112 research outputs found


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    Background. The article presents the data obtained after the screening of potato cultivars for resistance to Phytophthora infestans (Mont.) de Bary. The selected genotypes combine late blight resistance with other valuable commercial traits, such as high yield, high starch content, resistance to virus dis­eases and potato nematode (Globodera rostochiensis Woll.).Materials and methods. Potato accessions representing do­mestic and foreign cultivars from the VIR collection served as the material for this research. The screening was performed according to the techniques developed at the Potato Genetic Resources Department of VIR.Results and conclusion. The following true-breeding cultivars were identified for their re­sistance to Phytophthora infestans: ‘Ania’ (k-24063), ‘Baszta’ (k-24067), ‘Bobr’ (k-21103), ‘Dunajec’ (k-24074), ‘Klepa’ (k-24080), ‘Koga’ (k-24174), ‘Meduza’ (k-24082) and ’Mors’ (k-24083) from Poland; ‘Caprice’ (k-25193), ‘Certo’ (k-19440) and ‘Valetta’ (k-21769) from Germany; ‘Avrora’ (k-12188), ‘Bastion’ (k-25198), ‘Bryansky nadezhny’ (k-12160), ‘Vdokh­noveniye’ (k-12192), ‘Vektor’ (k-25200), ‘Velikan’ (k-25201), ‘Zvezdochka’ (к-25209), ‘Kalinka’ (k-25148), ‘Lukyanovsky’ (k-11750), ‘Musinsky’ (k-25312), ‘Nakra’ (k-11916), ‘Nikulin­sky’ (k-12171), ‘Prizer’ (k-25217), ‘Rapsodiya’ (k-25258), ‘Rossiyanka’ (k-12057), ‘Rucheyek’ (k-12213) and ‘Udacha’ (k-11900) from Russia; ‘Aktsent’ (k-12237), ‘Vetraz’ (k-11989), ‘Vytok’ (k-11897), ‘Zhuravinka’ (k-12106), ‘Kupalinka’ (k-12155), ‘Sintez’ (k-11666), ‘Suzorye’ (k-11992) from Be­larus; ‘Vikhola’ (k-11270), ‘Zarevo’ (k-10773), ‘Svitanok ki­evsky’ (k-11665), ‘Olviya’ (k-25094), ‘Rakurs’ (k-25098) from Ukraine; ‘Aytmurat’ (k-25248), ‘Berkut’ (k-25250), ‘Zholbarys’ (k-25155), ‘Nur-Alem’ (k-25253), ‘Senim’ (k-25306), ‘Sey­anets Lapteva’ (k-25161), ‘Sunkar’ (k-25258), ‘Tamyz’ (k-25307) and ‘Udovitsky’ (k-25260) from Kazakhstan; etc. High percentage of plantlets resistant to late blight was ob­served among self-pollination progenies of cvs. ‘Avrora’ (k-12188), ‘Astra’ (k-10697), ‘Vikhola’ (k-11270), ‘Zhuravinka’ (k-12106), ‘Nayada’ (k-12157), ‘Rosinka’ (k-11993), ‘Skarb’ (k-11904), ‘Bobr‘ (k-21103) and ‘Clarissa’ (k-21770). There were cultivars combining late blight resistance with such traits as resistance to potato nematode (Globodera rosto­chiensis Woll.) and viruses, high productivity, and increased starch content: ‘Zhuravinka’, ‘Ania’, ‘Baszta’, ‘Bobr’, ‘Certo’ and ‘Mors’. The selected genotypes are recommended as promis­ing to be included in potato breeding programs

    The collection of potato cultivars as a source for breeding for high yield, earliness, and resistance to late blight, virus diseases and Globodera rostochiensis Woll

