1,255 research outputs found

    Current Star Formation in the Outer Rings among Early-Type Disk Galaxies

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    By using the ARRAKIS, the atlas of stellar rings in galaxies (Comeron et al. 2014) based on data of the S4G survey, we have compiled a list of early-type, S0-Sb, disk galaxies with outer stellar ring-like features (`pure' rings, R, or pseudorings, R'). Current star formation signatures within these features were searched for through the NUV-maps of the galaxies provided by the ultraviolet space telescope GALEX. We have found that current star formation, with the mean age of the young stellar population less than 200 Myr, is present in about a half of all `pure' rings; and within the pseudorings it is observed almost always.Comment: 5 pages, 1 figure. Submitted to the Baltic Astronomy as a contribution to the proceedings of the conference "Modern Stellar Astronomy-2015" (Moscow, May 25-30

    Spaceborne sensors (1983-2000 AD): A forecast of technology

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    A technical review and forecast of space technology as it applies to spaceborne sensors for future NASA missions is presented. A format for categorization of sensor systems covering the entire electromagnetic spectrum, including particles and fields is developed. Major generic sensor systems are related to their subsystems, components, and to basic research and development. General supporting technologies such as cryogenics, optical design, and data processing electronics are addressed where appropriate. The dependence of many classes of instruments on common components, basic R&D and support technologies is also illustrated. A forecast of important system designs and instrument and component performance parameters is provided for the 1983-2000 AD time frame. Some insight into the scientific and applications capabilities and goals of the sensor systems is also given

    Ethylene line emission from the North Pole of Jupiter

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    A significant enhancement in infrared emission from hydrocarbon constituents of Jupiter's stratosphere was observed at a north polar hot spot (60 degrees latitude, 180 degrees longitude). A unique probe of this phenomena is ethylene (C2H4), which has not been observed previously from the ground. The profile of the emission line from ethylene at 951.742 cm-1, measured near the north pole of Jupiter, was analyzed to determine the morphology of the enhancement, the increase in C2H4 abundance and local temperature, as well as possible information on the altitude (pressure regions) where the increased emission is formed. Measurements were made using infrared heterodyne spectroscopy at the NASA Infrared Telescope Facility on Mauna Kea, Hawaii in December 1989. At 181 degrees longitude a very strong emission line was seen, which corresponds to a 13-fold increase in C2H4 abundance or a 115K increase in temperature in the upper stratosphere, compared to values outside the hot spot. The hot spot was found to be localized to approx. 10 degrees in longitude; the line shape (width) implied that the enhanced emission originated very high in the stratosphere

    Successful Re-establishment of a Native Savannah Flora and Fauna on the Site of a Former Pine Plantation at Constance Bay, Ottawa, Ontario

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    To determine the extent of successful restoration of native savanna vegetation at The Sandhills, an unusual and biodiversity-rich habitat in the Ottawa Valley, we gathered information from quadrats along transects so as to compare a restored clearing with the surrounding plantation. We provide an indication of success with respect to amount of effort and provide an example of some considerations and procedures for estimating success. With a minimum effort of tree cutting and bulldozing, removal of pine duff and litter, that is estimated to have required five people over a period of less than two weeks, a hectare was successfully restored to pre-settlement savannah vegetation. Apart from a limited seeding effort following the removal of planted trees, the re-establishment of native vegetation proceeded naturally, and it was likely aided by dispersal of seed from adjacent remnant vegetation along paths and firebreaks in the vicinity. Biodiversity, based on number of species and various indices, was substantially greater in the restored clearing than in the adjacent Red Pine platation. The semi-open Jack Pine plantation accommodated species of both shaded and open habitats and diversity approached that of the clearing. However, some species such as blueberry were in poor condition in the plantation, generally not producing flowers or fruit. In addition the non-dominant vegetation was much less of the cover. In the restored area there were more regionally rare species and much greater development of flowering herbaceous species and shrubs. Orthopteran insects, a useful indicator group of plant feeding species, had much higher diversity and abundance in the restored area. Savannah and natural sand barren that have been largely destroyed by plantation forestry can be restored successfully and inexpensively, and there is thus no reason why such restorations should not include large areas and be implemented widely. Among the tools for evaluating success are historical descriptions and various measures of biodiversity and vegetation condition

