9 research outputs found

    Uticaj rase, oca i pola na kvalitet polutki svinja

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    Investigation of quality variability of pig carcass was carried out on 1443 fatlings (gilts and barrows). They were progenies of 22 (Farm A) and 12 sires (Farm B), 5 breeds-crossbreds (Swedish Landrace, Large White, Duroc Hampshire, Duroc x Hampshire). Animals were fed with standardized feed mixture semi ad libitum. The quality of carcass sides was determined on the slaughter-line according to Regulation (1985). Investigation included following traits: weight of warm carcass (MTP, kg), meat in carcass sides (KMP, kg and SMP, %), total mass and ratio of leg+shoulder+loin (MFO, kg and UFO, %). Obtained results were processed using several models (Harvey, 1990) which included sire genotype, sire, sex progeny and mass of warm carcass (regression effect). All investigated traits varied under the influence of sire genotype (P lt 0.01) on farm B. The effect of sire genotype was significant (P lt 0.01) on KMP and SMP on the Farm A. All traits of carcass quality varied under the influence of sires. Gilts had higher KMP, SMP, MFO and UFO compared to male castrated heads. Difference in Total Breeding Value between best and worst boar was 10.41 (Farm A) and 11.24 index point (Farm B).Ispitivanje uticaja genetskih i negenetskih faktora (genotip oca, otac i pol) na osobine kvaliteta polutki, obavljeno je u 1443 tovljenika koji su vodili poreklo od 5 genotipova očeva. Tovljenici su proizvedeni na dve farme svinja (farma A i B). Dobijeni podaci su obrađeni metodom najmanjih kvadrata (Harvey,1990). Prosečna masa toplih polutki tovljenika sa farme A i B je bila 85,78 i 82,59 kg. Genotip očeva uticao je (P lt 0,01) na variranje svih ispitivanih osobina potomaka na farmi B. Međutim, na farmi A genotip očeva nije uticao (P>0,05) na variranje dnevnog prirasta toplih polutki, ukupnu masu i udeo francuske obrade polutki. Ostale ispitivane osobine (DSL+DSK KMP i SMP) su varirale (P lt 0,01) između genotipova nerasta. Takodje, očevi su uticali na variranje osobina svojih potomaka. Nisu ustanovljena statistički značajna variranja samo osobine DPP između ženskih i muÅ”kih kastriranih grla (P>0,05). Sve osobine kvaliteta trupa zavisile su od mase toplih polutki (P lt 0,01). Razlika UPV između najboljeg i najloÅ”ijeg nerasta na farmi A je bila 10,41 a na farmi B je bila 11,24 indeksnih poena

    Prilog proučavanju ocene kvaliteta svinjskih trupova po metodi datoj u preporuci EU sa posebnim osvrtom na debljinu slanine na grebenu

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    The quality traits of Swedish landrace pig carcasses were investigated. According to short procedure of the method pf partial dissection described in detail by Walstra and Merkus (1996) the highest relative yield of muscle tissue in leg/ham, shoulder, back-loin section and belly-rib fat in carcasses of pigs with thinner withers fat - I group ( 65,76; 66,32; 50,70 and 53,95%). The highest relative share of intermuscular fat in shoulder, back-loin section and belly-rib fat was established in pigs with thicker withers fat - II group (3,16; 5,63 and 7,96%). Differences were significant at the level of 5%. Higher yield of muscle tissue in carcasses was determined in fatteners with thinner withers fat - I group (57,83%) and differences between I and II research groups werenā€™t significant (p>0,05).Ispitivane su osobine kvaliteta svinjskih trupova Å”vedskog landrasa po skraćenom postupku metodom parcijalne disekcije, koju su detaljno opisali Walstra i Merkus (1996). Utvrđen je najveći relativni prinos miÅ”ićnog tkiva u butu, plećki, leđno-slabinskom delu i trbuÅ”no-rebarnoj slanini u trupovima svinja sa tanjom slaninom na grebenu - I grupa (65,76; 66,32; 50,70 i 53,95%). Najveći relativni udeo intermuskularne masti (3,16; 5,63 i 7,96%) u plećki, leđno-slabinskom delu i trbuÅ”no-rebarnoj slanini imale su svinje sa debljom slaninom na grebenu - II grupa. Razlike su bile značajne na nivou 5%. Veći prinos miÅ”ićnog tkiva u trupovima utvrđen je kod tovljenika sa tanjom slaninom na grebenu- I grupa (57,83%) a razlike između I i II ispitivane grupe nisu bile signifikantne (p>0,05)

