23 research outputs found

    Walki o Bydgoszcz w styczniu 1945 roku

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    W oczekiwaniu na niepodległość. Bydgoszcz w latach 1918-1919

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    At the end of World War I, the majority of Germans and Poles from Bydgoszcz felt uncertainty as to what would happen next. The attitudes of the German and Polish populations were, however, radically different. President Wilson’s message of January 8, 1918 aroused hope in Poles. Poles from Bydgoszcz began preparations to take over power in the city. At the same time, the prospect of Bydgoszcz finding itself within the borders of the Polish state evoked feelings of uncertainty and depression among the German inhabitants of Bydgoszcz. Poles waited for the decisions of the peace conference in Paris. On November 16, 1918, the Polish People’s Council was established for the city of Bydgoszcz and its vicinity, which became the official representative of the Polish population. On June 28, 1919, the German delegation in Versailles signed a peace treaty. Bydgoszcz’s return to Poland a fact.&nbsp

    Listopadowe dni 1918 roku w Bydgoszczy w relacji burmistrza miasta Hugona Wolffa

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    This article features memories of the last Prussian Mayor of the City of Bydgoszcz, Hugo Wolff, of November and December 1918. He describes events that took place in Bydgoszcz during the first weeks after the defeat of Germany and the end of World War I. This manuscript, stored in the District Museum in Bydgoszcz, has not been published so far. It provides a lot of new information and facts from the first postwar months in the city, reported and commented upon by the highest ranking officer in the city

    Schicksalsstunden. Pożegnanie Niemców z Bydgoszczą w styczniu 1920 roku

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    Th e article features parts of the book written by German authors, describing the last days of Prussian rule in Wielkopolska and Pomerania aft er the end of World War I and farewell ceremonies held in the towns of the region. Translated parts concern events taking place in the city of Bydgoszcz in the last days before the entrance of the Polish Army to the city on January 20, 1920.Tekst artykułu zawiera fragmenty książki niemieckich autorów, opisujące ostatnie dni panowania pruskiego w Wielkopolsce i na Pomorzu po zakończeniu pierwszej wojny światowej i uroczystości pożegnalne w miastach regionu. Przetłumaczono części dotyczące wydarzeń w mieście Bydgoszczy w ostatnich dniach przed wkroczeniem wojsk polskich do miasta w dniu 20 stycznia 1920 roku

    Czy w Bydgoszczy istniała odrębna parafia dla Niemców katolików? Ekspertyza adwokata Jana Maciaszka z 1922 roku

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    This text presents expertise written by lawyer Jan Maciaszek, the first appointed Polish mayor of the city of Bydgoszcz in 1920. It was made at the request of the church authorities in relation to the efforts of Germ an Catholics for recognizing the existence of the Germ an Catholic com m unity (and thus a separate parish) in Bydgoszcz. The original is in the collection of the Archdiocesan Archive in Gniezno and has never been published. The expertise provided by Jan Maciaszek contains m any unknow n details and facts from the life of the Bydgoszcz parish and national relations in the city in the period between the 1890s and the 1920s

    „Bromberg im Kriege 1914‒1917” – zapiski burmistrza Bydgoszczy Hugo Wolffa – źródło do dziejów I wojny światowej

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    Das Manuskript, das hier veröffentlicht wird, liegt nun seit fast hundert Jahren im Bezirksmuseum von Bromberg. Es umfasst 33 mit Schreibmaschine dicht beschriebene Seiten, wobei die ersten Seiten schwer lesbar sind. Die Eintragungen sind zwar zeitlich durchgehend, jedoch chronologisch gesehen mit unterschiedlichen Abständen. In den ersten Kriegsmonaten werden sie sehr oft aufgeschrieben, später notierte der Autor nur jene Ereignisse, Beobachtungen oder eigene Kommentare, die er für wichtig oder bedeutend hielt. Es ging ihm vor allem um die innere Lage und die Sicherheit in der Stadt, schließlich war er als zweiter Bürgermeister für die Polizei und Sicherheit zuständig und zusätzlich während des Krieges für die Versorgung der Einwohner verantwortlich. Wann die handschriftlichen Notizen mit der Schreibmaschine abgeschrieben wurden und auf welchem Wege schließlich diese Quelle im Museum eintraf, bleibt ungewiss. Jedenfalls besitzt sie einen hohen Wert für die Historiker, insbesondere jene, die sich mit der Geschichte der Stadt Bromberg während des Ersten Weltkrieges beschäftigen und das ist der Grund dafür, warum ich mich entschieden habe, das Manuskript in originaler Sprachversion meinen Fachkollegen und sonst allen, die sich für die Geschichte der Stadt an der Brahe interessieren, zugänglich zu machen

    Z dziejów gospodarczych Bydgoszczy w okresie międzywojennym. Zakłady i Warsztaty Precyzyjno-Mechaniczne i Optyczne Krzymień i Paszke 1927-1939

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    The article describes the foundation and activity of the Krzymień and Paszke Precision-Mechanics and Optical Plants and Workshops in Bydgoszcz. The small workshop established in October 1927 turned to a company, which in the years before the outbreak of the war employed about 50 workers. After 1945, it transitioned to one of the biggest industrial plants of Bydgoszcz - TELKOM-TELFA Tele Electronics Works. The report explains the circumstances of establishing the company and the initial period of its operation, production volumes, sales, employment and wages during the interwar period, and a brief outline of the history of the company during World War II. It presents individual stages of development of the company, from getting first orders and early expansion of production facilities, through a period of stagnation and struggle for survival during the Great Depression in the beginning of the 1930s, followed by the prosperity period and related expansion of the plant and intensification of production. The Krzymień and Paszke serves as a typical example of business activity and history of small enterprises in prewar Bydgoszcz


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