28 research outputs found


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    The investigation was performed to evaluate the dog semen freezability and itsquality after thawing allowing its use for artificial insemination (AI). On the basis ofsperm motility, concentration and alkaline phosphatase (AP) activity in semenplasma it was possible to establish that AP activity corresponds with the basic factorof semen examination. Significant statistical differences occurred between thequality of ejaculates which were qualified or disqualified to deep freezing and AI.These results show that AP activity in raw dog semen plasma can be used as amarker for the dog semen qualification for deep freezing and AI with 95%probability of the prognosis of the results

    Tooth loss among adult rural and urban inhabitants of the Lublin Region

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    Dental diseases and tooth loss result in various health, psychological, and even social problems. The objective of the study was determination of the number of missing teeth among adult rural and urban inhabitants of the Lublin Region, and whether or not there is a relationship between missing teeth and place of residence, and other socio-economic factors, such as: gender, age, education level and the occupation performed (farmer/non-farmer). Data concerning the number of missing teeth were collected from 3,388 individuals. The mean number of missing teeth among the respondents in the study was 13.6. This mean value was significantly higher among the rural than urban inhabitants. Tooth loss was significantly more often found among females than males, this relationship being statistically significant only in the subpopulation of rural inhabitants. According to expectations, the largest number of missing teeth was found in respondents aged over 60, among those aged 31–60 this number was nearly 2.5- fold smaller, while the smallest number of missing teeth was observed among respondents aged 18–30. The largest number of missing teeth was noted among respondents who possessed incomplete elementary or elementary education, followed by those with elementary vocational and secondary school/post-secondary school education, whereas this number was the smallest among respondents who had university education level. Farmers had a significantly larger number of missing teeth, compared to respondents who performed non-agricultural occupations. Using an analysis of regression, the relationship was confirmed between the number of missing teeth, and the respondents’ gender, age, education level, place of residence, and occupation performed. Discrimination analysis was applied to show the relationship between the occurrence of total edentulism and the respondents’ age, gender, education level and place of residence. It was observed that age was the variable which most strongly discriminated the occurrence of this characteristic, followed by education level, as well as gender and place of residence, which were the weakest discriminatory variables

    GTP cyclohydrolase I gene polymorphisms are associated with endothelial dysfunction and oxidative stress in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus

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    Background: The genetic background of atherosclerosis in type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) is complex and poorly understood. Studying genetic components of intermediate phenotypes, such as endothelial dysfunction and oxidative stress, may aid in identifying novel genetic components for atherosclerosis in diabetic patients.<p></p> Methods: Five polymorphisms forming two haplotype blocks within the GTP cyclohydrolase 1 gene, encoding a rate limiting enzyme in tetrahydrobiopterin synthesis, were studied in the context of flow and nitroglycerin mediated dilation (FMD and NMD), intima-media thickness (IMT), and plasma concentrations of von Willebrand factor (vWF) and malondialdehyde (MDA).<p></p> Results: Rs841 was associated with FMD (p = 0.01), while polymorphisms Rs10483639, Rs841, Rs3783641 (which form a single haplotype) were associated with both MDA (p = 0.012, p = 0.0015 and p = 0.003, respectively) and vWF concentrations (p = 0.016, p = 0.03 and p = 0.045, respectively). In addition, polymorphism Rs8007267 was also associated with MDA (p = 0.006). Haplotype analysis confirmed the association of both haplotypes with studied variables.<p></p> Conclusions: Genetic variation of the GCH1 gene is associated with endothelial dysfunction and oxidative stress in T2DM patients


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    Many problems in dog reproduction concern both dog male, its behaviour andsemen quality as well as the bitch which are connected with physiological factors asa time oestrus cycle, anatomical structure of reproductive organs, sexual behaviourand ovulation moment. The results of bitches’ artificial insemination (AI) with theuse of frozen semen are lower in comparison to raw semen. In connection with thisthe research work was performed with an idea of explanation of the problemconnected to low effect of the use of dog frozen semen for AI. It was found that it ispossible to receive more satisfactory results (about 75% of pregnancy rate) whendog semen is testified on the base of sperm concentration and motility and alkalinephosphatase activity (AP). On the other side it is necessary to perform bitchesexamination based on cytological and hormonal testes which allows establishing thepernicious time for AI