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    Background. The article presents information on the results of screening potato cultivars for major commercial traits: earliness, high yield, high starch content, resistance to late blight (Phytophthora infestans (Mont.) de Bary), virus diseases and potato nematode (Globodera rostochiensis Woll. (Ro1)). Materials and methods. VIR’s collection of domestic and foreign potato cultivars served as the material for this research. The study was conducted in accordance with the guidelines developed at the Potato Genetic Resources Department of VIR. Results and conclusion. The analysis of pedigrees helped to select source material for the main trends of domestic potato breeding. Data of a number of cultivars identified by analyzing progenies from self-pollination are presented in the paper. Potential sources of major commercial traits were found: cvs. ‘Banba’ (k-25222), ‘Bastion’ (k-25198), ‘Belukha’ (k-25146), ‘Charoit’ (k-25221), ‘Colleen’ (k-25224), ‘Gala’ (k-25270), ‘Geyzer’ (k-25266), ‘Gornyak’ (k-25311), ‘Larets’ (k-25211), ‘Leoni’ (k-25244), ‘Manifest’ (k-25265), ‘Meteor’ (k-25212), ‘Nur-Alem’ (k-25253), ‘Prizer’ (k-25217), etc. were identified as high yield sources; cvs. ‘Aktyubinskiy-2’ (k-25300), ‘Alaya roza’ (k-25144), ‘Charaўnik’ (k-25139), ‘Darnitsa’ (k-25179), ‘Lad’ (k-25180), ‘Levada’ (k-25121), ‘Maksimum’ (k-25136), ‘Palitra’ (k-25123), ‘Tamyz’ (k-25307), ‘Universal’ (k-25137), ‘Vektor’ (k-25200), ‘Vytok’ (k-11897), ‘Zarevo’ (k-10773) and ‘Zholbarys’ (k-25155) as sources of high starch content; cvs. ‘Aral’ (k-25107), ‘Aymurat’ (k-25248), ‘Bastion’ (k-25198), ‘Berkut’ (k-25250), ‘Gastsinets’ (k-25264), ‘Musinskiy’ (k-25312), ‘Nur-Alem’ (k-25253), ‘Rapsodiya’ (k-25130), ‘Senim’ (k-25306), ‘Sunkar’ (k-25258), ‘Tamyz’ (k-25307), ‘Udovitskiy’ (k-25260), ‘Vektor’ (k-25200), ‘Velikan’ (k-25201), ‘Zholbarys’ (k-25155) and ‘Zvezdochka’ (k-25209) as sources of late blight resistance; cvs. ‘Adil’ (k-25112), ‘Azart’ (k-25196), ‘Bastion’ (k-25198), ‘Charoit’ (k-25221), ‘Favorit’ (k-25132), ‘Gastsinets’ (k-25264), ‘Geyzer’ (k-25266), ‘Krasavchik’ (k-25210), ‘Maksimum’ (k-25136), ‘Malyshok’ (k-25189), ‘Manifest’ (k-25265), ‘Nadezhda’ (k-25213), ‘Nur-Alem’ (k-25253), ‘Pamyati Lorkha’ (k-25214), ‘Rapsodiya’ (k-25130), ‘Senim’ (k-25306), ‘Sirenevyy tuman’ (k-25143), ‘Sultan’ (k-25131), ‘Shchedrik’ (k-25126), ‘Tekes’ (k-25173), ‘Velikan’ (k-25201), ‘Volat’ (k-25263), ‘Zhemchuzhina’ (k-25128), etc. as sources of field resistance to virus diseases. Cultivars combining resistance to potato cyst nematode (Globodera rostochiensis Woll. (Ro1)) with other valuable commercial traits were also identified


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    This paper presents the data obtained during the assessment of potato varieties and breeding clones from the VIR and LENNIISKh (Belogorka) collections for late blight resistance. Tests were performed in the field under heavy infection of Phytophthora infestans (Mont.) de Bary (foliage) and in the laboratory (tubers). Varieties and clones with high and moderate leaf and/or tuber late blight resistance were identified. Leaf and tuber resistance in some varieties depended on the P. infestans population structure and on isolates used for inoculation

    Experience of using lumacaftor/ivacaftor in children with cystic fibrosis in the Astrakhan region

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    Background. Targeted therapy in patients with cystic fibrosis, which aims to restore the function of the cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator protein, is currently revolutionary in the treatment of the disease. The first drug available in Russia for the treatment of patients with this genetic disease is lumacaftor/ivacaftor (Orkambi®), which was registered on December 2, 2020.The aim. To study the efficacy of lumacaftor/ivacaftor during 12 weeks of administration in children in Astrakhan region.Materials and methods. This article presents the clinical experience of Orkambi medicine use in 3 children with F508del/F508del genotype and a severe course of cystic fibrosis for 12 weeks. According to the study design, such indices as body mass index, indexes of external respiratory function, character of respiratory tract microbiota, level of chloride in sweat fluid and pancreatic elastase in feces, dynamics of biochemical blood indexes were evaluated. The study was performed within the time periods specified in the study protocol, namely, before the start of therapy, 2, 4, and 12 weeks of treatment.Results. Two patients had a decrease in sweat test values by 11 and 19 mmol/l from the baseline, a significant increase in forced vital capacity of lungs. One patient had an adverse event in the form of hepatobiliary disorders manifested by increased liver transaminase activity, which was the reason for discontinuing the drug.Conclusions. The short-term experience of using pathogenetic therapy with lumacaftor/ ivacaftor in children in the Astrakhan region demonstrated both the expected effect on chlorine channel function and the possibility of side effects, including severe ones, that can lead to withdrawal of the drug

