25 research outputs found


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    The work solves scientific problem of decontamination of the soil using biomass. Our investigation was subject to Cu, Pb, Hg and As with aim to examine whether plants are able to accumulate heavy metals. The laboratory experiment was performed in order to determine heavy metals content is the soil before plast sowing and after is harvesting. Amaranth (amaranthus) was used as a bioaccumulator. As significant amount of the heawy metals is accumulated in the root, there arise task to harvest plant and its root. Roots leaving in the soil mean retrograde contamination after the plant decomposition. But, there is lack of agricultural machinery able to harvest amaranth together with the root. Next part of the study is focused on the amaranth utilization as energy. Energy value is comparable with other biomass materials as wooden sawdust, grain straw etc. The final phase of the research is dealing with means suitable to trip the solid remainders after burning in the smoke

    Effect of working parameters and nozzle wear rate onto the spray quality in use of different fan flat nozzle

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    The subject of the analysis was the influence of working parameters (working pressure and working speed) on +drop tracks size and changes in flow rate level from flat fan nozzle. New nozzles and nozzles after laboratory wear were tested. The influence of nozzles wear on +drop tracks size was examined. It was found that increase in liquid flow rate results in higher values of mean diameter of +drop track. Increase in working pressure or working speed cause decrease in +drop tracks size and reduce merging of drops on spray surface. Increase in wear degree was followed by increased coverage rate. This phenomenon is especially dangerous when using nozzles with considerable wear degree for agricultural spray since this poses ecological threat to environment

    The effect of the type of sprayer bodies on the obtained coefficient of variation of sprayed liquid deposition

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    In this work, the study results of retention uniformity of sprayed liquid deposition obtained from three kinds of nozzles mounted in sprayer bodies of various constructions were presented. For the tests, a five-spray body with a rotation axis of a spigot parallel to the sprayed surface, a three-spray body with a retention axis perpendicular to the sprayed surface and one-spray body were used. Changes in individual spraying nozzles were done by three operators. It was stated that the biggest differences in repeatability and reproducibility of adjustments were noted for five-spray bodies, however, minimum changes not exceeding the value of one percentage point were noted for single bodies. For triple bodies repeatability of obtained CV regardless of mounted nozzles changed maximum up to 1,5 percentage point and reproducibility of measurement changed from 0,5 to 0,8 percentage point.In this work, the study results of retention uniformity of sprayed liquid deposition obtained from three kinds of nozzles mounted in sprayer bodies of various constructions were presented. For the tests, a five-spray body with a rotation axis of a spigot parallel to the sprayed surface, a three-spray body with a retention axis perpendicular to the sprayed surface and one-spray body were used. Changes in individual spraying nozzles were done by three operators. It was stated that the biggest differences in repeatability and reproducibility of adjustments were noted for five-spray bodies, however, minimum changes not exceeding the value of one percentage point were noted for single bodies. For triple bodies repeatability of obtained CV regardless of mounted nozzles changed maximum up to 1,5 percentage point and reproducibility of measurement changed from 0,5 to 0,8 percentage point

    Ekologija i kvalitet rada lepezastih mlaznica

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    Working parameters of fan flat nozzles which affect drop tracks size were the subject of the study. New nozzles and nozzles after laboratory wear were tested. The influence of nozzles wear on drop tracks size were examined. It was found that increase in liquid flow rate results in higher values of mean diameter of drop track. Then increase in working pressure or working speed respectively cause decrease in drop tracks size and reduce merging of drops on spray surface. Increase in wear degree was followed by increased coverage rate. This phenomenon is especially dangerous when using nozzles with a considerable degree of wear for agricultural spray since it ecological threat to the environment. These results can be used in practice, because the conducted experiment explained that nozzle wear degree has influence on ecological characteristics of agricultural spray.Predmet ovog istraživanja bili su radni parametri lepezastih mlaznica koji utiču na dimenzije mlaza. Ispitivane su nove mlaznice i korištene mlaznice posle habanja u laboratoriji. Ispitivan je uticaj pohabanosti mlaznica na dimenzije mlaza. Rezultati su pokazali da povećanje protoka tečnosti dovodi do povećanih vrednosti srednjeg prečnika mlaza. Zatim, povećanje radnog pritiska i radne brzine uzrokuju smanjenje dimenzija mlaza i smanjuju lepljenje kapljica na tretiranoj površini. Veći stepen habanja bio je praćen povećanjem stepena preklapanja. Ova pojava je posebno opasna pri korišćenju jako pohabanih mlaznica za prskanje poljoprivrednih površina, jer predstavlja ekološku pretnju životnoj sredini. Ovi rezultati se mogu upotrebiti u praksi, obzirom da je izvedeni ogled objasnio uticaj stepena pohabanosti mlaznica na ekološke karakteristike poljoprivrednih prskalica

