26 research outputs found

    Model for environmental assessment of single family houses in Belgrade area

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    Основна сврха истраживања спроведеног у докторској дисертацији јесте дефинисање методологије јединственог процеса свеобухватног еколошког вредновања кућа за индивидуално становање на подручју Београда. У складу са тим, модел за оцену еколошке исправности формиран је прво као општи, а затим су из њега, због карактеристика сектора индивидуалног становања на подручју Београда, изведена три посебна модела, и то за оцену: новопројектованих, обновљених и постојећих кућа за индивидуално становање. Модел је структуиран по: категоријама, подкатегоријама и критеријумима (најпрецизнијим темама) оцене еколошке исправности. За одређивање категорија, које представљају основна поља оцене еколошке исправности, пресудан значај имали су еколошки утицаји кућа за индивидуално становање на животну средину, док су се карактеристике подручја Београда, постојећа домаћа и инострана регулатива и друге смернице, као и развијени инострани модели одразили на дефинисање садржаја тих категорија. Сви дефинисани критеријуми у моделу подељени су на обавезне услове и мере са добровољним испуњењем којима су додељени еколошки поени. Сабирањем броја додељених еколошких поена, прво за припадајуће критеријуме, затим подкатегорије и коначно категорије добија се укупни број еколошких поена додељен кући чија се еколошка исправност испитује. Успостављен је минимални праг еколошке исправности испод којег кућа која се оцењује не може бити окарактерисана као еколошки исправна, а изнад којег се, у зависности од броја додељених поена, она сврстава у један од три нивоа еколошке исправности. Кући која је постављена у најоптималнији положај према окружењу (са минималним токовима од природе и ка њој) биће додељен максимални број еколошких поена. На тај начин дефинисана је идеална комбинација примењених мера, релевантних за подручје Београда и за тип кућа за индивидуално становање. Након што су дефинисане структура модела и методологија оцене, креиран је електронски алат у рачунарском програму EXCEL, чиме је створеном методу дата употребна вредност. Рад алата тестиран је на примерима постојећих кућа за индивидуално становање на подручју Београда, чиме је утврђено да је модел функционалан, а да су резултати који се преко њега добијају тачни...The aim of the research conducted in this doctoral dissertation was to define methodology for developing a system for comprehensive environmental assessment of individual houses in the area of Belgrade. According to this, model for environmental assessment was initially formed as general. Three separate models for assessments of new, renewed and existing houses, based on characteristics of individual housing sector in Belgrade, were derived later. Model structure is consisted of categories, subcategories and criteria (the most precise items) of environmental assessment. Environmental impacts of individual houses were found as the most relevant factor for determination of categories (basic fields of environmental assessment). Characteristics of the area of Belgrade, existing domestic and international legislative and other sources, as well as internationally developed models, on the other side, all influenced the content of categories. All defined criteria were divided on prerequisites and voluntary measures which carry a certain number of ecological points. By summing the numbers of ecological points, first by criteria, then subcategories and finally categories, the total number of achieved ecological points is obtained. Minimum threshold below which the house cannot be defined as environmentally correct is set; above this threshold, according to the total number of the obtained ecological points, the house will be classified among three set levels of environmental quality. Maximum number of ecological points will be given to the house set in optimal position towards environment (with minimal flows towards nature and from it). Therefore, the ideal combination of applied measures relevant for the area of Belgrade and for the type of individual houses is determined. Defined model structure and methodology for assessment opened the road to the creation of electronic tool in EXCEL computer program by which the practical value has been given to the model. The tool was tested on examples of existing individual houses in Belgrade; it is confirmed that the model is functional and that the obtained results are correct. The structure of general model, from which three separate were later derived, was created in segments; from one side, this enabled simplified separation of variants, and from other, more important, integration of life cycle with criteria of environmental assessment..

    sustainability and resilience:

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    Sustainability and resilience have become indispensable parts of the contemporary debate over the built environment. Although recognised as imperatives, the complexity and the variety of interpretations of sustainability and resilience have raised the necessity to again rethink their notion in the context of the built environment and to reframe the state-of-the-art body of knowledge. The purpose of this book is to present ongoing research from the universities involved in the project Creating the Network of Knowledge Labs for Sustainable and Resilient Environments (KLABS). The book Sustainability and Resilience: Socio-Spatial Perspective so begins with the exploration of the broadest conceptual frame-of-reference of issues related to sustainability, and the re-establishment of the connection between the built environment and the conditions that are vital to its functioning, primarily in relation to energy, land use, climate, and economy. Subsequent discussion on resilience as a term, approach, and philosophy aims to conceptualise an interpretation of key resilience concepts, explain relationships and links among them, and propose the classification of resilience as applicable to the context of urban studies. By studying the processes of transition of the built environment, the book then reveals a coherent formula of ‘thinking sustainability + resilience’ aimed at improving the ability to respond to disruptions and hazards while enhancing human and environmental welfare. The necessity to integrate the two approaches is further accented as a result of a deliberative discourse on the notions of ‘social sustainability’, ‘sustainable community’, and ‘socio-cultural resilience’. The potential of measuring sustainable development and urban sustainability on the basis of defined social, human, and, additionally, natural and economic values is presented through an overview of different well-known indicators and the identification of a currently relevant tangible framework of sustainable development. Correspondingly, the role of policies and governance is demonstrated in the case of climate-proof cities. In this way, the consideration of approaches to sustainability and resilience of the urban environment is rounded, and the focus of the book is shifted towards an urban/rural dichotomy and the sustainability prospects of identified forms-in-between, and, subsequently, towards the exploration of values, challenges, and the socio-cultural role in achieving sustainability for rural areas. In the final chapters, the book offers several peculiarized socio-spatial perspectives, from defining the path towards more resilient communities and sustainable spaces based on a shared well-being to proposing the approach to define community resilience as an intentional action that aims to respond to, and influence, the course of social and economic change, to deliberating the notion of a ’healthy place’ and questioning its optimal scale in the built environment. The study of sustainability and resilience in this book is concluded by drawing a parallel between environmental, economic, and social determinants of the built environment and the determinants that are relevant to human health and well-being

    Designing the Knowledge Labs for Sustainable Built Environment in the Western Balkans

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    By applying standard research approach and methodology, this paper describes several key educational and research actions undertaken through the Erasmus+ EU project “Creating the Network of Knowledge Labs for Sustainable and Resilient Environments – KLABS”. KLABS is a pioneering joint initiative of eleven Western Balkans and European Union higher education institutions, aimed to provide a systemic response to professional and societal needs by introducing programmes dealing with sustainability of the built environment in the Western Balkan context. Methodologically, attention in sustainability-related curricula development was given not only to contents, but as well to educational and research methods, holistic sustainability interpretations, interconnections between sustainability and resilience to climate change, impacts of cultural-regional specificities, finally the level of offered knowledge, skills and competencies. The paper reviews some universal challenges referring to the integration of sustainability into education in the built environment and explains how these were overcome in specific Western Balkans case

    sustainable and resilient building design:

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    The challenges to which contemporary building design needs to respond grow steadily. They originate from the influence of changing environmental conditions on buildings, as well as from the need to reduce the impact of buildings on the environment. The increasing complexity requires the continual revision of design principles and their harmonisation with current scientific findings, technological development, and environmental, social, and economic factors. It is precisely these issues that form the backbone of the thematic book, Sustainable and Resilient Building Design: Approaches, Methods, and Tools. The purpose of this book is to present ongoing research from the universities involved in the project Creating the Network of Knowledge Labs for Sustainable and Resilient Environments (KLABS). The book starts with the exploration of the origin, development, and the state-of-the-art notions of environmental design and resource efficiency. Subsequently, climate change complexity and dynamics are studied, and the design strategy for climate-proof buildings is articulated. The investigation into the resilience of buildings is further deepened by examining a case study of fire protection. The book then investigates interrelations between sustainable and resilient building design, compares their key postulates and objectives, and searches for the possibilities of their integration into an outreaching approach. The fifth article in the book deals with potentials and constraints in relation to the assessment of the sustainability (and resilience) of buildings. It critically analyses different existing building certification models, their development paths, systems, and processes, and compares them with the general objectives of building ratings. The subsequent paper outlines the basis and the meaning of the risk and its management system, and provides an overview of different visual, auxiliary, and statistical risk assessment methods and tools. Following the studies of the meanings of sustainable and resilient buildings, the book focuses on the aspects of building components and materials. Here, the life cycle assessment (LCA) method for quantifying the environmental impact of building products is introduced and analysed in detail, followed by a comprehensive comparative overview of the LCA-based software and databases that enable both individual assessment and the comparison of different design alternatives. The impact of climate and pollution on the resilience of building materials is analysed using the examples of stone, wood, concrete, and ceramic materials. Accordingly, the contribution of traditional and alternative building materials to the reduction of negative environmental impact is discussed and depicted through different examples. The book subsequently addresses existing building stock, in which environmental, social, and economic benefits of building refurbishment are outlined by different case studies. Further on, a method for the upgrade of existing buildings, described as ‘integrated rehabilitation’, is deliberated and supported by best practice examples of exoskeleton architectural prosthesis. The final paper reflects on the principles of regenerative design, reveals the significance of biological entities, and recognises the need to assign to buildings and their elements a more advanced role towards natural systems in human environments

