7 research outputs found

    Technological coaxial plasma accelerator

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    Plasma sources for accelerators intended for separation processes and surface treatment have been investigated. The conditions for the choice of system parameters, as well as plasma flux, injection system, and power source have been discussed. These parameters have been obtained experimentally. A conclusion about the role of metal erosion products of the electrodes has also been drawn.Исследуются плазменные источники-ускорители для процессов сепарации и обработки поверхностей. Обсуждаются условия выбора параметров системы, плазменного потока, системы напуска газа, источника питания. Экспериментально получены их параметры. Сделан вывод о роли металлических продуктов эрозии электродов.Досліджуються плазмові джерела прискорювачів для процесів сепарації та обробки поверхонь. Обговорюються умови вибору параметрів системи, плазмового потоку, системи напуску газа, джерела живлення. Експериментально одержані їх параметри. Зроблені висновки щодо металевих продуктів ерозії електродів

    The powerful pulsed electron beam effect on the metallic surfaces

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    Experimental results of the influence of powerful pulsed electron beams on the surface structure, hardness and corrosion resistance of the Cr18Ni10Ti steel are presented. The experiments were carried out in the powerful electron accelerators of directional effect VGIK-1 and DIN-2Kwith an energy up to ~300 KeV and a power density of 109-1011 W/cm2 for micro- and nanosecond range. The essential influence of the irradiation power density on the material structure was established. Pulsed powerful beam action on metallic surfaces leads to surface melting, modification of the structure and structure–dependent material properties. The gas emission and mass-spectrometer analysis of the beam-surface interaction were defined

    Erosion, permeation and outgassing performances of tin coating under/after hydrogen plasma iffadiation

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    An erosion behavior of TiN-coated stainless-steel (SS) surfaces was investigated during biased-limiter experiments within the Uragan-3M torsatron and during simulation experiments, which were performed with plasma-accelerator and glow-discharge (GD) plasmas. For a TiN-coated SS head-plate of a limiter the arc ignition probability was found to be lower than 10-4 per plasma pulse. Possible physical mechanisms of this effect had been discussed. Within special vacuum stands, using thermal-desorption and mass-spectrometry methods, there were performed measurements of an outgassing rate and hydrogen permeability of TiNcoatings. The negligible outgassing from TiN-coated SS samples, during their heating up to 473 K, was observed after a cleaning procedure with a molecular hydrogen inflow under pressure of about 10-4 Torr, on contrary to the considerable increase of (q) rate for the irradiated samples. Measured values of the TiN-film hydrogen permeability were several times lower, and activation energy of the hydrogen permeation was considerably lower than that for the SS films (15 kJ/mole instead of 19.9 kJ/mole). The use of TiN-coated SS and diffusion membranes, for the reduction of the erosion, recycling, and hydrogen isotope inventory control, as well as for improvement of vacuum conditions, has been considered

    Modernization of the multipurpose accelerating system VGIK-1

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    The aim of VGIK-1 modernization is the possibility of metal surface processing by ion and electron irradiation, widening a range of applied energies and beam densities, vacuum condition control. This is reached by usage of two diodes, where one of them has isolated and defocussing magnetic system and another one has plasma emitter for extraction of ions and electrons. There is also the system of plasma parameters control. Vacuum system includes the cryogenic, diffusion and titanium sorbtion pumps and mass-spectrometric syste

    Regulation of Histone Deacetylases by MicroRNAs in Bone

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    Treatment of peripheral neuropathies.

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    There are three general approaches to treatment of peripheral neuropathy. First, an attempt should be made to reverse the pathophysiological process if its nature can be elucidated. Second, nerve metabolism can be stimulated and regeneration encouraged. Third, even if the neuropathy itself cannot be improved, symptomatic therapy can be employed. This review outlines the options available for each approach