    Odabrani problemi istraživanja kvaliteta rasipanja mineralnih đubriva diskosnim rasipačima

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    The aim of this study was the influence of working parameters of mineral fertilizer on quality of sowing. The application of fertilizers is conducted with a particular accuracy, mainly characterized by a variation coefficient connected with the surface irregularity (the longitudinal and transverse one in relation to the direction of the unit ride) of the distribution of a fertilizer dose on a field surface. The irregularity of fertilizer spread is a phenomenon which occurs in every case of fertilizer application, both by hand and a machine. Generally, two types of irregularity can be identified, i.e. the punctual and belt one (the transverse and longitudinal one). The punctual irregularity results from a random of fertilizer granules or grains sowed using any method and it is measured on definite, small areas. The belt irregularity results from diverse fertilizer mass distribution in transverse and longitudinal directions in relation to the movement of the distributor.Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je uticaj radnih parametara mineralnog đubriva na kvalitet rasipanja. Aplikacija đubriva izvodi se posebnom tačnošću, koja se najviše karakteriše koeficijentom varijacije u zavisnosti od nepravilnosti (longitudinalna i transverzalna u zavisnosti od pravca kretanja rasipača) distribucije norme đubrenja po površini parcele. Nepravilnost u rasipanju se javlja pri svakoj aplikaciji đubriva, kako pri ručnom, tako i pri mašinskom rasipanju. Generalno, mogu se definisati dva tipa nepravilnosti: tačkasta i trakasta (transverzalna i longitudinalna). Tačkasta nepravilnost je rezultat neujednačenosti granula đubriva ili semena, pri rasipanju ili setvi na bilo koji način, a meri se na maloj ograničenoj površini. Trakasta nepravilnost nastaje zbog različite raspodele mase đubriva u transverzalnim i longitudinalnim pravcima, u zavisnosti od pravca kretanja rasipača

    Changes in the Techniques of Students’ Internet Communication

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    W artykule przedstawiono ocenę zmian w wykorzystaniu komunikacji internetowej oraz związanych z tym faktem zagrożeń. Przeprowadzone w latach 2009/2010 i 2013/2014 badania wykazały, że respondenci wykorzystują internet oraz dostępne w nim usługi w życiu codziennym i wykorzystanie w tym okresie wzrosło. Stwierdzono, że można bardzo łatwo ulec uzależnieniu od sieci. Respondenci najczęściej wykorzystują internet jako narzędzie do przekazywania informacji oraz komunikacji. Badani rzadko zauważają negatywny wpływ sieci na zdrowie oraz osobowość.The study presents the evaluation of changes in the use of Internet communication and the associated risks. The research in the years 2009/2010 and 2013/2014 has shown that the respondents use the Internet together with the available services in everyday life and level of usage is higher. It has been found that one can easily become addicted to the Internet. The respondents most often use the Internet as a tool for passing on information and communication. In addition, the respondents rarely notice the negative effects that the Internet can have on human health and personality

    Analiza rynku nowych ciągników rolniczych w Polsce w latach 2010-2020 w aspekcie dochodów gospodarstw rolników

