4 research outputs found

    Analisis Kerusakan Retak Lelah Pada Struktur Perkerasan Kaku Landasan Pesawat Udara Dengan Menggunakan Program Airfield

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    . Structural design of an airport rigid pavement carrying mixed traffic should be based in principle upon fatigue cracking criterion, as stated by the PCA method (Yoder, et.al., 1975). By this approach, every departing aircraft is assumed to cause certain damage in the pavement that corresponds to the flexural stress level occurring therein. When the cumulative total damage reaches 100% in the end of its design life, the pavement is expected to experience fatigue cracking within the wheel path of a certain aircraft, which is then defined as the design aircraft. Such a design aircraft must be determined iteratively during the design process. This paper outlines a design example in determining a design aircraft out of 17 typical types of aircraft operating at present on Juanda airport of Surabaya by using program Airfield (Kosasih, 2004). The contribution of each type of aircraft on pavement structural damage is described in detail. The effect of Load Repetition Factor (LRF) to account for aircraft wander in a lateral direction of the pavement on delaying fatigue cracking is also discussed

    Analisis Kondisi Bonding Antar Lapisan Beraspal Secara Teoritis Dan Pengujian Di Laboratorium

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    The condition of bonding between asphalt pavement layer can influence the behaviour of pavement structure in supporting vehicle loading. In strong bonding condition, the adjacent pavement layers will act together to support pavement loading and the other way in weak bonding condition the layers will act independently with the result that stress in every layer of pavement become higher and will decrease pavement life consequently. This study described the investigation of bonding condition using teorethical model and laboratory test. Those are developed using CIRCLY5-SAP2000 Program and Modified Direct Shear Test respectively. The results shown that there is the range of bonding parameter which starting from weak bonding until full bonding using theoretical and laboratory model. Futhermore the analysis shown that ignoring bonding condition between pavement layer will become one of factors which cause early damage in pavement structure