    Spontaneous Coronary Artery Dissection

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    Spontaneous carotid artery dissection (SCAD) is a rare cause of myocardial infarction. It occurs more commonly in younger, female patients. SCAD is non-traumatic and non-iatrogenic. Most patients that experience SCAD do not have typical risk factors associated with CAD. Conditions that pre-dispose patients to SCAD includes postpartum status, multiparty, connective tissue disorders (Marfan, Ehlers-Danlos), systemic inflammatory conditions or hormonal therapy. Although rare, labor and delivery can be a cause of SCAD. Spontaneous coronary artery dissection is a cause of acute coronary syndrome in approximately 0.1 to 4% of cases. SCAD represents about 25% of ACS cases in women under 50.This case report involves a a 36 y.o. female with recent cesarean section that presents for chest pain. Diagnostic testing revealed an elevated troponin, elevated BNP and acute kidney injury. The patient underwent cardiac catheterization and was found to have a dissection of her coronary artery leading to acute congestive heart failure. The patient received supportive care and treatment of her CHF with improvement and eventually received stenting of her coronary artery. This case report focus on the presentation of this rare condition and discusses the recommended management.https://scholarlycommons.henryford.com/merf2020caserpt/1072/thumbnail.jp

    Infrared heterodyne spectroscopy of astronomical and laboratory sources at 8.5 micron

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    The first infrared heterodyne spectrometer using tuneable semiconductor (PbSe) diode lasers has been constructed and was used near 8.5 micron to measure absorption line profiles of N2O in the laboratory and black body emission from the Moon and from Mars. Spectral information was recorded over a 200 MHz bandwidth using an 8-channel filter bank. The resolution was 25 MHz and the minimum detectable (black body) power was 1 x 10 to the minus 16th power watts for 8 minutes of integration. The results demonstrate the usefulness of heterodyne spectroscopy for the study of remote and local sources in the infrared

    A new, purely photometric method for determination of resonance locations in spiral galaxies

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    The knowledge of the positions of the corotation resonance in spiral arms is a key way to estimate their pattern speed, which is a fundamental parameter determining the galaxy dynamics. Various methods for its estimation have been developed, but they all demonstrate certain limitations and a lack of agreement with each other. Here, we present a new method for estimating the corotation radius. This method takes into account the shape of the profile across the arm and its width and, thus, only photometric data is needed. The significance of the method is that it can potentially be used for the farthest galaxies with measurable spiral arms. We apply it to a sample of local galaxies from Savchenko et al. and compare the obtained corotation radii with those previously measured in the literature by other methods. Our results are in good agreement with the literature. We also apply the new method to distant galaxies from the COSMOS field. For the first time, corotation locations for galaxies with photometric redshifts up to z0.9z\sim0.9 are measured.Comment: accepted in MNRAS Letter

    Квадратичний детектор струму на основі магніторезистивного елементу

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    The quadratic detector of current has been considered. The ferromagnetic tape is the base of quadratic detector. Relations between structure and physical effects in tape have been analyzed. The law of quadratic dependence has been deduced. This law allows us to get more accurate results of detection.Рассмотрен квадратичный детектор тока, в основе которого лежит ферромагнитная пленка. Проанализирована связь между структурой пленки и физическими явлениями в ней. Выведен закон квадратичной зависимости тока, что позволяет добиться болем точных результатов детектирования.Розглянуто квадратичний детектор струму на основі феромагнітної плівки. Проаналізовано зв'язок між її структурою та фізичними явищами. Виведений закон квадратичної залежності струму, що надає більш точні результати детектування

    Towards an Imaging Mid-Infrared Heterodyne Spectrometer

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    We are developing a concept for a compact, low-mass, low-power, mid-infrared (MIR; 5- 12 microns) imaging heterodyne spectrometer that incorporates fiber optic coupling, Quantum Cascade Laser (QCL) local oscillator, photomixer array, and Radio Frequency Software Defined Readout (RFSDR) for spectral analysis. Planetary Decadal Surveys have highlighted the need for miniaturized, robust, low-mass, and minimal power remote sensing technologies for flight missions. The drive for miniaturization of remote sensing spectroscopy and radiometry techniques has been a continuing process. The advent of MIR fibers, and MEMS techniques for producing waveguides has proven to be an important recent advancement for miniaturization of infrared spectrometers. In conjunction with well-established photonics techniques, the miniaturization of spectrometers is transitioning from classic free space optical systems to waveguide/fiber-based structures for light transport and producing interference effects. By their very nature, these new devices are compact and lightweight. Mercury-Cadmium-Telluride (MCT) and Quantum Well Infrared Photodiodes (QWIP) arrays for heterodyne applications are also being developed. Bulky electronics is another barrier that precluded the extension of heterodyne systems into imaging applications, and our RFSDR will address this aspect