6 research outputs found

    Superconformal operators in N=4 super-Yang-Mills theory

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    We construct, in the framework of the N=4 SYM theory, a supermultiplet of twist-two conformal operators and study their renormalization properties. The components of the supermultiplet have the same anomalous dimension and enter as building blocks into multi-particle quasipartonic operators. The latter are determined by the condition that their twist equals the number of elementary constituent fields from which they are built. A unique feature of the N=4 SYM is that all quasipartonic operators with different SU(4) quantum numbers fall into a single supermultiplet. Among them there is a subsector of the operators of maximal helicity, which has been known to be integrable in the multi-color limit in QCD, independent of the presence of supersymmetry. In the N=4 SYM theory, this symmetry is extended to the whole supermultiplet of quasipartonic operators and the one-loop dilatation operator coincides with a Hamiltonian of integrable SL(2|4) Heisenberg spin chain.Comment: 45 pages, Latex, 4 figure

    A Relation Between Approaches to Integrability in Superconformal Yang-Mills Theory

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    We make contact between the infinite-dimensional non-local symmetry of the typeIIB superstring on AdS5xS5 worldsheet theory and a non-abelian infinite-dimensional symmetry algebra for the weakly coupled superconformal gauge theory. We explain why the planar limit of the one-loop dilatation operator is the Hamiltonian of a spin chain, and show that it commutes with the g*2 N = 0 limit of the non-abelian charges.Comment: 19 pages, harvma