    Uticaj genotipa i praŔenja po redu na variranje osobina plodnosti svinja

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    Investigations were carried out in single pig herd. It included 9 genotypes of sows (4 breeds and 5 groups of crosses of different crossing combinations) and 25.040 of their litters. Traits such as size of litter of Swedish Landrace sows (18.511 litters) and crosses of Fl generation (4651 litters) obtained by crossing of Swedish Landrace (SL) sows and boars of Large White breed (LW) were especially investigated. Second part of the investigation related to effect of sire (SL, LW and D) and dam breed (SL and SLxLW) on average demonstration and variability of number of live born piglets in first seven farrowings. Standard mathematical-statistical methods were applied in order to evaluate average demonstration and variability of the trait litter size. Effect of parent genotype and order of farrowing on variability of traits was evaluated using the variance analysis. Testing of differences in average values was carried out using t-test. Results of the variance analysis (table 2) show that sow genotype and order of farrowing had highly significant effect (P (lt) 0,01) on investigated traits. In investigated herd and between investigated sow-genotypes average number of live born piglets (from 8.50 to 10,37), still born piglets (from 0,30 to 0,79) and reared piglets (from 6,75 to 8,44). Only the difference of average values for number of still born piglets between sows SL and SLxLW had no statistical significance. Investigation of the effect of dam and sire breed on average demonstration and variability of number of live born piglets per farrwoings (table 4) indicates that sows of SL breed mated with boars of LW breed produced more liveborn piglets compared to sows of SL breed mated with SL boars in all farrowings (from +0,30 to +0,69 piglets). These sows, from fourth to seventh farrowing farrowed more than 11 live piglets, which means that individual heterosis effect was displayed (3 to 7%). Mating of sow crosses of F1 generation (SLxLW) with boars of Durroc breed caused no increase of number of live born piglets in litter compared to rearing in pure breed (except in 3rd farrowing) or two breed crossing.U cilju utvrđivanja varijabilnosti nekih osobina plodnosti kod različitih genotipova i praÅ”enja po redu izvrÅ”ena su ispitivanja na 25.040 legala. Dobijeni rezultati pokazuju da su genotip krmača i praÅ”enje po redu (starost krmača) uticali (P (lt) 0,01) na variranje broja živorođene, mrtvorođene i odgajene prasadi. Krmače rase Å”vedski landras oprasile su i odgajile prosečno viÅ”e prasadi od krmača F1 generacije bez obzira na genotip nerasta. Međutim krmače rase Å L parene sa nerastovima rase VJ proizvele su veći broj živorođene prasadi od krmača Å L parenih sa nerastovima Å L u svim praÅ”enjima (od 0,30 do 0,69 prasadi). Parenjem krmača meleza F1 generacije (Å LxVJ) i nerastova rase durok (D) nije postignuto povećanje broja žive prasadi u leglu u poređenju sa odgajivanjem u čistoj rasi i dvorasnim ukrÅ”tanjem

    Ocena nivoa kvaliteta trupa sa glediŔta udela tkiva u glavnim delovima svinjskih polutki

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    Results of the investigation carried out on pork carcasses (n = 20), deriving from Large Yorkshire pigs, are presented in this paper. Investigation began with average body mass of pigs of approximately 25 kg and ended with average body mass of 100 kg. Trial animals received uniquediet mixture (content of crude protein 17,4%, lysine content 0,9%, cellulose content 4,9%). Following traits were determined: mass of warm carcass sides at slaughtering, fat thickness between 13th and 14th rib and on vertebrae where Gluteus medius pars piriformis most penetrates the fat tissue. After cooling of carcass sides during 24 hour period on temperature of 4Ā°C, lateral section was cut between 13lh and 14th rib in order to determine section surface of the Musculus longissiums dorsi (MLD) and surrounding fat tissue. Based on MLD section and surrounding fat tissue the meat-fat ration on the back part of carcass was calculated. Dissection of right carcass side was done according to the method of WENINGER et al. (Petričević, 1985). Following quantitativi traits are presented: pH1 and pH2 values determined by using the digital pH-meter 45 minutes post mortem and 24 hours subsequent to slaughtering, respectively. Average weight of warm carcass side was 41,7 kg. Major parameters for dissection are fat thickness (22,35 - 23,35 mm). MLD area was 36,40 cm2. In regard to the share of major parts of carcass sides, extremely high contribution of back part (8,20 kg or 19,62%) whereas the determined contribution of ham in carcass side was 10,68 kg or 25,5%. Contribution of muscle tissue in certain carcass parts varied. For instance, the highest relative share of muscle tissue was determined in ham and shoulder 71,91% and 71,67%, respectively, followed by neek, 62,86%, whereas in other major carcass parts value of aporox 58% was determined. Total content of muscle tissue in carcass side was 58,41%. Majority of quality parameters were within the normal values.U radu su prikazani rezultati količine mesa u polutkama, dobijenim disekcijom polutki po metodi WENINGER (Petričević, 1985). PovrÅ”ina MLD. je 36,40 cm2, a sadržaj miÅ”ićnog tkiva u polutci je bio 58,41%. Konformacija trupa je specifična, gde naročito treba istaći visok udeo leđnog dela (19,62%) i udeo Å”unke (25,50%). Najveći udeo miÅ”ićnog tkiva bio je u Å”unki i plećki (71,91 i 71,67%). Većina pokazatelja kvaliteta miÅ”ićnog tkiva kretala se u normalnim granicama

