55 research outputs found

    Study of 113^{113}Cd β\beta-decay spectrum and gAg_{\rm A} quenching using spectral moments

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    We present an alternative analysis of the 113^{113}Cd β\beta-decay electron energy spectrum in terms of spectral moments μn\mu_n, corresponding to the averaged values of nthn^{\rm th} powers of the β\beta particle energy. The zeroth moment μ0\mu_0 is related to the decay rate, while higher moments μn\mu_n are related to the spectrum shape. The here advocated spectral-moment method (SMM) allows for a complementary understanding of previous results, obtained using the so-called spectrum-shape method (SSM) and its revised version, in terms of two free parameters: r=gA/gVr=g_{\rm A}/g_{\rm V} (the ratio of axial-vector to vector couplings) and ss (the small vector-like relativistic nuclear matrix element, ss-NME). We present numerical results for three different nuclear models with the conserved vector current hypothesis (CVC) assumption of gV=1g_{\rm V}=1. We show that most of the spectral information can be captured by the first few moments which are simple quadratic forms (conic sections) in the (r, s)(r,\,s) plane: an ellipse for n=0n=0 and hyperbolae for n≥1n\geq 1, all being nearly degenerate as a result of cancellations among nuclear matrix elements. The intersections of these curves, as obtained by equating theoretical and experimental values of μn\mu_n, identify the favored values of (r, s)(r,\,s) at a glance, without performing detailed fits. In particular, we find that values around r∼1r\sim 1 and s∼1.6s\sim 1.6 are consistently favored in each nuclear model, confirming the evidence for gAg_{\rm A} quenching in 113^{113}Cd, and shedding light on the role of the ss-NME. We briefly discuss future applications of the SMM to other forbidden β\beta-decay spectra sensitive to gAg_{\rm A}.Comment: 13 pages, including 5 figures and 2 table

    Effects of seasonal and local co-feedstocks on the performance of continuous anaerobic digestion of cattle slurry

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    The study's aim was to assess the robustness of farm-type anaerobic digestion with cattle slurry as the main feedstock under the change of co-feedstock type and quality. Fish biomass, rainbow trout offal, potato, and reindeer offal were investigated as possible co-feedstocks in a 428-day semi-continuous reactor experiment. Using fish biomass or rainbow trout offal as co-feedstock (19 % of VS of the feed) produced an average of 220 and 305 L CH4/kg VS compared to the 201 L CH4/kg VS for the manure control. For other co-feedstocks, the differences were not statistically significant. Despite recommendations to acclimate biogas process to new feedstocks with caution, no disturbances in the biogas process were observed, even with sudden changes in co-feedstocks. The use of locally available and seasonal co-feedstocks improved the agronomic quality of the digestates and could be important in securing farms' supply of and self-sufficiency in both energy and fertilizers

    Tehokkuutta residuaalisen syönnin mittaamiseen

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    Lehtiartikkeli (rinnakkaistallennusluvan asianumero: 515/12 05 01 02/2022)Rehuhyötysuhteen parantaminen liittyy suoraan tuotannon kannattavuuteen ja pienempään ympäristövaikutukseen. Mikäli rehun hyväksikäyttökykyä halutaan edistää, se tulee huomioida eläinjalostuksessa. Edellytyksenä kuitenkin on, että sitä voidaan mitata mahdollisimman luotettavasti

    Assessing the Reliability of Optimized Residual Feed Intake Measurements in Beef Cattle

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    Residual feed intake (RFI) is the preferred measurement for feed efficiency in beef cattle, but it is laborious to determine. Data from two experiments of growing bulls (test period durations of 56 and 63 days) were used to examine how a reduction in the number of times the animals were weighed and the shortening of the length of the observation period affect the reliability of the RFI determination. We introduce two easily understandable probability measures for assessing reliability. ‘The consistency of the pair-wise ranks’ gives the probability that the rank of any two animals compared remains the same when the amount of data is reduced. ‘The consistency of the thirds’ gives the probabilities that an individual animal will remain in the same, i.e., the lowest, middle, or highest, third of animals. The reliability of the results was not greatly affected when the weighing interval was reduced from one week to four weeks. However, shortening the test period resulted in a marked reduction in the reliability of RFI. If individual feed intake is automatically measured, the workload required for RFI measurements can most effectively be reduced by reducing the number of weighing times but keeping the duration of the test period long enough

    Mortality and subsequent fractures of patients with olecranon fractures compared to other upper extremity osteoporotic fractures

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    Background: The incidence rate of olecranon fractures is highest in the elderly population. The aim of this study was to determine whether patients with olecranon fractures have similar demographic and risk characteristics compared to patients with osteoporotic upper extremity fractures.Methods: A retrospective data analysis was performed with diagnoses for olecranon fracture, distal radius fracture and proximal humerus fracture between 2014 and 2016.Results: A total of 157 olecranon, 1022 distal radius and 451 proximal humerus fractures were identified. The risk of mortality after olecranon and distal radius fractures was comparable but statistically significantly higher after proximal humerus fractures (HR 1.97, 95% CI 1.19–3.27). The risk of subsequent osteoporotic fractures after an olecranon fracture was 10% at 1 year and 14% at 5 years and the risks did not differ statistically after a proximal humerus fracture, 6% and 11% (HR 0.65, 95% CI 0.40–1.06). After a distal radius fracture, the risks were statistically significantly lower: 2% and 5% (HR 0.35, 95% CI 0.22–0.56).Discussion: Patients with olecranon fractures have essentially similar demographic characteristics compared to patients with distal radius fractures, but the probability for a subsequent fracture is significantly higher and more comparable to patients with proximal humerus fractures.</p

    Standalone sauna vs exercise followed by sauna on cardiovascular function in non-naïve sauna users: A comparison of acute effects.

