39 research outputs found

    The visualization of the medieval site of the Savinac monastery

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    Contemporary visualization techniques rely on new technological achievements which offer information data collection in the form of a three-dimensional model. Such 3D model is significant in the area of cultural heritage protection and specifically in the restoration processes of ruined monuments. The results of applications of both methods, terrestrial laser scanning (TLS) and photogrammetry, is 3D data in the form of point cloud, which is a base for 3D modelling process in adequate software, and accordingly, a creation of an objectsā€™ 3D shape. In this paper, the results of data collecting at the medieval site of the Savinac monastery (twelfth century ), performed in 2018, by using both contemporary methods, is presented. The visualization of this particular site is of the major importance for cultural heritge of Serbia

    Synthesis of Mechanisms for Linear Motion Using Modern Methods

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    The paper presents a synthesis of mechanisms needed to realize an approximate rectilinear motion. The synthesis was performed at several different levels, by changing different geometric parameters of the mechanism itself. The software package SolidWorks2020 was used for the analysis and synthesis of mechanisms. The main goal of using this method was to provide us a possible solution to turn the classic type of mechanism into the compliant mechanism. Four different mechanisms were used for specific examples, but the idea was to form a methodology for converting classical mechanisms into compliant mechanisms

    The visualization of the medieval site of the Savinac monastery

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    Contemporary visualization techniques rely on new technological achievements which offer information data collection in the form of a three-dimensional model. Such 3D model is significant in the area of cultural heritage protection and specifically in the restoration processes of ruined monuments. The results of applications of both methods, terrestrial laser scanning (TLS) and photogrammetry, is 3D data in the form of point cloud, which is a base for 3D modelling process in adequate software, and accordingly, a creation of an objectsā€™ 3D shape. In this paper, the results of data collecting at the medieval site of the Savinac monastery (twelfth century ), performed in 2018, by using both contemporary methods, is presented. The visualization of this particular site is of the major importance for cultural heritge of Serbia

    3D analysis of different metamaterial geometry and simulation of metamaterial usage

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    Ovaj rad istražuje uticaj različitih geometrijskih struktura na nove koncepte formiranja tehničkih sistema. Sposobnost da neke geometrijske strukture budu u stanju da izdrže određeni nivo deformacije, koristilo se za zamenu zglobova u određenim sklopovima tehničkih sistema. Sada sva ta kretanja mogu da se postignu deformacijom geometrijskih struktura. Dobijeni rezultati iz simulacija, definiÅ”u nivo deformacije koje strukture mogu izdržati. Projektovanje 3D modela i simulacija sprovedeno je u SoildWorks 2016. U okviru ovog rada ispitano je nekoliko različitih struktura metamaterijala. IzvrÅ”ene su 64 simulacije promenom unutraÅ”nje strukture, debljine i orijentacije metamaterijala. Za svaki simulaciju kao rezyltat su dobijani naponi i pomeranja. Pored toga, izvrÅ”ena je simulacija tri modela kljeÅ”ta, u kojima su upotrebljeni meta-materijali ispitivane geometrije, a rezultati su upoređeni sa rezultatima prethodnih simulacija.This paper investigates the influence of different geometrical structures on new concepts for the formation of technical systems. The ability of some geometric structures to withstand a certain level of deformation, was used to replace joints in certain assemblies of technical systems. Now, all movements are accomplished with deformation of geometrical structures. Obtained results from simulations define the level of deformation which structures can withstand. Designing of 3D models and simulations were conducted in SOLIDWORKS 2016. Several different structures of metamaterials will be examined. Sixty-four simulations were conducted by changing the internal structure, thickness and orientation of metamaterials. For each simulation, the results were presented as stresses and displacements. Additionally, three model of pliers have been simulated, and its results were compared with the results from previous simulations

    3D analysis of different metamaterial geometry and simulation of metamaterial usage

