61 research outputs found

    Validating discovery in literature-based discovery

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    Identification of Military-related Science and Technology

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    A proof-of-principle demonstration for extracting military-related technologies from a country's total technology publications has been performed, and applied to the Indian science and technology literature#. The method is general and can be applied to the extraction of any meta-category (e.g., intelligence-relevanttechnologies, infrastructure-relevant technologies, etc) which is not easily obtained from document clustering or factor analysis. The methodology for identifying relevant literature on military science appears to provide credible results. The volume of literature retrieved will vary depending on how strongly relevant is the desired literature. For the same definitions of 'military relevant', the volume of India's literature in the Ei Compendex database was an order of magnitude less than that of the USA or China.Defence Science Journal, 2010, 60(3), pp.259-270, DOI:http://dx.doi.org/10.14429/dsj.60.35

    The Largest Unethical Medical Experiment in Human History

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    This monograph describes the largest unethical medical experiment in human history: the implementation and operation of non-ionizing non-visible EMF radiation (hereafter called wireless radiation) infrastructure for communications, surveillance, weaponry, and other applications. It is unethical because it violates the key ethical medical experiment requirement for “informed consent” by the overwhelming majority of the participants. The monograph provides background on unethical medical research/experimentation, and frames the implementation of wireless radiation within that context. The monograph then identifies a wide spectrum of adverse effects of wireless radiation as reported in the premier biomedical literature for over seven decades. Even though many of these reported adverse effects are extremely severe, the true extent of their severity has been grossly underestimated. Most of the reported laboratory experiments that produced these effects are not reflective of the real-life environment in which wireless radiation operates. Many experiments do not include pulsing and modulation of the carrier signal, and most do not account for synergistic effects of other toxic stimuli acting in concert with the wireless radiation. These two additions greatly exacerbate the severity of the adverse effects from wireless radiation, and their neglect in current (and past) experimentation results in substantial under-estimation of the breadth and severity of adverse effects to be expected in a real-life situation. This lack of credible safety testing, combined with depriving the public of the opportunity to provide informed consent, contextualizes the wireless radiation infrastructure operation as an unethical medical experiment

    Prevention and Reversal of Peripheral Neuropathy/Peripheral Arterial Disease

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    This monograph presents a five-step treatment protocol to prevent and reverse Peripheral Neuropathy (PN)/Peripheral Arterial Disease (PAD), based on the following systemic medical principle: at the present time, removal of cause is a necessary, but not necessarily sufficient, condition for restorative treatment to be effective. Implementation of the five-step PN/PAD treatment protocol is as follows: Step 1: Obtain a detailed medical and habit/exposure history from the patient. Step 2: Administer written and clinical performance and behavioral tests to assess the severity of the higher-level symptoms and degradation of executive functions Step 3: Administer laboratory tests (blood, urine, imaging, etc) Step 4: Eliminate ongoing PN/PAD contributing factors Step 5: Implement PN/PAD treatments This individually-tailored PN/PAD treatment protocol can be implemented with the data currently available in the biomedical literature. Additionally, while the methodology developed for this study was applied to comprehensive identification of diagnostics, contributing factors, and treatments for PN/PAD, it is general and applicable to any chronic disease/condition that, like PN/PAD, has an associated substantial research literature. Thus, the protocol and methodology developed to prevent or reverse PN/PAD can be used to prevent or reverse any chronic disease (with the possible exceptions of individuals with strong genetic predispositions to the disease in question or who have suffered irreversible damage from the disease)

    Database tomography for commercial application

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    Database tomography is a method for extracting themes and their relationships from text. The algorithms, employed begin with word frequency and word proximity analysis and build upon these results. When the word 'database' is used, think of medical or police records, patents, journals, or papers, etc. (any text information that can be computer stored). Database tomography features a full text, user interactive technique enabling the user to identify areas of interest, establish relationships, and map trends for a deeper understanding of an area of interest. Database tomography concepts and applications have been reported in journals and presented at conferences. One important feature of the database tomography algorithm is that it can be used on a database of any size, and will facilitate the users ability to understand the volume of content therein. While employing the process to identify research opportunities it became obvious that this promising technology has potential applications for business, science, engineering, law, and academe. Examples include evaluating marketing trends, strategies, relationships and associations. Also, the database tomography process would be a powerful component in the area of competitive intelligence, national security intelligence and patent analysis. User interests and involvement cannot be overemphasized

    Structure of the Anthrax Research Literature

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    Text mining was used to extract technical intelligence from the open source global anthrax research literature.An anthrax-focused query was applied to the Science Citation Index/Social Science Citation Index (SCI/SSCI)(SCI, 2006) databases. The anthrax research literature infrastructure (prolific authors, key journals/institutions/countries, most cited authors/journals/ documents) was obtained using bibliometrics, and the anthrax researchliterature technical structure (hierarchical taxonomy) was obtained using computational linguistics/documentclustering.Defence Science Journal, 2008, 58(5), pp.678-685, DOI:http://dx.doi.org/10.14429/dsj.58.169