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    BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Sauna bathing and aerobic exercise have each been shown to affect cardiovascular function. However, direct comparisons between standalone sauna bathing and a combination of exercise and sauna on vascular indices remain limited. Therefore, we conducted a cross-over study using matched durations to explore the hemodynamic changes of sauna exposure when compared to a combination of aerobic exercise and sauna exposure. METHODS: Participants (N = 72) with at least one cardiovascular risk factor underwent, on two separate occasions: (a) a 30-minute sauna at 75°C (SAUNA) and (b) the combination of a 15-minute cycling exercise at 75% maximum heart rate followed by 15-minute sauna exposure (EX+SAUNA). Relative changes to arterial stiffness (PWV), augmentation index (Alx), brachial systolic and diastolic blood pressure (SBP and DBP), central SBP (cSBP), mean arterial pressure (MAP), and heart rate (HR) were compared PRE-POST and pre- to 30-minutes post-intervention (PRE-POST30). RESULTS: Baseline SBP and DBP were 143 (SD 18) mmHg and 86 (SD 10) mmHg, respectively. From PRE-POST, SAUNA had lower DBP (mean difference [95% CI] 2.5 [1.0, 4.1], P = .002) and MAP (2.5 [0.6, 4.3], P = .01). However, EX+SAUNA had lower SBP (-2.7 [-4.8, -0.5], P = .02), DBP (-1.8 [-3.3, -0.4], P = .01), and MAP (-2.0 [-3.5, -0.5], P = .009) PRE-POST30. There were no statistically significant differences between SAUNA and EX+SAUNA for other measured parameters. CONCLUSION: This study demonstrated that when matched for duration, EX+SAUNA and SAUNA elicit comparable acute hemodynamic alterations in middle-aged participants with cardiovascular risk factors. The sauna is a suitable option for acute blood pressure reductions in those who are unable to perform aerobic exercise, and may be a viable lifestyle treatment option to improve blood pressure control

    Breeding Dairy Cattle for Resource Efficiency and Environmental Sustainability : Final report of the A++COW -project (2019-2023)

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    Cows consuming less feed than average of the population for a given level of production and body weight are considered as resource and feed efficient. The main aim of the A++Cow project, conducted during 2019 and 2023, was to develop tools to improve the feed efficiency of dairy cows through animal breeding, to increase knowledge on the genetic background of these traits and thereby improve the environmental and economic sustainability of dairy production. The development of reliable genomic breeding values for the Nordic dairy population is essential to achieve this goal. Therefore, the four main objectives of the A++Cow project were to 1) advance the development of novel phenotypes of feed efficiency, 2) model feed efficiency traits for Maintenance, Metabolic Efficiency and Metabolic Resilience breeding objectives, 3) develop single-step genomic prediction models for Nordic dairy cattle, and 4) assess the economic and environmental benefits, and disseminate the feed efficiency breeding indices. During the project data were collected from dairy cows at Luke Jokioinen research farm on i.e., feed intakes, milk production and composition, body weights and blood NEFA and BHB levels. When combining the data with the data collected in previous studies, the total data set included 148 715 feed efficiency records from 828 primiparous Nordic Red Dairy cattle cows. The first Saved Feed index was published in 2019 and the index was included into the Nordic Total Merit index in 2020. Based on the results of A++Cow project, the new single-step genomic prediction model of Maintenance, where carcass weight was included in the model, resulted in higher validation reliability and better predictive ability compared with traditional BLUP approach. Current genetic trend in metabolic body weight (MBW) appeared to be somewhat underestimated in all breeds and the new model corrected the genetic trend of MBW. The reliability of the Metabolic Efficiency genomic predictions has been rather low. This could be improved by switching to a model based on regression on expected feed intake (ReFI) that has been developed during the project and which has a better ability to describe the metabolic efficiency of a cow. In addition, more feed intake records are needed. CFIT 3D-camera imaging could offer a technological solution for recording feed intake on-farms. The accuracy of measuring feed intake by CFIT 3D-cameras was studied in the project and a correlation of 0.71 was found between the average feed intake of 4 to 7 days assessed by CFIT 3D-camera and the average feed intake measured by scales. This is a reasonable correlation, and the technology and algorithms can be further developed in future. The project assessed animal breeding as highly relevant to improve the sustainability of dairy production – a 10% improvement in resource efficiency would reduce the carbon footprint by 8% and reduce eutrophication impacts by 10%. In addition, the economic impact is significant, and we found that by including two feed efficiency traits, MBW for Maintenance and ReFI for Metabolic Efficiency, into a selection index with production traits and fertility, improved the total economic gain about 30 %. In addition, the welfare of the cows in early lactation can now be considered through the prediction of blood NEFA and BHB levels from the milk MIR spectral readings. The coefficients of determination were 0.53 and 0.63 for NEFA and BHB, respectively, indicating that the prediction models perform well for both animal breeding and herd management purposes
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