    Uticaj različitih genotipova, očeva i sezone klanja na klanične osobine svinja

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    The effect of different genotypes, sires and season on age at slaughtering mass of warm carcass sides, fat thickness measured on three points (withers back, rump) and percentage of meat in warm carcass sides of average mass of 74,17kg using Yugoslav standard method was investigated in this paper. Results obtained show that investigated traits had no variation between pigs of different genotype (P>0,05). Sires effected variation of age at slaughtering, fat thickness (withers, back, rump, back + rump) and percentage of meat in warm carcass sides of offspring (P (lt) 0,01). Slaughter season effected fat thickness measured on withers (P (lt) 0,01) and age at slaughtering (P (lt) 0,05). Age, fat thickness and percentage of meat depended on the mass of warm carcass sides. Evaluated heritability coefficients for investigated traits were in interval of medium to high.U ovom radu ispitivan je uticaj različitih genotipova, očeva i sezone na uzrast pri klanju, masu toplih polutki, debljinu slanine merene na tri mesta ( greben, sredina leđa i krsta) i procenat mesa u toplim polutkama prosečne mase 74,17 kg, primenom Jugoslovenskog standarda. Rezultati koji su dobijeni pokazuju da ispitivane osobine nisu varirale između grla različitih genotipova (P>0,05). Očevi su uticali na variranje uzrasta pri klanju, debljinu slanine ( greben, sredina leđa, krsta, leđa + krsta) i na procenat mesa u toplim polutkama potomaka ( P (lt) 0,01). Sezona klanja uticala je na debljinu slanine izmerenu na grebenu ( P (lt) 0,01) i na uzrast pri klanju ( P (lt) 0,05). Uzrast, debljine slanine i procenat mesa zavisili su od mase toplih polutki. Ocenjeni koeficijenti heritabiliteta za ispitivane osobine su bili u intervalu od srednjih do visokih

    Uticaj starosti tovljenika pri klanju na klanične vrednosti svinja rase Švedski landras

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    In order to investigate the effect of age of fatteners at slaughtering on quality of carcass sides, investigation in 115 fatteners of Swedish Landrace breed were carried out. Three groups of animals of different age were formed with different number of fatteners in the group, equal in regard to sex of animals which all come for same farm in Serbia. Highly significant (**P (lt) 0,01) effect of age of fatteners at slaughtering on quality of carcass sides was established. Considering the negative sign with the coefficient b, we can conclude that the negative regression of age on quality of carcass sides was observed. The oldest fatteners (>260 days) had the lightest carcass sides (65,218 kg), the lowest gain per day of life (237,14 days) and the lowest share of meat in sides (35,369%) which has no economical justification. Therefore, justification for prolonged fattening of pigs of investigated genotype needs to be reconsidered considering different quality of carcass sides of certain age groups.U cilju utvrđivanja uticaja starosti tovljenika pri klanju na kvalitet polutki, izvrÅ”ena su ispitivanja na 115 tovljenika rase Å”vedski landras. Formirane su tri starosne grupe, sa različitim brojem tovljenika u grupi, izjednačene po polu, poreklom sa jedne farme u Srbiji. Po zavrÅ”etku ispitivanja, grla su žrtvovana sa prosečnom staroŔću od 233,983 dana i prosečne težine polutki 73,5994 kg. Ustanovljen je visoko značajan (P (lt) 0,01) uticaj starosti tovljenika pri klanju na kvalitet polutki. PoÅ”to je negativan predznak uz koeficijent b, može se govoriti o jednoj negativnoj regresiji starosti na kvalitet polutki. Najstariji tovljenici (>260 dana) imali su najlakÅ”e polutke (65,218 kg), sa najnižim prirastom po danu života (237,14 dana) i najnižim udelom mesa u polutkama (35,369%) Å”to nema svoju ekonomsku opravdanost