    Under-reporting of Adverse Events in the Biomedical Literature

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    Purpose: To address the under-reporting of research results, with emphasis on the underreporting/distorted reporting of adverse events in the biomedical research literature. Design/methodology/approach: A four-step approach is used:(1) To identify the characteristics of literature that make it adequate to support policy; (2) to show how each of these characteristics becomes degraded to make inadequate literature; (3) to identify incentives to prevent inadequate literature; and (4) to show policy implications of inadequate literature. Findings: This review has provided reasons for, and examples of, adverse health effects of myriad substances (1) being under-reported in the premiere biomedical literature, or (2) entering this literature in distorted form. Since there is no way to gauge the extent of this under/distorted-reporting, the quality and credibility of the&lsquo;premiere&rsquo;biomedical literature is unknown. Therefore, any types of meta-analyses or scientometric analyses of this literature will have unknown quality and credibility. The most sophisticated scientometric analysis cannot compensate for a highly flawed database. Research limitations: The main limitation is in identifying examples of under-reporting. There are many incentives for under-reporting and few dis-incentives. Practical implications: Almost all research publications, addressing causes of disease, treatments for disease, diagnoses for disease, scientometrics of disease and health issues, and other aspects of healthcare, build upon previous healthcare-related research published. Many researchers will not have laboratories or other capabilities to replicate or validate the published research, and depend almost completely on the integrity of this literature. If the literature is distorted, then future research can be misguided, and health policy recommendations can be ineffective or worse. Originality/value: This review has examined a much wider range of technical and nontechnical causes for under-reporting of adverse events in the biomedical literature than previous studies.Purpose: To address the under-reporting of research results, with emphasis on the underreporting/distorted reporting of adverse events in the biomedical research literature. Design/methodology/approach: A four-step approach is used:(1) To identify the characteristics of literature that make it adequate to support policy; (2) to show how each of these characteristics becomes degraded to make inadequate literature; (3) to identify incentives to prevent inadequate literature; and (4) to show policy implications of inadequate literature. Findings: This review has provided reasons for, and examples of, adverse health effects of myriad substances (1) being under-reported in the premiere biomedical literature, or (2) entering this literature in distorted form. Since there is no way to gauge the extent of this under/distorted-reporting, the quality and credibility of the&lsquo;premiere&rsquo;biomedical literature is unknown. Therefore, any types of meta-analyses or scientometric analyses of this literature will have unknown quality and credibility. The most sophisticated scientometric analysis cannot compensate for a highly flawed database. Research limitations: The main limitation is in identifying examples of under-reporting. There are many incentives for under-reporting and few dis-incentives. Practical implications: Almost all research publications, addressing causes of disease, treatments for disease, diagnoses for disease, scientometrics of disease and health issues, and other aspects of healthcare, build upon previous healthcare-related research published. Many researchers will not have laboratories or other capabilities to replicate or validate the published research, and depend almost completely on the integrity of this literature. If the literature is distorted, then future research can be misguided, and health policy recommendations can be ineffective or worse. Originality/value: This review has examined a much wider range of technical and nontechnical causes for under-reporting of adverse events in the biomedical literature than previous studies.</span

    Pervasive Causes of Disease

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    The overall theme of this book is preventing and reversing chronic diseases using the holistic medical principle: removal of cause is a necessary, but not sufficient, condition for restorative treatment to be effective. The specific focus of this book is identifying, categorizing, and analyzing the pervasive foundational causes of ~4000 diseases, allowing these actionable causes to then be eliminated. There is a substantial section outlining the deficiencies and distortions of the premier biomedical literature on which this book is based. These inadequacies lead to 1) concealment of the full extent of the pervasive foundational causes of chronic disease; 2) reduced perceptions of health risk among individuals and policy-makers; 3) inadequate regulation and public health policy at the national and global levels. There is also a lengthy section describing the text mining/ information technology advances that allowed the pervasive foundational causes to be extracted efficiently from the huge volumes of biomedical journal articles retrieved

    Strengthening exposure limits for toxic substance combinations

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    Toxic stimuli exposure limits are typically based on single stressor experiments, but are presently applicable to toxic stimuli in isolation or in combination with other toxic stimuli. In the latter case, typically less of each constituent of the combination is required to cause damage compared to the amount determined from single stressor experiments. This monograph presents a simplified approach to improving regulatory exposure limits for toxic stimuli. The approach will partially account for the enhanced adverse effects of toxic stimuli combinations. It 1) assumes that all potential toxic stimuli to which an individual might be exposed have the same mechanisms/modes of action on biological mechanisms, and are, thus, indistinguishable by the impacted organism; 2) converts the doses of exposures to toxic stimuli to NOAEL fractions; 3) adds all the NOAEL fractions from these exposures to toxic stimuli; and 4) divides all the present exposure limits by the total number of NOAELs obtained. It would reduce present single-stressor-based exposure limits by an order of magnitude or more across the board. The newly posited approach does not account for hormetic, antagonistic, or synergistic effects of toxic stimuli in combination. It does not adjust for 1) low-dose toxicants with adverse effects that have been under-reported, or 2) exposure limits (like the OSHA PELs) that are orders of magnitude above levels shown by published single stressor studies to have caused adverse effects