehen wir diesen Fragen nach. Zentrales Ergebnis ist, dass ZGO mit breiter Mitgliedschaft sich in ihren RollenverstĂ€ndnis und ihren Einflussstrategien nicht grundlegend von anderen unterscheiden. Auch im Hinblick auf wichtige Aspekte ihrer LegitimitĂ€t, wie etwa Transparenz oder Einbindung von Regelungsadressaten, gibt es keine auffĂ€lligen Unterschiede. Die Politikfelder, in denen ZGO aktiv sind, haben ebenfalls keinen messbaren Einfluss auf ihr Handlungsrepertoire und ihre politischen Strategien.

    Productive efficiency and heterogeneity of health care systems: Results of a measurement for OECD countries

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    Health system efficiency is a major target of health policy but its conceptualization and measurement are still a problem in health economics. Because health status is influenced by many factors outside the health system, I argue that measurements of health system efficiency should focus on the process of turning financial input into additional health output rather than the levels of health status reached. When analyzing levels of health status using regression methods, the appropriate efficiency indicator is hence not a country-specific intercept based on the achieved health status, but a country-specific slope for input factors in the production function of health outcomes. The slopes represent health system efficiency, while the intercepts represent health relevant heterogeneity among countries. Using data on OECD members these slopes are estimated. Countries differ far more in their residual heterogeneity than in the rate by which their health system turns money into life years

    Legitimacy and activities of civil society organizations

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    Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) play an active and noteworthy role in governance, both at the national and international level. Three questions arise: First, how do CSOs exercise their advocacy, what repertoires, strategies and resources do they use? Second, to what degree are they legitimized to do so? Third, are there systematic differences between member and non-member CSOs, respectively between policy fields? Based on a survey of 60 exemplary CSOs covering four distinct international-level policy making fora, we will inquire into these questions. The central finding is that membership CSOs neither differ substantially from non-member CSOs in their roles and strategies of dealing with International Organizations, nor do they differ in other aspects of legitimacy, such as transparency or inclusion of beneficiaries. There are no systematic patterns in CSOs properties or behavior which correspond to policy fields.Zivilgesellschaftliche Organisationen (ZGO) spielen im modernen Regieren eine wichtige Rolle, sowohl im Staat als auch auf internationaler Ebene. Drei Forschungsfragen stehen im Mittelpunkt dieses Papiers: Erstens, wie genau nehmen ZGO am Regierungsprozess teil und welche Einflussstrategien, Ressourcen und Handlungsrepertoire nutzen sie dabei? Zweitens, wie steht es um die Legitimation dieser Organisationen und ihrer AktivitĂ€ten? Drittens, verhalten sich ZGO mit zahlreichen Mitgliedern systematisch anders als ZGO ohne Mitgliedschaft? GestĂŒtzt auf Daten von 60 transnationalen ZGO aus vier verschiedenen Politikfeldern gehen wir diesen Fragen nach. Zentrales Ergebnis ist, dass ZGO mit breiter Mitgliedschaft sich in ihren RollenverstĂ€ndnis und ihren Einflussstrategien nicht grundlegend von anderen unterscheiden. Auch im Hinblick auf wichtige Aspekte ihrer LegitimitĂ€t, wie etwa Transparenz oder Einbindung von Regelungsadressaten, gibt es keine auffĂ€lligen Unterschiede. Die Politikfelder, in denen ZGO aktiv sind, haben ebenfalls keinen messbaren Einfluss auf ihr Handlungsrepertoire und ihre politischen Strategien

    Verhandlungen im europÀischen Arzneimittelsektor

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    Firms' sustainability engagement and sustainability‐related controversies

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    Sustainability issues became ever more important for firms' business strategies. Not living up to public and stakeholders' expectations results in controversies damaging the firm's reputation. Firms integrate sustainability aspects – environmental, social, and governance (ESG) issues – in their business strategies to satisfy stakeholders ranging from customers to investors. Substantial resources are invested to increase their sustainability engagement to avoid sustainability-related controversies. However, the degree to which sustainability engagement is effective is an open issue, as the occurrence of sustainability-related controversies has structural components, which are under the firms' control, but also random components. Using data on firms' sustainability engagement, this paper investigates to what degree firms can actually avoid controversies by engaging in sustainability and to what degree such controversies are caused by factors beyond the firm's control, like random events or the societal environment. Our findings indicate strong sustainability engagement to be a significant factor for avoiding controversies, albeit the magnitude of the effect is very limited. While controversies are not purely random events, they are driven strongly by factors beyond the firm's strategic control, like firm size and country of origin

    Delegation and Control in Health Care Systems : Vol. 1: Delegation and Control in 22 OECD Health Care Systems. A Data Handbook

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    Comparative research on the effects of institutional structures of health care systems is limited by the lack of comparable, detailed institutional information on the organization of health care systems. This data handbook describes the health care systems of 22 OECD countries on the basis of the institutional economics perspective, in particular from the perspective of delegation of medical as well as administrative tasks and the control mechanisms implemented in these delegation relationships, which shall avoid opportunistic behavior. On the conceptual level, the delegation-approach proved to be able to explain differences at the system level by rational individual behavior. Further, the delegation-approach offers a template by which a comparative analysis and the description of complex systems, like health systems, can be based. The data compiled in this data handbook shall enable researchers to study the impact of institutional structures on aspects of health system performance, like achievements in health levels, responsiveness and productive efficiency