86 research outputs found

    Forest legislation of Peter the great: traditions and innovations

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    Summing up the overall result of Peter's activities in the field of forest legislation and forest protection, we quote the words of V.V. Chernykh: "Despite the complexity and inconsistency of regulatory legal acts, Peter's law-making played an important role in the development of forest protection legislation. Some of them were included in the Forest Charter of the Empire, adopted in 1802, and in other regulatory legal documents that operated on the territory of the Russian state

    Burnout syndrome among doctors

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    This article presents a systematic review from 2009-2020 оn the topic of professional burnout among doctorsВ данной работе представлены результаты систематического обзора научных работ отечественных и зарубежных авторов, опубликованных в период с 2009-2020 гг. на тему профессионального выгорания среди враче

    Concept of use of comprehensive fertilizers of long-term action on the basis of waste processing of potassium-magnesium ore as a new paradigm in improving soil fertility

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    Technology for the production and use of new multiple slow-release fertilizers from clay-salt waste (sludge) remaining as a result of potassium fertilizers production from natural K-Mg ores, is elaborated in Perm Federal Research Center. The main processes in the technology are waste enrichment and subsequent high-temperature calcination of the enriched concentrate. As a result, the product, received the name the calcine of clay-salt sludge, was formed having the properties of multiple slow-release fertilizer and ameliorant. Laboratory and field experiments on the calcine use as a potassium fertilizer were fulfilled. The studied crops were spring wheat, barley, and potato. The experimental scheme included such treatments: control (without fertilizers), NP – background; NP + KCl and NP + calcine. The use of calcine for grain crops (wheat, barley) on the NP background promoted the yield gains by 1.7–1.9 t/ha compared with the control, the use of standard NPK fertilizers – by 1.8–2.0 t/ha, the difference was within the error of the experiment (HCP05 = 0.21; 0.38 t/ha). The content of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium in the grain and straw of both crops in the treatments using calcine was approximately equal to the variants using standard fertilizer and significantly higher compared to the control. Differences between calcine treatments were not significant. The application of N90P90 and full mineral fertilizer (N90P90K90) contributed to the yield increase of potato tubers by 1.43–4.51 t/ha respectively. The use of unconventional potassium fertilizer – calcine on the background of NP was not inferior in efficiency to the use of traditional fertilizer – potassium chloride. The quality parameters of the potato crop (dry matter and starch content in tubers, the content of heavy metals) were also not inferior compared to the use of traditional potassium fertilizer. The use of calcine for potato and cereals in rates equal to K60-120 did not lead to deterioration of the fertility indicators of sod-podzolic soil. Upon receipt of the cinder, one can use the additional unlimited set of components. In other words, this is a conceptual model for creating new types of mineral fertilizers with desired properties for different soil and climatic conditions and crops with different requirements for mineral nutrition

    Two Novel Amyloid Proteins, RopA and RopB, from the Root Nodule Bacterium Rhizobium leguminosarum

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    Amyloids represent protein fibrils with a highly ordered spatial structure, which not only cause dozens of incurable human and animal diseases but also play vital biological roles in Archaea, Bacteria, and Eukarya. Despite the fact that association of bacterial amyloids with microbial pathogenesis and infectious diseases is well known, there is a lack of information concerning the amyloids of symbiotic bacteria. In this study, using the previously developed proteomic method for screening and identification of amyloids (PSIA), we identified amyloidogenic proteins in the proteome of the root nodule bacterium Rhizobium leguminosarum. Among 54 proteins identified, we selected two proteins, RopA and RopB, which are predicted to have β-barrel structure and are likely to be involved in the control of plant-microbial symbiosis. We demonstrated that the full-length RopA and RopB form bona fide amyloid fibrils in vitro. In particular, these fibrils are β-sheet-rich, bind Thioflavin T (ThT), exhibit green birefringence upon staining with Congo Red (CR), and resist treatment with ionic detergents and proteases. The heterologously expressed RopA and RopB intracellularly aggregate in yeast and assemble into amyloid fibrils at the surface of Escherichia coli. The capsules of the R. leguminosarum cells bind CR, exhibit green birefringence, and contain fibrils of RopA and RopB in vivo.This work was supported by the Russian Science Foundation, grant 17-16-01100