    Uticaj različitih fiksnih faktora na osobine kvaliteta trupa svinja

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    The effect of sire breed (Swedish landrace and large White), sires within the breed, genotype, sex and season of birth of offspring on age at slaughtering, back fat thickness measured on three points (withers, center of the back and rump), length of carcass side Os pubis-atlas and Os pubis-first rib, yield and share of meat in warm carcass sides of average mass of 81,39 kg, using Yugoslav standards, was investigated. Results obtained show that investigated traits of offspring varied between sire breeds, genotype and sex (P lt 0,01). Sires within Swedish Landrace influenced (P lt 0,01) variation of back fat thickness (center of the back, rump, back+rump), age at slaughtering, length of carcass side Os pubis-atlas and Os pubis-first rib, but no effect was established on yield and share of meat (P>0,05). Sires within Large White breed had no effect on age at slaughtering and length of carcass side (P>0,05), whereas on other traits influence was demonstrated (P lt 0,01 and P lt 0,05). Season of birth had influence in the second model (P lt 0,05) on age at slaughtering and in both models on length of carcass side Os pubis-atlas and Os pubis-first rib (P lt 0,01 and P lt 0,05), whereas on other investigated traits no effect was established (P>0,05). Age, back fat thickness, length of carcass side and yield of meat were dependent on the mass of warm carcass sides.Ispitivan je uticaj rase oca (Å”vedski landras i veliki jorkÅ”ir), očeva unutar rase, genotipa, pola i sezone rođenja potomaka na uzrast pri klanju, debljinu slanine merene na tri mesta (greben, sredina leđa i krsta), dužine polutke Os pubis-atlas i Os pubis-prvo rebro, prinos i udeo mesa u toplim polutkama prosečne mase 81,39 kg, primenom Jugoslovenskog standarda. Rezultati koji su dobijeni pokazuju da ispitivane osobine potomaka varirale između rase očeva, genotipa i pola (P lt 0,01). Očevi unutar rase Å”vedski landras su uticali (P lt 0,01) na variranje debljine slanine (sredina leđa, krsta, leđa+krsta) i (P lt 0,05) na uzrast pri klanju, dužine polutke Os pubis-atlas i Os pubis-prvo rebro dok na prinos i udeo mesa nije ispoljen uticaj (P>0,05). Očevi unutar rase veliki jorkÅ”ir nisu uticali na uzrast pri klanju i dužine polutki (P>0,05) dok su na ostale osobine ispoljili uticaj (P lt 0,01 i P lt 0,05). Sezona rođenja uticala je u drugom modelu (P lt 0,05) na uzrast pri klanju i u oba modela na dužine polutke Os pubis-atlas i Os pubis-prvo rebro (P lt 0,01 i P lt 0,05) dok na ostale ispitivane osobine nije utvrđen uticaj (P>0,05). Uzrast, debljine slanine, dužine polutke i prinos mesa zavisili su od mase toplih polutki

    Actual contamination of the Danube and Sava Rivers at Belgrade (2013)

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    This study was focussed on a comprehensive investigation on the state of pollution of the Danube and Sava Rivers in the region of Belgrade. Different complementary analytical approaches were employed covering both i) organic contaminants in the river water by target analyses of hormones and neonicotinoids as well as non-target screening analyses and ii) heavy metals in the sediments. Finally, some common water quality parameters were analysed. The overall state of pollution is on a moderate level. Bulk parameters did not reveal any unusual observations. Moreover, quantification of preselected organic contaminants did not indicate to elevated pollution. More significant contaminations were registered for chromium, nickel, zinc and partially copper in sediments with values above the target values according to Serbian regulations. Lastly, non-target screening analysis revealed a wider spectrum of organic contaminants comprising pharmaceuticals, technical additives, personal care products and pesticides. The study presented a comprehensive view on the state of pollution of the Sava and Danube Rivers and is the base for setting up further monitoring programs. As a superior outcome, it was illustrated how different chemical analyses can result in different assessments of the river quality. A comparison of target and non-target analyses pointed to potential misinterpretation of the real state of pollution

    Nacionalni program biotehnologija i agroindustrija - program unapređenja stočarstva i proizvoda animalnog porekla, studija projekta: Proizvodnja kvalitetnih svinjskih polutki

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    The object of this research-developmental project is the production of quality pig halves. By the application of various methods of selection and breeding along with optimal conditions of nutrition, care and keeping carcass quality of breeding animals and fatteners shall be improved. Another aim of the project is the improvement of health state and performance of pigs by securing optimal microclimate factors, keeping conditions and housing system. The economical valorization of quality pig halves shall also be established. The research has been carried out in three breeding stocks (Breeding stock 1 - PKB "IMES" AD, Padinska Skela; Breeding stock 2 - DP "Stari TamiŔ", Pančevo; Breeding stock 3 - Institute for Animal Husbandry also one of parties who realize the project) who are all the users of the research results. In the second year of research we worked on the improvement of reproductive traits of breeding pigs as well as fattening and slaughter traits of three-race and four-race crossing breeds, optimal nutrition, possible use of probiotics in the nutrition of piglets and fatteners, preventing of digestive disorders by use of various probiotic populations, establishing microclimate factors and economical indicators in pig production. In the first two research years the results were published in leading scientific journals of national importance, and reported at the international and national scientific meetings. The study displays the published results of the project in question