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    The objective of the paper is to analyse changes in the new farm tractor market in Poland and the annual income of farmers’ households generated in the same period. The studies covered the period from 2010 to 2020. The new farm tractors market was analysed with reference to the number of sold tractors, which was measured by the number of registrations. The paper considers quarterly seasonality of sale along with demand for selected producers and engine-power categories of new farm tractors sold in Poland. By “new tractors” the authors mean those registered for the first time in Poland and manufactured in the same or the preceding year. In 2010-2020, there were over 148,000 new farm tractors registered in Poland. The highest number of tractors sold was recorded in 2012, the lowest in 2016. Tractors from Western Europe, USA, and Japan predominate on the Polish market. Among new vehicles, the highest number registered in the investigated period constituted New Holland (23,780) tractors, followed by John Deere (19,453), Zetor (16,398), Deutz-Fahr (10,508), and Kubota (7,674). The total share of these producers in 2010-2020 amounted to approx. 58%. With regard to the engine-power categories in the analysed period, tractors with power of 37-73 kW and 74-132 kW (33.85%) constituted the largest proportion (49.07%). An increased interest in tractors with power below 36 kW was also observed from 2016 to 2020. Such vehicles accounted for 10% of all registrations. The general trend related to the volume of average annual income is not consistent with the trend of purchasing new farm tractors, while the highest number of registrations was recorded during the period in which inflation rates reached their highest values.Celem pracy jest analiza zmian na rynku nowych ciągników rolniczych w Polsce oraz rocznych dochodów gospodarstw rolników pochodzących z tego samego okresu. Zakres badań sprowadzał się do rozpatrywania lat z okresu 2010-2020. Analiza rynku nowych ciągników rolniczych przeprowadzona była na podstawie ich sprzedaży mierzonej liczbą rejestracji. W zakresie pracy objęto sezonowość sprzedaży w układzie kwartalnym, popyt na wybranych producentów, a także strukturę mocy nowych ciągników rolniczych sprzedawanych w Polsce. Ciągniki nowe uznane były jako te, które zarejestrowano pierwszy raz w Polsce z tym samym rokiem produkcji i poprzedzającym. W latach 2010- 2020 zarejestrowano w Polsce ponad 148 tys. nowych ciągników rolniczych. Największą liczbę sprzedanych ciągników zanotowano w 2012 r, najmniej zaś w 2016 r. Na polskim rynku przeważają ciągniki pochodzące z Europy Zachodniej, USA oraz Japoni. Wśród nowych pojazdów w analizowanym okresie najwięcej zarejestrowano ciągników firmy New Holland (23 780 szt.), następnie John Deere (19 453 szt.), Zetor (16 398 szt.), Deutz-Fahr (10 508 szt.), Kubota (7 674 szt.). Sumaryczny udział tych producentów w latach 2010-2020 wyniósł ok. 58%. Biorąc pod uwagę strukturę mocy silników w analizowanym okresie największy udział (49,07%) miały ciągniki o mocy w segmencie 37-73 kW oraz 74-132 kW (33,85%). Także od 2016 r. do 2020 r. zaobserwowano wzrost zainteresowania ciągnikami o mocy poniżej 36kW, które stanowiły 10% wszystkich rejestracji. Ogólny trend wielkości średniego rocznego dochodu nie jest spójny z trendem kupna nowych ciągników, zaś najwyższą liczbę rejestracji notowano w okresie kiedy wskaźniki inflacji osiągały największe wartości

    Student Use of Mobile Devices in University Classes

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    Computer technologies are widely used by students of any level of education. In the broad range of computer hardware mobile devices deserve special attention. They offer a number of benefits to students including the possibility of making editable notes, searching for information on line, communicating quickly and effectively or accessing multimedia materials. Due to the size of those devices the students can easily use them during classes. The study reported was done on a relatively large group of students (503) from students of the Faculty of Production Engineering of the University of Life Sciences in Lublin, Poland. Its main goal was to establish students’ use of mobile devices in the educational processes, and in particular during formal classes (lectures, tutorials and lab experiments). The key finding was that above 90% of students used mobile devices during classes. The most popular mobile device was a notebook (used by 80% of students), followed by a smartphone (71%) and tablet (17%). The most popular activity was making calculations related to attended courses

    The Use of Information Technology in Course Delivery and Students’ Cheating: Case Study

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    Information Technology (IT) entered the world of education with authority and with general assumption that it would enhance students’ learning. It is used in the educational environment for many uses, with class delivery as one of the most important purposes. The aim of the study was to investigate the preferences in the delivery methods by students and compare with those favoured by the instructors. Additionally, the study assessed the use of IT in preparation (by instructors) and access (by students) of material related to learning. A separate issue addressed was classroom cheating by students and IT application for that purpose. The study indicated a clear preference by both students and instructors for blended learning of traditional face to face lecturing with additional on-line material. The study also confirmed the use of IT as a tool for class cheating. Although reluctantly, up to 73% of students confessed to cheating using one or other method

    Effect of working parameters and nozzle wear rate onto the spray quality in use of different fan flat nozzle

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    The subject of the analysis was the influence of working parameters (working pressure and working speed) on +drop tracks size and changes in flow rate level from flat fan nozzle. New nozzles and nozzles after laboratory wear were tested. The influence of nozzles wear on +drop tracks size was examined. It was found that increase in liquid flow rate results in higher values of mean diameter of +drop track. Increase in working pressure or working speed cause decrease in +drop tracks size and reduce merging of drops on spray surface. Increase in wear degree was followed by increased coverage rate. This phenomenon is especially dangerous when using nozzles with considerable wear degree for agricultural spray since this poses ecological threat to environment