    Possibilities of clinical use of designs based on zirconium dioxide, andevaluation of the main features of the new ceramic dental appointment

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    Every year, steadily increasing the quantity of patients, ortopedic treatment which is performed using structures made of zirconium dioxide. The interest of dentists to this method of replacing teeth and defects of dentition due to the fact that orthopedic constructions made of zirconium dioxide with the use of CAD I CAM technologies have high durability, aesthetics and precision. A method for the synthesis of nanocrystalline powder of Zr02, stabilizet with Y203, by co-deposition with the use of elements of the solgel technology for low temperature sintering. X-ray diffraction, thermal desorption of nitrogen, and electron microscopy study of powder characteristics, depending on synthesis conditions. Preclinical trials indicate the developed material meets the require ments of durability end aesthetics.С каждым годом, неуклонно увеличивается число пациентов, ортопедическое лечение которых проводится с использованием конструкций выполненных из диоксида циркония. Интерес стоматологов к данному методу замещения дефектов зубов и зубных рядов обусловлен тем, что ортопедические конструкции, изготовленные из диоксида циркония с применением CAD/CAM технологий обладают высокой прочностью, эстетичностью и прецензионностью. Разработана методика синтеза нанокристаллического порошка Zr02, стабилизированного Y203, методом совместного осаждения с применением элементов золь-гель технологии, для низкотемпературного спекания. Методами рентгеновской дифракции, тепловой десорбции азота и электронной микроскопии изучены характеристики порошка в зависимости от условий синтеза. Проведенные доклинические испытания свидетельствуют, что разработанный материал отвечает требованиям прочности и эстетичности

    Algorithm for cancelling inhaled corticosteroids in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Regional Meeting of Experts

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    A treatment algorithm for chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) implies that all patients with COPD should receive long-acting anticholinergic bronchodilators, long-acting β2 -agonists, or a combination of these drugs as the basic therapy. Inhaled corticosteroids (IHCs) are indicated for a limited group of patients with COPD and have a number of contraindications. Clear indications for the IHCs use as dual therapy in combination with long-acting β2 -agonists, or as triple therapy in addition to long-acting anticholinergic bronchodilators combination, were determined. IHCs in combination with long-acting bronchodilators are prescribed for patients with COPD in cases of non- infectious exacerbations recurring during the year in frames of treatment with long-acting bronchodilators with anamnestic indications or the presence of bronchial asthma and/or the eosinophil number in the blood test without exacerbation >300 cells/μl. Algorithm for IHC cancellation has been developed for patients with COPD due to several causes: complications development as a result of IHC prolonged treatment; evidence of the benefits or equivalent effects of long-acting bronchodilators compared to inhaled corticosteroid-containing therapy.Алгоритм лечения хронической обструктивной болезни легких (ХОБЛ) подразумевает, что все пациенты с ХОБЛ должны получать длительнодействующие антихолинергические бронходилататоры (ДДАХ), длительнодействующие β2 -агонисты (ДДБА) либо сочетания этих препаратов в качестве базисной терапии. Ингаляционные глюкокортикостероиды (ИГКС) показаны ограниченной группе пациентов с ХОБЛ и имеют ряд противопоказаний. Определены четкие показания к применению ИГКС в качестве двойной терапии в сочетании с ДДБА либо тройной терапии дополнительно в сочетании с ДДАХ. ИГКС в сочетании с ДДБД назначаются больным с ХОБЛ в случаях повторяющихся в течение года неинфекционных обострениях на фоне лечения ДДБД при анамнестических указаниях или наличии бронхиальной астмы и/или количестве эозинофилов крови вне обострения >300 кл./мкл. Разработан алгоритм отмены ИГКС у пациентов с ХОБЛ в связи с развитием осложнений в результате длительной терапии ИГКС и наличием доказательств преимущества или равнозначного эффекта ДДБД в сравнении с ИГКС-терапией

