44 research outputs found

    Publication Activity of Russian Researches in Leading International Scientific Journals

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    The primary aim of this research report is to analyse the dynamics and structure of the publications of Russian authors, as well as to define the place of Russian science in the global scientific process. Bibliometric analysis methods are the main methods for quantitative analysis of scientific cooperation, efficiency, and other aspects of scientific activity. The information base for this research includes materials from science citation databases containing bibliographic descriptions of the articles published in scientific journals (mainly written in English) in a significant number of fields of science. Various parameters (e.g. dynamics of the number of publications, the number of citation, the level of co-authorship, the scientific specialization index, etc.) at various levels of aggregation (e.g. individual researchers, research organizations, countries and regions of the world) can be calculated based on these data. The results of bibliometric studies can be used in a number of ways: - analysis of latest trends in the development of various scientific fields; - evaluation of the effectiveness of research organizations; - overall assessment of the scientific potential of Russia (its strengths and weaknesses); - identification the most productive scientists in various fields of science; - drawing the international comparisons of publications; - analysis of collaboration networks of scientific teams. The paper analyses the basic indicators of the publication activity of scientists in Russia and the leading countries over the period between 2001 and 2011. Publication activity of Russian scientists is analysed in the context of specific areas of science. This allows the identification of areas of specialization of Russian publications. The paper also examines the dynamics of highly-cited publications and the indicators of the international scientific collaboration of Russian researchers. In this paper materials of Web of Science database were used for analysis of publication activity

    Publication Activity of Russian Researches in Leading International Scientific Journals

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    The primary aim of this research report is to analyse the dynamics and structure of the publications of Russian authors, as well as to define the place of Russian science in the global scientific process. Bibliometric analysis methods are the main methods for quantitative analysis of scientific cooperation, efficiency, and other aspects of scientific activity. The information base for this research includes materials from science citation databases containing bibliographic descriptions of the articles published in scientific journals (mainly written in English) in a significant number of fields of science. Various parameters (e.g. dynamics of the number of publications, the number of citation, the level of co-authorship, the scientific specialization index, etc.) at various levels of aggregation (e.g. individual researchers, research organizations, countries and regions of the world) can be calculated based on these data. The results of bibliometric studies can be used in a number of ways: - analysis of latest trends in the development of various scientific fields; - evaluation of the effectiveness of research organizations; - overall assessment of the scientific potential of Russia (its strengths and weaknesses); - identification the most productive scientists in various fields of science; - drawing the international comparisons of publications; - analysis of collaboration networks of scientific teams. The paper analyses the basic indicators of the publication activity of scientists in Russia and the leading countries over the period between 2001 and 2011. Publication activity of Russian scientists is analysed in the context of specific areas of science. This allows the identification of areas of specialization of Russian publications. The paper also examines the dynamics of highly-cited publications and the indicators of the international scientific collaboration of Russian researchers. In this paper materials of Web of Science database were used for analysis of publication activity

    Conceptualizing the Innovation Process – Trends and Outlook

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    This paper introduces the evolving understanding and conceptualization of innovation process models. From the discussion of different approaches towards the innovation process understanding and modeling two types of approaches to the evolution of innovation models are developed and discussed. First the so-called innovation management approach which focuses on the evolution of the company innovation management strategies in different socioeconomic environments. Second is the analysis the evolution of innovation models themselves in conceptual sense (conceptual approach) as well as analysis of theoretical backgrounds and requirements for these models. The main focus of analysis in this approach is on advantages and disadvantages of different innovation models in their ability to describe the reality of innovation processes. The paper focuses on the advantages and disadvantages as well as potentials and limitations of the approaches and also proposes potential future developments of innovation models as well as the analysis of driving forces that underlie the evolution of innovation models recently

    Innovation Concepts and Typology – An Evolutionary Discussion

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    This paper is devoted to the analysis of evolution of innovation concepts, aspect and types. First emergence and evolution of different aspects and concepts of innovation are analysed, then the development of innovation concepts from a historical perspective and finally an overview given of types of innovation classifications developed in the literature. Surrounding this different definitions of innovation are described and analyzed in detail. The main goal of the article is to define the trend of development of innovation conceptualization and understanding over time

    Jacobian spillovers in environmental technological proximity: the role of Mahalanobis index on European patents within the Triad

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    The aim of this paper is to investigate the role of Jacobian externalities stemmed from different technological sectors for international firms engaged both in environmental and in dirty activi- ties. Firms’ innovation, measured, as the development of new patents, is a key factor behind the achievement of desired economic performances. Empirical literature usually deals with the inte- gration between ecological efficiency and product value enhancement. The results of these stud- ies lead to the lack of integrated innovation adoption behind environmental productivity per- formance. In this work, we analyse the integration between more environmental goals in an original way, by applying different methodologies to compute technological proximity, based on the Mahalanobis approach. To this end, we use information from 240 large international firms, located in three economic areas: USA, Japan and Europe and we select their environmental and dirty patents from European Patent Office data

    Innovation Concepts and Typology – An Evolutionary Discussion

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    Индикаторы Науки: 2015: Статистический Сборник (Science and Technology Indicators: 2015: Data Book)

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    <div>Available at SSRN: <a href="https://ssrn.com/abstract=2662829" target="_blank">https://ssrn.com/abstract=2662829</a><br></div><div><br></div><div>The data book is the continuation of the series of publications on various aspects of S&T and innovation development in the Russian Federation. It presents statistical data reflecting the current state and trends in R&D and innovation. A specific chapter is devoted to international comparisons.<br></div><div><br></div><div>Предлагаемый статистический сборник продолжает серию публикаций, посвященных различным аспектам развития науки в Российской Федерации. Открывают сборник таблицы, в которых наряду с основными показателями науки и технологий представлены сведения об основных показателях инновационной деятельности. Приводятся статистические данные о составе организаций, выполняющих исследования и разработки, кадрах и финансировании науки, ее материально-технической базе. В отдельных разделах содержатся сведения об интеллектуальной собственности, коммерциализации и использовании технологий, данные международных сопоставлений.<br><br>В сборнике использованы сведения Федеральной службы государственной статистики, Министерства образования и науки Российской Федерации, Федеральной службы по интеллектуальной собственности, Межгосударственного статистического комитета СНГ, Организации экономического сотрудничества и развития, Европейской комиссии, Евростата, ЮНЕСКО, Всемирной организации интеллектуальной собственности, а также методологические и аналитические разработки Института статистических исследований и экономики знаний Национального исследовательского университета Высшая школа экономики.<br><br>В ряде случаев данные по отдельным показателям уточняют ранее опубликованные.<br></div><div><br></div><div><br></div>Gorodnikova, Natalia and Gokhberg, Leonid and Ditkovskiy, Kirill and Kotsemir, Maxim Nikolaevich and Kuznetsova, Irina Alexandrovna and Lukinova, Evgeniya and Martynova, Svetlana and Polyakova, Valentina and Ratay, Tatyana and Rosovetskaya, Larisa and Sagieva, Galina and Streltsova, Ekaterina and Fridlyanova, Svetlana Yurievna and Fursov, Konstantin S. and Chernovich, Elena, Индикаторы Науки: 2015: Статистический Сборник (Science and Technology Indicators: 2015: Data Book) (July 1, 2015). Science and Technology Indicators: 2015 : Data Book, N. Gorodnikova, L. Gokhberg, K. Ditkovskiy et al.; National Research University Higher School of Economics, Moscow: HSE, 2015. Available at SSRN: <a href="https://ssrn.com/abstract=2662829" target="_blank">https://ssrn.com/abstract=2662829</a