387 research outputs found

    Josephson Junctions defined by a Nano-Plough

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    We define superconducting constrictions by ploughing a deposited Aluminum film with a scanning probe microscope. The microscope tip is modified by electron beam deposition to form a nano-plough of diamond-like hardness, what allows the definition of highly transparent Josephson junctions. Additionally a dc-SQUID is fabricated to verify appropriate functioning of the junctions. The devices are easily integrated in mesoscopic devices as local radiation sources and can be used as tunable on-chip millimeter wave sources

    Spectroscopy of nanoscopic semiconductor rings

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    Making use of self-assembly techniques, we demonstrate the realization of nanoscopic semiconductor quantum rings in which the electronic states are in the true quantum limit. We employ two complementary spectroscopic techniques to investigate both the ground states and the excitations of these rings. Applying a magnetic field perpendicular to the plane of the rings, we find that when approximately one flux quantum threads the interior of each ring, a change in the ground state from angular momentum =0\ell = 0 to =1\ell = -1 takes place. This ground state transition is revealed both by a drastic modification of the excitation spectrum and by a change in the magnetic field dispersion of the single-electron charging energy

    Non-adiabatic dynamics of two strongly coupled nanomechanical resonator modes

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    The Landau-Zener transition is a fundamental concept for dynamical quantum systems and has been studied in numerous fields of physics. Here we present a classical mechanical model system exhibiting analogous behaviour using two inversely tuneable, strongly coupled modes of the same nanomechanical beam resonator. In the adiabatic limit, the anticrossing between the two modes is observed and the coupling strength extracted. Sweeping an initialized mode across the coupling region allows mapping of the progression from diabatic to adiabatic transitions as a function of the sweep rate

    Spin blockade in ground state resonance of a quantum dot

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    We present measurements on spin blockade in a laterally integrated quantum dot. The dot is tuned into the regime of strong Coulomb blockade, confining ~ 50 electrons. At certain electronic states we find an additional mechanism suppressing electron transport. This we identify as spin blockade at zero bias, possibly accompanied by a change in orbital momentum in subsequent dot ground states. We support this by probing the bias, magnetic field and temperature dependence of the transport spectrum. Weak violation of the blockade is modelled by detailed calculations of non-linear transport taking into account forbidden transitions.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Microwave spectroscopy on a double quantum dot with an on-chip Josephson oscillator

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    We present measurements on microwave spectroscopy on a double quantum dot with an on-chip microwave source. The quantum dots are realized in the two-dimensional electron gas of an AlGaAs/GaAs heterostructure and are weakly coupled in series by a tunnelling barrier forming an 'ionic' molecular state. We employ a Josephson oscillator formed by a long Nb/Al-AlOx_x/Nb junction as a microwave source. We find photon-assisted tunnelling sidebands induced by the Josephson oscillator, and compare the results with those obtained using an externally operated microwave source.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figure

    The X-ray Telescope of the CAST Experiment

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    The CERN Axion Solar Telescope (CAST) searches for solar axions employing a 9 Tesla superconducting dipole magnet equipped with 3 independent detection systems for X-rays from axion-photon conversions inside the 10 m long magnetic field. Results of the first 6 months of data taking in 2003 imply a 95 % CL upper limit on the axion-photon coupling constant of 1.16x10(-10) GeV(-1) for axion masses < 0.02 eV. The most sensitive detector of CAST is a X-ray telescope consisting of a Wolter I type mirror system and a fully depleted pn-CCD as focal plane detector. Exploiting the full potential of background suppression by focussing X-rays emerging from the magnet bore, the axion sensitivity obtained with telescope data taken in 2004, for the first time in a controlled laboratory experiment, will supersede axion constraints derived from stellar energy loss arguments.Comment: 5 pages, 9 figure