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    Ovaj rad istražuje uticaj različitih geometrijskih struktura na nove koncepte formiranja tehničkih sistema. Sposobnost da neke geometrijske strukture budu u stanju da izdrže određeni nivo deformacije, koristilo se za zamenu zglobova u određenim sklopovima tehničkih sistema. Sada sva ta kretanja mogu da se postignu deformacijom geometrijskih struktura. Dobijeni rezultati iz simulacija, definiÅ”u nivo deformacije koje strukture mogu izdržati. Projektovanje 3D modela i simulacija sprovedeno je u SoildWorks 2016. U okviru ovog rada ispitano je nekoliko različitih struktura metamaterijala. IzvrÅ”ene su 64 simulacije promenom unutraÅ”nje strukture, debljine i orijentacije metamaterijala. Za svaki simulaciju kao rezyltat su dobijani naponi i pomeranja. Pored toga, izvrÅ”ena je simulacija tri modela kljeÅ”ta, u kojima su upotrebljeni meta-materijali ispitivane geometrije, a rezultati su upoređeni sa rezultatima prethodnih simulacija.This paper investigates the influence of different geometrical structures on new concepts for the formation of technical systems. The ability of some geometric structures to withstand a certain level of deformation, was used to replace joints in certain assemblies of technical systems. Now, all movements are accomplished with deformation of geometrical structures. Obtained results from simulations define the level of deformation which structures can withstand. Designing of 3D models and simulations were conducted in SOLIDWORKS 2016. Several different structures of metamaterials will be examined. Sixty-four simulations were conducted by changing the internal structure, thickness and orientation of metamaterials. For each simulation, the results were presented as stresses and displacements. Additionally, three model of pliers have been simulated, and its results were compared with the results from previous simulations


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    Na Å”irem području zapadnog Balkana ljudi su često tijekom povijesti gladovali, iako ih je okruživala vrlo bogata jestiva samonikla flora. U ovom radu dokumentirana je upotreba samoniklog bilja i gljiva na području Općine Vitez, kao i podaci o specifičnim lokalnim nazivima biljaka, njihovoj upotrebi, tradicijskim običajima i nematerijalnoj baÅ”tini vezanim uz samoniklo bilje i gljive. Dubinskim polustrukturiranim intervjuima zabilježeno je 66 biljnih vrsta (koje su raspoređene unutar 39 biljnih porodica) i 9 vrsta gljiva (unutar Å”est porodica). Prema rezultatima istraživanja najveći broj biljaka se koristi kao ljekovito bilje (53 vrste) i kao hrana za ljude (34 vrste). Vrste s najvećom frekvencijom jesu: Rubus idaeus, Urtica dioca, Vaccinium myrtillus, Sambucus nigra, Taraxacum officinale, Corylus avellana itd. Ovim istraživanjem zabilježene su zanimljive upotrebe: svježa salata od vrste Stellaria media (miÅ”jakinja), čaj od cvjetova Hedera helix (brÅ”ljan) za liječenje gnojnih krajnika i fistula te ljekovita mast protiv ozeblina od Loranthus europaeus (žuta imela). Kao najčeŔće konzumirane samonikle gljive zabilježene su: Boletus edulis (ljetni / pravi vrganj), Lactarius sanguifluus (krvava mliječnica) i Cantharellus cibarius (lisičarka). Zaključno, tradicionalna upotreba samoniklog bilja joÅ” uvijek je dosta zastupljena u svakodnevnom životu stanovnika istraživanog područja te se i dalje prenosi usmenim putem s generacije na generaciju.In the wider area of the Western Balkans, people have often starved throughout history, although they have been surrounded by a very rich edible wild flora. This paper documents the use of wild-growing plants and fungi in the Municipality of Vitez in Central Bosnia, as well as data on specific local plant names, their use, traditional customs and intangible heritage related to wild plants and fungi. In semistructured interviews we recorded 66 plant species (distributed within 39 plant families) and 9 mushroom species (from six mushroom families). According to research findings, the largest number of plants is used as medicinal herbs (53 species), as well as for human food (34 species). The species that have been mentioned most frequently are Rubus idaeus, Urtica dioca, Vaccinium myrtillus, Sambucus nigra, Taraxacum officinale, Corylus avellana, etc. Interesting uses noted by this research include Stellaria media (common chickweed) which is used as green salad, as well as Hedera helix (the common ivy) whose flowers are used to make a medicinal tea for curing peritonsillar abscess and fistulas, and Loranthus europaeus (yellow mistletoe) used as a healing ointment against frostbite. The most commonly used mushrooms are: Boletus edulis (cep), Lactarius sanguifluus (bloody milk cap), and Cantharellus cibarius (fox glove). In conclusion, the traditional use of wild-growing plants is still well-preserved in the daily life of the humans in research area, and still transmitted orally from generation to generation