    Pregledi održivosti i otpornosti građene sredine

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    Održiva i otporna građena sredina je složen sistem čije se značenje kontinualno razvija. Cilj ove publikacije je da problemu održivosti i otpornosti pristupi kroz sistematsko istraživanje različitih segmenata i razmera izgrađenog okruženja, odnosno da predstavljanjem preglednih radova (poglavlja), među kojima je uspostavljena odgovarajuća funkcionalna veza, podstakne razvoj specijalizovanog znanja, podigne kritičku svest o potrebi za interdisciplinarnim i transdiciplinarnim istraživanjem i ojača vezu između univerzitetskog obrazovanja i naučnog istraživanja. Analiza razvoja održivosti i otpornosti, istraživanje aktuelnih pitanja i predviđanja o mogućoj održivoj i otpornoj budućnosti zajedno omogućavaju sveobuhvatno razumevanje ovih koncepata i njihovih međusobnih odnosa u kontekstu građene sredine. Publikacija je izbor recenziranih radova, objavljenih na engleskom jeziku u okviru tematske serije pod naslovom Reviews of Sustainability and Resilience of the Built Environment for Education, Research and Design. I pomenuta serija i ova publikacija predstavljaju rezultate Erazmus+ projekta Stvaranje mreže laboratorija znanja za održive i otporne sredine (skr. en. KLABS), koji je posvećen uspostavljanju sveobuhvatne obrazovne platforme u okviru drugog ciklusa visokog obrazovanja na prostoru zapadnog Balkana. Širi cilj svih KLABS publikacija je bio da se razviju pregledi održivosti i otpornosti građene sredine, korisni za studente, nastavnike, istraživače i stručnjake koji se ovim važnim temama bave na međunarodnom nivou. Publikacija se sastoji iz dva dela. Prvi se bavi održivošću i otpornošću urbanog prostora a drugi nivoom zgrada. Istraživanje počinje teorijskim pregledom istorijske i savremene debate o problemu urbanizacije u svrhu razumevanja i novih tumačenja (urbane) održivosti. Zatim se tumače poreklo, istorija i razvoj koncepta otpornosti, evolucija njegove definicije, tipovi i ključni principi. U trećem poglavlju istraživanje je usmereno na neka fundamentalna pitanja u okviru socio-kulturološke ravni građene sredine. Sledeće poglavlje pruža pregled pojmova i strategija koncepata „efikasnosti resursa“ i „otpornosti“, prikazuje njihova zajednička područja delovanja, kao i potencijalne protivrečnosti i suprotnosti, u svrhu nalaženja uzajamne ravnoteže i davanja doprinosa ispunjavanju širih ciljeva održivosti. Istraživanje alternativnih modela potrošnje, potrebnih za postizanje održivih urbanih transformacija, predstavlja predmet petog poglavlja u okviru ove publikacije. U nastavku se pažnja usmerava na rekonstrukciju trenutnog naučnog istraživanja i nalaženje ograničenja i mogućnosti inicijativa koje su do sada preduzete, kao i na sintezu metodoloških i praktičnih predloga, kako bi se javnoj upravi i lokalnim organima ponudio „praktičan način” stvaranja efikasnijih klimatskih politika i planova. „Pouka Milana”, u sedmom poglavlju, pokazuje kako aktivno uključivanje poljoprivrednika može pomoći javnim politikama, štiteći zajedničko dobro u teškim okolnostima i dajući povod za alternativne načine planiranja; ona naročito može da inspiriše istraživanje u kontekstima gde su otvoreni prostori oko gradova ugroženi, a uključivanje u proces donošenja odluka predstavlja cilj koji treba postići. U poslednjem poglavlju prvog dela elaboriraju se definicija, klasifikacija i kritička analiza uticaja braunfilda na okruženje i definišu ciljevi održivosti koje treba postići kroz njihovu obnovu i ponovni razvoj. Drugi deo publikacije počinje uspostavljanjem veze između efikasnog korišćenja prirodnih resursa i smanjenja ekoloških uticaja zgrada. Ovde se daje pregled sadašnjih trendova i izazova u pogledu upotrebe energije, materijala, vode i zemljišta i promišljaju mogući scenariji efikasne budućnosti u kojoj bi šire socijalne i ekonomske sheme postale relevantnije za uspešno projektovanje ekološki ispravnih zgrada. Fokus se, zatim, usmerava na analizu složenosti i dinamike klimatskih promena kao ključnih faktora u oblikovanju strategija za projektovanje zgrada otpornih na delovanje klime. Na osnovu značaja sagledanih rizika, varijabilnosti i neizvesnosti u vezi sa klimatskim promenama izvodi se opšti projektantski okvir, obrazlaže značenje termina „transponovani regionalizam“ i diskutuje odnos između otpornosti i adaptacije zgrada u (ne)izvesnoj klimatskoj budućnosti. U trećem poglavlju drugog dela istražuju se međusobni odnosi održive arhitekture i arhitekture otporne na promenu klime tako što se upoređuju njihovi osnovni postulati i analiziraju ključni ciljevi, kroz prizmu uzajamnih (ne)konzistentnosti. Sledeće poglavlje obrazlaže hijerarhijski pristup projektovanju održivih zgrada i daje pregled niza aktivnih i pasivnih projektantskih mera koje su, pre svega, u funkciji postizanja energetske efikasnosti, poput toplotne zaštite, ostvarivanja solarnih dobitaka, disipacije toplote, generisanja toplote, aktivnog ventilisanja i hlađenja, kao i generisanja električne energije iz obnovljivih izvora. Energetska svojstva i toplotni komfor u zgradama, u petom poglavlju drugog dela, razmatrani su sa aspekta uticaja materijala. Na primeru karakterističnih tipova stambenih zgrada sa područja Beograda, koje su prikazane i analizirane, razmatran je stepen zadovoljavanja ukupnih zahteva komfora, kao i međuzavisnost koja postoji između različitih tipova komfora (toplotnog, vazdušnog, zvučnog i svetlosnog). Poslednje poglavlje prikazuje činjenice i primere koji su relevantni za razumevanje i primenu metodologije ocene životnog ciklusa u različitim projektantskim i inženjerskim okvirima. Ovde se detaljno analizira struktura metode ocene životnog ciklusa (en. Life Cycle Assessment – LCA), koja se koristi za kvantifikovanje ekoloških uticaja

    Towards a new understanding of healthy place

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    By adopting and applying medical approach to health and unhealth conditions, medical definitions and terminology, as well as the research methodology based on logical argumentation, comparative analyses, scientific description and comprehensive literature review, this paper investigates the impact of a place on individual user. In order to achieve the main research aim that is to propose a new understanding of healthy place, several specific objectives were set and fulfilled, such as the identification of determinants of place in regard to health and the identification of types of impact of a place on health potential. It was concluded that a healthy place, in order to be named as such, should at least prevent the occurrence of sickness, while health-promotive and healing places are characterised by additional, upgraded qualities