    Resistance of potato cultivars and hybrid clones from the VIR collection to the northwestern population of <i>Phytophthora infestans</i>

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    Background. Phytophthora infestans (Mont.) de Bary is a well-known pathogen affecting potato plants. Due to the changes in the pathogen population, the late blight disease caused by P. infestans is still difficult to manage. Economic losses are caused by the susceptibility of potato foliage or tubers to late blight, and both expressions of susceptibility are often not interconnected. Potato cultivars resistant to P. infestans are still too few to ensure reduction of harvest losses.   Material and methods. In total, 682 potato cultivars and 20 hybrid clones from the VIR collection were screened in field and laboratory tests. They were assessed by conventional techniques. A score scale of 1–9 points was used both in the field and the laboratory, with 9 corresponding to disease resistance.   Results. The results showed high infection pressure in the field during all four growing seasons of the experiment. The degrees of damage on the foliage varied from 1 to 8 points. The percentage of cultivars with strongly damaged foliage ranged from 55 % in 2020 to 66 % in 2023. From 17 % to 23 % of cultivars were assessed as moderately susceptible. The fact that many cultivars of various origin manifested compatibility with the local population of P. infestans during four growing seasons confirms its high and stable pathogenicity. Cultivars with high (points 7–8) or moderate (point 6) resistance were identified across the four years of testing. The part of the cultivars recognized as resistant earlier in 2017–2019 appeared to be moderately resistant or moderately susceptible in 2020–2023. Laboratory tests succeeded to identify genotypes with tuber resistance to late blight

    Harlequinade Grotesque in the Wor ks of Isak Dinesen (Based on the Novellas «The Poet» and «Carnival»)

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    Статья поступила в редакцию 04.04.2024 г.Статья посвящена исследованию арлекинадного гротеска в новеллах датской писательницы Исак Динесен (Карен Бликсен) «Поэт» и «Карнавал». Актуальность работы обусловлена двумя факторами: 1) возрождением в настоящее время в зарубежном литературоведении интереса к эстетике комедии дель арте, а также той роли, которую она играла в искусстве XX в.; 2) ростом интереса к творчеству Динесен в отечественном литературоведении. Впервые освещено наличие арлекинадного гротеска в творчестве Динесен и его своеобразие. Показано, как увлечение Динесен итальянской народной комедией и арлекинадой, характерное для скандинавской литературы ее эпохи, выросло в особое мировоззрение и писательский стиль, синтезирующий трагическое и комическое. Раскрыты особенности арлекинадного гротеска в творчестве Динесен. Ведущим в исследовании является метод интертекстуального анализа: анализируются персонажи и сюжеты новелл на предмет их сходства с классическими образами (Арлекин, Панталоне, Коломбина и пр.) и коллизиями арлекинады (бегством влюбленных от деспотичных стариков). Выявлены особенности репрезентации сюжета арлекинады и вырастающие из них функции арлекинадного гротеска. Представленные результаты позволяют говорить о том, что арлекинадный гротеск в творчестве Динесен был реализован на персонажном и сюжетном уровне, став средством передачи мировоззрения писательницы, транслировал ее эстетические принципы и моральные установки. Также наличие арлекинадного гротеска в прозе Динесен позволяет предполагать наличие сходного приема в творчестве других скандинавских писателей и утверждает статус этой разновидности гротеска как общеевропейской.The article is devoted to the study of the harlequinade grotesque in the novellas by the Danish writer Isak Dinesen (Karen Blixen) «The Poet» and «Carnival». The study proves relevant due to the following factors: 1) the current revival in foreign literary criticism of interest in the aesthetics of commedia dell’arte, as well as the role it played in the art of the 20th century; 2) growing interest in Dinesen’s work in Russian literary criticism. This article is the first to highlight both the presence of the harlequinade grotesque in Dinesen’s work and its originality. The authors of the article show how Dinesen’s passion for Italian popular comedy and harlequinade, typical of Scandinavian literature of her era, grew into a special worldview and writing style that synthesized the tragic and the comic. The article aims at revealing the features of the harlequinade grotesque in Dinesen’s work. The leading method in the study is the method of intertextual analysis: the characters and plots of the short stories are analyzed for their similarity with classical images (Harlequin, Pantaloon, Columbine, etc.) and collisions of the harlequinade (the flight of lovers from oppressive old men). The article reveals the features of the representation of the harlequinade plot and the functions of the harlequinade grotesque that evolve from them. The results presented in the article allow us to say that the harlequinade grotesque in Dinesen’s work was realized at the character and plot level, being the mouthpiece of the writer’s worldview, transmitting her aesthetic principles and moral principles. Also, the presence of the harlequinade grotesque in Dinesen’s prose suggests the presence of a similar technique in the work of other Scandinavian writers and confirms the status of this type of grotesque as a pan-European one

