61 research outputs found

    Towards Self-Adaptive Discrete Event Simulation (SADES)

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    Systems that benefit from the ongoing use of simulation, often require considerable input by the modeller(s) to update and maintain the models. This paper proposes automating the evolution of the modelling process for discrete event simulation (DES) and therefore limiting the majority of the human modeller’s input to the development of the model. This mode of practice could be named Self-Adaptive Discrete Event Simulation (SADES). The research is driven from ideas emerging from simulation model reuse, automations in the modelling process, real time simulation, dynamic data driven application systems, autonomic computing and self-adaptive software systems. This paper explores some of the areas that could inform the development of SADES and proposes a modified version of the MAPE-K feedback control loop as a potential process. The expected outcome from developing SADES would be a simulation environment that is self-managing and more responsive to the analytical needs of real systems

    A Facilitation Workshop for the Implementation Stage: A Case Study in health care

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    Research on facilitation in discrete event simulation (DES) is gathering pace but there is still a need to put forward real examples to explain the process to newcomers. Most of the research has focussed on facilitation in the initial stages of the simulation modelling process. In this paper we focus on one of the postmodel coding stages. More specifically we focus on the implementation stage, the final stage in the modelling process. The primary contributions of this paper are the description of the process followed and the introduction of tools that can be used during this stage to support workshop activities. A real case study is provided describing the sequence of the interactions undertaken in the workshop. Extracts from the transcripts are also included, with the view to bringing evidence of the stakeholders’ involvement and their mood during the workshop. The paper concludes with a discussion on the process followed and the importance of using tools in this stage

    Engaging Stakeholders To Extend The Lifecycle Of Hybrid Simulation Models

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    Developing a simulation model of a complex system requires a significant investment of time, expertise and expense. In order to realize the greatest return on such an investment, it is desirable to extend the lifecycle of the simulation model as much as possible. Existing studies typically end after the `first loop' of the lifecycle, with the computer model suitable for addressing the initial requirements of the stakeholders. We explore extending the modeling lifecycle to a `second loop' by introducing an existing hybrid simulation model to a new group of stakeholders and further developing it to capture new requirements. With the aid of an example application, we explain how the hybrid model facilitated stakeholder engagement by closely reflecting the real world and how the model lifecycle has been successfully extended to maximize the benefit to Eurostar International Limited

    Application of Discrete-Event Simulation for Planning and Operations Issues in Mental Healthcare

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    Mental health disorders are on the rise around the world. Inadequate service provision and lack of access have led to wide gaps between the need for treatment and service delivery. Despite the popularity of Discrete-event Simulation (DES) in healthcare planning and operations, there is evidence of limited application of DES in planning for mental healthcare services. This paper identifies and reviews all the papers that utilize DES modelling to address planning and operations issues in mental healthcare services. The aim is to contribute a roadmap for the future application of DES in mental healthcare services, with an emphasis on planning and operations

    A Tutorial on Involving Stakeholders in Facilitated Simulation Studies

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    This tutorial introduces the PartiSim approach, aimed at supporting analysts and simulation modellers to carry out facilitated discrete event simulation studies. Facilitated simulation offers an alternative mode of engagement with stakeholders (clients) in simulation projects. It is particularly beneficial when modelling systems with complex behaviour, involving many stakeholders with plurality of opinions and objectives. PartiSim short for Participative Simulation, is a facilitated modelling approach developed to support simulation projects through a framework, stakeholder-oriented tools and manuals in facilitated workshops. A PartiSim study includes six stages, four of which involve facilitated workshops. PartiSim was developed more than 10 years ago. It can be applied to analyse operational problems in many contexts within the services and manufacturing domain. This tutorial presents the PartiSim framework and tools, some applications and example tools, a roadmap to adopting it and concludes with some tips for potential users

    Optimising shelter location and evacuation routing operations: The critical issues

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    Shelter opening and evacuation of vulnerable populations are operations crucial to disaster response, which is one of the four phases of Disaster Operations Management (DOM). Optimisation has tried to capture some of the different issues related to shelter location and evacuation routing: several models have been developed over the years. However, they are still far from being fully comprehensive. The aim of this paper is to identify the current challenges in devising realistic and applicable optimisation models in the shelter location and evacuation routing context, with the ultimate goal of outlining a roadmap for future research in this topical area. A critical analysis of the most recent combined models is provided, including insights from the authors of the existing papers. The analysis highlights numerous gaps and research opportunities, such as the need for future optimisation models to involve stakeholders, include evacuee as well as system behaviour, be application-oriented rather than theoretical or model-driven, and interdisciplinary

    Developing a Hybrid Simulation Model using both Parsimonious and Highly Descriptive Approaches: A Case Study from the Transport Industry

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    We put forward some initial thoughts about using both parsimonious and highly descriptive approaches to engage stakeholders during the development of a hybrid simulation study in the transport industry. The hybridisation we discuss involved combining discrete-event and agent-based simulation. We discuss how both parsimonious and highly descriptive modelling approaches, which are seemingly incompatible, were used in the development of a hybrid model to help facilitate stakeholder engagement. In our experience stakeholders with limited understanding of the system being modelled engaged with more ease when presented with highly descriptive approaches. When working with stakeholders with a better understanding, parsimonious approaches can be beneficial. We also discuss potential techniques for managing the complexity of large simulation projects by adapting ideas from software development to help modellers work with stakeholders

    Mind the gap: a review of optimisation in mental healthcare service delivery

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    Well-planned care arrangements with effective distribution of available resources have the potential to address inefficiencies in mental health services. We begin by exploring the complexities associated with mental health and describe how these influence service delivery. We then conduct a scoping literature review of studies employing optimisation techniques that address service delivery issues in mental healthcare. Studies are classified based on criteria such as the type of planning decision addressed, the purpose of the study and care setting. We analyse the modelling methodologies used, objectives, constraints and model solutions. We find that the application of optimisation to mental healthcare is in its early stages compared to the rest of healthcare. Commonalities between mental healthcare service provision and other services are discussed, and the future research agenda is outlined. We find that the existing application of optimisation in specific healthcare settings can be transferred to mental healthcare. Also highlighted are opportunities for addressing specific issues faced by mental healthcare services

    A Review Of Hybrid Simulation In Healthcare

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    Hybrid Simulation (HS) has been applied to healthcare systems, but there is still limited literature and an opportunity to develop research. This review explores applications of HS in healthcare, to outline research gaps and foster new research in HS to solve complex real healthcare problems. The twelve application papers found through a systematic literature search covered nearly all hybrid combinations. Discrete Event (DES) and System Dynamics (SD) were found to be the most popular combination, and AnyLogic, the most used HS tool. We found that none of the papers we reviewed used the SD-ABS approach, which raises questions about the need and challenges associated with certain combinations. HS in healthcare applications, for the most part, are published in conference proceedings. We discuss opportunities for research and, in particular, the potential for HS application in problems related to communicable disease and healthcare services planning

    Simulating Reverse Logistics in the Fashion Industry: A Case Study for a UK Footwear Company

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    We report on a case study of a footwear retailer in the UK, experiencing a higher rate of returns during the pandemic and needing support with the operational planning of its reverse logistics processes. We use semi-structured interviews to derive an understanding of the problem addressed with simulation modelling. Operational concerns about the costs related to product returns were raised in the interviews. Hence the simulation model focuses on this aspect by exploring the number of staff to returns ratio to achieve the targeted percentage of returned items processed within a certain number of working days. We conclude that other fashion companies might benefit from reviewing their reverse logistics operations especially in anticipation of escalating product returns
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