    Modern microwave methods in solid state inorganic materials chemistry: from fundamentals to manufacturing

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    Культурная дипломатия и библиотеки: опыт России и Узбекистана

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    The authors reveal the role of cultural diplomacy as a tool for the exchange of cultural practices between different states in order to ensure mutual understanding and strengthen international stability. The purpose of the article is to show the example of participation of libraries and Universities in the implementation of the ideas of cultural diplomacy, to fill the gap in highlighting the experience of interaction in this area of Russia and Uzbekistan. The article analyses the experience of promoting the Russian concept of the formation of information culture of individual in Uzbekistan. The article interprets the information culture of individual as the most important factor of successful educational, professional and everyday activities, as well as social security of individual in the conditions of digital transformation of society. The authors characterize cooperation of the Research Institute of Information Technologies of the Social Sphere of the Kemerovo State Institute of Culture with the UNESCO Representative Office in Uzbekistan, the National Library of Uzbekistan named after A. Navoi and other library and educational organizations of the Republic of Uzbekistan in 2015—2022. The paper emphasizes the fruitfulness of the implementation of the model of cultural diplomacy based on respect for other cultures, mutual cultural exchange in order to increase cultural wealth and a better understanding of the peculiarities of other states, nations and peoples. The authors formulate the principles that ensure the fruitfulness of such model of cultural diplomacy: interest, passion of the party that perceives others cultural experience, rather than imposing on it the achievements and values of another culture; systematic and consistent building up of contacts, instead of the one-time nature of individual events; adaptation of cultural experience and cultural practices to the traditions of their own culture, rather than mechanical copying of the achievements of another culture; reliance on a wide range of actors, valued participants who play a significant role in the implementation of cultural diplomacy; mutual cultural enrichment, mutual cultural exchange, and not the dictate of traditions and values of one culture.Раскрывается роль культурной дипломатии как инструмента для обмена культурными практиками между различными государствами для обеспечения взаимопонимания и укрепления международной стабильности. Цель настоящей статьи — показать пример участия библиотек и вузов в реализации идей культурной дипломатии, восполнить пробел в освещении опыта взаимодействия в этой сфере России и Узбекистана. Анализируется опыт продвижения российской концепции формирования информационной культуры личности в Узбекистане. Информационная культура личности трактуется как важнейший фактор успешной учебной, профессиональной и обыденной деятельности, а также социальной защищенности личности в условиях цифровой трансформации общества. Характеризуется сотрудничество НИИ информационных технологий социальной сферы Кемеровского государственного института культуры с Представительством ЮНЕСКО в Узбекистане, Национальной библиотекой Узбекистана им. А. Навои и другими библиотечными и образовательными организациями Республики Узбекистан в 2015—2022 годах. Подчеркнута плодотворность реализации модели культурной дипломатии, основанной на уважительном отношении к иным культурам, взаимном культурном обмене с целью приращения культурного богатства и лучшего понимания особенностей других государств, наций, народов. Сформулированы принципы, обеспечивающие плодотворность такой модели культурной дипломатии: заинтересованность, увлеченность стороны, воспринимающей чужой культурный опыт, а не навязывание ей достижений и ценностей другой культуры; системность и последовательное наращивание контактов, а не одноразовость отдельных мероприятий; адаптация культурного опыта и культурных практик к традициям собственной культуры, а не механическое копирование достижений чужой культуры; опора на широкий круг акторов, значимых участников, играющих заметную роль в реализации культурной дипломатии; взаимное культурное обогащение, взаимный культурный обмен, а не диктат традиций и ценностей одной культуры