    The collection of potato varieties as a reserve of source material for breeding for high yield, earliness, and resistance to diseases and pests

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    Background. Information is provided about the results obtained by screening the VIR collection of improved potato varieties for main commercial traits: earliness, high yield, high starch content, and resistance to late blight (Phytophthora infestans (Mont.) de Bary), viruses, and pests, such as cyst nematode (Globodera rostochiensis Woll. (Ro1)), and Colorado beetle (Leptinotarsa decemlineata Say).Materials and methods. Potato accessions representing domestic and foreign varieties from the VIR collection served as the material for this research. The screening was performed according to the techniques developed at the Potato Genetic Resources Department of VIR.Results and conclusion. Potato varieties with valuable commercial traits were identified as breeding sources promising for earliness: ‘Bashkirskiy’ (k-25338), ‘Charoit’ (k-25221), ‘Colleen’ (k-25224), ‘Lagun’ (k-25294), etc.; for high yield: ‘Ametist’ (k-25336), ‘Banba’ (k-25222), ‘Bastion’ (k-25198), ‘Nur-Alem’ (k-25253), ‘Senim’ (k-25306), etc.; for high starch content: ‘Charaўnik’ (k-25139), ‘Darnitsa’ (k-25179), ‘Lad’ (k-25180), ‘Maksimum’ (k-25136), etc.; for resistance to late blight: local variety (Georgia) (k-25298, k-25326), ‘Sunkar’ (k-25258), ‘Udovitskiy’ (k-25260), ‘Vektor’ (k-25200), ‘Zvezdochka’ (k-25209); for resistance to viruses: ‘Azart’ (k-25196), Gala (k-25270), ‘Nadezhda’ (k-25213), Utro (k-25219), ‘Volat’ (k-25263), etc. Varieties combining resistance to gold potato cyst nematode with other valuable commercial traits were selected. Varieties with relative resistance to Colorado potato beetle were isolated under favorable conditions for the pest’s development. As a result of the research, new source material was identified, with a potential to improve major commercial traits of potato: earliness, high yield, high starch content, resistance to late blight, viruses, and pests (cyst nematode and Colorado beetle)

    Screening of powdery mildew resistant barley accessions from Ethiopia for tolerance to abiotic stressors

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    Background. Analyzing the adaptive potential of cultivated barley with the aim of using new genotypes selected and developed in the process of work is a priority trend in scientific research. The Ethiopian barleys adapted to a variety of soil and climate conditions are characterized by many valuable biological and agronomic traits. Of particular value are genotypes that combine resistance to harmful organisms and environmental stressors.Materials and methods. The collection accessions of Ethiopian barley possessing powdery mildew resistance were studied for tolerance to adverse edaphic factors (chloride salinity and high content of toxic aluminum ions in the soil). Resistance to abiotic stressors was assessed in laboratory experiments. In the study of salt tolerance, a ‘roll-based’ assessment technique was used, which takes into account the inhibition of root growth under salt (NaCl) stress conditions, compared with the reference conditions without salinization. Aluminum sensitivity of barley accessions was diagnosed in the early stages of plant development using the root test.Results and conclusions. A polymorphism of Ethiopian barleys for resistance to adverse edaphic factors was revealed. Twentyone new sources of barley resistance to toxic aluminum ions were identified, of which accessions k-8552 and k-22933 were classified as highly resistant. Accessions k-17554, k-19975, k-20029, k-20048, k-22752, k-23450 and k-25009 proved resistant to soil salinization. Barley accessions k-17554, k-22752 and k-25009 were characterized by complex resistance to powdery mildew, toxic aluminum ions, and chloride soil salinity