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    The sperm morphology is one of the factors determining semen quality besidessperm motility and concentration. An important role in this aspect plays someenzymes which are estimated in raw semen plasma. The examination of numerouspopulations of stallions of different breeds and age performed by Kosiniak-Kamyszet al. (2005) showed that significant differences occurred between stallion semenquality concerning both macro- and microscopic examination and some enzymesactivity. It was found that aspartate aminotranspherase (AspAT), lactatedehydrogenase (LDH) and alkaline phosphatase (AP) activity and total proteinamount (TP) in raw seminal plasma decreased when the percent of sperms withcytoplasmatic droplets increased. The increase of these enzymes activity is observedwith the increase of the number of loose heads. These observations showed thatmany examined factors of the semen and semen plasma decided on its quality and onthis reason that these factors need to be applied for seminological diagnosi

    Potential association of single nucleotide polymorphisms in pigmentation genes with the development of basal cell carcinoma

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    The risk of developing skin cancers is dependent on a combination of environmental factors and personal genetic predispositions. Basal cell carcinoma (BCC) has been associated with single nucleotide polymorphisms in several pigmentation genes; however, there is still controversy concerning the mechanism by which these variants may increase the risk of BCC. The pathway may lead to pigmentation alone, but evidence for their independent influence is growing. Using a single base extension protocol, candidate polymorphisms within 11 known pigment-related genes were studied for their association with BCC in a population sample consisting of 164 patients and 707 controls. The significance of variation within the MC1R gene was confirmed and, in addition, position rs12203592 within the IRF4 gene was shown to be associated with BCC. These associations remained significant after adjustment for skin color. Genegene interactions were found to influence susceptibility to BCC. Among interacting genes are the two above-mentioned loci with main effect on BCC risk and additionally KITLG, TYRP1, ASIP and TYR. The obtained results indicate that polymorphism at MC1R and IRF4 constitute pigmentation-independent risk factor in the development of BCC. Moreover, susceptibility to BCC may be influenced by epistatic effects between pigmentation genes

    Artykuł oryginalnyOdmienna wrażliwość na czynniki naczyniokurczące proksymalnego i dystalnego segmentu tętnicy promieniowej u chorych poddawanych pomostowaniu aortalno-wieńcowemu

