17 research outputs found

    Развитие аптечных сетей в России с точки зрения процесса консолидации

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    Nowadays the world trend of the consumer goods market development, as compared with other forms of the organization of business manifests itself in increase of the networked pharmacy retail companies number. The authors of the article describe the process of drugstore network formations in Russia as for curved consolidation growth. The temporal phases of their development are determined. The main process, typical both for the development of the retail segment and for the pharmaceutical field, is revealed.В настоящее время в розничной торговле лекарственными средствами проявляются мировые тенденции развития потребительского рынка, заключающиеся в росте доли сетевых торговых компаний по сравнению с другими формами организации предприятий. Авторами описан процесс образования аптечных сетей в России с точки зрения развития кривой консолидации. Установлены временные периоды стадий их развития, выявлены основные процессы, характерные как для развития розничного сегмента, так и в целом для фармацевтической отрасли. Построена кривая консолидации

    Планирование размера аптечной сети с учетом трансакционных издержек

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    The optimum size of pharmacies network is the basic factor of effective activities. The quantity index of sales units was taken as a measure of its size. The optimum size of drugstore chain was estimated on the basis of the neoinstitutional approach according to which external and internal transaction costs affect the size of pharmacies network. The proposed method makes it possible to correct the structure of the pharmacies network taking into consideration economies scale, advantages and disadvantages of each unique pharmacies network in a particular period of time regarding its strategic targets.Оптимальный размер аптечной сети является одним из основных условий эффективной деятельности. В качестве критерия размера аптечной сети выбран показатель количества ее торговых точек. На основе неоинституционального подхода, согласно которому на размер организации оказывают влияние затраты на процесс управления и внешние экономические связи, рассчитан оптимальный размер аптечной сети. Предложенная методика позволяет спроектировать структуру сети с учетом эффекта масштаба, выявить слабые и сильные стороны сетевого бизнеса каждой уникальной аптечной сети в определенный временной промежуток в зависимости от ее стратегических целей

    Экономические и социальные аспекты инновационных технологий фармацевтической деятельности

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    This article presents the basic directions of scientific researches of the department of management and economics in pharmacy in the field of use of innovative technologies, such as research of expenses for medicinal therapy of various diseases, promotion of the medical products in the pharmaceutical market, studying of consumer behavior and working out of optimum models of operating and interaction of the pharmaceutical subjects.Представлены основные направления научных исследований кафедры в области использования инновационных технологий в фармацевтической деятельности: исследование затрат на лекарственную терапию различных заболеваний, продвижение лекарственных препаратов на фармацевтическом рынке, изучение потребительского поведения, разработка и оценка оптимальных моделей функционирования и взаимодействия субъектов фармацевтической деятельности

    Фармацевтическое консультирование: новые функции и полномочия аптечных работников

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    The article presents the regulatory justification of duties of a pharmaceutical worker to advice citizens, as well as the concept of "responsibleself-treatment". Article summaries the results of the study of the population's need for pharmaceutical advice in the selection of medicines, including the doctor’s prescriptions.В статье приведено нормативно-правовое обоснование обязанности фармацевтического работника по консультированию граждан, раскрыто понятие «ответственное самолечение». Обобщены результаты исследования потребности населения в фармацевтическом консультировании при выборе препаратов, в том числе по назначению врача

    Features normative legal regulation manufacture of medicines for medical and veterinary use in the light of the GMP standarts

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    This article presents a comparative analysis of legal regulation of drug production for veterinary use and drugs for medical use in the process of transition to the European system of rules, regulations and guidelines for the production of medicines - GMP. And also about the difficulties associated with the imperfection of the system in the current legislation. © 2018, Folium Ltd. All rights reserved

    Фармацевтическое консультирование: новые функции и полномочия аптечных работников

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    The article presents the regulatory justification of duties of a pharmaceutical worker to advice citizens, as well as the concept of "responsibleself-treatment". Article summaries the results of the study of the population's need for pharmaceutical advice in the selection of medicines, including the doctor’s prescriptions.В статье приведено нормативно-правовое обоснование обязанности фармацевтического работника по консультированию граждан, раскрыто понятие «ответственное самолечение». Обобщены результаты исследования потребности населения в фармацевтическом консультировании при выборе препаратов, в том числе по назначению врача