    Examination of Different Cross Section of Drain Pipes In Distilation Column

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    In this paper, we will be discussing various shapes of drain pipes for tray columns for distillation (rectification). Drain pipes are used for distribution of liquid from upper trays to next trays and it is important to respect some guidelines about geometry. Three different solutions have been presented and the conclusion about the results have been made. By adopting the optimal solution for drain pipes, engineers manage to obtain constant flow through tray columns as well as safe and reliable operation, as a result. Different standpoints have been mentioned, from various authors having worked in engineering for many years


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    For the past several decades, codified design of steel connections in civil-engineering is based on the component approach. For a very common end-plate connection, tension component, named T-stub, usually dictates the connectionsā€™ behaviour. This T-stub element is greatly investigated in the configuration with two bolts in a row, but configuration with four bolts in a row is usually neglected, both in the studies and codes. This paper presents an experimental investigation of T-stub elements and important aspects of their numerical modelling. Special attention is dedicated to the material testing and modelling since all of the tests were performed until bolt fracture. Uniaxial tests of steel specimens were performed using extensometers, strain gauges, and Aramis system, while bolt material is additionally tested by microscopic examination and hardness testing. In order to obtain satisfactory calibration of numerical models developed in Abaqus, knowing material parameters including damage initiation and propagation is crucial. Several iterative numerical-experimental procedures for obtaining the true stress-strain curves are outlined and compared, along with well-known Bridgman method. The advantages of using Aramis system in calibrating numerical model, for both material and assembly are demonstrated. In the end, comparisons of numerical and experimental behaviour curves are presented and satisfactory results are obtained

    Terrestrial laser scanning and 3D modelling of wind-turbine generator

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    Rastući trend reverznog inženjerstva, posebno u oblasti građevine, gde je akcenat na ob-novljivim izvorima energije, neposredno prati aktuelna reÅ”enja mernih insturmenata, kao i softvera za procesuiranje dobijenih podataka, gde je neophodan precizan rezultat snimanja objekta. Terestričko lasersko skeniranje (TLS) i fotogrametrija kao savremene merne metode, daju vrlo precizne podatke o objektu, koji su baza za izradu tehničke dokumentacije, kreiranje 3D virtuelnih prototipova i njihove animacije, 3D Å”tampe, provere geometrije, nosivosti, osunčanosti i drugih vrsta analiza. U ovom radu je dat prikaz rezultata geometrijskih analiza stubova vetrogeneratora i 3D modelovanja sa animaci-jom, koji su dobijeni na osnovu podataka TLS i fotogrametrije, uz poređenje preciznosti, sprovedenog tokom 2018. godine na lokalitetu Alibunar u Srbiji.Reverse engineering growing trend, particularly in the domain of civil engineering, additionally focused on renewable energy resources, actively follows technological improvements of measuring instruments, as well as processing software solutions, both necessary for an accurate objectsā€™ survey. Terrestrial laser scanning (TLS) and photogrammetric methods are contemporary standard for ob-taining very accurate point cloud data, as a base for technical documentation, creation of 3D virtual prototypes and their animation, 3D printing, geometry inspection, loads, insolation or other analyzes. This paper presents results of geometric analysis of wind turbine tower, its 3D modeling with animation, based on TLS and photogrammetric data, obtained during 2018 at Alibunar in Serbia

    Dimensioning A PTC Systems Using Parabola Properties

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    Out of many geometric curves, parabola stands out in usage in concentrated solar power (CSP). Its reflective properties allow reflecting light into one single point. This paper gives insight into the geometry of parabolic trough concentrators from the point of designing a size of a collector regarding two inputs. The first input is a parameter of the parabola which, provides the shape and size of the reflecting surface. A second input is a deviation of the angle of incoming light. Usually, this angle is perpendicular to the parabola's directrix, but the sizing of the collector tube must consider that because manufacturing or any other inaccuracy reflected ray might disperse from the focal point of the parabola. A detailed view of this dissipation of reflected rays depending on the entering ray's angle will be explained in the paper. A geometrical and algebraic display will be given, and a formula for sizing collector will be derived. In this equation two input values will be combined: parameter of parabola and value of the deviation of entering ray of light. This gained formula can later be used to show dependence between these two inputs and provide the answer to a question: is there a way to construct a mechanism that will move the focal point in accordance to changing entering angle and parameter of a parabola