44 research outputs found

    Development of setup for predictive testing stator insulation of electrical machines

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    The article discusses the approach to construction of system of diagnostics of the basic insulation of electrical machines. Discusses the structure of the experimental installation, allowing to organize non-destructive predictive control of insulation of electrical machines. Given the equivalent circuit of the insulation used in foreign sources. The methods of determination of equivalent circuit parameters.В статье рассматривается подход к построению системы диагностики базовой изоляции электрической машины. Обсуждается структура экспериментальной установки, позволяющая организовать неразрушающий прогностический контроль изоляции электрической машины. Приведена схема замещения изоляции, применяемая в зарубежных источниках. Рассмотрены методы определения параметров схемы замещения

    Mathematical model for research of the hydrodynamics of flows in a contact apparatus for ozonization

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    This work is devoted to a numerical research of the hydrodynamics of a two-phase medium. The content of this work was the description of the physical and mathematical model, the development of a numerical model and verification of the adequacy of the numerical model. In the course of the work, the adequacy of the proposed numerical model on the experimental setup was confirmed. © 2021 Author(s).Sathyabama Institute of Science and Technology, ChennaiKing Saud University, KSUThe authors acknowledge the Researchers Supporting Project Number (RSP-2021/354) King Saud University, for financial supports, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. The author Dr. G. Murugadoss thanks the Chancellor, President, and Vice Chancellor, Sathyabama Institute of Science and Technology, Chennai for the support and encouragement

    The Church in the Cultural Space of Modern Russia: Constructive Ideas and Their Implementation

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    The article was submitted on 07.12.2015.The materials published below are a result of a discussion that followed a conference organized by the Yekaterinburg Metropolis of the Russian Orthodox Church and Ural Federal University. The participants of the discussion were archpriest Pyotr Mangilev, PhD (History), senior academic administrator at the Yekaterinburg Orthodox Seminary; archpriest Konstantin Kostromin, PhD (History), Doctor of Theology, lecturer at the Saint Petersburg Ecclesiastical Academy; Marina Nechayeva, PhD (History), senior research fellow at the Institute of History and Archaeology (Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences); Andrey Shamanayev, PhD (History), associate professor at Ural Federal University; Oksana Ivanova, master’s student of St Philaretus Orthodox Christian Institute (Yekaterinburg).They discussed issues relating to the interaction of religious educational establishments and state universities, the collaboration of eparchial structures with museums, and forms of joint cultural events, as well as the background of the establishment of church museums, archives and libraries in the Yekaterinburg Metropolis and Saint Petersburg Eparchy.Публикуемые ниже материалы представляют собой результат дискуссии, состоявшейся в феврале 2016 г. в рамках конференции, организованной совместными усилиями Екатеринбургской митрополии Русской православной церкви и Уральского государственного университета. Участниками дискуссии стали протоиерей Петр Мангилев, кандидат исторических наук, проректор по учебной работе Екатеринбургской православной духовной семинарии; протоиерей Константин Костромин, кандидат исторических наук, кандидат богословия, преподаватель Санкт-Петербургской духовной академии; Марина Нечаева, кандидат исторических наук, старший научный сотрудник Института истории и археологии УрО РАН; Андрей Шаманаев, кандидат исторических наук, доцент УрФУ; Оксана Иванова, магистрант Свято-Филаретовского православно-христианского института (Екатеринбург). Обсуждались вопросы взаимодействия духовных учебных заведений и государственных университетов, сотрудничества епархиальных структур с музеями, формы совместных культурных мероприятий, а также опыт создания в Екатеринбургской митрополии и Санкт-Петербургской епархии церковных музеев, архивов и библиотек

    Denitration of Radioactive Waste with Formaldehyde During Evaporation in the Natural-Circulation Evaporator

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    The paper presents a scheme of an experimental full-scale evaporation rig and a description of the tests carried out on it for the evaporation of nitric acid solutions with simultaneous denitration with formaldehyde. The results of work on a full-scale evaporator rig confirmed the possibility of using evaporation method with simultaneous denitration by formaldehyde in a natural-circulation evaporator with external heating chamber. The dependence of concentration of nitric acid to the molar ratio of formaldehyde to nitric acid was obtained. © Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd

    Method of Registration of Electric Motor Winding Insulation Leakage Current

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    The paper presents some results of investigation of insulation leakage current of the asynchronous motor stator winding generated by rectangular voltage pulses. The possibility of recording the leakage current parameters with a sufficiently high time resolution was investigated. A method for detecting leakage currents is proposed, based on the use of the Aktakom oscilloscope and averaging a large number of experimental data series.В работе представлены некоторые результаты исследования токов утечки изоляции обмотки статора асинхронного двигателя, генерируемых прямоугольными импульсами напряжения. Исследовалась возможность регистрации параметров тока утечки с достаточно высоким разрешением по времени. Предложена методика регистрации токов утечки, основанная на использовании осциллографа Aktakom и усреднении большого количества рядов экспериментальных данных


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    New approaches to the treatment of intermediate-level waste from the extraction reprocessing of NPP spent nuclear fuel were tested on the evaporation rig at OJSC "SverdNIIhimmash". Experimental data are used to design of commercial scale equipment


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    The results of CFD research of the two-phase flow hydrodynamics in the packed contact apparatus for LRW ozonation are presented. The results of the film flow VOF- simulations on the distribution device and in the packed channels of the contact apparatus are shown


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    In this paper the issues of object movements measurement by the heterodyne method have been considered. It has been shown that nowadays in order to measure linear movements various kinds of methods are used. It has been found that interferential methods have the highest accuracy of measurements. It also has been defined that the majority of these methods is based on calculating the number of interferential fringes when objects shift, that does not allow to resolve ambiguity in the object location; and the interferential methods realization based on the frequency shift of interfering beams (heterodyne interferometry) are used for the absolute measurements of the object’s location. It has been demonstrated that when realizing these methods two-frequency lasers are required. As they are rather difficult optical and electronic systems, they hinder their application in measuring devices. The non-ambiguity resolution method in the definition of the object easurement range, allowing elimination of the drawbacks specified, has been offered