381 research outputs found

    Processing of inflected nouns and levels of cognitive sensitivity

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    In a series of experiments with lexical decision task it was demonstrated that processing of inflected Serbian noun forms is determined by the amount of information (bits) carried by those forms. The amount of information is derived from form's probability and number of syntactic functions/meanings carried by a form. Form's probability, on the other hand, is specified within gender paradigm (e. g. what is the probability of suffix x to be attached to a feminine noun?) by summing up probabilities of cases shared by a given inflected form. Within a paradigm of feminine nouns, however, there are number of subparadigms that differ in case distribution of their inflected forms and, by the same token, in distribution of the amount of information distribution. Previous studies have shown that the amount of information derived from probabilities of inflected forms derived from the dominant paradigm account for almost all processing variability. In this study we investigate whether processing of inflected forms from the non-dominant paradigm is affected by its probability distribution or by probability distribution of the dominant paradigm. The outcome of the experiment indicated that processing latencies to inflected forms are determined by probabilities derived from the dominant subparadigm

    The effect of polysemy on processing of Serbian nouns

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    Istraživanja izvedena na engleskom jeziku pokazala su da postojanje nepovezanih značenja reči (homonimija, npr. "osa" - insekt i "osa" - koordinata) usporava obradu, dok postojanje povezanih značenja reči (polisemija, npr. "glava" - deo tela i "glava" - poglavlje) ubrzava obradu (Rodd, Gaskell & Marslen-Wilson, 2002; Klepousniotou, 2002). Cilj ovog istraživanja je ispitivanje uticaja polisemije na obradu reči srpskog jezika. Rezultati tri eksperimenta sa zadatkom leksičke odluke pokazali su da se polisemične reči obrađuju brže. Pored toga, pokazano je da ne postoji interakcija između frekvencije leme i broja značenja. Konačno, predložena je nova mera viÅ”eznačnosti, zasnovana na ideji primene "informacionog reziduala" kao mere morfoloÅ”ke kompleksnosti reči (Moscoso del Prado Martin, Kostic & Baayen, 2004). U naÅ”em istraživanju informacioni rezidual predstavlja razliku između količine informacije izvedene iz frekvencije leme (log p) i entropije distribucije značenja reči. S obzirom na to da u ovom trenutku ne raspolažemo verovatnoćama značenja reči srpskog jezika, entropija je aproksimirana maksimalnom entropijom (log N). Kombinovanje frekvencije leme i broja značenja u jedinstvenu probabilističku meru reÅ”ava problem kolinearnosti dve varijable. Pored toga, mogućnost primene informacionog reziduala na slučaj polisemije ukazuje na mogućnost da je kognitivni sistem osetljiv na entropiju distribucije verovatnoća značenja reči.It has been shown that while multiple unrelated meanings of a word (e.g. bank) increase processing latency, polysemy, that is multiple related word senses (e.g. paper) produce faster responses (Rodd, Gaskell & Marslen-Wilson, 2002; Klepousniotou, 2002). The goal of this study was to explore the effect of polysemy on word processing in Serbian. The outcomes of three lexical decision experiments have shown that polysemous words are processed faster. In addition, lemma frequency and number of related senses did not interact. Finally, a measure that combines lemma frequency and number of related senses into a single metric is proposed. This measure is information residual, initially applied on derivational morphology (Moscoso del Prado MartƬn, Kostic & Baayen, 2004). In this study the information residual is a difference between the amount of information (bit) derived from lemma frequency and the entropy of a polysemic cluster. Since relative frequencies of different word senses of a given word in Serbian are currently not available, maximum entropy (log N) was used as an approximation. The outcome of this study indicates that cognitive system is sensitive not only to the entropy of derivational clusters, but polysemic clusters as well

    Utisci o katastarskim radovima u Å vajcarskoj, Francuskoj i Italiji i primena fotogrametrije za katastarska snimanja

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    Utisci o katastarskim radovima u Å vajcarskoj, Francuskoj i Italiji i primena fotogrametrije za katastarska snimanja

    Šta je do sad urađeno na novom katastarskom premeru

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    Šta je do sad urađeno na novom katastarskom premeru

    Initial development of the hybrid semielliptical-dolphin airfoil

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    Iosif Taposu has formulated a mathematical model and generated a family of air-foils whose geometry resembles the dolphin shape. These airfoils are characterized by a sharp leading edge and experiments have proven that they can achieve better aerodynamic characteristics at very high angles of attack than certain classical airfoils, with the nose geometry inclined downwards. On the other hand, they have not been applied to any commercial general aviation aircraft. The authors of this paper have been motivated to compare the aerodynamic characteristics of widely used NACA 2415 airfoil with Taposu???s Dolphin that would have the same princi-pal geometric characteristics. A CFD calculation model has been established and applied on NACA 2415. The results were compared with NACA experiments and very good agreements have been achieved in the major domains of lift and polar curves. The same CFD model has been applied on the counterpart Dolphin 2415. Results have shown that the Dolphin has a slightly higher lift/drag ratio in the lift coefficient domain 0.1-0.35 than NACA. On the other hand, at higher and lower lift coefficients, its aerodynamic characteristics were drastically below those of the NACA section, due to the unfavorable influence of the Dolphin???s sharp nose. A series of the Dolphin???s leading edge modifications has been investigated, gradually improving its aerodynamics. Finally, version M4, consisting of about 70% of Dol-phin???s original rear domain and 30% of the new nose shape, managed to exceed the NACA???s characteristics, thus paving the way to investigate the Dolphin hybrids that could be suitable for the general aviation industry

    Katastar Beograda

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    Katastar Beograda

    Uloga katastarskog plana u narodnoj privredi

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    Uloga katastarskog plana u narodnoj privredi
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