    Green themes in architectural curriculum – scope and content

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    The significance of environmental factor in the course of searching for optimal space solutions on architectural and urbanistic level is increasing and the theme can no longer be excluded from the creation process. Green aspect penetrates the design in its various phases and scales, starting from early conceptual ideas. The knowledge is, therefore, necessary. Where from do architects learn about green themes: books and magazines, media, specialized courses organized by various nongovernmental organizations or do they acquire necessary knowledge at school? The aim of this paper is to propose educational green themes, their necessary scope, depth and content and suitable methods to transfer knowledge to the students of architecture and then to, based on the set criteria, examine curricula of different schools of architecture. The results of comparative analysis give an answer on current variable presence of green themes in architectural educational curricula on international level

    Selection of building materials based upon ecological characteristics: priorities in function of environmental protection

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    Numerous scientific researches show that the activities connected with building materials produce significant negative environmental effects. Observed from the point of architecture, the use of building materials is found to be one of the critical factors of environmental pollution and degradation. The purpose of introducing architectural interventions, including proper selection, is the reduction of the negative environmental impact of building materials. The aim of this paper is to define, from the ecological aspect, basic principles for the selection of building materials. First, principles were defined through the all - inclusive analysis of every phase in the life cycle of building materials. Summing categories: embodied energy and embodied CO2 are discussed afterwards. In the order to simplify the procedure of arriving at a decision, priorities in selection were emphasized in every separate segment of this paper. The selection of building materials with reduced negative environmental impact (ecologically correct building materials) is one of the key decisions in the process of designing ecologically correct buildings

    Pristup projektovanju arhitektonskih objekata otpornih na klimatske promene

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    Česte promene vremenskih uslova i ekstremni vremenski i klimatski događaji uzrokuju brojne direktne i indirektne posledice u građenoj sredini, povećavaju mogućnost pojave katastrofa i, shodno tome, stvaraju nove izazove savremenoj arhitekturi. Okvir projektantskog usmerenja na ublažavanje klimatskih promena, odnosno na održive, na prvom mestu energetski efikasne zgrade, tako treba proširiti da bi se ojačao njihov kapacitet da podnose manifestacije promene klime dok istovremeno zadržavaju svoju upotrebljivost. Radi oblikovanja zgrada sa optimalnim performansama u odnosu na karakteristike sadašnje i buduće klime potreban je scenario otpornosti. Ovaj rad analizira složenost i dinamiku klimatskih promena kao ključne faktore u oblikovanju strategije za projektovanje zgrada otpornih na delovanje klime. Na osnovu značaja sagledanih rizika, varijabilnosti i neizvesnosti u vezi sa klimatskim promenama, u radu se izvodi opšti projektantski okvir, obrazlaže značenje termina transponovani regionalizam i diskutuje odnos između otpornosti i adaptacije zgrada u (ne)izvesnoj klimatskoj budućnosti

    Approach to Design for Resilience to Climate Change

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    Abstract The occurrence of frequent shifts in weather conditions and extreme weather and climate events brings numerous direct and indirect consequences for the built environment, increases the possibility for disaster occurrence, and accordingly sets new challenges for contemporary architecture. The design focus on climate change mitigation, i.e. on sustainable and, above all, energy efficient buildings, therefore needs to be expanded to strengthen the capacity of such buildings to withstand climate change manifestations while remaining functional. To design for optimal climate change-related performance of buildings, now and in the future, a resilience scenario is needed. This work analyses climate change complexity and dynamics as key factors that articulate the design strategy for climate-resilient buildings. Based on the relevance of reviewed risks, variability, and uncertainty regarding climate change, this work maps a generic design framework, explains the meaning of ‘transposed regionalism’, and discusses the relationship between resilience and the adaptation of buildings in (un)predictable climate futures