    Features normative legal regulation manufacture of medicines for medical and veterinary use in the light of the GMP standarts

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    This article presents a comparative analysis of legal regulation of drug production for veterinary use and drugs for medical use in the process of transition to the European system of rules, regulations and guidelines for the production of medicines - GMP. And also about the difficulties associated with the imperfection of the system in the current legislation. © 2018, Folium Ltd. All rights reserved


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    A pilot study was conducted to identify cases of adverse reactions after students' using drugs and to assess the knowledge of Pharmacy students' studying in pharmacovigilance issues. The results obtained indicate that students lack the necessary skills to report adverse reactions, but they have a positive attitude to pharmacovigilance training.Проведено пилотное исследование, посвящённое выявлению случаев нежелательных реакций при применении лекарственных препаратов у студентов и оценке знаний студентов, обучающихся по специальности «Фармация», в вопросах фармаконадзора. Полученные результаты свидетельствуют о том, что студентам не хватает необходимых навыков для сообщения о нежелательных реакциях, но они положительно относятся к обучению вопросам фармаконадзора


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    The volume of pharmaceutical consultations and the format of its provision vary considerably in different countries depending on the legal regulation and qualifications of specialists. Pharmacy workers in Russia, when selling drugs, must provide this service, and its capacity and content are determined by the relevant documents. Purpose: determining the attitude of pharmaceutical workers to the information service of pharmaceutical consultation, as a factor in the continuity in drug care. Materials and methods: the questioning of pharmaceutical specialists with higher and secondary pharmaceutical education, working directly with visitors in drugstores "first table workers" (n =93). Statistical analysis (Spearman's rank correlation coefficient). Results: 49.5% of respondents conduct pharmaceutical consultation "in most cases" when selling an over-the-counter drug and 35% when selling a prescription drug. In addition, more than 20% of the respondents provide information to the patient each time they realize a drug, regardless of the order of its sale. Only 49.5% of pharmacy workers surveyed consider pharmaceutical consultation an obligation, even though it is defined by regulatory acts. The main source of information for pharmaceutical consultation is the instruction on the medical use of the drug, while 27% of respondents do not use the algorithms of the information service, despite the rules of the Good Pharmacy Practice. Pharmaceutical consultation of medical specialists is rare, but 90% of respondents remind patients in the drugstores of the need to visit a doctor. Conclusion: pharmaceutical consultation is a popular information service that ensures continuity in drug therapy. Copyright (C) 2013 - All Rights Reserved - Pharmacophor

    Problems and the Prospects of Pharmaceutical Consultation in the Drugstores

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    Aim: To analyze the main problems and to define the possible prospects of optimization of the function of pharmaceutical consultation in the drugstores. Materials and methods: Questioning of visitors of the pharmaceutical organizations of Khabarovsk. After selection, 432 questionnaires were made. Spearman's rank correlation coefficient of answers of respondents was calculated with their characteristics of age and sex. Results. Pharmaceutical consultations were popular functions for visitors to drugstores. and since March 1. 2017, they have become an integral part of the retail of drugs. According to the results of the research, most of the visitors of the pharmaceutical organizations. which were taking part in the questioning, have been completely satisfied with the rendered service and considered the qualification of the expert enough for carrying out pharmaceutical consultation. Most of the Respondents were often interested in information on the application of therapeutic classes of nonprescription drugs such as nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory, antiviral, and vitamins. Concerning prescription drugs, the greatest need for consultation was observed in a group of cardiovascular medicines. The most widespread questions of visitors of the pharmaceutical organizations were concerned at data on the existence of analogs, indications to the application, and dosage and schemes of application of drugs. The main difficulties in the process of pharmaceutical consultation, according to the poll of patients, were deficient in the assortment, employment of the employee of a drugstore, complexity of the applied terminology, and inability of the expert to ask the specifying questions. At the same time, most of the visitors had no idea of the modern understanding of the standardized pharmaceutical service and were represented generally by traditional ideas of the process of the address to specialists of drugstores. Conclusion: Standardization of pharmaceutical consultation and systematic professional development of employees of drugstores is rational not only concerning organizational requirements and pharmacological aspects of application of drugs but also in the field of improvement of communications with visitors of the pharmaceutical organizations. The optimization of the process of implementation of professional pharmaceutical consultation is necessary. An important component of the consultation is the recommendation of the visit of the doctor