7 research outputs found

    Metoda za brzu ekstrakciju kanabinoida iz kanabisa mikrotalasnim zagrevanjem

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    Cannabis sativa and its products (marihuana, hashish and hashish oil) is one of the most used illicit drugs in the world. It is also an agricultural crop so it is important to distinguish between industrial-type and drug-type cannabis by forensic examination of suspected material. Extraction technique is one of the first steps in the laboratory plant material isolation, and therefore the development of new, more efficient method of extraction is desirable. The traditional techniques of extraction of biological active compounds from plant material, such as cannabinoids from cannabis, are based on solvent extraction. These methods are often inefficient in terms of extraction time, amount of solvent, energy consumption and extraction yield. Therefore the importance of continuous development of new, more efficient extraction methods is understandable. In this paper, the short description of cannabis plant and chemical constituents of forensic significance were shown for better understanding. Paper also describes the mechanism of microwave heating and its use in the extraction method through short theoretical background of microwave heating. In addition, examples of application of microwaves for the isolation of some organic compounds from plant material were presented. It is also shown that the microwave extraction can be used in absence of solvent in solvent free microwave technique. The possibility of microwave extraction application in forensic examination of Cannabis sativa is presented by highlighting its simplicity and efficiency.Forenzička identifikacija aktivnih supstanci iz kanabisa i njenih produkata (marihuana, haÅ”iÅ”, haÅ”iÅ” ulje) sastoji se u određivanju sadržaja glavnog psihoaktivnog kanabinoida Ī”9-tetrahidrokanabinola, produkta degradacije kanabinola i nepsihoaktivnog kanabidiola. Tehnika ekstrakcije predstavlja jedan od prvih koraka laboratorijskog izolovanja biljnog materijala, te je stoga, razvoj novih, efikasnijih metoda ekstrakcije izuzetno važan za sprovođenje forenzičkih analiza. Potencijalna alternativa konvencionalnim metodama ekstrakcije jeste ekstrakcija pod uticajem mikrotalasa, odnosno mikrotalasnim zagrevanjem. U ovom radu opisan je mehanizam mikrotalasnog zagrevanja i kroz primere njegove primene u ekstrakciji organskih jedinjenja iz biljnog materijala, istaknute su prednosti ove relativno nove ekstrakcione tehnike u poređenju sa konvencionalnom ekstrakcijom. Opisom jednostavne i brze metode ekstrakcije, mikrotalasnim zagrevanjem, prikazana je mogućnost njene primene u forenzičkoj identifikaciji kanabisa

    Characterization and potential application of dextran-based biopolymer powder obtained from Hydrangea macrophylla liquid anthocyanins extract by ultrasonic extraction

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    Biopolymers have numerous advantages, such as their biodegradable, non-toxic, non-inflammatory and biocompatible properties, and, therefore, have a potential for various applications. In this paper dextran-based biopolymer powder, obtained from Hydrangea macrophylla liquid anthocyanins extract by ultrasonic extraction and simple precipitating method, was synthetized and characterized in order to determine its properties and potential application. Attenuated total reflectance Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy (ATR FT-IR) analyses showed interactions between the components of the system. Optical microscopy suggested that the prepared biopowder formulation was small and somewhat uniform in size, and also showed its easy binding to the fingerprint residues. Additionally, the prepared biopolymer powder was used to visualize latent fingerprints left on different non-porous and semi-porous surfaces, i.e. flat wood, glass, plastic and rubber. The results demonstrated the potential of the obtained dextran-based biopowder to complement routinely applied systems in developing latent fingerprints

    Extraction and identification of atropine from ā€œlegal highā€ plant species

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    Atropine from herbs has been used in traditional medicine over centuries, mainly because of its hallucinogenic properties. When administrated orally through abusing of Datura stramonium (DS) seeds, atropine is quickly absorbed causing dilatation of the pupil, tachycardia, hyperthermia, dizziness, nausea, extreme confusion, deliriant hallucinations and in some cases death. Knowing that Datura stramonium is one of the ā€œlegal highā€ plants with a high risk of toxicity for humans and animals, forensic analysis of such a material is of high importance. This work aimed at developing a fast and simple method for extraction and determination of the atropine content as the main alkaloid in DS seeds. Optimization of parameters for conventional heated solid-liquid extraction of atropine from DS seeds were obtained by varying the particle size (8.6 mm-1.7 mm), temperature (40Ā°C-60 Ā°C), and ethanol concentration (48.0-96.0 % v/v). The extracts were analyzed by Acquity UPLC HSS C18 1.8 Ī¼m column with mobile phase acetonitrile and formate buffer pH 3.6 (75:25) and flow rate of 0.4 mL/min. Quantitation was done in MRM mode using m/z 290ā†’ 124 and 290ā†’ 93 transitions