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    Background: Complete arterial revascularisation using the radial artery (RA) is an attractive alternative to venous graft implantion for the coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG). In spite of the favourable long-term results of this approach, the sensitivity of RA to vasoconstriction and spasm is still limiting its use. It has been suggested that vasospastic properties of the artery may differ depending on the location (proximal or distal). Aim: To compare the vasoreactive properties of proximal and distal sections of RA grafts. Methods: Proximal and distal segments of RA were obtained from 27 patients undergoing CABG and isometric recordings of changes in smooth muscle force were performed mounted in the organ bath. Responses to cumulatively increasing concentrations of phenylephrine (PE), angiotensin II (AT-II), prostaglandin F2 (PGF2) and endothelin-3 (ET-3) were evaluated. Results: Both proximal and distal segments of RA constricted in response to KCl, PE, AT-II, PGF2 and ET-3. Proximal segments demonstrate significantly greater spastic response to KCl, as well as to receptor-mediated agonists PE and more importantly vasoactive peptide AT-II. These differences remained statistically significant after correcting for vessel size and weight. In contrast, reactivity of both segments of RA to increasing cumulative doses of PGF2 and ET-3 was similar. Conclusion: Proximal segments of the radial artery are more susceptible to vasoconstriction induced by PE and AT-II, which should be taken into consideration in the clinical setting of CABG surgery. Increased muscle content in this segment does not fully explain this difference, which may result from varying receptor density and properties.Wstęp: Całkowita tętnicza rewaskularyzacja z zastosowaniem tętnic promieniowych (RA) jest obiecującą klinicznie techniką leczenia choroby niedokrwiennej serca. Pomimo korzystnych obserwacji odległych, istotnym czynnikiem ograniczającym stosowanie RA jest jej wyjątkowa wrażliwość na czynniki naczyniokurczące. W ostatnich latach pojawiły się przypuszczenia, iż poszczególne segmenty RA mogą się różnić wrażliwością na działanie skurczowe, w tym podatnością na kurcz naczyniowy. Zatem zastosowanie w trakcie pomostowania aortalno-wieńcowego (CABG) mniej podatnego na czynniki kurczące segmentu może mieć istotne implikacje kliniczne. Cel: Porównanie aktywności naczynioskurczowej pomiędzy dystalnym a proksymalnym odcinkiem RA. Metodyka: Uzyskiwano krótkie końcowe odcinki segmentu dystalnego i proksymalnego RA od 27 badanych chorych poddanych rewaskularyzacji tętniczej metodą CABG. Reaktywność naczyń na czynniki skurczowe oceniano in vitro za pomocą łaźni narządowej. Naczynia tętnicze po podzieleniu na pierścienie o szerokości ok. 2–3 mm umieszczano w 5-milimetrowych łaźniach i rozciągano między dwoma haczykami. Równocześnie badano segment proksymalny i dystalny RA pochodzącej od danego pacjenta. Krążki naczyniowe po stabilizacji przez okres 60–80 min i pasywnym naprężaniu do napięcia podstawowego 20 mN kilkakrotnie przykurczano przez jednakowe stężenia KCl (60 mM), a po uzyskaniu stabilnych odpowiedzi na KCl podawano kumulatywne wzrastające dawki fenylefryny (PE) (10–9–10–2 M) i kolejno angiotensyny II (AT-II) (10–12–10–6 M), prostaglandyny F2 (PGF2) (10–9–10–5 M), endoteliny 3 (ET-3) (10–9–10–7 M). Kurcz wyrażano jako wartość bezwzględną w mN (po odjęciu napięcia podstawowego). Wyniki: Zaobserwowano znamienny kurcz naczyń zarówno odcinka proksymalnego, jak i dystalnego w odpowiedzi na KCl, PE, AT-II, PGF2 oraz ET-3. Stwierdzono, iż proksymalne odcinki tętnicy promieniowej wykazują znamiennie większą odpowiedź kurczową na działający nieswoiście KCl, a także odpowiedź mediowaną stymulacją odpowiednich receptorów za pomocą PE oraz AT-II. Co ciekawe, reakcja obu odcinków na wzrastające stężenia PGF2 i ET-3 była podobna. Również maksymalna reakcja skurczowa badanych naczyń w odpowiedzi na podanie do łaźni narządowej wzrastających dawek PE oraz AT-II była znamiennie większa w segmentach proksymalnych w porównaniu z dystalnymi, a takiej różnicy nie zaobserwowano po podaniu wzrastających dawek PGF2 ani ET-3. Natomiast porównanie w badanych segmentach wartości EC50, czyli takiej dawki substancji, która wywołuje 50% maksymalnej odpowiedzi, nie wykazało znamiennych różnic po podaniu AT-II, ET-3 i PGF2. Wnioski: Bardziej podatny na czynniki naczyniokurczące, a w szczególności na KCl, PE i AT-II, jest odcinek proksymalny RA, co powinno być brane pod uwagę w klinicznym planowaniu zabiegów rewaskularyzacji z zastosowaniem RA. Co ciekawe, nie wszystkie z badanych substancji (PGF2 oraz ET-3) wykazywały znamienną różnicę w działaniu na segment proksymalny i dystalny RA. Większa podatność na kurcz fragmentu proksymalnego RA najprawdopodobniej wynikała z większej ilości mięśniówki gładkiej w obrębie błony środkowej, a także ze znaczącego i modyfikującego wpływu licznych ogólnoustrojowych czynników patofizjologicznych i farmakologicznych. Odpowiedź kurczowa segmentów RA jest zatem regulowana nie tylko ilością mięśniówki gładkiej, ale również liczbą, typem i aktywnością receptorów oraz funkcją śródbłonka