    A rapid method for the extraction of cannabionoids from cannabis sativa using microwave heating technique

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    Cannabis sativa and its products (marihuana, hashish and hashish oil) is one of the most used illicit drugs in the world. It is also an agricultural crop so it is important to distinguish between industrial-type and drug-type cannabis by forensic examination of suspected material. Extraction technique is one of the first steps in the laboratory plant material isolation, and therefore the development of new, more efficient method of extraction is desirable. The traditional techniques of extraction of biological active compounds from plant material, such as cannabinoids from cannabis, are based on solvent extraction. These methods are often inefficient in terms of extraction time, amount of solvent, energy consumption and extraction yield. Therefore the importance of continuous development of new, more efficient extraction methods is understandable. In this paper, the short description of cannabis plant and chemical constituents of forensic significance were shown for better understanding. Paper also describes the mechanism of microwave heating and its use in the extraction method through short theoretical background of microwave heating. In addition, examples of application of microwaves for the isolation of some organic compounds from plant material were presented. It is also shown that the microwave extraction can be used in absence of solvent in solvent free microwave technique. The possibility of microwave extraction application in forensic examination of Cannabis sativa is presented by highlighting its simplicity and efficiency

    Isothermal green microwave-assisted extraction of caffeine from guarana: a kinetic study

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    The kinetics of isothermal green microwaveassisted extraction of caffeine from guarana seed powder with water at a temperature range from 40 degrees C to 60 degrees C was investigated. The caffeine concentration in the water extract was determined by UV-Vis spectrophotometry. By applying the isoconversional method, it was established that the kinetics of the caffeine extraction from the guarana seed powder with microwave heating is an elementary kinetic process. The model fitting method was used to determine the kinetic model of the caffeine extraction under microwave heating. It was found that the kinetics of the caffeine extraction can, under microwave heating, be modeled by the Jander's model of three dimensional diffusion. The kinetic parameters, activation energy and pre-exponential factor of the caffeine extraction were determined

    Chitosan And Dextran Based Powders ā€“ The Preparation, Performance Comparison and Potential Application in Forensic Examination of Latent Fingermarks

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    The papillary lines are unique for each person, and that feature is frequently used in modern forensic science to identify and distinguish individuals. Fingerprints are often present at the crime scene, but they are usually in the form of latent (invisible) marks which need to be visualized prior to the further processing. Many routinely employed commercial methods show harmful effect on human health, so the research groups are constantly trying to improve or develop some new approaches, and some of them are resorting to the utilization of bio(polymeric) materials. This paper deals with chitosan- and dextran-based biopowders prepared and characterized to evaluate their potential application in visualizing latent fingermarks. Chitosan and dextran are widely used in medicinal and pharmaceutical applications, but there are only a few studies regarding the utilization of these biopolymers as a component for the fingerprint powder. These biopolymeric materials offer many benefits, such as non-toxic properties, specific binding mechanisms, and they also satisfy the cost-benefit demands. Two chitosan-based formulations and one dextran-based formulation were obtained in simple synthesis processes. FT-IR analyses confirmed interactions between components of prepared systems. Optical microscopy showed that prepared powder formulations possess small and uniformly distributed particles, which contributed to their easy binding to the sweat and lipid residues present in the fingerprint trace. Prepared formulations were tested on a rubber (semi-porous) and glass (non-porous) surface. The results indicated that the obtained bio-based powders have the potential to complement commercially exploited physical systems/fingerprint powders in detecting and enhancing latent fingermarks

    Comparative kinetic analysis of isothermal extraction of caffeine from guarana seed under conventional and microwave heating

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    The kinetics of the isothermal extraction of caffeine from the guarana seed powder with water under conventional (CH) and microwave heating (MWH) were investigated. By applying the isoconversional method, it was established that the kinetics of the caffeine extraction under CH and also under MWH is an elementary kinetic process. The model fitting method was used to determine the kinetics model of caffeine extraction. It was found that the kinetics of the caffeine extraction for both heating modes can be described by the Jander's equation. The rate of the extraction of caffeine under MWH is similar to 2 times higher than under CH. The values of kinetics parameters (Ea and lnA) of the extraction process under MWH are lower than for CH. The established influence of MWH on the kinetics of caffeine extraction is explained with a specific activation mechanism of water molecules and with an increase in the energy of the ground vibration level of resonant oscillator of N-3-CH3 band of caffeine molecule (v=317 cm(-1)) which is caused by the absorption of microwave energy